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All Ears English, 93- How to End an English Conversation in 5 Ways

93- How to End an English Conversation in 5 Ways

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 93: “How to End an English Conversation in Five Different Ways.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: In this episode, you'll learn five awesome phrases to end your conversations with confidence.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Not too bad.

Gabby: Awesome.

Lindsay: Feeling good.

Gabby: Great. So yesterday we had a fun role play conversation. We were talking about, (you know), when people use the word “sometime,” “let's hang out sometime.”

Lindsay: Yeah.

Very confusing topic.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So we wanted to help you guys out (uh) try to decipher the way that Americans communicate.

Gabby: Yeah.

And it's such an important topic so today we're going to share five, six phrases, five phrases that will be useful for you to end a conversation and perhaps invite someone to see you again.

Lindsay: Excellent. So our first phrase today is, at the end of the conversation you can just say “It was great talking to you.”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Or “It was nice talking to you.”

Gabby: Perfect. And make sure you're using the past tense, “It was nice talking to you.”

Lindsay: Right ‘cause (because) if you say “It is great talking to you,” they'll think you wanna (want to) keep talking.

Gabby: Exactly.

That's a good, small but very important difference. Okay the second (uh) phrase we wanna (want to) share is “get home safe” or “get home safely,” but either one is fine. (Um) it's just a nice way to say goodbye.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Very common.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I hear that a lot from…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …my friends around this age.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Here in Boston it's very common for people in their 30s to use that phrase.

Gabby: Exactly.

Lindsay: For some reason.

Gabby: If you're parting ways at a restaurant or some common location you would use this phrase. (I mean) if your friend is dropping you off right in front of your doorstep, you wouldn't say “Get home safe.” That would imply that some dangerous situation could happen…

Lindsay: Between the car and your door. Yeah.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Next one is “I'd love to hear more about…” (you know) your work, or your projects, or your art, or your writing, whatever it is that you guys have been talking about in that conversation.

Gabby: Yeah we like this phrase because it's a great indirect way of inviting someone to see you again so “I'd like to hear more about your business.

Would you like to…” (you know) get coffee, or a drink, or a dinner or whatever. That's a great way to open up an invitation.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: And (um) it kind of opens up (uh) the way for the next phrase number four, “Maybe we could get a coffee sometime.”

Lindsay: Yeah, “maybe” is great ‘cause (because) it's not too direct. It's not like “Go out for coffee with me,” right?

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: You wanna (want to) be… “maybe” is a way to soften, just to test the waters to see how they respond.

Gabby: Yeah.

And finally the last phrase is “Follow up.” So it's a phrasal verb and it's a great one to use when you're making plans, like “Oh I'll follow-up with you next week.”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm). And this can be used in a professional situation too, which (uh) a few episodes back we did a role play following up after an interview.

Gabby: Oh yeah.

Lindsay: (Um) so that's really commonly used in the professional world, but right now we're talking about kinda (kind of) more of a party situation, a social situation.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So it can also be used in social situation.

Gabby: Yeah, social or professional. (Um) just to focus on those prepositions which can be really (um) confusing, “I'll follow up with you by phone call or by email or by text.”

Lindsay: Or text. (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: On Monday.

Lindsay: Right. Or next week.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Cool. So just a quick recap and if you want to repeat, here's your time to repeat. “It was great talking to you.”

Lindsay: “Get home safe.”

Gabby: “I'd love to hear more about your projects.”

Lindsay: “Maybe we could get coffee sometime.”

Gabby: “I'll follow-up with you next week.” Cool guys. So these are really natural phrases to use and (uh) we hope that you start using them right away.

Lindsay: Thank you.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. I heard that (uh) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words.

Gabby: Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen.

So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. So there are no secrets. You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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93- How to End an English Conversation in 5 Ways 93- Wie man eine englische Konversation auf 5 Arten beendet 93- Cómo terminar una conversación en inglés de 5 maneras 93- 英会話を終わらせる5つの方法 93- 5가지 방법으로 영어 대화를 끝내는 방법 93- Como terminar uma conversa em inglês de 5 maneiras 93- Как закончить разговор на английском языке 5 способами 93 - 如何用 5 种方式结束英语对话 93 - 如何以 5 種方式結束英語對話

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 93: “How to End an English Conversation in Five Different Ways.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: In this episode, you'll learn five awesome phrases to end your conversations with confidence. ||||||||||||||уверенностью 蓋比:在本集中,您將學習五個很棒的短語,以自信地結束對話。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Not too bad.

Gabby: Awesome.

Lindsay: Feeling good.

Gabby: Great. So yesterday we had a fun role play conversation. 昨天我們進行了一次有趣的角色扮演對話。 We were talking about, (you know), when people use the word “sometime,” “let's hang out sometime.” 我們談論的是,(你知道),當人們使用“有時”這個詞時,“我們找個時間出去玩吧。”

Lindsay: Yeah.

Very confusing topic. 非常令人困惑的話題。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So we wanted to help you guys out (uh) try to decipher the way that Americans communicate. ||||||||||||расшифровать||||| ||||||||||||understand||||| ||||||||||||解读||||| Lindsay:所以我們想幫助你們(呃)試著破解美國人的溝通方式。

Gabby: Yeah.

And it's such an important topic so today we're going to share five, six phrases, five phrases that will be useful for you to end a conversation and perhaps invite someone to see you again. 這是一個非常重要的主題,所以今天我們將分享五、六個短語,這五個短語對你結束對話很有用,也許還能邀請某人再次見到你。

Lindsay: Excellent. So our first phrase today is, at the end of the conversation you can just say “It was great talking to you.” 所以我們今天的第一句話是,在談話結束時你可以說“很高興與你交談。”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Or “It was nice talking to you.” Lindsay:或者“很高興與你交談。”

Gabby: Perfect. And make sure you're using the past tense, “It was nice talking to you.” |||||||время|||||| 並確保你使用的是過去時態,“很高興與你交談。”

Lindsay: Right ‘cause (because) if you say “It is great talking to you,” they'll think you wanna (want to) keep talking. Lindsay:對,因為如果你說“很高興與你交談”,他們會認為你想繼續交談。

Gabby: Exactly.

That's a good, small but very important difference. 這是一個很好的、很小但非常重要的區別。 Okay the second (uh) phrase we wanna (want to) share is “get home safe” or “get home safely,” but either one is fine. 好吧,我們想(想要)分享的第二個(呃)短語是“安全回家”或“安全回家”,但任何一個都可以。 (Um) it's just a nice way to say goodbye. (嗯)這只是一個很好的告別方式。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Very common. 很常見。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I hear that a lot from… Lindsay:我從……那裡聽到很多這樣的話。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …my friends around this age. Lindsay:……我這個年紀的朋友們。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Here in Boston it's very common for people in their 30s to use that phrase. Lindsay:在波士頓,30 多歲的人經常使用這個短語。

Gabby: Exactly.

Lindsay: For some reason. 林賽:出於某種原因。

Gabby: If you're parting ways at a restaurant or some common location you would use this phrase. |||分开||||||||||||| |||saying goodbye||||||||||||| |||別れの挨拶||||||||||||| 蓋比:如果你們在一家餐廳或某個公共場所分道揚鑣,你會使用這個短語。 (I mean) if your friend is dropping you off right in front of your doorstep, you wouldn't say “Get home safe.” That would imply that some dangerous situation could happen… ||||||||||||||门口|||||||||暗示|||||| ||||||||||||||front doorsteps|||||||||suggest|||||| ||||||||||||||玄関前|||||||||暗示する|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||подразумевать|||||| (我的意思是)如果你的朋友讓你在你家門口下車,你不會說「安全回家」。那就意味著可能會發生一些危險的情況…

Lindsay: Between the car and your door. Lindsay:在車和門之間。 Yeah.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Next one is “I'd love to hear more about…” (you know) your work, or your projects, or your art, or your writing, whatever it is that you guys have been talking about in that conversation. Lindsay:下一個是「我很想聽更多關於…」(你知道)你的工作、你的專案、你的藝術、你的寫作,無論你們在談話中談論的是什麼。

Gabby: Yeah we like this phrase because it's a great indirect way of inviting someone to see you again so “I'd like to hear more about your business. ||||||||||косвенный|||приглашение|||||||||||||| 蓋比:是的,我們喜歡這句話,因為這是邀請某人再次見到您的一種很好的間接方式,所以「我想了解更多有關您業務的資訊。

Would you like to…” (you know) get coffee, or a drink, or a dinner or whatever. 你想…」(你知道)喝杯咖啡,或喝點飲料,或是吃頓晚餐或其他什麼。 That's a great way to open up an invitation. ||||||||приглашение Это отличный способ открыть приглашение. 這是發出邀請的好方法。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: And (um) it kind of opens up (uh) the way for the next phrase number four, “Maybe we could get a coffee sometime.” 蓋比:(嗯)這為下一個第四句「也許我們可以找個時間喝杯咖啡」開闢了道路。

Lindsay: Yeah, “maybe” is great ‘cause (because) it's not too direct. Lindsay:是的,「也許」很好,因為它不太直接。 It's not like “Go out for coffee with me,” right? 這不像“和我一起出去喝咖啡”,對吧?

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: You wanna (want to) be… “maybe” is a way to soften, just to test the waters to see how they respond. ||||||||||||||||воды||||| Lindsay:你想要(想要)…「也許」是一種軟化的方式,只是為了試水去看看他們如何反應。

Gabby: Yeah.

And finally the last phrase is “Follow up.” So it's a phrasal verb and it's a great one to use when you're making plans, like “Oh I'll follow-up with you next week.” 最後一句話是「跟進」。所以它是一個短語動詞,當你制定計劃時,它非常適合使用,例如“哦,我下週會跟進你的情況。”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm). And this can be used in a professional situation too, which (uh) a few episodes back we did a role play following up after an interview. 這也可以用在專業場合,(呃)幾集我們在採訪後做了一個角色扮演。

Gabby: Oh yeah.

Lindsay: (Um) so that's really commonly used in the professional world, but right now we're talking about kinda (kind of) more of a party situation, a social situation. Lindsay:(嗯)這在專業領域確實很常用,但現在我們談論的是一種(有點)更多的聚會場合、社交場合。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So it can also be used in social situation. Lindsay:所以它也可以用在社交場合。

Gabby: Yeah, social or professional. 蓋比:是的,社交或職業。 (Um) just to focus on those prepositions which can be really (um) confusing, “I'll follow up with you by phone call or by email or by text.” ||||||||||||||свяжусь|||||||||||| ||||||по|||||||||||||||||||| (嗯)只是為了專注於那些可能真的(嗯)令人困惑的介詞,“我會通過電話、電子郵件或短信與您聯繫。”

Lindsay: Or text. (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: On Monday.

Lindsay: Right. Or next week.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Cool. So just a quick recap and if you want to repeat, here's your time to repeat. ||||резюме||||||||||| 因此,請快速回顧一下,如果您想重複,現在是您重複的時間。 “It was great talking to you.”

Lindsay: “Get home safe.”

Gabby: “I'd love to hear more about your projects.” 蓋比:“我很想听聽更多關於你的項目的信息。”

Lindsay: “Maybe we could get coffee sometime.” 林賽:“也許我們什麼時候可以喝杯咖啡。”

Gabby: “I'll follow-up with you next week.” Cool guys. 加比:“下週我會跟進你的情況。”很酷的傢伙。 So these are really natural phrases to use and (uh) we hope that you start using them right away. 因此,這些都是非常自然的短語,並且(呃)我們希望您立即開始使用它們。

Lindsay: Thank you.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. I heard that (uh) one of your students was talking about the transcripts. 我聽說(呃)你的一位學生正在談論成績單。

Lindsay: Yeah.

So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words. 所以(嗯)我在西班牙的一個學生說他真的是一個視覺學習者,所以他不僅需要每天聽All Ears English,而且還需要看到單字。

Gabby: Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen. 加比:是的,我認為這對很多人邊聽邊讀非常有幫助。

So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. 所以,是的,我們想提醒您,我們的網站 www.allearsenglish.com/conversations 上提供了文字記錄。 And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.

Lindsay: Yeah. Lindsay speaking|

Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. 我們所說的每一個字都已經為您拼寫出來了。 So there are no secrets. 所以沒有秘密。 You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. 你會確切地知道你在說什麼,我們在說什麼。 So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.