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expanding tactics for listening, 9- dictation

9- dictation

A: Do you know Sandra Thomas?

B: Yeah, I do. Why do you ask?

A: She's in my history class. I really like her. She's so funny.

B: I know. She makes me laugh all the time.

A: She seems very intelligent, too.

B: She really is smart. She gets As in all her classes. Have you met her brother and sister?

A: No. what are they like? Are they like Sandra?

B: Her brother's completely different. He's intelligent, but he's not friendly at all.

9- dictation 9- ditado

A: Do you know Sandra Thomas?

B: Yeah, I do. Why do you ask?

A: She's in my history class. I really like her. She's so funny.

B: I know. She makes me laugh all the time.

A: She seems very intelligent, too.

B: She really is smart. She gets As in all her classes. Have you met her brother and sister?

A: No. what are they like? Are they like Sandra?

B: Her brother's completely different. He's intelligent, but he's not friendly at all.