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Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver's Travels: Part 10: The journey's end

Gulliver's Travels: Part 10: The journey's end

Wow! This feels so good. Hey! Master! Come on in!

Sorry, Gulliver… I've got a busy day tomorrow. I need to prepare… I'll wait for you over there in that field…

You don't know what you're missing…

It was so hot that day. We'd just been to see one of the Master's herd of yahoos. He let me go with him when he went to check up on them. I wanted to study them, since it was supposed that I was the same species. I hadn't really taken seriously what the Master had said about the houyhnhnms wanting to get rid of the yahoos. Who would they use to carry things for them and work in the fields?

I always felt dirty after being near yahoos – they always tried to grab me – so that day I'd stripped off and jumped in the ice water – to cool down and wash their smell off my skin. Little did I know we'd been followed and I was being watched.

Hey… get off me… what are you doing?

She was clawing at me and pulling me to her. I knew exactly what she was trying to do. I could smell her desire…

Get off him, you filthy savage.

I felt so ashamed. The Master hauled the young female yahoo off me. She scrambled out of the water and ran off, howling.

Are you alright, Gulliver? I heard you shouting.

Yes… I think so.

Did she frighten you? She really wanted to…

I know… She thought I was one of them!

– look at your reflection in the water…

I looked down at my bare arms and bare chest… at the hair on my head. There was no escaping it. I was the lowest beast… a yahoo. I had their body and shape. But I had the soul of a houyhnhnm.

Three years I'd spent among the houyhnhnms – three wonderful years.

Their world was truly based on reason, friendship and kindness. They valued cleanliness and exercise. There were no robbers or murderers. There were no bullies, liars or cheats.

By contrast, the yahoos were the filthiest, noisiest, most deformed animal nature had ever produced… and… and I was one of them.

Gulliver, I have bad news I'm afraid.

What is it? Has there been a death?

No, it's not that – death is not something we houyhnhnms feel sad about… It is part of life… No, it's you. Some houyhnhnms aren't happy that you live with my family. They think it's unnatural. They say you should go and join the yahoos or leave.

What? There is no way I can live with the yahoos… Can't you persuade the assembly that I can live quietly with you? I could be your pet…

He didn't answer for a while. He bent his head.

No, Gulliver. I have no power against the assembly's decision. You must go… leave.

But I love it here. I can't go back to England to live with the yahoos there.

Master I know. You have made a lot of progress… but you cannot stay. They have given you just two months to get ready.

When I thought of my family, my friends back home, my countrymen, and the whole human race, I thought of them now as they really were – yahoos in shape and character.

But where will I go? The yahoos in England disgust me now.

There is nothing more I can do. Even if I went against the assembly, you couldn't stay. It wouldn't be safe.

I was devastated. But I had no choice.

Over the next few weeks I made a canoe of wood with the help of some of the houyhnhnms. I filled it with food and drink.

I said goodbye to the Master and his family. We all cried as I pushed the boat out.

I decided to look for a deserted island where I could spend the rest of my life in peace, untroubled by yahoos and with memories of the wonderful houyhnhnms.

I landed on a small rocky island and camped by a small stream. A few days later, I saw a boat in the distance, and quickly hid. Several yahoo sailors came ashore for fresh water. They found me and despite my struggles, took me back to their boat and their captain.

Captain Hernandez, we can't understand what he's saying. He speaks like a horse. I think he's English.

He needs food and drink and sleep. We'll take him back to Cadiz.

The captain was polite and generous, but he wouldn't accept that I wanted to stay on the island. We returned to Spain. I stayed in my cabin the whole time, pretending I was sick, as I could not bear being with any of the crew. Eventually I boarded a ship for England and returned, after being five years away.

When I saw my wife and children, I felt sick. I couldn't bear their yahoo smell… I bought two horses and I kept them in my stable. They have never been ridden. I speak to them for hours each day. They are my friends.

Although I hate all yahoos, I decided to write this account of my journeys over the last sixteen years and seven months so that I might reform the yahoo race, so that I can change them. For this reason, I have told the whole truth. I have seen many worlds.

This was a true story.

Gulliver's Travels: Part 10: The journey's end Gullivers Reisen: Teil 10: Das Ende der Reise Gulliver'in Seyahatleri: Bölüm 10: Yolculuğun sonu Мандри Гуллівера: Частина 10: Кінець подорожі 格列佛游记:第十部分:旅程的终点

Wow! This feels so good. Hey! Master! Come on in! Uau! Isto sabe tão bem. Ei! Mestre! Entre!

Sorry, Gulliver… I've got a busy day tomorrow. I need to prepare… I'll wait for you over there in that field… Вибач, Гулівере... У мене завтра важкий день, треба підготуватися... Я чекатиму на тебе он там, у полі...

You don't know what you're missing…

It was so hot that day. We'd just been to see one of the Master's herd of yahoos. He let me go with him when he went to check up on them. I wanted to study them, since it was supposed that I was the same species. I hadn't really taken seriously what the Master had said about the houyhnhnms wanting to get rid of the yahoos. Who would they use to carry things for them and work in the fields? В тот день было очень жарко. Мы только что были в гостях у одного из стад яху. Он позволил мне пойти с ним, когда пошел проверить их. Я хотел изучить их, поскольку предполагалось, что я принадлежу к тому же виду. Я не очень серьезно относился к тому, что говорил Мастер о том, что хуйхнмы хотят избавиться от яху. Кого они будут использовать для переноски вещей и работы в поле? Того дня було дуже спекотно. Ми щойно відвідали стадо яху, яке належало хазяїну. Він дозволив мені піти з ним, коли пішов перевірити їх. Я хотів вивчити їх, оскільки вважалося, що я належу до того ж виду. Я не дуже серйозно сприйняв слова хазяїна про те, що хоухнми хочуть позбутися яху. Кого б вони використовували для того, щоб носити речі та працювати на полях?

I always felt dirty after being near yahoos – they always tried to grab me – so that day I'd stripped off and jumped in the ice water – to cool down and wash their smell off my skin. Little did I know we'd been followed and I was being watched. Я всегда чувствовал себя грязным после того, как оказывался рядом с яху - они всегда пытались схватить меня, - поэтому в тот день я разделся и прыгнул в ледяную воду, чтобы охладиться и смыть их запах с кожи. Я еще не знал, что за нами следили и за мной наблюдали. Я завжди відчувала себе брудною після того, як була поруч з яху - вони завжди намагалися мене схопити - тому того дня я роздяглася і стрибнула в крижану воду, щоб охолодитися і змити їхній запах зі шкіри. Я не знала, що за нами стежили і за мною спостерігали.

Hey… get off me… what are you doing? Гей... відчепися від мене... що ти робиш?

She was clawing at me and pulling me to her. I knew exactly what she was trying to do. I could smell her desire… Она вцепилась в меня и притянула к себе. Я точно знал, чего она добивается. Я чувствовал запах ее желания... Вона вчепилася в мене і тягнула до себе. Я точно знав, що вона намагається зробити. Я відчував її бажання...

Get off him, you filthy savage. Слезь с него, грязный дикарь.

I felt so ashamed. The Master hauled the young female yahoo off me. She scrambled out of the water and ran off, howling. Мне было так стыдно. Мастер оттащил от меня молодую женщину-яху. Она выскочила из воды и с воем убежала.

Are you alright, Gulliver? I heard you shouting.

Yes… I think so.

Did she frighten you? She really wanted to… Она вас напугала? Она очень хотела...

I know… She thought I was one of them! Я знаю... Она думала, что я один из них!

– look at your reflection in the water… - посмотрите на свое отражение в воде...

I looked down at my bare arms and bare chest… at the hair on my head. There was no escaping it. I was the lowest beast… a yahoo. I had their body and shape. But I had the soul of a houyhnhnm. Я смотрел на свои голые руки и голую грудь... на волосы на голове. От этого никуда не деться. Я был самым низким зверем... яху. У меня было их тело и форма. Но душа у меня была как у хуйхнма.

Three years I'd spent among the houyhnhnms – three wonderful years.

Their world was truly based on reason, friendship and kindness. They valued cleanliness and exercise. There were no robbers or murderers. There were no bullies, liars or cheats. Их мир действительно был основан на разуме, дружбе и доброте. Они ценили чистоту и физические упражнения. В нем не было грабителей и убийц. В нем не было хулиганов, лжецов и обманщиков.

By contrast, the yahoos were the filthiest, noisiest, most deformed animal nature had ever produced… and… and I was one of them. В отличие от них, "яху" были самыми грязными, шумными, деформированными животными, которых когда-либо порождала природа... и... и я был одним из них.

Gulliver, I have bad news I'm afraid. Гулливер, боюсь, у меня плохие новости.

What is it? Has there been a death? Что случилось? Была ли смерть? Що сталося? Хтось помер?

No, it's not that – death is not something we houyhnhnms feel sad about… It is part of life… No, it's you. Some houyhnhnms aren't happy that you live with my family. They think it's unnatural. They say you should go and join the yahoos or leave. Нет, дело не в этом - смерть не то, о чем мы, хоуиннмы, грустим... Это часть жизни... Нет, дело в тебе. Некоторые хоуиннмы не рады, что ты живешь с моей семьей. Они считают это неестественным. Они говорят, что ты должен пойти и присоединиться к яху или уйти.

What? There is no way I can live with the yahoos… Can't you persuade the assembly that I can live quietly with you? I could be your pet… Что? Я ни за что не смогу жить с этими ягуарами... Может, вы убедите собрание, что я могу спокойно жить с вами? Я мог бы стать вашим питомцем...

He didn't answer for a while. He bent his head. Он долго не отвечал, склонив голову.

No, Gulliver. I have no power against the assembly's decision. You must go… leave.

But I love it here. I can't go back to England to live with the yahoos there. Но мне здесь нравится. Я не могу вернуться в Англию и жить с тамошними яху.

Master I know. You have made a lot of progress… but you cannot stay. They have given you just two months to get ready.

When I thought of my family, my friends back home, my countrymen, and the whole human race, I thought of them now as they really were – yahoos in shape and character. Когда я думал о своей семье, о друзьях дома, о своих соотечественниках и обо всем человеческом роде, я представлял их такими, какими они были на самом деле - яху по форме и характеру. Коли я думав про свою сім'ю, своїх друзів вдома, своїх співвітчизників і всю людську расу, я думав про них тепер такими, якими вони були насправді - ягуа за формою і характером.

But where will I go? The yahoos in England disgust me now. Но куда я поеду? Яху в Англии мне противны.

There is nothing more I can do. Even if I went against the assembly, you couldn't stay. It wouldn't be safe. Я больше ничего не могу сделать. Даже если бы я пошел против собрания, ты не смогла бы остаться. Это было бы небезопасно.

I was devastated. But I had no choice.

Over the next few weeks I made a canoe of wood with the help of some of the houyhnhnms. I filled it with food and drink.

I said goodbye to the Master and his family. We all cried as I pushed the boat out. Я попрощался с хозяином и его семьей. Мы все плакали, пока я выталкивал лодку.

I decided to look for a deserted island where I could spend the rest of my life in peace, untroubled by yahoos and with memories of the wonderful houyhnhnms. Я решил поискать необитаемый остров, где можно было бы провести остаток жизни в покое, не тревожась о яху и сохраняя воспоминания о чудесных хуйхнах.

I landed on a small rocky island and camped by a small stream. A few days later, I saw a boat in the distance, and quickly hid. Several yahoo sailors came ashore for fresh water. They found me and despite my struggles, took me back to their boat and their captain. Я высадился на небольшом скалистом острове и разбил лагерь у ручья. Через несколько дней я увидел вдалеке лодку и быстро спрятался. Несколько моряков-яхтсменов пришли на берег за пресной водой. Они нашли меня и, несмотря на мои попытки, отвели обратно к своей лодке и своему капитану.

Captain Hernandez, we can't understand what he's saying. He speaks like a horse. I think he's English. Капитан Эрнандес, мы не можем понять, что он говорит. Он говорит как лошадь. Я думаю, он англичанин.

He needs food and drink and sleep. We'll take him back to Cadiz.

The captain was polite and generous, but he wouldn't accept that I wanted to stay on the island. We returned to Spain. I stayed in my cabin the whole time, pretending I was sick, as I could not bear being with any of the crew. Eventually I boarded a ship for England and returned, after being five years away. Капитан был вежлив и великодушен, но не согласился с тем, что я хочу остаться на острове. Мы вернулись в Испанию. Все это время я оставалась в своей каюте, притворяясь больной, так как не могла выносить общения с кем-либо из команды. В конце концов я села на корабль, идущий в Англию, и вернулась, пробыв вдали пять лет.

When I saw my wife and children, I felt sick. I couldn't bear their yahoo smell… I bought two horses and I kept them in my stable. They have never been ridden. I speak to them for hours each day. They are my friends. Когда я увидел свою жену и детей, мне стало плохо. Я не мог выносить их запах... Я купил двух лошадей и держал их в своей конюшне. На них никогда не ездили. Я разговариваю с ними по несколько часов в день. Они - мои друзья.

Although I hate all yahoos, I decided to write this account of my journeys over the last sixteen years and seven months so that I might reform the yahoo race, so that I can change them. For this reason, I have told the whole truth. I have seen many worlds. Хотя я ненавижу всех яху, я решил написать этот рассказ о своих путешествиях за последние шестнадцать лет и семь месяцев, чтобы исправить расу яху, чтобы я мог изменить их. По этой причине я рассказал всю правду. Я видел много миров.

This was a true story.