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Vogue, 73 Questions With Kylie Jenner | Vogue

73 Questions With Kylie Jenner | Vogue

[Interviewer gasps]

- Hey, Stormi.

- Hi.

- [Interviewer] Hey, Kylie.

Thank you so much for having me over.

- Of course.

- [Interviewer] What a cute way to start this video.

So are you excited to be joining your two other sisters

in answering 73 questions?

- I am honored.

- [Interviewer] As am I.

Let's do this.

So what were you doing before I got here?

- I made my daughter some breakfast

and then I had an ultrasound appointment.

- [Interviewer] Wow.

And aside from that ultrasound appointment,

is this how a typical day starts for you?

- Every day is really different.

- [Interviewer] And what do you normally prepare

for breakfast?

- My favorite breakfast is something sweet,

like a cinnamon roll or coffee cake.

- [Interviewer] And what does Stormi enjoy eating?

- Stormi loves her breakfast potatoes.

- [Interviewer] Delicious.

- Come on in.

- [Interviewer] Thank you very much.

So do you normally wake up early or sleep in right now?

- I would say waking up early.

- [Interviewer] Night in or night out?

- Right now, definitely a night in.

- [Interviewer] lip gloss or matte lip?

- Matte lip.

- [Interviewer] Kylie, this house is absolutely beautiful

and stunning. - Thank you.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part about it?

- I love the energy in this house.

- [Interviewer] And which of your siblings

are you talking to the most these days?

- We are on a family group chat all day,

so we all talk the same amount.

- [Interviewer] Who's the most active

on this family group chat?

- Probably my mom.

- [Interviewer] Who's the least?

- Probably me.

- Which one makes you laugh the hardest?

- Rob. Rob always makes me laugh the hardest.

- [Interviewer] I can see that.

And who's the most like your mom?

- Me.

- [Interviewer] Can you describe your sisters in one word?

Starting with Kim.

- Kim is loyal.

- [Interviewer] Khloe?

- Khloe is gracious.

- [Interviewer] Kourtney?

- She is very loving.

- [Interviewer] Kendall?

- Kendall's confident.

- [Interviewer] One word to describe your mom?

- Strong.

- [Interviewer] And what's your favorite holiday

to celebrate as a family?

- Favorite holiday? Christmas.

- [Interviewer] Lovely.

And what was your favorite book to read as a kid?

- The Giving Tree.

- [Interviewer] That's a personal favorite.

And what song reminds you the most of growing up?

- Any holiday song.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part

about growing up in California?

- The weather.

- [Interviewer] So Kylie, do you prefer comedies or dramas?

- I love a good drama.

- [Interviewer] Beach trip or mountain trip?

- I would say beach, always.

- [Interviewer] Lakers or Rockets?

- Hmm, that's hard, but Lakers.

- [Interviewer] Okay.

Instagram stories or grid?

- Grid.

- [Interviewer] Let's talk about

Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Did you ever feel shy in front of the camera?

- Not really.

- [Interviewer] Is there anything that you wish

the cameras hadn't seen?

- Probably my stripper pole episode.

[Interviewer laughs]

- [Interviewer] Why do you think people love

watching your family?

- I think that they can always find someone to relate to.

- [Interviewer] I can see that.

And what is the craziest rumor

that you've heard about your family?

- That we are all actually bald.

- [Interviewer] Are you kidding me?

- Yep.

- [Interviewer] Do you ever rewatch episodes

of Keeping Up with the Kardashians once they're on?

- Yes.

- [Interviewer] What's the most important thing

your sisters taught you about being famous?

- I think that we're all still learning

and navigating through it.

- [Interviewer] What was the best part

about working with your family?

- That we get to spend a lot of time together.

- [Interviewer] Okay, Kylie.

Who's the best dressed person that you know?

- Stormi.

- [Interviewer] Moving on.

What's a new brand that you discovered recently

that has you excited?

- I am obsessed with the NormaTec.

- [Interviewer] And what is your favorite red carpet look

that you've ever worn?

- For sure the 2019 Met.

- [Interviewer] Okay. That's a good one.

- And what is your most boring clothing item?

- Pajamas.

- [Interviewer] Is there anything that you would never wear?

- Never say never.

- Has Stormi raided your purse closet yet?

- She is more into my shoes.

- [Interviewer] Kris, ask a question.

- What was the thing that you learned about yourself

when you first became a mother?

- Just how much patience I have.

- [Interviewer] Patience is very, very important.

- What was the best part about growing up in a big family?

- Never a dull moment.

- [Interviewer] What was Stormi's first word?

- Stormi's first word was dada.

- [Interviewer] And what music does she love the most?

- Her dad's.

- [Interviewer] Have you ever sung rise and shine

before your office video?

Of course.

- [Interviewer] Have you sung it since?

- Of course.

- [Interviewer] Could you sing it now?

- I would need a performance fee for that.

- [Interviewer] I'm not prepared for that.

Which of your dogs is Stormi's favorite?

- Stormi, what dog is your favorite?

- Norman.

- Norman.

- [Interviewer] Norman.

And what movie have you watched the most with her?

- Probably Trolls or Ariel.

- Ariel.

- Ariel. - [Interviewer] Ariel.

And what is Stormi's favorite outfit?

- She loves her princess dresses.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part about raising kids

at the same time as your sisters?

- I'm just excited for them to all grow up together.

- [Interviewer] Sweet.

Kylie, what's your first memory of putting on makeup?

- Just going through my mom's makeup drawer's.

- [Interviewer] And in 2015,

you launched your own cosmetics line.

Who's the first person that you told about your lip kits?

- First person I told about the lip kits is my mom.

- [Interviewer] Now you trademarked Kylie lip kit two years

before you released the products.

What were you working on during that time?

- We were just kind of figuring out

how we're going to make it.

- [Interviewer] What surprised you the most the day

that they were released?

- How fast they sold out.

- [Interviewer] And what was the biggest lesson you learned

after your initial launch?

- Order more lip kits.

- [Interviewer] That's good.

What is your all time favorite lip color?

- Kylie.

- [Interviewer] Now tell me about Kylie Baby.

- Kylie Baby is a brand that I started

when I became a mom.

And I just wanted conscious and safe baby care.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite thing

about the team that you work with?

- How female driven we are.

- [Interviewer] That's awesome.

And why did you want to get into swimwear?

- I wanted to get into swimwear because I love swim.

I could probably live in a swimsuit.

- [Interviewer] And what's the most important thing

your mother taught you?

- Never take no for an answer.

- [Interviewer] That's good advice.

Kylie, what's your favorite food?

- Favorite food is sushi and I can't eat it right now.

So I'm upset.

- [Interviewer] Ah.

And what snack are you always reaching for?

- I have been really into candy, actually.

- [Interviewer] What's the best restaurant for date night?

- Nobu. Always.

- [Interviewer] If you could live in any other city

in the country, where would you choose?

- Probably Houston.

- [Interviewer] Which of your cars do you drive the most?

- I actually let Stormi.

She likes to choose my cars every day so it's in her hands.

- [Interviewer] Go Stormi.

And what show are you currently obsessed with?

- I am currently obsessed with Manifest and See.

- [Interviewer] Okay, Kylie.

Before I go, I want to ask about your pregnancy.

Congratulations, we're so happy for you.

Do you have a name picked out? - Thank you.

Well, we need to find out the gender first

and we decided to wait.

- [Interviewer] You gonna to tell me first?

- No.

- [Interviewer] Okay. All right, I tried.

What's the best baby gift?

- Best baby gift is just anything really sentimental.

- [Interviewer] What's your biggest

pregnancy craving right now?

- Hmm, frozen yogurts and In-N-Out, always.

- [Interviewer] Stormi excited to be a big sister?

- She is very excited to be a big sister.

- [Interviewer] Okay, last question.

Question number 73.

How do you feel now that we're done?

- I feel good. And I'm about to catch a flight.

- [Interviewer] Well, your fans are certainly

going to love this.

Thank you so much, Kylie.

- Alrighty, bye guys.

- [Interviewer] Have a good flight.

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73 Questions With Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 Fragen mit Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 Questions With Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 preguntas a Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 questions à Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 domande a Kylie Jenner | Vogue カイリー・ジェンナーへの73の質問|Vogue 카일리 제너와의 73가지 질문 | 보그 73 klausimai su Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 perguntas a Kylie Jenner | Vogue 73 вопроса Кайли Дженнер | Vogue Kylie Jenner ile 73 Soru | Vogue 73 запитання з Кайлі Дженнер | Vogue 凯莉·詹纳的 73 个问题 |时尚 凱莉詹納的 73 個問題 |時尚

[Interviewer gasps]

- Hey, Stormi. |스톰이

- Hi.

- [Interviewer] Hey, Kylie.

Thank you so much for having me over.

- Of course.

- [Interviewer] What a cute way to start this video.

So are you excited to be joining your two other sisters

in answering 73 questions?

- I am honored.

- [Interviewer] As am I.

Let's do this.

So what were you doing before I got here?

- I made my daughter some breakfast

and then I had an ultrasound appointment. |||||그리고 나서 초음파 검사를 받았습니다.|초음파 예약

- [Interviewer] Wow.

And aside from that ultrasound appointment,

is this how a typical day starts for you?

- Every day is really different.

- [Interviewer] And what do you normally prepare

for breakfast?

- My favorite breakfast is something sweet,

like a cinnamon roll or coffee cake.

- [Interviewer] And what does Stormi enjoy eating?

- Stormi loves her breakfast potatoes.

- [Interviewer] Delicious.

- Come on in.

- [Interviewer] Thank you very much.

So do you normally wake up early or sleep in right now?

- I would say waking up early. |||aufwachen||

- [Interviewer] Night in or night out? |Nacht||||

- Right now, definitely a night in.

- [Interviewer] lip gloss or matte lip? ||||매트|

- Matte lip. 무광|

- [Interviewer] Kylie, this house is absolutely beautiful

and stunning. - Thank you.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part about it?

- I love the energy in this house.

- [Interviewer] And which of your siblings

are you talking to the most these days?

- We are on a family group chat all day,

so we all talk the same amount.

- [Interviewer] Who's the most active

on this family group chat?

- Probably my mom.

- [Interviewer] Who's the least?

- Probably me.

- Which one makes you laugh the hardest?

- Rob. Rob always makes me laugh the hardest.

- [Interviewer] I can see that.

And who's the most like your mom?

- Me.

- [Interviewer] Can you describe your sisters in one word?

Starting with Kim.

- Kim is loyal.

- [Interviewer] Khloe?

- Khloe is gracious.

- [Interviewer] Kourtney?

- She is very loving.

- [Interviewer] Kendall?

- Kendall's confident.

- [Interviewer] One word to describe your mom?

- Strong.

- [Interviewer] And what's your favorite holiday

to celebrate as a family?

- Favorite holiday? Christmas.

- [Interviewer] Lovely.

And what was your favorite book to read as a kid?

- The Giving Tree.

- [Interviewer] That's a personal favorite.

And what song reminds you the most of growing up?

- Any holiday song.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part

about growing up in California?

- The weather.

- [Interviewer] So Kylie, do you prefer comedies or dramas?

- I love a good drama.

- [Interviewer] Beach trip or mountain trip?

- I would say beach, always.

- [Interviewer] Lakers or Rockets?

- Hmm, that's hard, but Lakers.

- [Interviewer] Okay.

Instagram stories or grid?

- Grid.

- [Interviewer] Let's talk about

Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Did you ever feel shy in front of the camera?

- Not really.

- [Interviewer] Is there anything that you wish

the cameras hadn't seen?

- Probably my stripper pole episode.

[Interviewer laughs]

- [Interviewer] Why do you think people love

watching your family?

- I think that they can always find someone to relate to.

- [Interviewer] I can see that.

And what is the craziest rumor

that you've heard about your family?

- That we are all actually bald.

- [Interviewer] Are you kidding me?

- Yep.

- [Interviewer] Do you ever rewatch episodes

of Keeping Up with the Kardashians once they're on?

- Yes.

- [Interviewer] What's the most important thing

your sisters taught you about being famous?

- I think that we're all still learning

and navigating through it.

- [Interviewer] What was the best part

about working with your family?

- That we get to spend a lot of time together.

- [Interviewer] Okay, Kylie.

Who's the best dressed person that you know?

- Stormi.

- [Interviewer] Moving on.

What's a new brand that you discovered recently

that has you excited?

- I am obsessed with the NormaTec.

- [Interviewer] And what is your favorite red carpet look

that you've ever worn?

- For sure the 2019 Met.

- [Interviewer] Okay. That's a good one.

- And what is your most boring clothing item?

- Pajamas.

- [Interviewer] Is there anything that you would never wear?

- Never say never.

- Has Stormi raided your purse closet yet?

- She is more into my shoes.

- [Interviewer] Kris, ask a question.

- What was the thing that you learned about yourself

when you first became a mother?

- Just how much patience I have.

- [Interviewer] Patience is very, very important.

- What was the best part about growing up in a big family?

- Never a dull moment.

- [Interviewer] What was Stormi's first word?

- Stormi's first word was dada.

- [Interviewer] And what music does she love the most?

- Her dad's.

- [Interviewer] Have you ever sung rise and shine

before your office video?

Of course.

- [Interviewer] Have you sung it since?

- Of course.

- [Interviewer] Could you sing it now?

- I would need a performance fee for that.

- [Interviewer] I'm not prepared for that.

Which of your dogs is Stormi's favorite?

- Stormi, what dog is your favorite?

- Norman.

- Norman.

- [Interviewer] Norman.

And what movie have you watched the most with her?

- Probably Trolls or Ariel.

- Ariel.

- Ariel. - [Interviewer] Ariel.

And what is Stormi's favorite outfit?

- She loves her princess dresses.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part about raising kids

at the same time as your sisters?

- I'm just excited for them to all grow up together.

- [Interviewer] Sweet.

Kylie, what's your first memory of putting on makeup?

- Just going through my mom's makeup drawer's.

- [Interviewer] And in 2015,

you launched your own cosmetics line.

Who's the first person that you told about your lip kits?

- First person I told about the lip kits is my mom.

- [Interviewer] Now you trademarked Kylie lip kit two years

before you released the products.

What were you working on during that time?

- We were just kind of figuring out

how we're going to make it.

- [Interviewer] What surprised you the most the day

that they were released?

- How fast they sold out.

- [Interviewer] And what was the biggest lesson you learned

after your initial launch?

- Order more lip kits.

- [Interviewer] That's good.

What is your all time favorite lip color?

- Kylie.

- [Interviewer] Now tell me about Kylie Baby.

- Kylie Baby is a brand that I started

when I became a mom.

And I just wanted conscious and safe baby care.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite thing

about the team that you work with?

- How female driven we are.

- [Interviewer] That's awesome.

And why did you want to get into swimwear?

- I wanted to get into swimwear because I love swim.

I could probably live in a swimsuit.

- [Interviewer] And what's the most important thing

your mother taught you?

- Never take no for an answer.

- [Interviewer] That's good advice.

Kylie, what's your favorite food?

- Favorite food is sushi and I can't eat it right now.

So I'm upset.

- [Interviewer] Ah.

And what snack are you always reaching for?

- I have been really into candy, actually.

- [Interviewer] What's the best restaurant for date night?

- Nobu. Always.

- [Interviewer] If you could live in any other city

in the country, where would you choose?

- Probably Houston.

- [Interviewer] Which of your cars do you drive the most?

- I actually let Stormi.

She likes to choose my cars every day so it's in her hands.

- [Interviewer] Go Stormi.

And what show are you currently obsessed with?

- I am currently obsessed with Manifest and See.

- [Interviewer] Okay, Kylie.

Before I go, I want to ask about your pregnancy.

Congratulations, we're so happy for you.

Do you have a name picked out? - Thank you.

Well, we need to find out the gender first

and we decided to wait.

- [Interviewer] You gonna to tell me first?

- No.

- [Interviewer] Okay. All right, I tried.

What's the best baby gift?

- Best baby gift is just anything really sentimental.

- [Interviewer] What's your biggest

pregnancy craving right now?

- Hmm, frozen yogurts and In-N-Out, always.

- [Interviewer] Stormi excited to be a big sister?

- She is very excited to be a big sister.

- [Interviewer] Okay, last question. entrevistador|||

Question number 73.

How do you feel now that we're done?

- I feel good. And I'm about to catch a flight.

- [Interviewer] Well, your fans are certainly

going to love this.

Thank you so much, Kylie.

- Alrighty, bye guys.

- [Interviewer] Have a good flight.