A Hound who had served his master well for years, and had run down many a quarry in his time, began to lose his strength and speed owing to age.One day, when out hunting, his master started a powerful wild boar and set the Hound at him.The latter seized the beast by the ear, but his teeth were gone and he could not retain his hold; so the boar escaped.His master began to scold him severely, but the Hound interrupted him with these words: "My will is as strong as ever, master, but my body is old and feeble.You ought to honour me for what I have been instead of abusing me for what I am."
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A Hound who had served his master well for years, and had run down many a quarry in his time, began to lose his strength and speed owing to age.
بدأ كلب الصيد الذي خدم سيده جيدًا لسنوات، والذي طارد العديد من المناجم في حياته، يفقد قوته وسرعته بسبب تقدمه في السن.
Un chien de chasse qui avait bien servi son maître pendant des années et qui avait abattu de nombreuses proies en son temps, commença à perdre sa force et sa vitesse à cause de l'âge.
One day, when out hunting, his master started a powerful wild boar and set the Hound at him.
ذات يوم، عندما كان خارجًا للصيد، أطلق سيده خنزيرًا بريًا قويًا وأطلق عليه الكلب.
Un jour, lors d'une partie de chasse, son maître a attrapé un puissant sanglier et a lancé le chien sur lui.
The latter seized the beast by the ear, but his teeth were gone and he could not retain his hold; so the boar escaped.
فأمسك الأخير بأذن الحيوان، ولكن أسنانه ذهبت ولم يستطع الاحتفاظ بها، لذلك هرب الخنزير.
Ce dernier saisit la bête par l'oreille, mais ses dents ayant disparu, il ne put maintenir sa prise et le sanglier s'échappa.
His master began to scold him severely, but the Hound interrupted him with these words: "My will is as strong as ever, master, but my body is old and feeble.
بدأ سيده في توبيخه بشدة، لكن الكلب قاطعه بهذه الكلمات: "إرادتي قوية كما كانت دائمًا، يا سيدي، لكن جسدي أصبح عجوزًا وضعيفًا.
You ought to honour me for what I have been instead of abusing me for what I am."
ينبغي عليك أن تكرمني على ما كنت عليه بدلاً من إساءة معاملتي على ما أنا عليه.