Top 10 Community Fish!
what is a community fish a community
fish is a fish that's known for having a
peaceful temperament and generally gets
along with any other fish in the tank
community fish are not only good for
beginner fish keepers but they're also
some pretty amazing fish here are what
we believe are the top 10 community fish
platies and mollies are very similar
fish and since we're only doing a top 10
and not 11 we went ahead and combined
them platies and Molly's are great
community fish because I've never known
them to be very aggressive towards other
fish they're super easy to keep and
they're available in tons of varieties
you can find them in multiple different
colors and fin types and they'll mix
well with just about anything
plenty of the mollies are live bears
which means they give birth to free
swimming fry and the cool thing about
that is they'll do this with minimal
effort from the fish keeper if you put
them in your tank with good clean water
in some hiding places so the fry don't
get picked off by the other fish in the
tank you'll have a tank full of these
fish that could be a good thing or bad
thing depending on the fish keeper but
you gotta admit it's always fun finding
babies swimming around in the tank
if you've watched any of our videos you
knew that there was no way I was gonna
leave angelfish off this list I realized
they're cichlids and that makes a lot of
people think that they're mean but the
truth is they're really not sure they
can get a bit nasty especially if the
male and female pair off and want to
breed but if there's no breeding going
on there pretty much get along with
angels are no doubt one of the most
majestic fish in the Hobby their slow
movement and long flowing fins make them
appealing in almost any tank these are
some of the larger fish on the list so
keep that in mind
you'll want to put them in at least a 29
gallon tank but if you want my honest
opinion I don't think they should be in
anything smaller than a 55 gallon that's
very different from almost all of the
other fish on this list that can be kept
in much smaller tanks angels come in
several different varieties and colors
and won't really bother any of the other
fish in the tank again unless they're
breathing but one of the things you
should really think about is the fish
that you're putting in with them stay
away from fish that have the reputation
of being fin nippers I know community
fish is supposed to be peaceful but
those long fins can sometimes get
mistaken by other fish as something else
get a group of five or six angels and
have them be the focal point of your
tank and surround them with a few other
types of smaller community fish and
that'll make an amazing tank to look at
what really needs to be said about
Guppies other than they are awesome
Guppies have been in the Hobby forever
and it's totally understandable why
they're super easy to keep they're all
over the place and they come in some
colors and thin types that will
absolutely blow your mind you don't need
a huge tank or fancy lights for these
fish to be happy and to thrive and
you'll have so much to look at whenever
you go by the tank because there's gonna
be hundreds of Guppies in there before
you know it these fish are super active
and they'll really never cause any
problems with any other fish just like I
talked about with molly's and platies
Guppies are live bears and they are the
easiest fish to breed we should do a 10
things episode about the easiest fish to
breed sounds like a good idea to me
what do you think let us know in a
comment section tetras are another
staple fish in the Hobby they're
everywhere they're super easy to keep
and they come in tons of different
varieties some of my personal favorites
are the neon and Cardinal tetras CERP a
blood fin and glow light Tetris but my
absolute favorites are rummy knows
Tetris there's so many varieties of
Tetris available that you can have a
tank full of one of each of them and all
of them will look totally different some
Tetris do prefer to be in schools though
and their behavior in a school is
amazing to watch so be sure to check
into that before you go buying one of
each you don't need to be an expert fish
keeper to keep Tetris so it's another
fish that is perfect for beginner fish
keepers with all the different varieties
of Tetris I definitely encourage you to
research each individual type that
you're interested in and make sure
you're putting them in the appropriate
size tank and again see if they're going
to be okay if you're buying individuals
or if you need to buy a school level you
can fill up a tank with like 20
different types of Tetris and spend like
40 bucks he's gotta love it
raspberries are one of those fish that
will go well in any community fish tank
they're available in tons of varieties
and they're relatively easy to keep like
so many others on this list a lot of
raspberries are a perfect nano fish
because they'll stay really small but
there's some that will get a couple
inches in size so do your research
before you put them in a 5 gallon or
smaller tank razz borer is our substrate
egg scattering fish so unless you have
thick plants or carpets on the bottom of
your tank you can expect the other fish
to come along and eat the eggs just
because they're labeled as community
fish doesn't mean they won't eat the
eggs my personal favorite Rose borer is
the Harlequin definitely I've got
somewhere around 30 Harlequins in
several different tanks and I can't get
enough of them I can honestly say these
are some of the most indestructible fish
in the Hobby and they're absolutely
gorgeous and even though their name
sounds just like Harley Quinn don't
worry they won't wreak havoc in your
tank for bad guys it's what we do
if you ask someone that's new to
fishkeeping to describe what a catfish
is they're gonna tell you one of two
things one would be when a guy goes on
social media and describes himself as a
six foot four inch athletic gym rat that
often gets mistaken for Brad Pitt and
you show up and you meet him and he's a
shorter overweight Fred Durst wanna be
the other way people would describe
catfish is these huge sloppy bigmouth
gluttons that hang out at the bottom of
rivers and lakes but what you may not
know is that there's some tiny catfish
in the aquarium hobby they're absolutely
adorable corydoras are extremely popular
in the aquarium hobby and for good
reason they're really small so you don't
have to have a huge tank plus they're
really active constantly scavenging
around looking for something to munch on
you'll rarely see Cory cats sitting in
one spot and not moving and if you do
it's usually only for a second or two
and then they're off scavenging again so
many people are looking for bottom
dwellers that will patrol the substrate
and help keep things from collecting on
the bottom Cory cats are the perfect
answer look them up though before you
buy them some Cory cats do better in
groups and you won't want to just buy
one they'll get lonely Barb's are
another super cool fish that comes in
tons of varieties from long and slender
fish to shorter stubbier ones you can
pretty much find a barb for any
situation Barb's are super easy fish to
keep and most of them won't cause any
trouble in your tank but I just want to
warn you some of them have a reputation
take Tiger Barb's for example these are
some really striking fish with a lot of
personality but people will tell you
they're nasty little fish I haven't had
this problem with Tiger Barb's but they
do have a reputation for picking on
other fish's fans but then you have the
Barb's like the Dennison Barb's that
doesn't have a reputation at all they're
known to pretty much leave all of the
other fish alone the point is to do some
investigating into the barbs you're
thinking of getting before you go to the
fish store buy them
make sure they're compatible with the
fish you already have if you're
interested in getting in a little more
detail into a lot of these fish on the
list I'll put a link in the corner to
some of the other 10 things episodes
we've done on fish that are good for 5
10 and 20 gallon tanks you'll find
plenty of Barb's on there what can you
say about bristlenose plecos I think
they're just cool this is another fish
in the catfish family that stays really
small most of them are only gonna get
four or five inches max so they'll go
well in smaller tanks don't get carried
away though
don't be putting a bristlenose pleco in
a three gallon tank how dare you these
little catfish are definitely the most
unique fish on this list they look like
little dinosaurs from another planet but
the cool thing about them is they're
super friendly to the other fish in the
tank they're really easy to keep and
they'll help you keep the bottom of your
tank nice and tidy bristlenose plecos
aren't the most active fish in the world
they'll do most of their work when
you're not looking but they're super
cool really unique and you can get them
in every color and pattern imaginable a
smaller community tank without a
bristlenose pleco just seems incomplete
stuartt tails are very similar to
Molly's and platies and the way they're
shaped with one big difference the sword
on their tail well only the male's have
the sword this is another super polite
bear that pretty much gets along with
any other fish and they're super active
so there will never be a dull moment
with them with them being live bears and
pretty much constantly having babies you
do need to take some precautions to keep
them from getting out of control well
unless you want a tank full of them it
happens pretty fast trust me the best
way to prevent them from breeding is to
just buy males or just buy females
most people will go the route of only
males because they're the ones with the
swords on their tails but a tank with a
bunch of females it's a prequel tank to
don't neglect the ladies
Daniel's are spazzes I mean seriously
they should be called spaz fish you're
not gonna find a more active fish in the
aquarium hobby I'm serious try to find
one I bet you won't if you have a fish
that you think is more active than
danios put it down in the comment
section below
anyway Daniels are really the perfect
aquarium fish they're awesome looking
little things they're crazy active and
they're practically bulletproof when
someone asks me I want to get a tank for
our child what's the best beginner fish
I'll almost always tell them Guppies or
Daniels the last thing we want is for a
kid to start off in this hobby with a
boring fish that's super delicate we
want to start them with a fish that's
all over the place and can tolerate the
growing pains a new fish keeper goes
through the young kid has such a good
time watching these little spaces that
he falls in love with the hobby and
enjoys it for years let's keep fish
keepers fish keeping