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All Ears English, 81- How to Start Your Presentation in English with Three Phrases.

81- How to Start Your Presentation in English with Three Phrases.

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 81: “How to Start Your Presentation in English with Three Phrases.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.

In this episode, you'll get three specific, practical sentences that you can use to start your presentation in English today.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How are you feeling today?

Gabby: I'm feeling great. I'm really excited for this presentation topic. We were just talking to our friend and (uh) presentation expert, Carl Kwan on Monday.




Yeah, that was a great conversation.


Yeah, it's a really important topic too because we've had a few students, (um) we had, Keiko wrote in to us and asked us for some help with presentations, so we want to address that.



Great. So we're going to give you guys our three phrases that you can use to start your presentation and these are all based on Carl's advice.




So we're going to give you an example because we are actually preparing a presentation.


Which we're a little nervous about.


It's for the (um) the TESOL which is Teaching English as a second language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages convention (um) out in Portland, Oregon. We'll be out there at the end of March.




So we're preparing a presentation. Our audience is other English teachers. So the first thing we want to do is to connect with our audience. So we wanna (want to) give you a practical phrase but it's kind of specific because we have to give you an example, right? So how would we connect with our audience?



How do you connect with someone, with anyone? You just find the thing that you have in common with them and then you show that you empathize with them. So you could say something like this: “We understand that technology might be a little scary and that you're looking for a new way to reach your students.” Gabby:


Something like “We're teachers too. We know how you feel.” Right.

Lindsay: Exactly.


So connecting with your audience is obviously specific to your presentation, (you know). So it's difficult to give you an exact phrase, but those are two examples that we would use in our presentation. But now the second phrase that we want to give you is totally general, you could copy and paste this exactly. “What I'm going to give you today is a solution to your problem.”


And this goes back to Carl's second tip, which was to solve a problem for the audience.




And to always be thinking about what their problem is. So again, what's that phrase?


“What I'm going to give you today is a solution to your problem.” Lindsay:




And then our third sentence and this is all in the beginning of your presentation (uh) is about a question and answer. So Lindsay what would be a phrase we can use to talk about question and answer?



So the tip here again was don't necessarily end with the question and answer, right? So what you could say is (you know) “Please hold your questions until the end” and show them how you're going to structure the presentation.



“So please hold your questions until the end” okay. And then as Carl said, after people ask questions and you give answers, you summarize the presentation. Do not end, by saying “That's all.”


And running off the stage.



Your summary is your “that's all”, right? You don't need to say it again.


And the reason that we're mentioning this also is that if you're giving a presentation here in the US, (um) you might be more likely to get questions in the middle of the presentation.




People will jump in so that's why it's important to say in the beginning of you representation, “Please hold your questions until the end.”


(Uh-huh). Perfect.


Awesome. So yeah, those are three phrases (um) that you can use to begin your presentation. So for example, (uh) “You're teachers, we're teachers. We know it's new and scary to use a podcast or use technology in your classroom, (uh) but, but we know how you feel.” Okay. “What we're going to give you today is a solution to, to this problem.” And “Please hold your questions until the end.” Lindsay:

Okay. So those are the three or four phrases that you need to do an awesome presentation.





Hey Lindsay.

I heard that (um) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.



So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words.


Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen. So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.



Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. So there are no secrets. You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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81- How to Start Your Presentation in English with Three Phrases. 81- Wie Sie Ihre Präsentation auf Englisch mit drei Sätzen beginnen. 81- Cómo empezar su presentación en inglés con tres frases. 81- Comment commencer votre présentation en anglais avec trois phrases. 81- 3つのフレーズで英語プレゼンテーションを始める方法。 81- Como começar a sua apresentação em inglês com três frases. 81- Как начать презентацию на английском языке с трех фраз. 81- İngilizce Sunumunuza Üç İfade ile Nasıl Başlayabilirsiniz? 81 - 如何用三個短語開始英語演示。

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 81: “How to Start Your Presentation in English with Three Phrases.” Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 81 集:“如何用三個短語開始英語演示。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. Gabby:歡迎來到 All Ears 英語播客,在這裡您終於可以與主持人“英語冒險家”Lindsay McMahon 和來自美國波士頓的“語言天使”Gabby Wallace 進行真正的、地道的英語對話。

In this episode, you'll get three specific, practical sentences that you can use to start your presentation in English today. 在本集中,您將獲得三個具體實用的句子,您可以用它們來開始今天的英語演示。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How are you feeling today? |||emotion|

Gabby: I'm feeling great. I'm really excited for this presentation topic. 我對這個演講主題感到非常興奮。 We were just talking to our friend and (uh) presentation expert, Carl Kwan on Monday. 週一,我們剛剛與我們的朋友兼(呃)演示專家卡爾·關(Carl Kwan)交談。




Yeah, that was a great conversation. 是的,那是一次很棒的對話。


Yeah, it's a really important topic too because we've had a few students, (um) we had, Keiko wrote in to us and asked us for some help with presentations, so we want to address that. 是的,這也是一個非常重要的主題,因為我們有一些學生,(嗯)我們有,Keiko 寫信給我們並要求我們在演示方面提供一些幫助,所以我們想解決這個問題。



Great. So we're going to give you guys our three phrases that you can use to start your presentation and these are all based on Carl's advice. 因此,我們將為你們提供三個短語,你們可以用它們來開始演講,這些都是基於卡爾的建議。




So we're going to give you an example because we are actually preparing a presentation. 因此,我們將為您提供一個範例,因為我們實際上正在準備簡報。


Which we're a little nervous about. 我們對此有點緊張。


It's for the (um) the TESOL which is Teaching English as a second language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages convention (um) out in Portland, Oregon. ||||||||||||||||||||||конференция||||| 這是為了在俄勒岡州波特蘭舉行的(嗯)TESOL 大會,該會議正在將英語作為第二語言教學或向其他語言的人教授英語。 We'll be out there at the end of March.




So we're preparing a presentation. Our audience is other English teachers. 我們的聽眾是其他英語老師。 So the first thing we want to do is to connect with our audience. 因此,我們要做的第一件事就是與觀眾建立聯繫。 So we wanna (want to) give you a practical phrase but it's kind of specific because we have to give you an example, right? 所以我們想給你一個實用的短語,但它有點具體,因為我們必須給你一個例子,對吧? So how would we connect with our audience? 那我們要如何與觀眾建立連結呢?



How do you connect with someone, with anyone? How||||||| 你如何與某人、任何人聯繫? You just find the thing that you have in common with them and then you show that you empathize with them. ||||||||||||||||||сопереживаете им|| ||||||||||||||||||同理|| 你只需找到你與他們的共同點,然後表現出你對他們的同情。 So you could say something like this: “We understand that technology might be a little scary and that you're looking for a new way to reach your students.” Gabby: 所以你可以這樣說:“我們知道技術可能有點可怕,並且你正在尋找一種新的方式來接觸你的學生。”蓋比:


Something like “We're teachers too. We know how you feel.” Right.

Lindsay: Exactly.


So connecting with your audience is obviously specific to your presentation, (you know). ||||||||||||know 因此,與觀眾的聯繫顯然是針對您的演示而言的(您知道)。 So it's difficult to give you an exact phrase, but those are two examples that we would use in our presentation. |||||||точный||||||||||||| ||||||||phrase|||||||||||| 因此很難給您一個準確的短語,但這是我們在演示中使用的兩個範例。 But now the second phrase that we want to give you is totally general, you could copy and paste this exactly. ||||||||||||||||||粘贴|| 但現在我們想給你的第二個短語是完全通用的,你可以準確地複製並貼上它。 “What I'm going to give you today is a solution to your problem.” “今天我要給你的就是解決你問題的方法。”


And this goes back to Carl's second tip, which was to solve a problem for the audience. 這又回到了卡爾的第二個建議,那就是為觀眾解決一個問題。




And to always be thinking about what their problem is. Et de toujours penser à leur problème. So again, what's that phrase? 話又說回來,這句話是什麼?


“What I'm going to give you today is a solution to your problem.” Lindsay: “今天我要給你的就是解決你問題的方法。”林賽:




And then our third sentence and this is all in the beginning of your presentation (uh) is about a question and answer. 然後我們的第三句話,這一切都在你的演講的開頭(呃)是關於一個問題和答案。 So Lindsay what would be a phrase we can use to talk about question and answer? 那麼 Lindsay 我們可以用什麼片語來談論問題和答案呢?



So the tip here again was don't necessarily end with the question and answer, right? Donc, le conseil ici encore était de ne pas nécessairement se terminer par la question et la réponse, n'est-ce pas ? 所以這裡的提示是不一定以問題和答案結束,對吧? So what you could say is (you know) “Please hold your questions until the end” and show them how you're going to structure the presentation. Donc, ce que vous pourriez dire, c'est (vous savez) « Veuillez attendre la fin de vos questions » et montrez-leur comment vous allez structurer la présentation. 所以你可以說的是(你知道)「請將你的問題留到最後」並向他們展示你將如何建立簡報。



“So please hold your questions until the end” okay. 「所以請把你的問題留到最後」好吧。 And then as Carl said, after people ask questions and you give answers, you summarize the presentation. 然後,正如卡爾所說,在人們提出問題並給出答案之後,你總結了簡報。 Do not end, by saying “That's all.” 不要以“僅此而已”作為結束。


And running off the stage. 並跑下舞台。



Your summary is your “that's all”, right? 你的總結就是你的“僅此而已”,對嗎? You don't need to say it again. 你不需要再說一次。


And the reason that we're mentioning this also is that if you're giving a presentation here in the US, (um) you might be more likely to get questions in the middle of the presentation. |||||упоминаем об этом|||||||||||||||||||вероятнее всего||||||||| |||||提到|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我們提到這一點的原因還在於,如果您在美國進行演示,(嗯)您可能更有可能在演示過程中遇到問題。




People will jump in so that's why it's important to say in the beginning of you representation, “Please hold your questions until the end.” ||||||||||||||||发言||||||| 人們會介入,因此在發言開始時說「請把你的問題留到最後」很重要。


(Uh-huh). Perfect.


Awesome. So yeah, those are three phrases (um) that you can use to begin your presentation. 是的,這三個短語(嗯)可以用來開始你的演示。 So for example, (uh) “You're teachers, we're teachers. 例如,(呃)「你們是老師,我們也是老師。 We know it's new and scary to use a podcast or use technology in your classroom, (uh) but, but we know how you feel.” Okay. 我們知道在課堂上使用播客或技術是新鮮而可怕的,(呃)但是,我們知道你的感受。”好的。 “What we're going to give you today is a solution to, to this problem.” And “Please hold your questions until the end.” Lindsay: “我們今天要給你們的是這個問題的解決方案。”並且“請把你的問題留到最後。”林賽:

Okay. So those are the three or four phrases that you need to do an awesome presentation. 因此,要完成精彩的演示,您需要使用這些三到四個短語。





Hey Lindsay.

I heard that (um) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.



So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words. 所以(嗯)我在西班牙的一個學生說他真的是一個視覺學習者,所以他不僅需要每天聽All Ears English,而且還需要看到單字。


Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen. 是的,我認為這對很多人邊聽邊讀確實很有幫助。 So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing. 文字記錄只是您所聽到內容的文字。



Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. 我們所說的每一個字都已經為您拼寫出來了。 So there are no secrets. 所以沒有秘密。 You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. 你會確切地知道你在說什麼,我們在說什麼。 So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.