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Assorted YouTube videos, Why Companies Are Leaving California For Texas

Why Companies Are Leaving California For Texas

for as long as anybody can remember

california has ranked among the most

desirable places to live on earth

its majestic redwood forests world-class

education system

sandy beaches beautiful people and

global food scene have cemented its

status as a proven mecca for big money

and talent

but all that seems to be changing an

exodus of tech firms has recently

decided to up sticks from the golden


and make their homes in a very different

corner of the united states

so today we're looking into the burning

question why are companies moving from

california to texas

last year according to data from the u.s

census bureau

653 000 people decided they'd had enough

of california's glossy charms and opted

to set up home elsewhere

the most popular destination for these

relocators texas

internal migration trends like these are

always complicated

but it's worth noting that this texan

exodus has really picked up pace this

year with some very high profile people

and companies making their way out to

the lone star state

let's look at a few in july elon musk

announced that the biggest u.s tesla car

plant to date would be built on the

outskirts of austin texas

and that's no small thing representing a

1.1 billion investment in the region

not to mention the creation of around 5

000 high-skilled jobs

musk's personal residence is now

reportedly also in texas

as well as a new base for his drilling

operation the boring company

just established in flugerville part of

musk's reason to move there is no doubt

so he can be closer to his beloved

spacex base in boca chica south texas

that's where musk's starship rockets are

currently being developed and tweet

ready for a future mission to mars but

there's also significant push factors

actively driving musk away from

california back in may

musk had a very public bust up with

californian official lorena s gonzalez

after his fremont california tesla

factory was forced to close as part of

the state's efforts to tackle the spread

of coronavirus

musk was furious at the order to close

and issued a tweet saying his company

would be

filing a lawsuit against alameda county


the unelected and ignorant interim

health officer of alameda

is acting contrary to the governor the

president our constitutional freedoms

and just plain common sense

frankly this is the final straw tesla

will now move its hq

and future programs to texas nevada

immediately if we even retain fremont

manufacturing activity at all

it will be dependent on how tesla is

treated in the future tesla is the last

car maker left in ca

lorena gonzalez stated her position


elon musk to which musk cooley replied

message received

but it isn't just hot-headed upstarts

ragequitting california lately

hewlett-packard enterprise the 21st

century iteration of the firm founded an

apollo alto garage by bill hewlett and

david peckhard in 1939

is also making tracks toward texas the

firm considered by many as the great

granddaddy of silicon valley tech giants

is building a state-of-the-art campus on

the outskirts of houston

a statement by hewlett-packard

enterprise hinted at the reasoning for

the move

saying houston is an attractive market

to recruit and retain future diverse


similarly database software giant oracle

just announced it was moving its

headquarters to austin because

as a spokesperson put it we believe

these moves best position oracle for


and provide our personnel with more

flexibility about where and how they


so what makes texas more attractive from

a staffing point of view

if you're currently yelling taxes at

your screen well you're halfway right

the corporate tax situation actually

isn't so different between the two


although president donald trump's

controversial slashing of the federal

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21

in 2017 definitely made state taxes more

of a priority for company bean counters

seeking to cut costs

experts believe that's not enough in

itself to encourage a wholesale move

however the tax situation for individual

workers is very different indeed

californian income taxes for high

earners work out at 13.3 percent

tax and income rates are rather more

let's say competitive at zero percent

that means an executive moving from

california to texas will enjoy a

substantial instant pay rise

and they can do a lot more with that

money california and especially the big

tech hub cities like san francisco and

palo alto

suffer from exorbitant property prices

in houston

a well-paid tech worker can afford a

much larger house and a better overall

quality of life with it even culturally

texas isn't so different from california

although texas is famously conservative

and defiantly red state in its outlook

places like austin with its healthy 47

rate of degree educated workers

and hip cultural happenings like the

annual south by south west festival

increasingly give groovy kelly a run for

its money podcast host joe rogan who

famously smoked weed on screen with elon

musk is also making the move

rogan reportedly just bought a 14

million mansion on lake austin with

eight bedrooms and 10 bathrooms

hot on the heels of his unprecedented

100 million deal with spotify

more important than taxes and culture

however the biggest driving force behind

the current exodus has been the

coronavirus pandemic

a study from leading corporate

consultants gartner found that around

three quarters of chief financial

officers anticipate ever more employees

would work from home permanently

after this year proved that this was not

only feasible but even desirable in many


if that's true of companies in general

it's especially true for tech firms

and naturally if you're working from

home why would you go to the expense and

hassle of living in a big city

when you could enjoy a much larger

property somewhere out in the


california's regulatory framework is

also cited as a factor in companies

seeking to shift operations to more

lasse fair texas

deep blue cali critics argue abuse it as

legal and legislative muscle to bully

corporate decision makers

whether or not you think elon musk was

right to keep his factory open during a


it's easy to see why corporate bosses

look at plans to for instance

cap executive pay relative to frontline

workers with a fair dollop of skepticism

musk has isilly suggested californian

leaders have much in common with an

arrogant sports team

after decades unchallenged at the

leading edge of the tech sector

if a team has been winning for too long

they do tend to get a little complacent

said musk

they're a little entitled and then they

don't win the championship anymore

musk also spoke scathingly of

california's oppressive regulatory

regime in language designed to cut to

the very heart of what makes the state

so special

you have a forest of redwoods and the

little trees can't grow

however it's plain to see that the big

well-established california star wars

like google

facebook and apple with its shiny new

four billion dollar headquarters

aren't going anywhere for now and so

however many fresh-faced upstarts like

vape manufacturer joule drag their

operations out to texas

it seems the cali tech dream won't be

going up in smoke anytime soon


Why Companies Are Leaving California For Texas |||saindo||| Warum Unternehmen aus Kalifornien nach Texas abwandern Por qué las empresas se van de California a Texas Pourquoi les entreprises quittent la Californie pour le Texas Perché le aziende lasciano la California per il Texas 企業がカリフォルニアからテキサスに移りつつある理由 기업들이 캘리포니아를 떠나 텍사스로 떠나는 이유 Kodėl įmonės palieka Kaliforniją ir persikelia į Teksasą Waarom bedrijven Californië verlaten voor Texas Dlaczego firmy opuszczają Kalifornię na rzecz Teksasu Porque é que as empresas estão a trocar a Califórnia pelo Texas Почему компании уходят из Калифорнии в Техас Şirketler Neden Kaliforniya'yı Teksas İçin Terk Ediyor? 为什么公司离开加州前往德克萨斯州 為什麼公司離開加州前往德克薩斯州

for as long as anybody can remember ||很長時間|||| ||||qualquer um|| desde que alguém se lembra

california has ranked among the most ||排名||| ||classificado|entre|| a califórnia está entre os países mais

desirable places to live on earth 理想居住地||||| 住みたい||||| desejáveis||||| lugares desejáveis para viver na terra

its majestic redwood forests world-class |壯麗的|紅木林||| ||レッドウッドの森||| |majestosas|sequoia|florestas de sequoias|do mundo| as suas majestosas florestas de sequóias de classe mundial

education system

sandy beaches beautiful people and 沙灘|沙灘||| 砂浜の|||| areias|praias||| praias de areia, pessoas bonitas e

global food scene have cemented its ||美食界||鞏固了| ||グルメ界||| cena global||cenário global alimentar||solidificado| global do sector alimentar cimentaram a sua

status as a proven mecca for big money 地位|||公認的|聖地||| |||実証された|||| |||comprovada|meca|||dinheiro status as a proven mecca for big money estatuto de meca comprovada para grandes fortunas

and talent |才華

but all that seems to be changing an |mas tudo isso parece estar mudando||parece|||mudando|um mas tudo isso parece estar a mudar e

exodus of tech firms has recently 科技公司外流|||科技公司|| 流出||||| êxodo||êxodo|empresas||recentemente O êxodo das empresas tecnológicas

decided to up sticks from the golden |||搬家||| decidiu|para|mudar-se|mudar-se||| decidiram abandonar o ouro

state Estado

and make their homes in a very different ||suas||||| e fazem as suas casas num ambiente muito diferente

corner of the united states canto|||| canto dos estados unidos

so today we're looking into the burning ||||||燃燒的 それでは||||||燃え上がる então||estamos|olhando|sobre||candente por isso, hoje estamos a analisar o incêndio

question why are companies moving from ||||mudando-se| pergunta por que razão as empresas estão a mudar de

california to texas |até|

last year according to data from the u.s ||de acordo com||dados||||

census bureau 人口普查局|普查局 censo|órgão

653 000 people decided they'd had enough ||que tinham||suficiente

of california's glossy charms and opted ||光鮮亮麗|加州的魅力||選擇了 ||shiny and attractive||| das|da Califórnia|brilhantes|encantos||

to set up home elsewhere |estabelecer|||em outro lugar

the most popular destination for these

relocators texas 搬遷公司德州| mudanças|

internal migration trends like these are interna|migração interna|tendências|||

always complicated

but it's worth noting that this texan ||vale a pena|mas vale ressaltar que este texano|||texano

exodus has really picked up pace this êxodo||realmente|a saída realmente acelerou o ritmo||ritmo|

year with some very high profile people ||||ano com algumas pessoas muito famosas||

and companies making their way out to

the lone star state |single|| |solitário||

let's look at a few in july elon musk |vamos olhar|||alguns||julho|elon|musk

announced that the biggest u.s tesla car 発表した||||||| anunciou||||||Tesla|

plant to date would be built on the planta||data|||||

outskirts of austin texas edge of Austin||| オースティン郊外||| arredores||arredores de Austin, Texas|

and that's no small thing representing a |||||representando|

1.1 billion investment in the region

not to mention the creation of around 5

000 high-skilled jobs

musk's personal residence is now residência pessoal de||residência pessoal||

reportedly also in texas segundo relatos|||

as well as a new base for his drilling ||||||||borehole creation ||||||||perfuração

operation the boring company operação||a empresa de perfuração|

just established in flugerville part of |||Pflugerville area established|| |||recém-estabelecida na parte de Flugerville||

musk's reason to move there is no doubt a razão de Musk|||||||

so he can be closer to his beloved |||||||amada

spacex base in boca chica south texas spacex|||boca chica|chica||

that's where musk's starship rockets are |||naves espaciais|foguetes|

currently being developed and tweet atualmente||||atualmente em desenvolvimento e tweet

ready for a future mission to mars but ||||||Marte|

there's also significant push factors |||fatores de pressão|

actively driving musk away from |||afastando Musk|

california back in may Califórnia|||

musk had a very public bust up with |||||musk teve uma briga muito pública com||

californian official lorena s gonzalez californiana|oficial|Lorena S Gonzalez||gonzalez

after his fremont california tesla ||depois de sua Tesla na Califórnia||

factory was forced to close as part of

the state's efforts to tackle the spread ||esforços||combater||

of coronavirus |do coronavírus

musk was furious at the order to close

and issued a tweet saying his company |e emitiu um tweet dizendo que sua empresa||um tweet|||

would be

filing a lawsuit against alameda county entrando com uma ação contra o condado de Alameda||entrando com um processo contra o condado de Alameda||condado de Alameda|condado


the unelected and ignorant interim ||||temporary placeholder leader |não eleitos||ignorante interino|interino

health officer of alameda

is acting contrary to the governor the |||||o governador|

president our constitutional freedoms |||liberdades constitucionais

and just plain common sense e||||

frankly this is the final straw tesla |||||last chance| francamente|||||gota d'água|

will now move its hq

and future programs to texas nevada |||||Nevada

immediately if we even retain fremont |||até|mantemos Fremont|

manufacturing activity at all

it will be dependent on how tesla is

treated in the future tesla is the last tratado|||||||

car maker left in ca fabricante de carros deixou na Califórnia||||

lorena gonzalez stated her position

succinctly de forma sucinta

elon musk to which musk cooley replied |||||enthusiastically| |||||Cooley de Musk|

message received

but it isn't just hot-headed upstarts ||||||ambitious newcomers ||||||novatos impulsivos

ragequitting california lately Leaving angrily|| sair com raiva||ultimamente

hewlett-packard enterprise the 21st ||empresa||

century iteration of the firm founded an centésima|iteração||||| 世紀に設立された。

apollo alto garage by bill hewlett and |alto garage||||| アポロ・アルト・ガレージ(ビル・ヒューレット著)と

david peckhard in 1939 |peckhard|

is also making tracks toward texas the

firm considered by many as the great

granddaddy of silicon valley tech giants vovô|||||

is building a state-of-the-art campus on

the outskirts of houston |periferia||Houston

a statement by hewlett-packard uma||||

enterprise hinted at the reasoning for |sugeriu|||raciocínio|

the move

saying houston is an attractive market

to recruit and retain future diverse


similarly database software giant oracle ||||oracle de banco de dados

just announced it was moving its

headquarters to austin because sede|||

as a spokesperson put it we believe ||porta-voz||||

these moves best position oracle for


and provide our personnel with more |||pessoal||

flexibility about where and how they


so what makes texas more attractive from

a staffing point of view do ponto de vista de contratação|perspectiva de pessoal|||

if you're currently yelling taxes at |||shouting about taxes|| ||atualmente|gritando impostos|impostos|

your screen well you're halfway right ||||na metade|

the corporate tax situation actually

isn't so different between the two


although president donald trump's embora|||do presidente trump

controversial slashing of the federal |significant reduction in||| |corte polêmico|||

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21

in 2017 definitely made state taxes more

of a priority for company bean counters |||||accountants| ||||||controladores financeiros

seeking to cut costs buscando|||

experts believe that's not enough in

itself to encourage a wholesale move ||||massive or large-scale| ||||de forma geral|

however the tax situation for individual

workers is very different indeed ||||de fato

californian income taxes for high |renda|||

earners work out at 13.3 percent os rendimentos|||| 所得者は13.3

tax and income rates are rather more |||taxas||bastante|

let's say competitive at zero percent ゼロ%で競争力があるとしよう

that means an executive moving from

california to texas will enjoy a

substantial instant pay rise |||aumento salarial

and they can do a lot more with that

money california and especially the big dinheiro da Califórnia e especialmente o grande|||||

tech hub cities like san francisco and |centro tecnológico|||||

palo alto alto pole|

suffer from exorbitant property prices sofrer com||exorbitantes preços imobiliários||

in houston

a well-paid tech worker can afford a ||||||pode pagar|

much larger house and a better overall ||||||geralmente melhor

quality of life with it even culturally

texas isn't so different from california Texas|||||

although texas is famously conservative embora|||notoriamente|

and defiantly red state in its outlook ||||||perspectiva

places like austin with its healthy 47

rate of degree educated workers taxa||||

and hip cultural happenings like the |||eventos culturais||

annual south by south west festival ||||oeste| サウス・バイ・サウス・ウエスト・フェスティバル

increasingly give groovy kelly a run for ||tough competition|||| cada vez mais||desafiadoramente|groovy kelly|||

its money podcast host joe rogan who ||||Joe Rogan|Joe Rogan|

famously smoked weed on screen with elon

musk is also making the move

rogan reportedly just bought a 14

million mansion on lake austin with |mansão||||

eight bedrooms and 10 bathrooms |quartos||banheiros

hot on the heels of his unprecedented |||immediately following||| |||calcanhares|||sem precedentes

100 million deal with spotify |||Spotify

more important than taxes and culture |||impostos||

however the biggest driving force behind

the current exodus has been the |atual||||

coronavirus pandemic |pandemia

a study from leading corporate |||de destaque|

consultants gartner found that around |Gartner analysts found||| |Gartner Consulting|||

three quarters of chief financial |três quartos|||

officers anticipate ever more employees

would work from home permanently

after this year proved that this was not

only feasible but even desirable in many |viável|||||


if that's true of companies in general

it's especially true for tech firms

and naturally if you're working from

home why would you go to the expense and

hassle of living in a big city incômodo||||||

when you could enjoy a much larger

property somewhere out in the

countryside campo rural

california's regulatory framework is

also cited as a factor in companies |citado|||||

seeking to shift operations to more buscando||mudar|||

lasse fair texas Lasse|justa| lasse fair texas

deep blue cali critics argue abuse it as ||cali profundo|||||

legal and legislative muscle to bully |||||intimidate or coerce ||legislativa|||intimidar

corporate decision makers ||tomadores de decisão

whether or not you think elon musk was

right to keep his factory open during a

pandemic pandemia

it's easy to see why corporate bosses

look at plans to for instance

cap executive pay relative to frontline remuneração executiva em relação à linha de frente|remunerar executivos||||linha de frente

workers with a fair dollop of skepticism ||||generous amount of||doubt or caution |||uma boa dose|uma boa dose||ceticismo

musk has isilly suggested californian ||absurdly|| ||é tolo||

leaders have much in common with an

arrogant sports team

after decades unchallenged at the ||sem contestação||

leading edge of the tech sector

if a team has been winning for too long

they do tend to get a little complacent ||tendem|||||satisfeitos consigo mesmos

said musk

they're a little entitled and then they |||um pouco exigentes|||

don't win the championship anymore

musk also spoke scathingly of |||harshly| ||falou|com severidade|

california's oppressive regulatory |opressiva|

regime in language designed to cut to

the very heart of what makes the state

so special

you have a forest of redwoods and the |||||tall, ancient trees|| |||||sequoias vermelhas||

little trees can't grow

however it's plain to see that the big no entanto||claro|||||

well-established california star wars

like google

facebook and apple with its shiny new |||||brilhante nova|

four billion dollar headquarters |||main office complex |||sede administrativa

aren't going anywhere for now and so

however many fresh-faced upstarts like ||||novos arrivistas|

vape manufacturer joule drag their E-cigarette||company name|| vape fabricante||Joule|arrasta|

operations out to texas

it seems the cali tech dream won't be

going up in smoke anytime soon
