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All Ears English, 95- Why Learning English Will Bring You Joy

95- Why Learning English Will Bring You Joy

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 95: “Why Learning English Will Bring You Joy.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn why learning a second language is a way to have another life.


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's cooking?

Gabby: Hey. Not much. How (are) you doing?

Lindsay: (I'm) doing all right. I'm happy to be here recording another episode.

Gabby: Me too. Yeah, we have a great quote to share today. (Um), it's a quote by Charlemagne. A historic French guy. This is not a history podcast. This is an English podcast.

Lindsay: We're here to teach you English.

Gabby: What's the quote Lindsay?

Lindsay: So the quote is “To have another language is to possess a second soul.”

Gabby: That's beautiful. Actually I like this quote a lot because when you think about your soul, it's so much more than just grammar and vocabulary.

Lindsay: So much more, so much more.

Gabby: It's culture, it's your…

Lindsay: It's understanding people.

Gabby: Yeah, understanding yourself.

Lindsay: Understanding yourself. It's empathy. It's seeing the world, (you know), through someone else's eyes or through a new set of eyes.

Gabby: Yeah.

Absolutely. (Um) all of your experiences and the way that you learn about the world in one language can all of a sudden be new again and give you a second life or a second soul when you learn a second language.

Lindsay: Yeah, that's why I really love learning languages and teaching, working in language development is that it's all about (um) – I don't know it just makes you a more dynamic person and it makes your life richer.

Gabby: Right.

(You know), whether you believe in the idea of a soul or not, I'll share one story with you. When I speak Japanese, (um) my voice and my, (sort of) my personality changes quite a bit. (Like), it's typical in Japan for women to speak in a higher pitched voice. So I take that on, subconsciously, I just do it and my mannerisms change as well, where, (you know), in English I might make bigger gestures and speak with a more, what can I say, (like), a lower voice like I am now. (Um) in Japanese, I won't take up so much space, I'll speak in a higher voice.

Lindsay: Wow that's interesting.

Gabby: Yeah.

It's totally bizarre and I never realized I was doing it until my friends told me I did it.

Lindsay: Whoa!

Gabby: So it's almost like I was becoming a new person.

Lindsay: Wow. That's interesting.

Gabby: Pretty freaky (huh).

Lindsay: Yeah. I, when I speak Spanish, I feel like I definitely take more risks. I think we've talked about this in one or two episodes before, but…

Gabby: Maybe.

Lindsay: …I'm not as worried about (uh) making mistakes. I feel more free, more open, more relaxed, (like) more laid back.

Gabby: That's interesting because I've heard students, especially from Japan, my students tell me that when they speak English, they feel more free, they feel more relaxed to be who they truly are.

Lindsay: Right. Because it doesn't feel like it's exactly you.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Or you're being taken out of your normal frame…

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: …of who you see yourself as in your native language.

Gabby: Learning a new language and living abroad are great ways to reinvent yourself.

Lindsay: Yeah, that's a great phrase. Reinvent yourself. Absolutely. That's why it's so refreshing, I think.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: You get to start over.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And you get to decide which pieces of yourself you're gonna (going to) take into the new framework, into the new country and which one's you're gonna (going to) leave behind and reinvent.

Gabby: Right.

Yeah, that's so true. You can decide how you want to speak, you can decide your gestures, you can decide, (you know), your, your new friends.

There's (there are) a lot of ways you reinvent yourself. So it's very exciting and (uh) like our quote today, (you know), it's a great opportunity to have a second soul, have a second life.

Lindsay: So cool.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So whenever you feel like you're getting stuck in a negative place mentally (like) “Oh, I can't understand the conjugation of the verb ‘to run' or something like that. When it gets painful just think (like) there's something bigger here.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I'm doing something really cool that not everyone in the world can do.

Gabby: Right.


That's awesome. So yeah, we hope that you guys have an inspiring week of studies and that, (you know), getting into English will give you more and more freedom.

Lindsay: Yeah. Thanks for listening.

Gabby: Thanks guys.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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95- Why Learning English Will Bring You Joy 95- Warum Englisch lernen Ihnen Freude bereiten wird 95- Por qué aprender inglés te dará alegría 95- Pourquoi apprendre l'anglais vous apportera de la joie 95- Porque é que aprender inglês lhe vai trazer alegria 95- Neden İngilizce Öğrenmek Size Mutluluk Getirecek? 95 - 為什麼學習英語會帶給你快樂

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 95: “Why Learning English Will Bring You Joy.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn why learning a second language is a way to have another life. Lindsay:在這一集中,您將了解為什麼學習第二語言是獲得另一種生活的一種方式。


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's cooking? Qu'est ce qui se cuisine?

Gabby: Hey. Not much. How (are) you doing?

Lindsay: (I'm) doing all right. I'm happy to be here recording another episode. 我很高興能在這裡錄製另一集。

Gabby: Me too. Yeah, we have a great quote to share today. 是的,今天我們有一個很棒的引言可以分享。 (Um), it's a quote by Charlemagne. |||||Charlemagne |||||Frankish king A historic French guy. |历史性的|| 一位歷史悠久的法國人。 This is not a history podcast. 這不是歷史播客。 This is an English podcast.

Lindsay: We're here to teach you English. Lindsay:我們是來教你英文的。

Gabby: What's the quote Lindsay? |||quote|

Lindsay: So the quote is “To have another language is to possess a second soul.” |||||||||||possess||| |||||||||||拥有||| Lindsay : Donc, la citation est "Avoir une autre langue, c'est posséder une seconde âme". Lindsay:所以這句話是「擁有另一種語言就是擁有第二個靈魂」。

Gabby: That's beautiful. Actually I like this quote a lot because when you think about your soul, it's so much more than just grammar and vocabulary. 事實上,我很喜歡這句話,因為當你思考你的靈魂時,它不僅僅是語法和詞彙。

Lindsay: So much more, so much more.

Gabby: It's culture, it's your… 蓋比:這是文化,這是你的…

Lindsay: It's understanding people.

Gabby: Yeah, understanding yourself.

Lindsay: Understanding yourself. It's empathy. It's seeing the world, (you know), through someone else's eyes or through a new set of eyes. 它是透過別人的眼睛或透過一雙新的眼睛來看待世界(你知道)。

Gabby: Yeah.

Absolutely. (Um) all of your experiences and the way that you learn about the world in one language can all of a sudden be new again and give you a second life or a second soul when you learn a second language.

Lindsay: Yeah, that's why I really love learning languages and teaching, working in language development is that it's all about (um) – I don't know it just makes you a more dynamic person and it makes your life richer. ||||||||||||||development||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||更丰富 Lindsay:是的,這就是為什麼我真的很喜歡學習語言和教學,從事語言發展工作就是(嗯)——我不知道它只會讓你成為一個更有活力的人,讓你的生活更豐富。

Gabby: Right.

(You know), whether you believe in the idea of a soul or not, I'll share one story with you. (你知道),無論你是否相信靈魂的觀念,我都會與你分享一個故事。 When I speak Japanese, (um) my voice and my, (sort of) my personality changes quite a bit. ||||||||||||||quite|| 當我說日語時,(嗯)我的聲音和我的(某種程度上)我的性格發生了很大的變化。 (Like), it's typical in Japan for women to speak in a higher pitched voice. |||||||||||更高的|音调| ||||||||||||higher pitched| (例如),在日本,女性說話的音調較高是很常見的。 So I take that on, subconsciously, I just do it and my mannerisms change as well, where, (you know), in English I might make bigger gestures and speak with a more, what can I say, (like), a lower voice like I am now. |||||subconsciously||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||body language|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||仕草|||||||||||||ジェスチャー||||||||||||||||| |||||潜意识地|||||||举止|||||||||||||手势||||||||||||||||| 所以我潛意識地接受了這一點,我只是這麼做了,我的行為也發生了變化,(你知道),在英語中,我可能會做出更大的手勢,用更多的語氣說話,我能說什麼呢,(例如),更低的語氣聲音就像我現在一樣。 (Um) in Japanese, I won't take up so much space, I'll speak in a higher voice. (嗯)日文的話,我不會佔那麼多地方,我會提高聲音。

Lindsay: Wow that's interesting.

Gabby: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

It's totally bizarre and I never realized I was doing it until my friends told me I did it. ||strano|||||||||||||||| ||奇妙な|||||||||||||||| ||奇怪的|||||||||||||||| 這太奇怪了,我從來沒有意識到我在這樣做,直到我的朋友告訴我我做到了。

Lindsay: Whoa! |surprise or amazement

Gabby: So it's almost like I was becoming a new person. 蓋比:所以我幾乎就像變成新人了。

Lindsay: Wow. That's interesting. |thought-provoking

Gabby: Pretty freaky (huh). ||strano| |very|| ||ガビー:かなり変だね。| Gabby : Assez bizarre (hein).

Lindsay: Yeah. I, when I speak Spanish, I feel like I definitely take more risks. |when||||||||||| 我,當我說西班牙語時,我覺得我肯定會冒更多的風險。 I think we've talked about this in one or two episodes before, but… |||discussed||||||||| 我想我們之前已經在一兩集中討論過這個問題,但…

Gabby: Maybe.

Lindsay: …I'm not as worried about (uh) making mistakes. ||||concerned|||making|errors Lindsay:……我並不擔心(呃)會犯錯。 I feel more free, more open, more relaxed, (like) more laid back. ||||||||||laid| |am||||expressive|comparative|||even more|casual|easygoing ||||||||||リラックスした| Je me sens plus libre, plus ouvert, plus détendu, (comme) plus décontracté. 我感覺更自由、更開放、更放鬆、更悠閒。

Gabby: That's interesting because I've heard students, especially from Japan, my students tell me that when they speak English, they feel more free, they feel more relaxed to be who they truly are. ||notable observation|for the reason that||been told|students in general|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gabby : C'est intéressant parce que j'ai entendu des étudiants, notamment du Japon, mes étudiants me dire que lorsqu'ils parlent anglais, ils se sentent plus libres, ils se sentent plus détendus pour être qui ils sont vraiment. 蓋比:這很有趣,因為我聽學生說,尤其是來自日本的學生,我的學生告訴我,當他們說英語時,他們感到更自由,更放鬆地做真實的自己。

Lindsay: Right. Because it doesn't feel like it's exactly you. Parce que ça n'a pas l'air d'être exactement toi. 因為感覺起來並不完全是你。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Or you're being taken out of your normal frame… |||||||||框架 Lindsay : Ou vous sortez de votre cadre normal… Lindsay: Ou está a ser levado para fora do seu enquadramento normal... Lindsay:或者你正在脫離正常的框架......

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: …of who you see yourself as in your native language. Lindsay : …de qui vous vous voyez dans votre langue maternelle. Lindsay:……用你的母語來說,你認為自己是誰。

Gabby: Learning a new language and living abroad are great ways to reinvent yourself. ||||||||||||переосмыслить себя| ||||||||||||生まれ変わる| ||||||||||||重塑| 蓋比:學習新語言和在國外生活是重塑自我的好方法。

Lindsay: Yeah, that's a great phrase. Reinvent yourself. 自分を再創造する| Absolutely. That's why it's so refreshing, I think. ||||令人耳目一新|| ||||だからこそ新鮮だと思う。|| 我想這就是為什麼它如此令人耳目一新。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: You get to start over.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And you get to decide which pieces of yourself you're gonna (going to) take into the new framework, into the new country and which one's you're gonna (going to) leave behind and reinvent. ||||||||||||||||||структура|||||||||||||оставить|| ||||||||||||||||||new structure||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||框架||||||||||||||| 林賽:你要決定你自己的哪些部分要帶入新的框架、新的國家,哪些部分你要留下來重新發明。

Gabby: Right.

Yeah, that's so true. You can decide how you want to speak, you can decide your gestures, you can decide, (you know), your, your new friends. ||||||||||||жесты||||||||| 你可以決定你想如何說話,你可以決定你的手勢,你可以決定,(你知道),你的,你的新朋友。

There's (there are) a lot of ways you reinvent yourself. 有很多方法可以重塑自我。 So it's very exciting and (uh) like our quote today, (you know), it's a great opportunity to have a second soul, have a second life. 所以這非常令人興奮,(呃)就像我們今天的引言一樣,(你知道),這是一個擁有第二個靈魂、第二次生命的絕佳機會。

Lindsay: So cool. 林賽:太酷了。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So whenever you feel like you're getting stuck in a negative place mentally (like) “Oh, I can't understand the conjugation of the verb ‘to run' or something like that. ||в любое время||||||||||||||||||сопряжение глагола||||||||| |||||||||||||精神的に|||||||活用形||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||动词变位||||||||| Lindsay : Donc, chaque fois que vous avez l'impression d'être coincé mentalement dans un endroit négatif (comme) « Oh, je ne comprends pas la conjugaison du verbe « courir » ou quelque chose comme ça. Линдси: Поэтому всякий раз, когда вы чувствуете, что мысленно застреваете в негативном месте (например) "О, я не могу понять спряжение глагола "бежать" или что-то в этом роде". Lindsay:所以每當你感覺自己在精神上陷入了消極的境地(比如)“哦,我無法理解動詞‘跑’或類似的詞的變形。 When it gets painful just think (like) there's something bigger here. |||苦しくなったら||||||| Quand ça devient douloureux, pensez (comme) qu'il y a quelque chose de plus gros ici. Когда становится больно, просто подумайте, что здесь есть что-то большее. 當它變得痛苦時,想想(例如)這裡有更大的東西。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I'm doing something really cool that not everyone in the world can do. Lindsay:我正在做一些非常酷的事情,但不是世界上每個人都能做到。

Gabby: Right.


That's awesome. So yeah, we hope that you guys have an inspiring week of studies and that, (you know), getting into English will give you more and more freedom. 所以,是的,我們希望你們度過了一個鼓舞人心的學習週,(你知道),學習英語會為你們帶來越來越多的自由。

Lindsay: Yeah. Thanks for listening.

Gabby: Thanks guys.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.