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The Running Channel, What Not To Say To A Runner

What Not To Say To A Runner

Us runners are pretty hardy types.

We'll get up at 5:00 AM to squeeze in a long run before work.

We will brave all of the elements so that we don't miss a running day and we run

distances that other people, non-runners could only imagine driving.

12 Miles. I could run that.

But, we have to admit, us runners can be a tad sensitive,

especially when we hear certain comments.


Here are a few things you should never say to a runner unless you're prepared to

experience this.

Why is it that non-runners always share their fears that you might get

permanently injured? For the last time, running is not bad for your knees.

My friend told me if I started running, my nipples would bleed.

So really I just shouldn't bother, but he didn't know about my secret weapon.

And why do some people feel the need to comment on your appearance?

I was just out on a walk in sandals, you know, it's summer.

And no joke, someone just walked past me, look down at my feet and said,

"they're hideous, I'm surprised you even feel comfortable wearing sandals"!

I mean, I might be a toenail or two down, but really.

The worst I've had is "...you run? But you don't look like a runner."

So what does a runner even look like? Surely if I'm out on a run,

then I look like a runner?

And then there are the ones that comment on your distance.

Either you run too far or not enough,

one thing's for certain - whatever you're doing, it's wrong.

Why can't non-runners just cheer us on? You ran 16 miles?

I get tired driving that far.

You're making me tired just thinking about it.

And don't forget the runners who like to question official race distances

and jeopardise PBs for the rest of us. And

then there are the ones that say that you're almost there

when you're two miles into a marathon. I've got 24.2 miles to go.

I am not almost there.

it's true. Us runners are a special type of breed.

We're willing to wake up super early to go for a run.

And we're probably also happy to run for what some people would consider an

unfathomable amount of time. But that is not an invitation for snarky remarks.

It really frustrates me

When I tell someone I did a three hour long run at the weekend and they roll

their eyes at me and tell me I'm just wasting my time.

How's a 3 hour long run 'wasting my time'? On more than one occasion,

someone has commented to me "I only run if I'm late for the bus."

Can we come up with something a little bit more original, please?

And then there's the people who force you to stay in. Don't go out running

now. It's too early. It's too late. Dinner's almost ready.

Sit down and have a cup of tea instead.

I feel like a fugitive sneaking out my own house to go for a run.

Also very annoying when people don't understand the need to run while you're on

holiday. No,

I'm not just gonna lie around and rest up with my feet up. Running

on holiday is my kind of fun.

I have some friends that are always trying to pull me away from my running. I'm

training for a marathon, you know? In order to run 26.2 miles,

you do need to train. And that means prioritising my runs.

Hiya. Do you want to go for brunch this morning?

Sorry, Rick, I've got a run date booked in with Anna. Great,

invite her too, you can skip your run today, right?

Afraid not. It's on the training plan But

you ran yesterday. Aren't you tired? Yeah.

So yesterday was a speed session.

And now I need to do an easy run in order to get some active recovery.

But have you seen the weather? You're not going to run in that are you? Sorry Rick,

it's going to have to be another time, bye. Why do some people come up with a

thousand different excuses to keep you from running?

Although that is better than the running friend that keeps you waiting.

Looks like it's going to be a cut short recovery run for me.

Races are the best. The atmosphere, the feeling when you cross the line,

the entertainment when you come around the corner...

But sometimes races do draw some unwanted comments.

If one more person asks me if I won that race at the weekend,

I think I'm going to explode. It's quite hard to win a race, you know. I'm not Eliud Kipchoge.

Now one thing that I really love about ultras is that you get

to walk sometimes, but you always get that person who goes, "yeah,

but you didn't run all of it, did you? I saw you walking up that hill."

Are you telling me that if you ran a hundred K you wouldn't walk some of it?

Then there's the classic "run, Forrest, run". If I'm honest,

I find it really annoying, but I do know some people who love it.

So I think it's a bit like Marmite. You either love it or you hate it.

How do you feel about it? Let us know in the comments down below.

Now, when you start running,

you might find that your bank balance takes a bit of a hit. I mean, it's true.

All you need to run is a good pair of trainers.

But they don't come cheap and chances are,

you're going to find yourself wanting some pretty snazzy

bright, colourful cheerful kit. And that don't come cheap either.

It's just not too nice being reminded about it.

The other day,

I got told off by a friend for buying another pair of running shoes.

She said she only had one pair. And that was enough. That's not enough.

I've got these, they're my marathon running shoes. I've got,

these, for kind of easy trail running. I've got these,

which are my easy run shoes, but only in dry weather, I've got these, which are...

some of these as well, but they all serve different purposes.

So I don't see why it's a problem to have another pair.

It's always good to have a spare pair, right?

And then there's that friend who is outraged that

you would fork out a decent amount of cash on a running race. Yeah,

of course I'm going to spend my money to run and no, I don't regret it.

In fact, I'm going to book another one now.

What's our advice? Think carefully before you say anything

negative to a runner, especially on race day, as that could end badly.

Are there any running comments that get on your nerves? Well,

whack them down in our comments below and we'll see you next time here on The

Running Channel.

What Not To Say To A Runner Was man einem Läufer nicht sagen sollte Ce qu'il ne faut pas dire à un coureur ランナーに言ってはいけないこと 러너에게 하지 말아야 할 말 O que não dizer a um corredor Что нельзя говорить бегуну 什么不能对跑步者说 什麼不該對跑者說

Us runners are pretty hardy types. Nós, corredores, somos bastante resistentes. Ми, бігуни, досить витривалі.

We'll get up at 5:00 AM to squeeze in a long run before work. Levantamo-nos às 5:00 da manhã para fazer uma longa corrida antes do trabalho.

We will brave all of the elements so that we don't miss a running day and we run |będziemy|||||||||||||||| Vamos enfrentar todos os elementos para não perdermos um dia de corrida e corremos

distances that other people, non-runners could only imagine driving.

12 Miles. I could run that. 12 milhas. Eu podia correr isso.

But, we have to admit, us runners can be a tad sensitive, ||||||||||少しだけ| ||||||||||trochę| Mas, temos de admitir, nós, corredores, podemos ser um pouco sensíveis,

especially when we hear certain comments.


Here are a few things you should never say to a runner unless you're prepared to

experience this.

Why is it that non-runners always share their fears that you might get |||||||||lęki|||| Porque é que os não-corredores partilham sempre os seus receios de que se possa

permanently injured? For the last time, running is not bad for your knees. na stałe|||||||||||| Pela última vez, correr não é mau para os joelhos.

My friend told me if I started running, my nipples would bleed. |||||||||乳首|| |||||||||sutki||krwawić

So really I just shouldn't bother, but he didn't know about my secret weapon. ||||||||||||tajna broń|

And why do some people feel the need to comment on your appearance? E porque é que algumas pessoas sentem a necessidade de comentar a sua aparência?

I was just out on a walk in sandals, you know, it's summer.

And no joke, someone just walked past me, look down at my feet and said,

"they're hideous, I'm surprised you even feel comfortable wearing sandals"! |||||nawet||||

I mean, I might be a toenail or two down, but really. ||||||足の爪||||| ||||||paznokieć u nogi||||| Quer dizer, posso ter uma unha ou duas a menos, mas a sério.

The worst I've had is "...you run? But you don't look like a runner." O pior que já me aconteceu foi "...corres? mas não tens cara de corredor".

So what does a runner even look like? Surely if I'm out on a run, Então, como é que um corredor se parece? Certamente, se eu estiver a correr,

then I look like a runner? então pareço um corredor?

And then there are the ones that comment on your distance.

Either you run too far or not enough,

one thing's for certain - whatever you're doing, it's wrong.

Why can't non-runners just cheer us on? You ran 16 miles?

I get tired driving that far. |staję się||||

You're making me tired just thinking about it.

And don't forget the runners who like to question official race distances E não se esqueçam dos corredores que gostam de questionar as distâncias oficiais das corridas

and jeopardise PBs for the rest of us. And |narażać na niebezpieczeństwo||||||| e pôr em risco os PBs para o resto de nós. E

then there are the ones that say that you're almost there

when you're two miles into a marathon. I've got 24.2 miles to go.

I am not almost there.

it's true. Us runners are a special type of breed. |||||||||gatunek É verdade. Nós, corredores, somos um tipo especial de raça.

We're willing to wake up super early to go for a run.

And we're probably also happy to run for what some people would consider an E provavelmente também estamos felizes por nos candidatarmos ao que algumas pessoas considerariam um

unfathomable amount of time. But that is not an invitation for snarky remarks. |||||||||||皮肉な発言| niezmierzona|||||||||||sarkastyczne|uwagi Mas isso não é um convite a comentários sarcásticos.

It really frustrates me

When I tell someone I did a three hour long run at the weekend and they roll

their eyes at me and tell me I'm just wasting my time.

How's a 3 hour long run 'wasting my time'? On more than one occasion,

someone has commented to me "I only run if I'm late for the bus."

Can we come up with something a little bit more original, please?

And then there's the people who force you to stay in. Don't go out running

now. It's too early. It's too late. Dinner's almost ready. Agora. É muito cedo. É muito tarde. O jantar está quase pronto.

Sit down and have a cup of tea instead. Em vez disso, sente-se e beba uma chávena de chá.

I feel like a fugitive sneaking out my own house to go for a run. ||||逃亡者|||||||||| ||||zbieg|wymykając się|||||||||

Also very annoying when people don't understand the need to run while you're on

holiday. No,

I'm not just gonna lie around and rest up with my feet up. Running |||||||||||nogi||

on holiday is my kind of fun.

I have some friends that are always trying to pull me away from my running. I'm

training for a marathon, you know? In order to run 26.2 miles,

you do need to train. And that means prioritising my runs.

Hiya. Do you want to go for brunch this morning?

Sorry, Rick, I've got a run date booked in with Anna. Great,

invite her too, you can skip your run today, right?

Afraid not. It's on the training plan But

you ran yesterday. Aren't you tired? Yeah.

So yesterday was a speed session.

And now I need to do an easy run in order to get some active recovery.

But have you seen the weather? You're not going to run in that are you? Sorry Rick,

it's going to have to be another time, bye. Why do some people come up with a

thousand different excuses to keep you from running?

Although that is better than the running friend that keeps you waiting.

Looks like it's going to be a cut short recovery run for me.

Races are the best. The atmosphere, the feeling when you cross the line,

the entertainment when you come around the corner...

But sometimes races do draw some unwanted comments.

If one more person asks me if I won that race at the weekend,

I think I'm going to explode. It's quite hard to win a race, you know. I'm not Eliud Kipchoge.

Now one thing that I really love about ultras is that you get

to walk sometimes, but you always get that person who goes, "yeah,

but you didn't run all of it, did you? I saw you walking up that hill."

Are you telling me that if you ran a hundred K you wouldn't walk some of it?

Then there's the classic "run, Forrest, run". If I'm honest,

I find it really annoying, but I do know some people who love it.

So I think it's a bit like Marmite. You either love it or you hate it.

How do you feel about it? Let us know in the comments down below.

Now, when you start running,

you might find that your bank balance takes a bit of a hit. I mean, it's true. |||||bank|||||||||||

All you need to run is a good pair of trainers.

But they don't come cheap and chances are,

you're going to find yourself wanting some pretty snazzy ||||||||fancy

bright, colourful cheerful kit. And that don't come cheap either.

It's just not too nice being reminded about it.

The other day,

I got told off by a friend for buying another pair of running shoes.

She said she only had one pair. And that was enough. That's not enough.

I've got these, they're my marathon running shoes. I've got,

these, for kind of easy trail running. I've got these,

which are my easy run shoes, but only in dry weather, I've got these, which are...

some of these as well, but they all serve different purposes. |||||||||różne cele|

So I don't see why it's a problem to have another pair.

It's always good to have a spare pair, right?

And then there's that friend who is outraged that |||||||oburzony| А ще є той друг, який обурений цим

you would fork out a decent amount of cash on a running race. Yeah, |wydasz|||||||||||| あなたはランニングレースにそれなりの金額を出すだろう。そうだね、 ви б розщедрилися на пристойну суму готівки на бігу. так,

of course I'm going to spend my money to run and no, I don't regret it. ||||||||||||ja|||

In fact, I'm going to book another one now.

What's our advice? Think carefully before you say anything

negative to a runner, especially on race day, as that could end badly.

Are there any running comments that get on your nerves? Well, Чи є якісь поточні коментарі, які діють вам на нерви? Добре,

whack them down in our comments below and we'll see you next time here on The напишіть їх у наших коментарях нижче, і ми побачимося наступного разу тут на The

Running Channel.