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All Ears English, 45- Train Your Brain to Speak Real English

45- Train Your Brain to Speak Real English

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 45: Deep Thoughts Thursday, “Train Your Brain to Speak Real English.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


Gabby: [Sings] “A whole new world.”

Lindsay: A whole new way. There is a new way to learn English, guys and you don't have to do what you've always done. In this episode, you'll learn about it.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. It's going well.

Gabby: Awesome. All right. Well good to see you today.


Yeah, you too. I'm happy to be here. It's great to be back.


Cool. I wanted to share a quote with you guys today and we'll discuss it a little bit. It's another Einstein quote. It is “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Lindsay:





That's awesome.




Einstein was a brilliant guy. Obviously, I didn't know he, (you know)…


He has a lot of good quotes. We've discussed his quotes before. But I really particularly like this quote because it's talking about learning and (um), (you know), how to really use your mind.


(Um). Yeah, and I think this is important because I think or the impression that I get after speaking with a lot of students is that when you learned English in school, when you were 12, 15, 17, you actually may have learned English in the sense of memorizing facts.


Right. Memorizing grammar.


Oh, gosh. And I don't know. I think it can be done a different way.


I agree. And the first thing that a lot of people say as a joke, (you know), when they talk about learning English is this one sentence that they memorized: “The book is on the table.” I mean is that really learning English or is that just learning a fact. Like that one sentence.


Sounds like learning a fact, I think.


And that's the joke, right? That's why it's so funny. Is (Like) why do we learn this one sentence? We need to learn how to think about language.


Yeah and it's okay. (I mean) that's what was happening in school when you were growing up and you didn't have any control over that. That's just what you were exposed to, but now you're an adult and you can, you can take control of your own education.


Totally. So that's really the philosophy behind our All Ears English Podcast because we want to just talk to you guys, we want to share ways to train your mind, (like) different strategies for learning English and just have you immersed in (the) English language.


Yeah, and we want to have fun. It's about fun. (I mean) we think that learning English, learning language is about connecting and just having a good time. Let's bring some fun back into learning.


Totally. Building good habits too, for, for studying and having fun with it.




Yeah, so keep this quote in mind, “Education's not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” and just (um), yeah, let's develop some ways to get your minds totally trained to think, right, to speak some real English in a new way.


Thanks guys. Thanks for listening today.



Okay. So we want to encourage you guys to sign up for our email list and if you do sign up for the email list, you'll have a chance to get our e-book, “Ten Ways to Use a Podcast to Learn English.”


You get that immediately, instantly, for free as soon as you sign up.


Yep and also there's something really exciting coming up. People who are on the email list are gonna (going to) be able to get exclusive content. (Um), we're not gonna (going to) say anything about it right now because it's coming later, but get on that email list. You don't want to miss it.


Yeah, it's the only way that we'll be able to send you exclusive content coming out that's related to the podcast.



So we're excited to have you guys as a part of our email community.

So come on over to www.allearsenglish.com and we will see you there.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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45- Train Your Brain to Speak Real English 45- Trainieren Sie Ihr Gehirn, um richtiges Englisch zu sprechen 45- Entrena tu cerebro para hablar inglés de verdad 45- Entraînez votre cerveau à parler le vrai anglais 45- 진짜 영어를 말하도록 두뇌 훈련하기 45- Treine seu cérebro para falar inglês de verdade 45- Тренируйте свой мозг, чтобы говорить на настоящем английском языке 45 - 訓練你的大腦說真正的英語 45 - 訓練你的大腦說真正的英語

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 45: Deep Thoughts Thursday, “Train Your Brain to Speak Real English.” Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 45 集:星期四的深刻思考,“訓練你的大腦說真正的英語。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |||||耳|||||||||| |||||ouvidos atentos|||||||||| Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. それでは|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||Lindsay McMahon||||||||||||||||


Gabby: [Sings] “A whole new world.” |||một thế giới|| 蓋比:[唱]“一個全新的世界。”

Lindsay: A whole new way. 林賽:一種全新的方式。 There is a new way to learn English, guys and you don't have to do what you've always done. 夥計們,有一種學習英語的新方法,你不必做你一直在做的事情。 In this episode, you'll learn about it. 在本集中,您將了解這一點。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. 加比:嘿,林賽。 How's it going? ||progressing

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. It's going well.

Gabby: Awesome. All right. Well good to see you today. 很高興今天見到你。


Yeah, you too. I'm happy to be here. It's great to be back.


Cool. I wanted to share a quote with you guys today and we'll discuss it a little bit. 我今天想與大家分享一句話,我們將對此進行一些討論。 It's another Einstein quote. 這是愛因斯坦的另一句話。 It is “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Lindsay: ||教育|です||||の||||訓練||その|心 (こころ)||考える| 「教育とは事実を学ぶことではなく、考えるための心を鍛えることである」と言うのはリンジーです。 「教育不是學習事實,而是訓練思考思考」。林賽:

Whoa! うわー!

Gabby: ギャビー:



That's awesome.




Einstein was a brilliant guy. 愛因斯坦是個才華洋溢的人。 Obviously, I didn't know he, (you know)… 顯然,我不認識他,(你知道)......


He has a lot of good quotes. ||||||citações 他有很多好的名言。 We've discussed his quotes before. |讨论过||| 我們之前討論過他的名言。 But I really particularly like this quote because it's talking about learning and (um), (you know), how to really use your mind. |||特别|||||||||||||||||| 但我真的特別喜歡這句話,因為它談論的是學習和(嗯),(你知道)如何真正運用你的思想。


(Um). Yeah, and I think this is important because I think or the impression that I get after speaking with a lot of students is that when you learned English in school, when you were 12, 15, 17, you actually may have learned English in the sense of memorizing facts. ||||||||||||ấn tượng||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||记忆事实| 是的,我認為這很重要,因為我認為或在與很多學生交談後得到的印像是,當你在學校學習英語時,當你12、15、17 歲時,你實際上可能已經在學校學習了英語。記憶事實的感覺。


Right. Memorizing grammar. 記憶文法。


Oh, gosh. |ai And I don't know. 我不知道。 I think it can be done a different way. 我認為可以用不同的方式來完成。


I agree. And the first thing that a lot of people say as a joke, (you know), when they talk about learning English is this one sentence that they memorized: “The book is on the table.” I mean is that really learning English or is that just learning a fact. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||记住的|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||学習|| Et la première chose que beaucoup de gens disent en plaisantant (vous savez), quand ils parlent d'apprendre l'anglais, c'est cette phrase qu'ils ont mémorisée : "Le livre est sur la table". Je veux dire, est-ce vraiment apprendre l'anglais ou est-ce juste apprendre un fait. 很多人在談論學習英語時開玩笑地說的第一句話就是他們記住的這句話:“書在桌子上。”我的意思是真正學習英語還是只是學習一個事實。 Like that one sentence. 就像那一句話。


Sounds like learning a fact, I think. 我想,聽起來像是學到了一個事實。


And that's the joke, right? That's why it's so funny. Is (Like) why do we learn this one sentence? We need to learn how to think about language. 我們需要學習如何思考語言。


Yeah and it's okay. 是的,沒關係。 (I mean) that's what was happening in school when you were growing up and you didn't have any control over that. (我的意思是)這就是你成長過程中在學校發生的事情,而你對此沒有任何控制權。 That's just what you were exposed to, but now you're an adult and you can, you can take control of your own education. |||||接触到的||||||||||||||||| Это только то, что вам рассказывали, но теперь вы взрослый человек и можете сами распоряжаться своим образованием. 這正是你所接觸到的,但現在你是個成年人,你可以,你可以控制自己的教育。


Totally. So that's really the philosophy behind our All Ears English Podcast because we want to just talk to you guys, we want to share ways to train your mind, (like) different strategies for learning English and just have you immersed in (the) English language. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||没頭させる|||| 這就是我們的全耳英語播客背後的理念,因為我們只想與你們交談,我們想分享訓練你們思維的方法,(比如)學習英語的不同策略,讓你們沉浸在英語中。


Yeah, and we want to have fun. 是的,我們想玩得開心。 It's about fun. 這是關於樂趣。 (I mean) we think that learning English, learning language is about connecting and just having a good time. (我的意思是)我們認為學習英語、學習語言就是建立連結並享受美好時光。 Let's bring some fun back into learning. 讓我們把一些樂趣帶回學習中。


Totally. Building good habits too, for, for studying and having fun with it. 也要養成良好的習慣,以便學習並從中獲得樂趣。




Yeah, so keep this quote in mind, “Education's not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” and just (um), yeah, let's develop some ways to get your minds totally trained to think, right, to speak some real English in a new way. |||||||教育的||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||citação|||a educação||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 是的,所以請記住這句話,“教育不是學習事實,而是訓練思維思考”,只是(嗯),是的,讓我們開發一些方法來讓你的思維完全訓練思考,對吧,以新的方式說一些真正的英語。


Thanks guys. Thanks for listening today. 感謝您今天的收聽。



Okay. So we want to encourage you guys to sign up for our email list and if you do sign up for the email list, you'll have a chance to get our e-book, “Ten Ways to Use a Podcast to Learn English.” 因此,我們希望鼓勵您們註冊我們的電子郵件列表,如果您註冊了電子郵件列表,您將有機會獲得我們的電子書“使用播客學習英語的十種方法”。


You get that immediately, instantly, for free as soon as you sign up. 一旦您註冊,您就可以立即免費獲得該服務。


Yep and also there's something really exciting coming up. 是的,而且還有一些非常令人興奮的事情即將發生。 People who are on the email list are gonna (going to) be able to get exclusive content. 電子郵件清單上的人將能夠獲得獨家內容。 (Um), we're not gonna (going to) say anything about it right now because it's coming later, but get on that email list. (嗯),我們現在不會(不會)說任何關於它的事情,因為它稍後會出現,但請加入該電子郵件列表。 You don't want to miss it.


Yeah, it's the only way that we'll be able to send you exclusive content coming out that's related to the podcast. Yes||||||||||||||||||||



So we're excited to have you guys as a part of our email community. |||||||||||||cộng đồng

So come on over to www.allearsenglish.com and we will see you there. ||||||todas as orel|||||||

[Instrumental] instrumental

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. |||||||||||||||||||iTunes

See you next time.