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All Ears English, 67- 4 Ways to Meet and Greet in English for the Office or College

67- 4 Ways to Meet and Greet in English for the Office or College

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 67, Teaching Tuesdays: “4 Ways to Meet and Greet in English for the Office or College.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn how to respond to a greeting at the office and on campus in English.


Gabby: Hi Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey Gabby.

Gabby: So today we're gonna (going to) talk about greetings – sorry (I'm) laughing because we usually greet each other at the beginning, so it feels funny not to… Lindsay:



…greet you. (Um), but in our ‘Meeting Monday' we talked about the greeting “How are you?” and how there's cultural meaning as well as linguistic meaning. So in this episode, we want to share four different ways to meet people that you already know, you've already met them. So one situation is in the office, at work, another situation is at school, in college, greeting your classmates, (um), and in the first situation, greeting your colleagues. So first situation, we're going to just show you real quick right now – I'm greeting my colleague Lindsay. So “Hi Lindsay. How are you?” Lindsay:

“I'm doing well. Thanks.

How are you?”


“Oh, I'm doing well too. Thank you for asking.” Okay. And then another way that we might, (um), respond, “Hi. How are you Lindsay?” Lindsay:

“Good. How are you Gabby?”


“I'm good. Thank you.”




So either “I'm good” or “I'm well,” (um), it's good for formal situations.



A little bit more formal than other situations.


Yeah like when you're at school, in college, or university.


And now we're gonna (going to) talk about that… Gabby:



…being at school. (Um) maybe you run into someone on campus, for example, or in the dining hall, or when you're getting ready for class. So let's do that. So “Hey Gabby. How's it going?


“Great. What's up Lindsay?”


There's one and the next one is “Hey Gabby. How are you?” Gabby:

“I'm okay. (Uh), how's it going with you?” Lindsay:

“Very good. Thanks.”


Great. So, yeah, a little (like) more informal. (Um), but we wanted to show you two different situations because you have to know the appropriate way to respond to greetings, right…?




…whether you're in a formal or informal situation.


And as we said last time, we don't usually go into too much depth if something's actually going on that's not so good in our lives. We don't really go into much depth, but if you want to learn about that, go back to yesterday's episode… Gabby:



…and (um), thanks for listening guys.


Thanks guys.



So Gabby. What are you working on these days?


Oh, I've been working for the last few months on a special course. (Um) it's totally online for, for you guys, for, for English learners. (Um) it's called the “ESL Troubleshooting” and it fills in those gaps that you might not have learned in class. Yeah, so it's…


Do you have anything about greetings, how to respond to a greeting?




So that's why I wanted to mention it, (um), in this episode because one of the video lectures, (um), and materials are about how to respond naturally to greetings. So you think, (you know), it's pretty basic, but there's some cultural information and different ways to respond that you might not have gotten in your English class.


And what level is that good for, like what kind of students would be good for that course?


Yeah, for intermediate to advanced. (Um), maybe even high beginners, but I definitely recommend it more for intermediate to advanced.


Okay, so a lot of the people who are listening to this podcast… Gabby:



…could probably benefit from that.



So you can learn more at my website, gonaturalenglish.com and look for the course called “ESL Troubleshooting.” Lindsay:

Sounds cool.




Gabby: Thanks for listening to our podcast 35,000 times a day. You guys are listening like crazy. Now if you wanna (want to) just listen, that's okay, but if you want to really improve your English, come get the transcripts. You can find them at allearsenglish.com/conversations. And it's the perfect way to improve your English instantly and connect with Lindsay and myself to ask questions.


Lindsay: If you like to put your ears into English with Lindsay and Gabby, be sure to subscribe to the podcast audio in iTunes for free on your computer or on your Smartphone. Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. See you next time.

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67- 4 Ways to Meet and Greet in English for the Office or College 67- 4 Wege, sich auf Englisch im Büro oder in der Schule zu treffen und zu begrüßen 67- 4 maneras de saludar en inglés para la oficina o la universidad 67- 사무실이나 대학에서 영어로 만나고 인사하는 4가지 방법 67- 4 sposoby na spotkanie i powitanie po angielsku w biurze lub na uczelni 67- 4 Ways to Meet and Greet in English for the Office or College 67- Ofis veya Üniversitede İngilizce Tanışma ve Selamlaşmanın 4 Yolu 67- 办公室或大学用英语见面和打招呼的 4 种方式

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 67, Teaching Tuesdays: “4 Ways to Meet and Greet in English for the Office or College.” [Instrumental] Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 67 集,週二教學:“在辦公室或大學用英語見面和打招呼的 4 種方式。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn how to respond to a greeting at the office and on campus in English. |||||||||||||||||校园|| Lindsay:在本集中,您將學習如何在辦公室和校園裡用英語回應問候。


Gabby: Hi Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey Gabby.

Gabby: So today we're gonna (going to) talk about greetings – sorry (I'm) laughing because we usually greet each other at the beginning, so it feels funny not to… Lindsay: 蓋比:所以今天我們要(要)談論問候——抱歉(我)笑了,因為我們通常一開始就互相問候,所以不這樣做感覺很有趣……林賽:



…greet you. (Um), but in our ‘Meeting Monday' we talked about the greeting “How are you?” and how there's cultural meaning as well as linguistic meaning. ||||||||||||||||||||||语言的| (嗯),但在我們的“週一會議”中,我們討論了問候語“你好嗎?”以及如何具有文化意義和語言意義。 So in this episode, we want to share four different ways to meet people that you already know, you've already met them. 因此,在本集中,我們想分享四種不同的方式來結識您已經認識的人,您已經見過他們。 So one situation is in the office, at work, another situation is at school, in college, greeting your classmates, (um), and in the first situation, greeting your colleagues. 所以一種情況是在辦公室,在工作中,另一種情況是在學校,在大學,向你的同學打招呼,(嗯),第一種情況是向你的同事打招呼。 So first situation, we're going to just show you real quick right now – I'm greeting my colleague Lindsay. 因此,第一種情況,我們現在要快速向您展示 – 我向我的同事 Lindsay 致意。 So “Hi Lindsay. How are you?” Lindsay:

“I'm doing well. Thanks.

How are you?”


“Oh, I'm doing well too. 「哦,我也過得很好。 Thank you for asking.” Okay. And then another way that we might, (um), respond, “Hi. 然後我們可以用另一種方式(嗯)回應:「嗨。 How are you Lindsay?” Lindsay:

“Good. How are you Gabby?”


“I'm good. Thank you.”




So either “I'm good” or “I'm well,” (um), it's good for formal situations. 所以無論是“我很好”還是“我很好”,(嗯),這對於正式場合來說都是有好處的。



A little bit more formal than other situations. 比其他情況稍微正式一些。


Yeah like when you're at school, in college, or university. 是的,就像你在學校、學院或大學時一樣。


And now we're gonna (going to) talk about that… Gabby: 現在我們要(要)討論這個… Gabby:



…being at school. (Um) maybe you run into someone on campus, for example, or in the dining hall, or when you're getting ready for class. (嗯)也許你會在校園裡遇到某人,例如,或者在餐廳,或者當你準備上課時。 So let's do that. 那麼就讓我們這樣做吧。 So “Hey Gabby. How's it going?


“Great. What's up Lindsay?”


There's one and the next one is “Hey Gabby. How are you?” Gabby:

“I'm okay. (Uh), how's it going with you?” Lindsay:

“Very good. Thanks.”


Great. So, yeah, a little (like) more informal. 所以,是的,有點(像)比較非正式。 (Um), but we wanted to show you two different situations because you have to know the appropriate way to respond to greetings, right…? (嗯),但是我們想向您展示兩種不同的情況,因為您必須知道回應問候的適當方式,對吧…?




…whether you're in a formal or informal situation. ……無論您處於正式還是非正式場合。


And as we said last time, we don't usually go into too much depth if something's actually going on that's not so good in our lives. И, как мы уже говорили в прошлый раз, мы обычно не слишком углубляемся, если в нашей жизни происходит что-то не очень хорошее. 正如我們上次所說,如果我們的生活中確實發生了一些不太好的事情,我們通常不會深入探討。 We don't really go into much depth, but if you want to learn about that, go back to yesterday's episode… Gabby: 我們並沒有真正深入,但如果你想了解這一點,請回到昨天的劇集...... Gabby:



…and (um), thanks for listening guys. ……以及(嗯),感謝大家的聆聽。


Thanks guys.



So Gabby. What are you working on these days? 這些天你在做什麼?


Oh, I've been working for the last few months on a special course. 哦,過去幾個月我一直在學習一門特殊課程。 (Um) it's totally online for, for you guys, for, for English learners. (嗯)它完全是在線的,為你們,為,為英語學習者。 (Um) it's called the “ESL Troubleshooting” and it fills in those gaps that you might not have learned in class. (嗯)它被稱為“ESL 故障排除”,它填補了你在課堂上可能沒有學到的那些空白。 Yeah, so it's…


Do you have anything about greetings, how to respond to a greeting? 你有什麼關於打招呼的事情嗎?如何回應打招呼?




So that's why I wanted to mention it, (um), in this episode because one of the video lectures, (um), and materials are about how to respond naturally to greetings. 所以這就是為什麼我想在這一集中提到它,(嗯),因為其中一個視頻講座(嗯)和材料是關於如何自然地回應問候。 So you think, (you know), it's pretty basic, but there's some cultural information and different ways to respond that you might not have gotten in your English class. 所以你認為,(你知道),這是非常基本的,但是有一些文化訊息和不同的反應方式是你在英語課上可能沒有學到的。


And what level is that good for, like what kind of students would be good for that course? 適合什麼程度的學生,例如什麼樣的學生適合這門課?


Yeah, for intermediate to advanced. (Um), maybe even high beginners, but I definitely recommend it more for intermediate to advanced. (嗯),甚至可能是高級初學者,但我絕對更推薦中級到高級。


Okay, so a lot of the people who are listening to this podcast… Gabby: 好吧,很多人都在聽這個播客…加比:



…could probably benefit from that. ……可能會從中受益。



So you can learn more at my website, gonaturalenglish.com and look for the course called “ESL Troubleshooting.” Lindsay: 因此,您可以在我的網站 gonaturalenglish.com 上了解更多信息,並查找名為“ESL 故障排除”的課程。林賽:

Sounds cool.




Gabby: Thanks for listening to our podcast 35,000 times a day. Gabby:感謝您每天收聽我們的播客 35,000 次。 You guys are listening like crazy. Now if you wanna (want to) just listen, that's okay, but if you want to really improve your English, come get the transcripts. 現在,如果您想(想)只是聽,那沒關係,但如果您想真正提高英語水平,請來獲取成績單。 You can find them at allearsenglish.com/conversations. And it's the perfect way to improve your English instantly and connect with Lindsay and myself to ask questions. 這是立即提高英語水平並與 Lindsay 和我本人聯繫並提出問題的完美方式。


Lindsay: If you like to put your ears into English with Lindsay and Gabby, be sure to subscribe to the podcast audio in iTunes for free on your computer or on your Smartphone. Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. See you next time.