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The Fraser Institute, Essential Nozick: Who was Robert Nozick?

Essential Nozick: Who was Robert Nozick?

Welcome to the essential ideas of Robert Nozick.

Robert Nozick was a Harvard philosophy professor best known for his contributions to political


Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1938, Nozick was educated at Columbia University, and Princeton,

where in 1963, he completed his PhD in Philosophy.

As a student, Nozick was active in socialist politics, but after learning about classical

liberalism, he began supporting individual rights, the

need for limits on government, and the benefits of


In 1975, Nozick wrote his most famous work - Anarchy, State, and Utopia - which won the

National Book Award.

In it, Nozick argues for the supremacy of individual rights and a minimal role for government

designed exclusively to protect rights.

Eventually, Nozick's work would lead him to Oxford University as a Fulbright Scholar,

and he was honoured as the President of the American

Philosophical Association, and the Pellegrino University Professorship at Harvard, the university's

highest honour.

Nozick would go on to write five more books on political philosophy before dying of cancer

at the age of 63 in 2002.

Throughout his career, Robert Nozick was influential and, through his works, rejuvenated

classical liberalism as a serious philosophical idea.

For more information on Robert Nozick, visit EssentialNozick.org, and to learn about

more essential scholars, visit Essen,alScholars.org

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Essential Nozick: Who was Robert Nozick? |Nozick|||| |Nozick|||| Wesentlicher Nozick: Wer war Robert Nozick? Nozick esencial: ¿Quién fue Robert Nozick? L'essentiel de Nozick : Qui était Robert Nozick ? Esminis Nozickas: Kas buvo Robertas Nozickas? Essential Nozick: Kim był Robert Nozick? O essencial de Nozick: Quem foi Robert Nozick? Эфирный Нозик: Кем был Роберт Нозик? Temel Nozick: Robert Nozick kimdir? Есенціальний Нозік: Ким був Роберт Нозік? 重要的诺齐克罗伯特-诺齐克是谁?

Welcome to the essential ideas of Robert Nozick.

Robert Nozick was a Harvard philosophy professor best known for his contributions to political ||||Harvard|philosophie politique||||||||politique |||||philosophical study|||||||| |||||felsefesi||||||katkıları|| |||||||||||wkład w politykę|| Роберт Нозік був професором філософії в Гарварді, найбільш відомим завдяки своїм внескам у політичну


Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1938, Nozick was educated at Columbia University, and Princeton, ||Brooklyn||New York||||||Columbia||| ||||||||educated||||| ||Brooklyn||||||||||| Nozick wurde 1938 in Brooklyn, New York, geboren und studierte an der Columbia University und in Princeton,

where in 1963, he completed his PhD in Philosophy. |||finished|||| |||||doktorat filozofii||

As a student, Nozick was active in socialist politics, but after learning about classical |||||actif|||||||| |||||||socjalistycznych|||||| У студентські роки Нозік був активним учасником соціалістичної політики, але після знайомства з класичною

liberalism, he began supporting individual rights, the |||promoting||| liberalizm||||||

need for limits on government, and the benefits of ||restrictions|||||advantages|

markets. markets

In 1975, Nozick wrote his most famous work - Anarchy, State, and Utopia - which won the |||||||Anarşi|||Ütopya||| |||||||Anarchia|||Utopia|||

National Book Award. ||prize

In it, Nozick argues for the supremacy of individual rights and a minimal role for government ||||||||||||minimalistic||| |||savunur|||üstünlüğü||||||||| ||||||supremacja|||||||||

designed exclusively to protect rights. conçu|||| |sadece||| zaprojktowany||||

Eventually, Nozick's work would lead him to Oxford University as a Fulbright Scholar, ||||mener à|||||||| |Nozicka||||||||||stypendysta Ful|stypendysta Згодом робота Нозіка приведе його до Оксфордського університету як стипендіата Фулбрайта,

and he was honoured as the President of the American |||honorowany|||||| і його вшанували як Президента Америки

Philosophical Association, and the Pellegrino University Professorship at Harvard, the university's ||||Pellegrino||profesura||||

highest honour.

Nozick would go on to write five more books on political philosophy before dying of cancer |||||||||||||ölmeden önce||

at the age of 63 in 2002.

Throughout his career, Robert Nozick was influential and, through his works, rejuvenated ||||||influent|||||rajeuni ||||||etkili|||||yenileyen ||||||wpływowy|||||odmłodził Протягом усієї своєї кар'єри Роберт Нозік був впливовим і завдяки своїм роботам омолоджував

classical liberalism as a serious philosophical idea.

For more information on Robert Nozick, visit EssentialNozick.org, and to learn about |||||||EssentialNozick|||||

more essential scholars, visit Essen,alScholars.org ||||Essen|alScholars|