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1984 by George Orwell, Part two, Chapter 2

Part two, Chapter 2

Winston picked his way up the lane through dappled light and shade, stepping out into pools of gold wherever the boughs parted. Under the trees to the left of him the ground was misty with bluebells. The air seemed to kiss one's skin. It was the second of May. From somewhere deeper in the heart of the wood came the droning of ring-doves.

He was a bit early. There had been no difficulties about the journey, and the girl was so evidently experienced that he was less frightened than he would normally have been. Presumably she could be trusted to find a safe place. In general you could not assume that you were much safer in the country than in London. There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by which your voice might be picked up and recognized; besides, it was not easy to make a journey by yourself without attracting attention. For distances of less than 100 kilometres it was not necessary to get your passport endorsed, but sometimes there were patrols hanging about the railway stations, who examined the papers of any Party member they found there and asked awkward questions. However, no patrols had appeared, and on the walk from the station he had made sure by cautious backward glances that he was not being followed. The train was full of proles, in holiday mood because of the summery weather. The wooden-seated carriage in which he travelled was filled to overflowing by a single enormous family, ranging from a toothless great-grandmother to a month-old baby, going out to spend an afternoon with ‘in-laws' in the country, and, as they freely explained to Winston, to get hold of a little black- market butter.

The lane widened, and in a minute he came to the footpath she had told him of, a mere cattle-track which plunged between the bushes. He had no watch, but it could not be fifteen yet. The bluebells were so thick underfoot that it was impossible not to tread on them. He knelt down and began picking some partly to pass the time away, but also from a vague idea that he would like to have a bunch of flowers to offer to the girl when they met. He had got together a big bunch and was smelling their faint sickly scent when a sound at his back froze him, the unmistakable crackle of a foot on twigs. He went on picking bluebells. It was the best thing to do. It might be the girl, or he might have been followed after all. To look round was to show guilt. He picked another and another. A hand fell lightly on his shoulder.

He looked up. It was the girl. She shook her head, evidently as a warning that he must keep silent, then parted the bushes and quickly led the way along the narrow track into the wood. Obviously she had been that way before, for she dodged the boggy bits as though by habit. Winston followed, still clasping his bunch of flowers. His first feeling was relief, but as he watched the strong slender body moving in front of him, with the scarlet sash that was just tight enough to bring out the curve of her hips, the sense of his own inferiority was heavy upon him. Even now it seemed quite likely that when she turned round and looked at him she would draw back after all. The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him. Already on the walk from the station the May sunshine had made him feel dirty and etiolated, a creature of indoors, with the sooty dust of London in the pores of his skin. It occurred to him that till now she had probably never seen him in broad daylight in the open. They came to the fallen tree that she had spoken of. The girl hopped over and forced apart the bushes, in which there did not seem to be an opening. When Winston followed her, he found that they were in a natural clearing, a tiny grassy knoll surrounded by tall saplings that shut it in completely. The girl stopped and turned.

‘Here we are,' she said.

He was facing her at several paces' distance. As yet he did not dare move nearer to her.

‘I didn't want to say anything in the lane,' she went on, ‘in case there's a mike hidden there. I don't suppose there is, but there could be. There's always the chance of one of those swine recognizing your voice. We're all right here.'

He still had not the courage to approach her. ‘We're all right here?' he repeated stupidly.

‘Yes. Look at the trees.' They were small ashes, which at some time had been cut down and had sprouted up again into a forest of poles, none of them thicker than one's wrist. ‘There's nothing big enough to hide a mike in. Besides, I've been here before.'

They were only making conversation. He had managed to move closer to her now. She stood before him very upright, with a smile on her face that looked faintly ironical, as though she were wondering why he was so slow to act. The bluebells had cascaded on to the ground. They seemed to have fallen of their own accord. He took her hand.

‘Would you believe,' he said, ‘that till this moment I didn't know what colour your eyes were?' They were brown, he noted, a rather light shade of brown, with dark lashes. ‘Now that you've seen what I'm really like, can you still bear to look at me?'

‘Yes, easily.'

‘I'm thirty-nine years old. I've got a wife that I can't get rid of.

I've got varicose veins. I've got five false teeth.'

‘I couldn't care less,' said the girl.

The next moment, it was hard to say by whose act, she was in his his arms. At the beginning he had no feeling except sheer incredulity. The youthful body was strained against his own, the mass of dark hair was against his face, and yes! actually she had turned her face up and he was kissing the wide red mouth. She had clasped her arms about his neck, she was calling him darling, precious one, loved one. He had pulled her down on to the ground, she was utterly unresisting, he could do what he liked with her. But the truth was that he had no physical sensation, except that of mere contact. All he felt was incredulity and pride. He was glad that this was happening, but he had no physical desire. It was too soon, her youth and prettiness had frightened him, he was too much used to living without women — he did not know the reason. The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair. She sat against him, putting her arm round his waist.

‘Never mind, dear. There's no hurry. We've got the whole afternoon. Isn't this a splendid hide-out? I found it when I got lost once on a community hike. If anyone was coming you could hear them a hundred metres away.'

‘What is your name?' said Winston.

‘Julia. I know yours. It's Winston — Winston Smith.' ‘How did you find that out?'

‘I expect I'm better at finding things out than you are, dear. Tell me, what did you think of me before that day I gave you the note?'

He did not feel any temptation to tell lies to her. It was even a sort of love-offering to start off by telling the worst.

‘I hated the sight of you,' he said. ‘I wanted to rape you and then murder you afterwards. Two weeks ago I thought seriously of smashing your head in with a cobblestone. If you really want to know, I imagined that you had something to do with the Thought Police.'

The girl laughed delightedly, evidently taking this as a tribute to the excellence of her disguise.

‘Not the Thought Police! You didn't honestly think that?' ‘Well, perhaps not exactly that. But from your general

appearance — merely because you're young and fresh and healthy,

you understand — I thought that probably ——'

‘You thought I was a good Party member. Pure in word and deed. Banners, processions, slogans, games, community hikes all that stuff. And you thought that if I had a quarter of a chance I'd denounce you as a thought-criminal and get you killed off?'

‘Yes, something of that kind. A great many young girls are like that, you know.'

‘It's this bloody thing that does it,' she said, ripping off the scarlet sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League and flinging it on to a bough. Then, as though touching her waist had reminded her of something, she felt in the pocket of her overalls and produced a small slab of chocolate. She broke it in half and gave one of the pieces to Winston. Even before he had taken it he knew by the smell that it was very unusual chocolate. It was dark and shiny, and was wrapped in silver paper. Chocolate normally was dull-brown crumbly stuff that tasted, as nearly as one could describe it, like the smoke of a rubbish fire. But at some time or another he had tasted chocolate like the piece she had given him. The first whiff of its scent had stirred up some memory which he could not pin down, but which was powerful and troubling.

‘Where did you get this stuff?' he said.

‘Black market,' she said indifferently. ‘Actually I am that sort of girl, to look at. I'm good at games. I was a troop-leader in the Spies. I do voluntary work three evenings a week for the Junior Anti-Sex League. Hours and hours I've spent pasting their bloody rot all over London. I always carry one end of a banner in the processions. I always look cheerful and I never shirk anything. Always yell with the crowd, that's what I say. It's the only way to be safe.'

The first fragment of chocolate had melted on Winston's tongue. The taste was delightful. But there was still that memory moving round the edges of his consciousness, something strongly felt but not reducible to definite shape, like an object seen out of the corner of one's eye. He pushed it away from him, aware only that it was the memory of some action which he would have liked to undo but could not.

‘You are very young,' he said. ‘You are ten or fifteen years younger than I am. What could you see to attract you in a man like me?'

‘It was something in your face. I thought I'd take a chance. I'm good at spotting people who don't belong. As soon as I saw you I knew you were against THEM.'

THEM, it appeared, meant the Party, and above all the Inner Party, about whom she talked with an open jeering hatred which made Winston feel uneasy, although he knew that they were safe here if they could be safe anywhere. A thing that astonished him about her was the coarseness of her language. Party members were supposed not to swear, and Winston himself very seldom did swear, aloud, at any rate. Julia, however, seemed unable to mention the Party, and especially the Inner Party, without using the kind of words that you saw chalked up in dripping alley-ways. He did not dislike it. It was merely one symptom of her revolt against the Party and all its ways, and somehow it seemed natural and healthy, like the sneeze of a horse that smells bad hay. They had left the clearing and were wandering again through the chequered shade, with their arms round each other's waists whenever it was wide enough to walk two abreast. He noticed how much softer her waist seemed to feel now that the sash was gone. They did not speak above a whisper. Outside the clearing, Julia said, it was better to go quietly. Presently they had reached the edge of the little wood. She stopped him.

‘Don't go out into the open. There might be someone watching. We're all right if we keep behind the boughs.'

They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes. The sunlight, filtering through innumerable leaves, was still hot on their faces. Winston looked out into the field beyond, and underwent a curious, slow shock of recognition. He knew it by sight. An old, close-bitten pasture, with a footpath wandering across it and a molehill here and there. In the ragged hedge on the opposite side the boughs of the elm trees swayed just perceptibly in the breeze, and their leaves stirred faintly in dense masses like women's hair. Surely somewhere nearby, but out of sight, there must be a stream with green pools where dace were swimming?

‘Isn't there a stream somewhere near here?' he whispered. ‘That's right, there is a stream. It's at the edge of the next field,

actually. There are fish in it, great big ones. You can watch them

lying in the pools under the willow trees, waving their tails.'

‘It's the Golden Country — almost,' he murmured.

‘The Golden Country?'

‘It's nothing, really. A landscape I've seen sometimes in a dream.'

‘Look!' whispered Julia.

A thrush had alighted on a bough not five metres away, almost at the level of their faces. Perhaps it had not seen them. It was in the sun, they in the shade. It spread out its wings, fitted them carefully into place again, ducked its head for a moment, as though making a sort of obeisance to the sun, and then began to pour forth a torrent of song. In the afternoon hush the volume of sound was startling. Winston and Julia clung together, fascinated. The music went on and on, minute after minute, with astonishing variations, never once repeating itself, almost as though the bird were deliberately showing off its virtuosity. Sometimes it stopped for a few seconds, spread out and resettled its wings, then swelled its speckled breast and again burst into song. Winston watched it with a sort of vague reverence. For whom, for what, was that bird singing? No mate, no rival was watching it. What made it sit at the edge of the lonely wood and pour its music into nothingness? He wondered whether after all there was a microphone hidden somewhere near. He and Julia had spoken only in low whispers, and it would not pick up what they had said, but it would pick up the thrush. Perhaps at the other end of the instrument some small, beetle-like man was listening intently — listening to that. But by degrees the flood of music drove all speculations out of his mind. It was as though it were a kind of liquid stuff that poured all over him and got mixed up with the sunlight that filtered through the leaves. He stopped thinking and merely felt. The girl's waist in the bend of his arm was soft and warm. He pulled her round so that they were breast to breast; her body seemed to melt into his. Wherever his hands moved it was all as yielding as water. Their mouths clung together; it was quite different from the hard kisses they had exchanged earlier. When they moved their faces apart again both of them sighed deeply. The bird took fright and fled with a clatter of wings.

Winston put his lips against her ear. ‘NOW,' he whispered. ‘Not here,' she whispered back. ‘Come back to the hide-out. It's safer.'

Quickly, with an occasional crackle of twigs, they threaded their way back to the clearing. When they were once inside the ring of saplings she turned and faced him. They were both breathing fast, but the smile had reappeared round the corners of her mouth. She stood looking at him for an instant, then felt at the zipper of her overalls. And, yes! it was almost as in his dream. Almost as swiftly as he had imagined it, she had torn her clothes off, and when she flung them aside it was with that same magnificent gesture by which a whole civilization seemed to be annihilated. Her body gleamed white in the sun. But for a moment he did not look at her body; his eyes were anchored by the freckled face with its faint, bold smile. He knelt down before her and took her hands in his.

‘Have you done this before?'

‘Of course. Hundreds of times — well, scores of times, anyway.'

‘With Party members?'

‘Yes, always with Party members.' ‘With members of the Inner Party?'

‘Not with those swine, no. But there's plenty that WOULD if they got half a chance. They're not so holy as they make out.'

His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds — thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. Who knew, perhaps the Party was rotten under the surface, its cult of strenuousness and self-denial simply a sham concealing iniquity. If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so! Anything to rot, to weaken, to undermine! He pulled her down so that they were kneeling face to face.

‘Listen. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?'

‘Yes, perfectly.'

‘I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.'

‘Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. I'm corrupt to the bones.' ‘You like doing this? I don't mean simply me: I mean the thing in itself?'

‘I adore it.'

That was above all what he wanted to hear. Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire: that was the force that would tear the Party to pieces. He pressed her down upon the grass, among the fallen bluebells. This time there was no difficulty. Presently the rising and falling of their breasts slowed to normal speed, and in a sort of pleasant helplessness they fell apart. The sun seemed to have grown hotter. They were both sleepy. He reached out for the discarded overalls and pulled them partly over her. Almost immediately they fell asleep and slept for about half an hour.

Winston woke first. He sat up and watched the freckled face, still peacefully asleep, pillowed on the palm of her hand. Except for her mouth, you could not call her beautiful. There was a line or two round the eyes, if you looked closely. The short dark hair was extraordinarily thick and soft. It occurred to him that he still did not know her surname or where she lived.

The young, strong body, now helpless in sleep, awoke in him a pitying, protecting feeling. But the mindless tenderness that he had felt under the hazel tree, while the thrush was singing, had not quite come back. He pulled the overalls aside and studied her smooth white flank. In the old days, he thought, a man looked at a girl's body and saw that it was desirable, and that was the end of the story. But you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act.

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Part two, Chapter 2 Zweiter Teil, Kapitel 2 Часть вторая, глава 2

Winston picked his way up the lane through dappled light and shade, stepping out into pools of gold wherever the boughs parted. ||||||||斑驳的||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||tree branches| |проклав|||||алея||плямчастого|||тінь|виходячи||||||||гілки| Winston bahnte sich seinen Weg durch gesprenkeltes Licht und Schatten den Weg hinauf und trat hinaus in goldene Teiche, wo immer sich die Äste teilten. Winston se abrió camino por el sendero a través de luces y sombras moteadas, y salió a charcos de oro dondequiera que se separaran las ramas. Вінстон піднявся доріжкою крізь плямисте світло й тінь, вийшовши на калюжі золота скрізь, де розходилися гілки. Under the trees to the left of him the ground was misty with bluebells. ||弥漫着雾气||蓝铃花 ||||bluebell flowers ||||блакитними дзвониками Boden war mit Glockenblumen neblig. el suelo estaba brumoso con campanillas. The air seemed to kiss one's skin. El aire parecía besar la piel de uno. It was the second of May. Era el dos de mayo. From somewhere deeper in the heart of the wood came the droning of ring-doves. |||||||||||鸣叫|||鸽子 |||||||||||continuous sound||| |||||||||||гудіння||глухарів|голубів Von irgendwo tiefer im Herzen des Waldes kam das Summen von Ringeltauben.

He was a bit early. There had been no difficulties about the journey, and the girl was so evidently experienced that he was less frightened than he would normally have been. ||||складнощів|||||||була||очевидно|досвідченою|||||переляканий||||||був No había habido dificultades durante el viaje, y la chica estaba tan evidentemente experimentada que estaba menos asustado de lo que normalmente hubiera estado. У подорожі не було ніяких труднощів, і дівчина була настільки досвідчена, що він був менш наляканий, ніж зазвичай. Presumably she could be trusted to find a safe place. ймовірно||||||||| Vermutlich konnte man ihr vertrauen, einen sicheren Ort zu finden. Presumiblemente, se podía confiar en ella para encontrar un lugar seguro. In general you could not assume that you were much safer in the country than in London. En general, no se puede asumir que está mucho más seguro en el campo que en Londres. There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by which your voice might be picked up and recognized; besides, it  was not easy to make a journey by yourself without attracting attention. ||||||||||||||麦克风|||||||||||||||||||||||吸引| |||||||||||||приховані|мікрофони|||||||захоплено підслухано|||||||||||||||без|| Natürlich gab es keine Televisoren, aber es bestand immer die Gefahr von versteckten Mikrofonen, durch die Ihre Stimme aufgenommen und erkannt werden könnte; Außerdem war es nicht einfach, alleine eine Reise zu machen, ohne Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. For distances of less than 100 kilometres it was not necessary to get your passport endorsed, but sometimes there were patrols hanging about the railway stations, who examined the papers of any Party member they found there and asked awkward questions. ||||||||||||||盖章||||||||||||||||||||||||尴尬| ||||||||||||||||||||||||станції||перевіряли||||||||||||| Bei Entfernungen von weniger als 100 Kilometern war es nicht erforderlich, den Pass zu bestätigen, aber manchmal hielten sich an den Bahnhöfen Streifenpolizisten auf, die die Papiere von jedem Parteimitglied, das sie dort fanden, untersuchten und unangenehme Fragen stellten. However, no patrols had appeared, and on the walk from the station he had made sure by cautious backward glances that he was not being followed. |||||||||||||||||小心的|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||назад|погляди|||||| Sin embargo, no habían aparecido patrullas, y en el camino desde la estación se había asegurado con cautelosas miradas hacia atrás de que no lo estaban siguiendo. The train was full of proles, in holiday mood because of the summery weather. ||||||||||||夏季的| |||||пролетарі|||||||літньої| The wooden-seated carriage in which he travelled was filled to overflowing by a single enormous family, ranging from a toothless great-grandmother to a month-old baby, going out to spend an afternoon with ‘in-laws' in the country, and, as they freely explained to Winston, to get hold of a little black- market butter. |||||||||||溢出|||||||||无牙的||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |дерев'яний|з дерев'яними сидіннями|||||||||переповнена||||||варіючи||||||||||||||||||||||||||вільно|||||||||||| Die Kutsche mit Holzsitzen, in der er reiste, war bis zum Bersten gefüllt mit einer einzigen riesigen Familie, die von einer zahnlosen Urgroßmutter bis zu einem einen Monat alten Baby reichte, die ausging, um einen Nachmittag mit „Schwiegereltern“ auf dem Land zu verbringen, und , wie sie Winston offen erklärten, um etwas Schwarzmarktbutter zu ergattern. El carruaje con asientos de madera en el que viajaba estaba lleno a rebosar por una sola familia enorme, que iba desde una bisabuela desdentada hasta un bebé de un mes, saliendo a pasar una tarde con los 'suegros' en el campo, y , como le explicaron libremente a Winston, conseguir un poco de mantequilla del mercado negro. Вагон із дерев’яними сидіннями, у якому він їхав, був переповнений однією величезною сім’єю — від беззубої прабабусі до місячного немовляти, які вирушили провести півдня зі «свекрами» на селі, і , як вони відверто пояснили Вінстону, щоб роздобути трохи масла на чорному ринку.

The lane widened, and in a minute he came to the footpath she had told him of, a mere cattle-track which plunged between the bushes. ||变宽了|||||||||人行道|||||||||||通向|||灌木丛 |||||||||до||пішохідна доріжка|||||||лише|скот|||занурювалася||| Der Weg wurde breiter, und in einer Minute kam er zu dem Fußweg, von dem sie ihm erzählt hatte, einem bloßen Viehpfad, der zwischen den Büschen hindurchführte. He had no watch, but it could not be fifteen yet. No tenía reloj, pero aún no podían ser las quince. The bluebells were so thick underfoot that it was impossible not to tread on them. |||||脚下|||||||踩|| |блакитні дзвоники||||під ногами|||||||наступити|| Las campanillas eran tan gruesas bajo los pies que era imposible no pisarlas. Дзвіночки так густіли під ногами, що їх неможливо було не затоптати. He knelt down and began picking some partly to pass the time away, but also from a vague idea that he would like to have a bunch of flowers to offer to the girl when they met. |||||采||||||||||||模糊的|||||||||一束|||||||||| |впав на коліна||||||півдня||||||||||неясний||||||||||||||||||| Він опустився на коліна й почав збирати частково для того, щоб скоротати час, а також через туманну думку, що він хотів би мати букет квітів, щоб запропонувати дівчині, коли вони зустрінуться. He had got together a big bunch and was smelling their faint sickly scent when a sound at his back froze him, the unmistakable crackle of a foot on twigs. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||树枝 |||||||||||слабкий|хворобливий||||||||заморозив|||незмінний|тріск|||||гілках |||||||||wąchając||||zapach|||||||||||||||| Er hatte einen großen Haufen zusammengetrommelt und roch ihren schwachen, ekligen Geruch, als ihn ein Geräusch in seinem Rücken erstarren ließ, das unverkennbare Knistern eines Fußes auf Zweigen. Había reunido un gran grupo y estaba oliendo su débil y enfermizo olor cuando un sonido a su espalda lo dejó paralizado, el inconfundible crujir de un pie en las ramitas. Він зібрав велику купу й відчув їхній слабкий нудотний запах, коли звук у спині заморозив його — безпомилкове хрускіт ногою по гілках. He went on picking bluebells. він|||| Er pflückte weiter Glockenblumen. Continuó recogiendo campanillas. Він пішов збирати дзвіночки. It was the best thing to do. It might be the girl, or he might have been followed after all. Podría ser la chica o, después de todo, podrían haberlo seguido. Можливо, це була дівчина, а може, все-таки за ним стежили. To look round was to show guilt. ||||||愧疚 переглядатися||||||вину Mirar a su alrededor era mostrar culpa. Озирнутися означало виявити провину. He picked another and another. A hand fell lightly on his shoulder. Una mano cayó suavemente sobre su hombro. На його плече легенько лягла рука.

He looked up. It was the girl. She shook her head, evidently as a warning that he must keep silent, then parted the bushes and quickly led the way along the narrow track into the wood. |похитнула||||||попередження||||||||the||||||||||||| Sie schüttelte den Kopf, offenbar um ihn zu warnen, zu schweigen, teilte dann die Büsche und ging schnell voran auf dem schmalen Pfad in den Wald hinein. Ella negó con la cabeza, evidentemente como una advertencia de que debía guardar silencio, luego separó los arbustos y rápidamente abrió el camino por el estrecho camino hacia el bosque. Вона похитала головою, мабуть, попереджаючи, щоб він мовчав, потім розсунула кущі й швидко повела вузькою стежкою в ліс. Obviously she had been that way before, for she dodged the boggy bits as though by habit. |||||||||躲避||泥泞的||||| |||||||||||wet and muddy||||| |||||||||уникала||болотисті|ділянки|||| Offensichtlich war sie schon früher so gewesen, denn sie wich den sumpfigen Stellen wie aus Gewohnheit aus. Obviamente, ella había sido así antes, ya que esquivó las partes turbias como por costumbre. Winston followed, still clasping his bunch of flowers. |||тримаючи|||| His first feeling was relief, but as he watched the strong slender body moving in front of him, with the scarlet sash that was just tight enough to bring out the curve of her hips, the sense of his own inferiority was heavy upon him. |||||||||||纤细|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||劣势|||| |||||||||||стрункий||||||||||пояс|||лише||||||||||||||||inferiority|||| Sein erstes Gefühl war Erleichterung, aber als er beobachtete, wie sich der starke, schlanke Körper vor ihm bewegte, mit der scharlachroten Schärpe, die gerade eng genug war, um die Rundung ihrer Hüften hervorzuheben, lastete das Gefühl seiner eigenen Minderwertigkeit auf ihm. Su primer sentimiento fue de alivio, pero mientras observaba el cuerpo esbelto y fuerte que se movía frente a él, con la faja escarlata que estaba lo suficientemente apretada para resaltar la curva de sus caderas, la sensación de su propia inferioridad se apoderó de él. Його першим відчуттям було полегшення, але коли він спостерігав за сильним струнким тілом, яке рухалося перед ним, з червоним поясом, який був достатньо тугий, щоб підкреслити вигин її стегон, відчуття власної неповноцінності охопило його. Even now it seemed quite likely that when she turned round and looked at him she would draw back after all. Schon jetzt schien es ziemlich wahrscheinlich, dass sie sich doch zurückziehen würde, wenn sie sich umdrehte und ihn ansah. Incluso ahora parecía bastante probable que, después de todo, cuando ella se volviera y lo mirara, retrocediera. Навіть тепер здавалося цілком імовірним, що коли вона обернеться й погляне на нього, то все-таки відступить. The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him. |空气的甜美||||||绿意||||使...畏惧| |солодкість||||||||||налякала| Already on the walk from the station the May sunshine had made him feel dirty and etiolated, a creature of indoors, with the sooty dust of London in the pores of his skin. ||||||||||||||||苍白|||||||烟尘||||||毛孔||| ||||||||||||||||pale and weak|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||етілірованим||||всередині|||сажа||||||порах||| Ya en el camino desde la estación, el sol de mayo lo había hecho sentirse sucio y etiolado, una criatura de adentro, con el hollín de Londres en los poros de su piel. It occurred to him that till now she had probably never seen him in broad daylight in the open. |виникло||||||||||||||||| Se le ocurrió que, hasta ahora, probablemente ella nunca lo había visto a plena luz del día al aire libre. Йому спало на думку, що досі вона, мабуть, ніколи не бачила його серед білого дня просто неба. They came to the fallen tree that she had spoken of. The girl hopped over and forced apart the bushes, in which there did not seem to be an opening. Das Mädchen hüpfte hinüber und drückte die Büsche auseinander, in denen es keine Öffnung zu geben schien. La niña saltó y abrió los arbustos, en los que no parecía haber una abertura. Дівчина перестрибнула й розсунула кущі, в яких, здавалося, не було отвору. When Winston followed her, he found that they were in a natural clearing, a tiny grassy knoll surrounded by tall saplings that shut it in completely. |||||||||||||||草坪的|小丘||||幼树||||| ||||||||||||||||hillock||||young trees||||| ||||||||||||галявині||||долина||||деревцями||||| Als Winston ihr folgte, stellte er fest, dass sie sich auf einer natürlichen Lichtung befanden, einer winzigen grasbewachsenen Anhöhe, die von hohen Setzlingen umgeben war, die sie vollständig einschlossen. Коли Вінстон пішов за нею, він виявив, що вони опинилися на природній галявині, крихітному трав’янистому пагорбі, оточеному високими саджанцями, які повністю закрили його. The girl stopped and turned.

‘Here we are,' she said.

He was facing her at several paces' distance. ||||||кроках| Er stand ihr in mehreren Schritten Entfernung gegenüber. Estaba frente a ella a varios pasos de distancia. As yet he did not dare move nearer to her. |||||||靠近|| Aún no se atrevía a acercarse más a ella.

‘I didn't want to say anything in the lane,' she went on, ‘in case there's a mike hidden there. ||||||||||||||||麦克|| ||||||||в провулку||||на випадок||||мікрофон|| —No quería decir nada en el carril —continuó—, por si hay un micrófono escondido allí. «Я не хотіла нічого говорити в доріжці, — продовжила вона, — на випадок, якщо там захований мікрофон». I don't suppose there is, but there could be. There's always the chance of one of those swine recognizing your voice. ||||||||свині||| We're all right here.' Estamos bien aquí '.

He still had not the courage to approach her. ||||||||неї Todavía no tenía el valor de acercarse a ella. ‘We're all right here?' he repeated stupidly.

‘Yes. Look at the trees.' They were small ashes, which at some time had been cut down and had sprouted up again into a forest of poles, none of them thicker than one's wrist. ||||||||||||||再生|||||||||||粗||| |||древесини|||||||||||виросли|||||||стовпів||||||| Es waren kleine Aschen, die irgendwann einmal abgeholzt worden waren und wieder zu einem Wald aus Stangen gewachsen waren, keine dicker als ein Handgelenk. Eran pequeñas cenizas, que en algún momento habían sido cortadas y habían vuelto a brotar en un bosque de postes, ninguno más grueso que la muñeca. ‘There's nothing big enough to hide a mike in. No hay nada lo suficientemente grande como para esconder un micrófono. Besides, I've been here before.'

They were only making conversation. Solo estaban conversando. He had managed to move closer to her now. She stood before him very upright, with a smile on her face that looked faintly ironical, as though she were wondering why he was so slow to act. |||||||||||||||讽刺的|||||||||||| |||||прямо||||||||||іронічною|||||||||||| Ella se paró ante él muy erguida, con una sonrisa en su rostro que parecía levemente irónica, como si se preguntara por qué era tan lento para actuar. The bluebells had cascaded on to the ground. |||倾泻|||| |||падали|||| Las campanillas habían caído en cascada al suelo. They seemed to have fallen of their own accord. ||||||||власному бажанню Sie schienen von selbst gefallen zu sein. Здавалося, вони впали самі по собі. He took her hand.

‘Would you believe,' he said, ‘that till this moment I didn't know what colour your eyes were?' "¿Creerías", dijo, "que hasta este momento no sabía de qué color eran tus ojos?" They were brown, he noted, a rather light shade of brown, with dark lashes. ||||зауважив||||відтінок|||||війнами ‘Now that you've seen what I'm really like, can you still bear to look at me?' „Jetzt, wo du gesehen hast, wie ich wirklich bin, kannst du es immer noch ertragen, mich anzusehen?“ 'Ahora que has visto cómo soy realmente, ¿puedes soportar mirarme?' «Тепер, коли ти побачив, який я насправді, ти все ще можеш дивитися на мене?»

‘Yes, easily.' 'Sí, fácilmente.'

‘I'm thirty-nine years old. Tengo treinta y nueve años. I've got a wife that I can't get rid of. Ich habe eine Frau, die ich nicht loswerden kann. Tengo una esposa de la que no puedo deshacerme. У мене є дружина, якої я не можу позбутися.

I've got varicose veins. 我||| ||варикозні|вени Tengo varices. I've got five false teeth.' я маю||||

‘I couldn't care less,' said the girl. „Das ist mir völlig egal“, sagte das Mädchen. "No podría importarme menos", dijo la niña. «Мені все одно», — сказала дівчина.

The next moment, it was hard to say by whose act, she was in his his arms. Im nächsten Moment war es schwer zu sagen, durch wessen Tat sie in seinen Armen war. Al momento siguiente, era difícil decir por qué acto ella estaba en sus brazos. At the beginning he had no feeling except sheer incredulity. |||||||||怀疑 |||||||||недовіра Al principio no sintió más que pura incredulidad. The youthful body was strained against his own, the mass of dark hair was against his face, and yes! ||||贴紧|||||||||||||| |молоде|||притиснуте|||||||||||||| actually she had turned her face up and he was kissing the wide red mouth. ||||||||||亲吻|||| She had clasped her arms about his neck, she was calling him darling, precious one, loved one. ||环抱|||||||||||宝贵的||| ||обняла|||||||||||дороженький||| Sie hatte ihre Arme um seinen Hals geschlungen, sie nannte ihn Liebling, Schatz, Geliebten. Ella había agarrado sus brazos alrededor de su cuello, lo estaba llamando querido, precioso, amado. He had pulled her down on to the ground, she was utterly unresisting, he could do what he liked with her. |||||||||||完全|毫无抵抗|||||||| |||||||||||абсолютно|непротестуючи|||||||| But the truth was that he had no physical sensation, except that of mere contact. |||||||||感觉||||| |||||||||відчуття||||лише| Pero lo cierto era que no tenía ninguna sensación física, salvo la del mero contacto. All he felt was incredulity and pride. ||||||自豪 ||||недовіра||гордість Todo lo que sintió fue incredulidad y orgullo. He was glad that this was happening, but he had no physical desire. It was too soon, her youth and prettiness had frightened him, he was too much used to living without women — he did not know the reason. |||||||美丽|||||||||||||||||| |||||||красу||||він||||звик|||||||||| Es war zu früh, ihre Jugend und Schönheit hatte ihm Angst gemacht, er war zu sehr daran gewöhnt, ohne Frauen zu leben – er kannte den Grund nicht. The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair. ||||||||蓝铃花|||| ||||||||блакитна квітка|||| Das Mädchen stand auf und zog eine Glockenblume aus ihrem Haar. La chica se levantó y se sacó una campanilla del pelo. She sat against him, putting her arm round his waist. |||||||||腰部 |||||||||талії Sie setzte sich gegen ihn und legte ihren Arm um seine Hüfte.

‘Never mind, dear. 'Egal, Schatz. —No importa, querido. There's no hurry. No hay prisa. Поспішати нікуди. We've got the whole afternoon. Tenemos toda la tarde. Isn't this a splendid hide-out? |||чудове|| Ist das nicht ein herrliches Versteck? ¿No es este un espléndido escondite? I found it when I got lost once on a community hike. Я знайшов його, коли заблукав у громадському поході. If anyone was coming you could hear them a hundred metres away.'

‘What is your name?' said Winston.

‘Julia. 朱莉亚 Юлія I know yours. It's Winston — Winston Smith.' ‘How did you find that out?' ¿Cómo averiguaste eso?

‘I expect I'm better at finding things out than you are, dear. „Ich nehme an, ich bin besser darin, Dinge herauszufinden, als du, Liebes. —Supongo que soy mejor que tú para descubrir cosas, querida. Tell me, what did you think of me before that day I gave you the note?'

He did not feel any temptation to tell lies to her. |||||诱惑||||| він||||жодного|спокуса||||| It was even a sort of love-offering to start off by telling the worst. |||||||приношення|щоб|||||| Es war sogar eine Art Liebesangebot, um mit dem Schlimmsten zu beginnen. Incluso fue una especie de ofrecimiento de amor comenzar contando lo peor.

‘I hated the sight of you,' he said. |||вид|||| ‘I wanted to rape you and then murder you afterwards. |||强奸|||||| |||зґвалтувати|||||| Two weeks ago I thought seriously of smashing your head in with a cobblestone. |||||||||||||鹅卵石 |||||||||||||бруківка If you really want to know, I imagined that you had something to do with the Thought Police.'

The girl laughed delightedly, evidently taking this as a tribute to the excellence of her disguise. |||高兴地||||||赞美|||||| |||радісно||||||данина|||досконалості|||маскарадний костюм La niña rió encantada, evidentemente tomando esto como un tributo a la excelencia de su disfraz.

‘Not the Thought Police! You didn't honestly think that?' ¿Honestamente, no pensaste eso? ‘Well,  perhaps   not  exactly  that. But  from   your general

appearance — merely because you're young and fresh and healthy,

you understand — I thought that probably ——'

‘You thought I was a good Party member. Pensaste que era un buen miembro del Partido. Pure in word and deed. ||||行事 Banners, processions, slogans, games, community hikes all that stuff. |процесії||||||| Pancartas, procesiones, consignas, juegos, caminatas comunitarias, todo eso. And you thought that if I had a quarter of a chance I'd denounce you as a thought-criminal and get you killed off?' ¿Y pensaste que si tuviera un cuarto de oportunidad te denunciaría como un criminal mental y haría que te mataran?

‘Yes, something of that kind. A great many young girls are like that, you know.' Sehr viele junge Mädchen sind so, wissen Sie.«

‘It's this bloody thing that does it,' she said, ripping off the scarlet sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League and flinging it on to a bough. |||||||||||||||||||||扔|||||树枝 це|||||||||||||стрічка||||||||кинувши|||||гілка "Es esta maldita cosa la que lo hace", dijo, arrancando la banda escarlata de la Liga Juvenil Anti-Sexual y arrojándola a una rama. Then, as though touching her waist had reminded her of something, she felt in the pocket of her overalls and produced a small slab of chocolate. |||||||||||||||||||||||块|| |||||||||||||||||||і|||||| Luego, como si tocar su cintura le hubiera recordado algo, palpó en el bolsillo de su overol y sacó una pequeña losa de chocolate. She broke it in half and gave one of the pieces to Winston. Even before he had taken it he knew by the smell that it was very unusual chocolate. It was dark and shiny, and was wrapped in silver paper. |||||||包裹||| |||||||загорнуте||| Chocolate normally was dull-brown crumbly stuff that tasted, as nearly as one could describe it, like the smoke of a rubbish fire. |||||松散的||||||||||||||||| |||похмуро||крихке||||||||||||||||сміття| Schokolade war normalerweise ein mattbraunes, krümeliges Zeug, das, so gut man es beschreiben konnte, wie der Rauch eines Müllfeuers schmeckte. El chocolate normalmente era una sustancia desmenuzable de color marrón opaco que sabía, hasta donde se podía describir, como el humo de un fuego de basura. Шоколад зазвичай був тьмяно-коричневим, розсипчастим, на смак, як можна було описати, нагадував дим від сміттєвого багаття. But at some time or another he had tasted chocolate like the piece she had given him. The first whiff of its scent had stirred up some memory which he could not pin down, but which was powerful and troubling. ||||||||||||||||||||||令人不安 ||перший подих|||||супроводжувала|||||||||||||||тривожним Der erste Hauch seines Geruchs hatte eine Erinnerung geweckt, die er nicht benennen konnte, die aber stark und beunruhigend war.

‘Where did you get this stuff?' he said.

‘Black market,' she said indifferently. ||||байдужо ‘Actually I am that sort of girl, to look at. „Eigentlich bin ich so ein Mädchen, um sie anzusehen. 'En realidad soy ese tipo de chica, para mirar. I'm good at games. Ich bin gut in Spielen. I was a troop-leader in the Spies. |||队|||| Yo era un líder de tropas en los Spies. I do voluntary work three evenings a week for the Junior Anti-Sex League. Hours and hours I've spent pasting their bloody rot all over London. |||||粘贴|||废话||| |||||клеїти|||сміття||| Stunden um Stunden habe ich damit verbracht, ihre verdammte Fäulnis in ganz London zu kleben. Horas y horas que he pasado pegando su maldita podredumbre por todo Londres. I always carry one end of a banner in the processions. |||||||прапор||| Ich trage bei den Prozessionen immer ein Ende eines Banners. Siempre llevo un extremo de una pancarta en las procesiones. I always look cheerful and I never shirk anything. |||||||уникаю| Ich sehe immer fröhlich aus und scheue mich nie vor irgendetwas. Always yell with the crowd, that's what I say. |喊||||||| |кричати||||||| Schrei immer mit der Menge, das sage ich. It's the only way to be safe.'

The first fragment of chocolate had melted on Winston's tongue. ||块||||||| The taste was delightful. |||美味的 |||смачним El sabor fue delicioso. But there was still that memory moving round the edges of his consciousness, something strongly felt but not reducible to definite shape, like an object seen out of the corner of one's eye. ||||||||||||||||||可归结的|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||свідомості||||||зведене|||||||||||||| He pushed it away from him, aware only that it was the memory of some action which he would have liked to undo but could not. Lo apartó de él, consciente sólo de que era el recuerdo de alguna acción que le hubiera gustado deshacer pero no pudo. Він відштовхнув його від себе, усвідомлюючи лише те, що це був спогад про якусь дію, яку він хотів би скасувати, але не міг.

‘You are very young,' he said. ‘You are ten or fifteen years younger than I am. What could you see to attract you in a man like me?' |||||привабити||||||

‘It was something in your face. I thought I'd take a chance. Ich dachte, ich würde es wagen. Pensé en arriesgarme. I'm good at spotting people who don't belong. |||помічати|||| Soy bueno para detectar personas que no pertenecen. Я добре виявляю людей, які не належать. As soon as I saw you I knew you were against THEM.'

THEM, it appeared, meant the Party, and above all the Inner Party, about whom she talked with an open jeering hatred which made Winston feel uneasy, although he knew that they were safe here if they could be safe anywhere. |||||||||||||||||||зневажливого||||||незручно|||||||||||||| SIE, so schien es, meinten die Partei und vor allem die Innere Partei, über die sie mit offenem höhnischem Hass sprach, der Winston ein unbehagliches Gefühl machte, obwohl er wusste, dass sie hier sicher waren, wenn sie irgendwo sicher sein konnten. ELLOS, al parecer, se refería al Partido, y sobre todo al Partido Interior, de quien hablaba con un odio burlón y abierto que inquietaba a Winston, aunque sabía que allí estaban a salvo si podían estar a salvo en cualquier lugar. A thing that astonished him about her was the coarseness of her language. |||||||||粗俗||| |||вразило||||||грубість||| Party members were supposed not to swear, and Winston himself very seldom did swear, aloud, at any rate. ||||||骂|||||很少|||||| ||||||||||||||вголос||| Члени партії не повинні були лаятися, та й сам Вінстон дуже рідко лаявся, принаймні вголос. Julia, however, seemed unable to mention the Party, and especially the Inner Party, without using the kind of words that you saw chalked up in dripping alley-ways. ||||||||||||||||||||||写在||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||written|||dripping graffiti|| ||||||||||||||||||||ти||написаних||||| Julia schien jedoch nicht in der Lage zu sein, die Partei und insbesondere die Innere Partei zu erwähnen, ohne die Art von Worten zu verwenden, die man mit Kreide in triefenden Gassen sah. Julia, sin embargo, parecía incapaz de mencionar el Partido, y especialmente el Partido Interior, sin usar el tipo de palabras que se veían escritas con tiza en los callejones llenos de gotas. Однак Джулія, здавалося, не могла згадати Партію, а особливо Внутрішню Партію, не вживаючи тих слів, які ви бачили намальованими крейдою на вулицях, де капає вода. He did not dislike it. |||不喜欢| Er mochte es nicht. No le disgustó. It was merely one symptom of her revolt against the Party and all its ways, and somehow it seemed natural and healthy, like the sneeze of a horse that smells bad hay. ||||||||||||||||||||||||喷嚏||||||| ||лише|||||повстання|||||||||||||||||чхання||||||| They had left the clearing and were wandering again through the chequered shade, with their arms round each other's waists whenever it was wide enough to walk two abreast. |||||||||||斑驳的||||||||腰部|||||||||并排 ||||галявина|||блукали||||клітчастому||||||||талії|||||||||пліч-о-пліч ||||polana|||||||w kratkę||||||||||||||do|||obok Sie hatten die Lichtung verlassen und wanderten wieder durch den karierten Schatten, die Arme um die Hüften des anderen gelegt, wann immer es breit genug war, um zu zweit nebeneinander gehen zu können. Odeszli od polany i znów wędrowali przez cieniowany cień, obejmując się w talii, kiedy tylko było wystarczająco szeroko, aby iść obok siebie. Вони залишили галявину й знову блукали крізь картату тінь, обійнявши один одного за талію, коли вона була достатньою, щоб йти двоє поруч. He noticed how much softer her waist seemed to feel now that the sash was gone. ||||柔软||||||||||| ||||м'якшою|||||||||пояс|| Se dio cuenta de lo suave que parecía sentirse su cintura ahora que la faja se había ido. Zauważył, jak dużo bardziej miękka wydaje się jej talia teraz, gdy nie ma już pasa. They did not speak above a whisper. ||||ponad|| No hablaron más que un susurro. Nie rozmawiali głośniej niż szept. Вони не говорили пошепки. Outside the clearing, Julia said, it was better to go quietly. Afuera del claro, dijo Julia, era mejor ir en silencio. Na zewnątrz polany, powiedziała Julia, lepiej było iść cicho. За галявиною, сказала Джулія, краще йти тихо. Presently they had reached the edge of the little wood. тепер||||||||| Obecnie dotarli do skraju małego lasu. She stopped him. Zatrzymała go.

‘Don't go out into the open. 不要||||| No salgas a la intemperie. ‘Nie wychodź na otwartą przestrzeń. There might be someone watching. Puede que haya alguien mirando. Może ktoś nas obserwuje. Можливо, хтось спостерігає. We're all right if we keep behind the boughs.' ||||||||树枝 ||||||||гілками Estamos bien si nos mantenemos detrás de las ramas. Będziemy w porządku, jeśli pozostaniemy za gałęziami.'

They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes. oni|||||||leszczyny|krzewy Stali w cieniu krzewów leszczyny. The sunlight, filtering through innumerable leaves, was still hot on their faces. |阳光|||||||||| ||||niewielu liściach||||||| ||проникаючи||незліченних||||||| Promienie słoneczne, przebijające się przez niezliczone liście, nadal były gorące na ich twarzach. Winston looked out into the field beyond, and underwent a curious, slow shock of recognition. ||||||||经历了||||||认出 ||||||||зазнав||||||визнання Winston spojrzał na pole za nimi i doznał dziwnego, powolnego wstrząsu rozpoznania. Вінстон подивився на поле позаду й зазнав дивного, повільного шоку від упізнання. He knew it by sight. Lo conocía de vista. Znał to na widok. An old, close-bitten pasture, with a footpath wandering across it and a molehill here and there. |||||||||||||mound of dirt||| ||||pastwisko|||||||||||| один|||||||||||||кратер||| Eine alte, verwilderte Weide, über die ein Fußweg führt und hier und da ein Maulwurfshügel. Un pastizal viejo y mordido, con un sendero que lo atraviesa y una montaña de arena aquí y allá. Stara, blisko wypasana łąka, z ścieżką wędrującą przez nią i kretowiskami tu i ówdzie. In the ragged hedge on the opposite side the boughs of the elm trees swayed just perceptibly in the breeze, and their leaves stirred faintly in dense masses like women's hair. ||||||||||||||摇动||微微|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||kołysały||dostrzegalnie|||wiatr||||||||||| |||||||||гілки|||в'яз||похитувалися||ледве|||||||шевелилися||||||| In der zerklüfteten Hecke auf der anderen Seite schwankten die Äste der Ulmen nur merklich im Wind, und ihre Blätter bewegten sich schwach in dichten Massen wie Frauenhaare. En el seto irregular del lado opuesto, las ramas de los olmos se balanceaban perceptiblemente con la brisa, y sus hojas se agitaban débilmente en densas masas como cabellos de mujeres. W postrzępionym żywopłocie po przeciwnej stronie gałęzie wiązów kołysały się ledwie wyczuwalnie w wietrze, a ich liście delikatnie poruszały się w gęstych masach jak włosy kobiet. Surely somewhere nearby, but out of sight, there must be a stream with green pools where dace were swimming? ||||||||||||||||a type of fish|| ||||||||||||||ставками||плотва|| ||||||||||||z|||gdzie|pstrągi potokowe|| Sicherlich muss es irgendwo in der Nähe, aber außer Sichtweite, einen Bach mit grünen Tümpeln geben, in denen Hasel schwammen? Seguramente en algún lugar cercano, pero fuera de la vista, debe haber un arroyo con estanques verdes donde dace estaban nadando. Z pewnością gdzieś w pobliżu, ale poza zasięgiem wzroku, musi być strumień z zielonymi dołkami, gdzie pływały nasty?

‘Isn't there a stream somewhere near here?' ¿No hay un arroyo cerca de aquí? ‚Czy nie ma gdzieś w pobliżu strumienia?' he whispered. szepnął. ‘That's right, there is a stream. 'Así es, hay un arroyo. ‘Zgadza się, jest strumień. It's at the edge of the next field, Jest na skraju następnego pola,

actually. właściwie. There are fish in it, great big ones. Są tam ryby, wielkie, ogromne. You can watch them Możesz je obserwować

lying in the pools under the willow trees, waving their tails.' ||||||||摇动||尾巴 ||||||вербах|||| Sie liegen in den Tümpeln unter den Weiden und wedeln mit ihren Schwänzen.' leżące w sadzawkach pod wierzbowymi drzewami, machając ogonami.

‘It's the Golden Country — almost,' he murmured. ||||||прошептав »Es ist das Goldene Land – fast«, murmelte er. —Es el País Dorado, casi —murmuró. ‘To Złota Kraina — prawie,' mruknął.

‘The Golden Country?' ‘Złota Kraina?'

‘It's nothing, really. En realidad, no es nada. ‘To nic takiego, naprawdę. A landscape I've seen sometimes in a dream.' Un paisaje que he visto a veces en sueños. Krajobraz, który czasami widziałem w snach.

‘Look!' Patrz! whispered Julia. szepnęła Julia.

A thrush had alighted on a bough not five metres away, almost at the level of their faces. |画眉鸟||停在|||||||||||||| |дрозд||сіла|||гілка||||||||||| |drozd||usiadł|||gałąź||||||||||| Eine Drossel hatte sich auf einem Ast keine fünf Meter entfernt niedergelassen, fast auf Höhe ihrer Gesichter. Drozd siadł na gałęzi oddalonej o niecałe pięć metrów, prawie na poziomie ich twarzy. Perhaps it had not seen them. Quizás no los había visto. Może ich nie zauważył. It was in the sun, they in the shade. Był na słońcu, oni w cieniu. It spread out its wings, fitted them carefully into place again, ducked its head for a moment, as though making a sort of obeisance to the sun, and then began to pour forth a torrent of song. ||||翅膀|||||||低下||||||||||||敬意|||||||||||洪流|| |||||||||||schyliła||||||||||||pokłon||||||||lać|wydobywać||strumień|| |||||влаштував||||||схилило||||||||||||поклону|||||||||||потік|| Es breitete seine Flügel aus, passte sie sorgfältig wieder an, senkte für einen Moment den Kopf, als wolle es der Sonne eine Art Ehrerbietung erweisen, und begann dann, eine Flut von Liedern zu ergießen. Rozłożyło skrzydła, starannie je dopasowało, przez chwilę pochyliło głowę, jakby w geście ukłonu do słońca, a następnie zaczęło lać potok pieśni. Воно розправило крила, знову обережно поклало їх на місце, на мить схилило голову, ніби вклоняючись сонцю, а потім заполонуло потоком співу. In the afternoon hush the volume of sound was startling. |||||||||惊人 |||тиша||||||вражаючим |||ciszy||||||zdumiewający En el silencio de la tarde, el volumen del sonido era asombroso. W popołudniowej ciszy głośność dźwięku była zdumiewająca. Winston and Julia clung together, fascinated. |||||着迷 |||трималися|| Winston i Julia trzymali się razem, zafascynowani. The music went on and on, minute after minute, with astonishing variations, never once repeating itself, almost as though the bird were deliberately showing off its virtuosity. ||持续||||||||||||||||||||||||技艺 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||skillfulness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||віртуозність Die Musik ging weiter und weiter, Minute für Minute, mit erstaunlichen Variationen, ohne sich ein einziges Mal zu wiederholen, fast so, als ob der Vogel absichtlich seine Virtuosität zur Schau stellen würde. Sometimes it stopped for a few seconds, spread out and resettled its wings, then swelled its speckled breast and again burst into song. ||||||||||重新安置||||||斑驳的|||||| ||||||||||||||||spotted|||||| ||||||||||||||nabrzmiało||cętkowany||||wybuchać|| ||зупинялося||||||||переклало||||||плямисту|грудка||||| Manchmal blieb es für ein paar Sekunden stehen, breitete seine Flügel aus und setzte sie neu, dann schwoll es seine gesprenkelte Brust an und brach wieder in Gesang aus. Czasami zatrzymywało się na kilka sekund, rozkładało i na nowo układało skrzydła, potem nadymało swoje nakrapiane piersi i znów wybuchało pieśnią. Winston watched it with a sort of vague reverence. ||||||||敬畏 |||||||розмитої|пошаною |||||||niejasny|cześć Winston obserwował to z rodzajem mglistej czci. For whom, for what, was that bird singing? Dla kogo, dla czego, śpiewał ten ptak? No mate, no rival was watching it. |||суперник||| Kein Kumpel, kein Rivale beobachtete es. Ningún compañero, ningún rival lo estaba mirando. Nie kolego, żaden rywal nie obserwował tego. Жоден товариш, жоден суперник не спостерігав за цим. What made it sit at the edge of the lonely wood and pour its music into nothingness? ||||||||||||||||пустоту ||||||||||||||||nicość ¿Qué hizo que se sentara al borde del bosque solitario y vertiera su música en la nada? Co sprawiło, że usiadł na skraju samotnego lasu i lał swoją muzykę w otchłań? He wondered whether after all there was a microphone hidden somewhere near. ||||||||麦克风||| Er fragte sich, ob nicht doch irgendwo in der Nähe ein Mikrofon versteckt war. Se preguntó si, después de todo, habría un micrófono escondido en algún lugar cercano. Zastanawiał się, czy gdzieś w pobliżu nie ma ukrytego mikrofonu. He and Julia had spoken only in low whispers, and it would not pick up what they had said, but it would pick up the thrush. |||||||||||||||||||||||||鸲鸟 ||||||||шепотах|||||||||||||||||дрозд On i Julia mówili tylko cicho, a to nie zarejestruje, co powiedzieli, ale uchwyci kosa. Perhaps at the other end of the instrument some small, beetle-like man was listening intently — listening to that. |||||||||||||||专心地||| ||||||||||жук|||||||| Quizás en el otro extremo del instrumento algún hombre pequeño, parecido a un escarabajo, estaba escuchando atentamente, escuchando eso. Może na drugim końcu instrumentu jakiś mały, przypominający chrząszcza mężczyzna słuchał uważnie — słuchał tego. But by degrees the flood of music drove all speculations out of his mind. ||||洪流|||||猜想|||| ||||потік|||||спогадів|||| Pero poco a poco el torrente de música borró de su mente todas las especulaciones. Lecz z biegiem czasu fala muzyki wypchnęła wszystkie spekulacje z jego umysłu. It was as though it were a kind of liquid stuff that poured all over him and got mixed up with the sunlight that filtered through the leaves. ||||||||||||||||||||||||透过||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||просочувалося||| To było tak, jakby to był rodzaj ciekłej substancji, która wylewała się na niego i mieszała z promieniami słońca, które przenikały przez liście. Це було так, ніби це була якась рідина, яка вилилася на нього й змішалася з сонячним світлом, яке просочувалося крізь листя. He stopped thinking and merely felt. Przestał myśleć i po prostu czuł. Він перестав думати, а лише відчував. The girl's waist in the bend of his arm was soft and warm. ||талія|||||||||| Die Taille des Mädchens in seiner Armbeuge war weich und warm. Talia dziewczyny w zgięciu jego ramienia była miękka i ciepła. Талія дівчини на вигині його руки була м’яка й тепла. He pulled her round so that they were breast to breast; her body seemed to melt into his. On obrócił ją tak, że znaleźli się w pozycji piersią do piersi; jej ciało zdawało się topnieć w jego. Wherever his hands moved it was all as yielding as water. ||手||||||柔软|| ||||||||піддатливим|| ||||||||uległe|| Wo immer sich seine Hände bewegten, alles war so nachgiebig wie Wasser. Gdziekolwiek jego ręce się poruszały, wszystko było tak ustępliwe jak woda. Their mouths clung together; it was quite different from the hard kisses they had exchanged earlier. |||||||||||吻|||| ||липли||||||||||||| Ich usta przywarły do siebie; to było zupełnie inne niż twarde pocałunki, które wymieniali wcześniej. When they moved their faces apart again both of them sighed deeply. |||||далі|||||| Als sie ihre Gesichter wieder voneinander entfernten, seufzten beide tief. Gdy znów oddalili swoje twarze, oboje westchnęli głęboko. Коли вони знову розсунули обличчя, обидва глибоко зітхнули. The bird took fright and fled with a clatter of wings. ||||||||声响|| |||страх|||||гомоном|| El pájaro se asustó y huyó con un batir de alas. Ptak przestraszył się i uciekł z łopotem skrzydeł.

Winston put his lips against her ear. Winston przyłożył usta do jej ucha. ‘NOW,' he whispered. ‘TERAZ,' szepnął. ‘Not here,' she whispered back. ‘Nie tutaj,' szepnęła w odpowiedzi. ‘Come back to the hide-out. Vuelve al escondite. ‘Wróć do kryjówki. It's To jest safer.' bezpieczniejsze.'

Quickly, with an occasional crackle of twigs, they threaded their way back to the clearing. ||||trzask||gałązki||przebrnęli|||||| |||періодичним|||||протягнули|||||| Rápidamente, con un ocasional crujido de ramitas, regresaron al claro. Szybko, z okazjonalnym trzaskiem gałązek, przebrnęli z powrotem do polany. When they were once inside the ring of saplings she turned and faced him. ||||||||молодняку||||| ||||||pierścień||sadzonki||||| Als sie einmal in dem Setzlingsring waren, drehte sie sich um und sah ihn an. Kiedy tylko znaleźli się w kręgu młodych drzew, odwróciła się i spojrzała na niego. They were both breathing fast, but the smile had reappeared round the corners of her mouth. Sie atmeten beide schnell, aber das Lächeln war wieder um ihre Mundwinkel erschienen. Oboje oddychali szybko, ale uśmiech znowu pojawił się w kącikach jej ust. She stood looking at him for an instant, then felt at the zipper of her overalls. ||||||||||||拉链||| ||||||||потім||||блискавка||| Sie stand einen Augenblick da und sah ihn an, dann tastete sie nach dem Reißverschluss ihres Overalls. Ella se quedó mirándolo por un instante, luego palpó la cremallera de su mono. Stała i patrzyła na niego przez chwilę, a potem dotknęła suwaka swoich ogrodniczek. And, yes! I tak! it was almost as in his dream. Było to prawie tak, jak w jego śnie. Almost as swiftly as he had imagined it, she had torn her clothes off, and when she flung them aside it was with that same magnificent gesture by which a whole civilization seemed to be annihilated. ||||||||||rozerwała||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||швидко||||||||розірвала|||||||кинув|||||||||жестом|||||||||знищена Fast so schnell, wie er es sich vorgestellt hatte, hatte sie sich die Kleider vom Leib gerissen, und als sie sie beiseite schleuderte, geschah es mit derselben großartigen Geste, durch die eine ganze Zivilisation vernichtet zu werden schien. Casi tan rápidamente como él lo había imaginado, ella se había arrancado las ropas, y cuando las arrojó a un lado fue con ese mismo gesto magnífico con el que toda una civilización parecía aniquilada. Prawie tak szybko, jak sobie to wyobrażał, zdarła z siebie ubrania, a kiedy je odrzuciła, była to ta sama wspaniała gest, przez który cała cywilizacja zdawała się być zniszczona. Her body gleamed white in the sun. ||сіяло|||| ||błyszczało|||| Su cuerpo brillaba blanco al sol. Jej ciało błyszczało na biało w słońcu. But for a moment he did not look at her body; his eyes were anchored by the freckled face with its faint, bold smile. ||||||||||||||прикипіли|||веснянкувате|||||| Aber für einen Moment sah er ihren Körper nicht an; seine Augen wurden von dem sommersprossigen Gesicht mit seinem schwachen, kühnen Lächeln verankert. Jednak przez chwilę nie patrzył na jej ciało; jego oczy były zakotwiczone w piegowatej twarzy z delikatnym, odważnym uśmiechem. Але якусь мить він не дивився на її тіло; його очі були прикуті до веснянкуватого обличчя з ледь помітною сміливою усмішкою. He knelt down before her and took her hands in his. Er kniete vor ihr nieder und nahm ihre Hände in seine. Se arrodilló ante ella y le tomó las manos entre las suyas. Oklapnął przed nią i wziął jej dłonie w swoje.

‘Have you done this before?' чи|||| ‚Czy robiłeś to wcześniej?'

‘Of course. звичайно| ‚Oczywiście. Hundreds of times — well, scores of times, anyway.' ||||декілька||| Cientos de veces ... bueno, decenas de veces, de todos modos. Setki razy - cóż, w każdym razie dziesiątki razy.' Сотні разів — у всякому разі, десятки разів».

‘With Party members?' ‘Z członkami Partii?'

‘Yes, always with Party members.' ‘Tak, zawsze z członkami Partii.' ‘With members of the Inner Party?' ‘Z członkami Partii Wewnętrznej?'

‘Not with those swine, no. |||свині| No con esos cerdos, no. ‘Nie z tymi świńmi, nie. But there's plenty that WOULD if they got half a chance. але|||яких||||||| Aber es gibt viele, die WÜRDEN, wenn sie nur eine halbe Chance bekommen. Pero hay muchas que PODRÍAN tener si tuvieran la mínima oportunidad. Ale jest wielu, którzy by się zgodzili, gdyby mieli choć pół szansy. Але є багато тих, хто БУДЕ, якби у них була половина шансу. They're not so holy as they make out.' No son tan santos como parecen. Nie są tak święci, jak udają.' Вони не такі святі, як їх здають».

His heart leapt. ||захопилося Su corazón dio un vuelco. Jego serce zabiło mocniej. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds — thousands. Рахунок|||||||він|||||| Decenas de veces lo había hecho: deseaba que hubieran sido cientos, miles. Setki razy to robiła: pragnął, żeby było to setki — tysiące. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. ||暗示||||||||| ||натякало||||||||| Cualquier cosa que insinuara corrupción siempre lo llenaba de una esperanza salvaje. Cokolwiek, co sugerowało korupcję, zawsze napełniało go dziką nadzieją. Все, що натякало на корупцію, завжди сповнювало його дикою надією. Who knew, perhaps the Party was rotten under the surface, its cult of strenuousness and self-denial simply a sham concealing iniquity. |||||||||||对...的崇拜|||||自我克制||||掩盖|罪恶 |||||||||||||||||||deception||wickedness ||||||||||||||||самопожертва|||обман|приховуючи|несправедливість |||||||||||||||siebie||||oszustwo||niegodziwość Wer weiß, vielleicht war die Partei unter der Oberfläche verrottet, ihr Kult der Strenge und Selbstverleugnung nur ein Schein, der Ungerechtigkeit verschleierte. Quién sabía, tal vez el Partido estaba podrido bajo la superficie, su culto al esfuerzo y la abnegación simplemente era una farsa que ocultaba la iniquidad. Kto by pomyślał, może Partia była zepsuta pod powierzchnią, jej kult wytężonej pracy i samoograniczenia to jedynie oszustwo kryjące niesprawiedliwość. Хто знав, можливо, партія була гнилою під поверхнею, а її культ наполегливості та самозречення — просто удавана прихована несправедливість. If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so! |||||||||||麻风||梅毒||高兴地||||| |||||||||||проказою||||||||| Si hubiera podido contagiarlos a todos con lepra o sífilis, ¡con qué gusto lo habría hecho! Gdyby mógł zarazić ich wszystkich trąd lub kiłę, jakże chętnie by to zrobił! Якби він міг заразити їх усіх проказою чи сифілісом, як би радо він це зробив! Anything to rot, to weaken, to undermine! ||||||osłabiać ||||ослабити||підривати ¡Cualquier cosa para pudrir, debilitar, socavar! Cokolwiek, by zepsuć, osłabić, podważyć! He pulled her down so that they were kneeling face to face. ||||||||跪着||| ||||||||на коліна||| On pociągnął ją w dół, tak że klęczały twarzą w twarz.

‘Listen. „Słuchaj. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Cuantos más hombres hayas tenido, más te amo. Im więcej mężczyzn miałaś, tym bardziej cię kocham. Do you understand that?' Czy to rozumiesz?

‘Yes, perfectly.' Tak, doskonale.

‘I hate purity, I hate goodness! ||чистоти||| ¡Odio la pureza, odio la bondad! Nienawidzę czystości, nienawidzę dobra! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. ||||доброчесність||| No quiero que exista ninguna virtud en ningún lado. Nie chcę, aby jakiekolwiek cnoty istniały gdziekolwiek. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.' |||||腐败||| |||||корумпованим||| Chcę, aby wszyscy byli skorumpowani do szpiku kości.

‘Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. |||маю|||| ||Ja||||| „Nun, dann sollte ich zu dir passen, Liebes. —Bueno, entonces debería quedarte bien, querida. Cóż więc, powinienem ci pasować, kochanie. — Ну тоді я мав би тобі підійти, люба. I'm corrupt to the bones.' Ich bin bis auf die Knochen korrupt.« Estoy corrupto hasta los huesos '. Jestem zepsuty do szpiku kości. ‘You like doing this? '¿Te gusta hacer esto? Lubisz to robić? I don't mean simply me: I mean the thing |||||я||| Ich meine nicht einfach mich: Ich meine das Ding No me refiero simplemente a mí: me refiero a la cosa Nie mam na myśli tylko mnie: mam na myśli tę rzecz. in itself?' an sich?' sama w sobie?'

‘I adore it.' |喜欢| я|обожнюю| ‘Uwielbiam to.'

That was above all what he wanted to hear. To było przede wszystkim to, co chciał usłyszeć. Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire: that was the force that would tear the Party to pieces. |||||||||||||无差别的|||||||||||| |||||||||||||недиференційоване|||||||||||| |||||||||||to||niedifferencjonowany|||||||||||| Nie tylko miłość jednej osoby, ale instynkt zwierzęcy, prosta, nieodróżnialna chęć: to była siła, która rozerwie Partię na kawałki. He pressed her down upon the grass, among the fallen bluebells. ||||||||||блакитні дзвоники Przycisnął ją do trawy, wśród opadłych dzwonków. This time there was no difficulty. Tym razem nie było żadnych trudności. Presently the rising and falling of their breasts slowed to normal speed, and in a sort of pleasant helplessness they fell apart. потім||||||||||||||||||безпорадності||| Plötzlich verlangsamte sich das Heben und Senken ihrer Brüste auf normale Geschwindigkeit, und in einer Art angenehmer Hilflosigkeit fielen sie auseinander. En ese momento, la subida y bajada de sus pechos disminuyó a la velocidad normal y, en una especie de agradable impotencia, se desmoronaron. Зараз їхні груди піднімалися й опускалися до нормальної швидкості, і в якійсь приємній безпорадності вони розсипалися. The sun seemed to have grown hotter. ||||||更热 El sol parecía haberse calentado más. They were both sleepy. Ambos tenían sueño. He reached out for the discarded overalls and pulled them partly over her. |||||丢弃的||||||| |||||покинуті||||||| Er griff nach dem abgelegten Overall und zog ihn teilweise über sie. Extendió la mano hacia los overoles desechados y se los cubrió parcialmente. Він потягнувся до викинутого комбінезона й частково натягнув його на неї. Almost immediately they fell asleep and slept for about half an hour. Casi de inmediato se durmieron y durmieron durante aproximadamente media hora.

Winston woke first. He sat up and watched the freckled face, still peacefully asleep, pillowed on the palm of her hand. |||||||||||枕着|||||| |||||||||||покладене|||||| Er setzte sich auf und betrachtete das sommersprossige Gesicht, das immer noch friedlich schlief und auf ihrer Handfläche lag. Він сів і дивився на вкрите ластовинням обличчя, яке все ще мирно спало, поклавши її на долоню. Except for her mouth, you could not call her beautiful. Excepto por su boca, no podrías llamarla hermosa. There was a line or two round the eyes, if you looked closely. Wenn man genau hinsah, waren ein oder zwei Linien um die Augen. The short dark hair was extraordinarily thick and soft. Das kurze dunkle Haar war außerordentlich dick und weich. El pelo corto y oscuro era extraordinariamente espeso y suave. It occurred to him that he still did not know her surname or where she lived. |||||||||||姓|||| |||||||||||прізвище||||

The young, strong body, now helpless in sleep, awoke in him a pitying, protecting feeling. |||||无助|||唤起||||怜悯|| ||||||||пробудило||||жалісливе|| ||||||||obudził||||współczujący|| But the mindless tenderness that he had felt under the hazel tree, while the thrush was singing, had not quite come back. |||温柔|||||||||||||||||| |||нежність|||||||ліщина||||||||||| ||bezmyślna|bezcielesna czułość|||||||||||||||||| Aber die sinnlose Zärtlichkeit, die er unter dem Haselbaum empfunden hatte, während die Drossel sang, war nicht ganz zurückgekehrt. Pero la insensata ternura que había sentido bajo el avellano, mientras el tordo cantaba, no había vuelto del todo. Але бездумна ніжність, яку він відчув під ліщиною, коли співав дрізд, ще не повернулася. He pulled the overalls aside and studied her smooth white flank. ||||||||||侧面 ||||||||||side of body ||||||||||бік Er zog den Overall beiseite und betrachtete ihre glatte weiße Flanke. In the old days, he thought, a man looked at a girl's body and saw that it was desirable, and that was the end of the story. ||||||||||||||||||бажаним|||||||| En los viejos tiempos, pensó, un hombre miraba el cuerpo de una niña y veía que era deseable, y ese fue el final de la historia. But you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. |||||||||欲望| |||||||||пристрасність| No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. ||||||||||||仇恨 Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. |||||||高潮|| |обійми|||||||| Ihre Umarmung war ein Kampf gewesen, der Höhepunkt ein Sieg. Su abrazo había sido una batalla, el clímax una victoria. It was a blow struck against the Party. ||||завданий||| Es war ein Schlag gegen die Partei. Fue un golpe contra el Partido. It was a political act.