Wing it - The English We Speak - YouTube
Wing it - Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube
Wing it - El inglés que hablamos - YouTube
ウィング・イット - 私たちが話す英語 - YouTube
Wing it - O inglês que falamos - YouTube
Wing it - The English We Speak - YouTube
Wing it - The English We Speak - YouTube
Wing it - The English We Speak - YouTube
即兴发挥 - 我们说的英语 - YouTube
Neil: Hello and welcome to
The English We Speak. I'm Neil and …
Feifei: Hi everyone. I'm Feifei
and I've just …err… well…
Neil: Feifei is here with me…
Neil: Feifei è qui con me…
Feifei, what's going on?
Feifei, che sta succedendo?
Фейфей, що відбувається?
Feifei: Yes, and today we are here, with you,
Feifei: Sì, e oggi siamo qui, con te,
dear learners of the wonderful English language…
Neil: What are you looking for?
Feifei: The script, Neil. I misplaced it somewhere…
|||||잘못 두었어||
Feifei: Il copione, Neil. L'ho perso da qualche parte...
Neil: Just wing it!
Neil: Fai come viene!
Ніл: Просто змахни крилами!
Feifei: Wing it? Wing, like a bird?
Feifei: Fai come viene? Come un uccello?
Yes, the air is fresh and I flap my wings…
Sì, l'aria è fresca e io batto le ali…
Neil: What are you doing? What are you doing?
Neil: Cosa stai facendo? Cosa stai facendo?
Feifei: You told me to pretend I was a bird.
Feifei: Mi hai detto di fingere di essere un uccello.
Or to tell the story of a bird or… I know
lots of bird jokes.
Neil: No, that's not it.
In English 'to wing' something means to improvise.
||||무언가|||즉흥적으로 하다
This informal expression is thought to come from the
theatre and it refers to performances
given by actors who had to learn their lines quickly
||||||배우들이 대사를 빨리 외워야 했다는||대사|
які давали актори, змушені були швидко вчити свої репліки
while waiting in the wings.
в очікуванні в кулуарах.
Feifei: Ah! The wings are the space on each
Feifei: Ah! Le ali sono lo spazio su ciascun
side of the stage, where actors wait before
무대의 한쪽|||||||
lato del palcoscenico, dove gli attori aspettano prima
coming onto the stage. Sometimes someone gives
di salire sul palcoscenico. A volte qualcuno dà
them their lines from there as support.
loro le loro righe da lì come supporto.
Neil: That's right. Let's hear how
Neil: Esatto. Sentiamo come
this expression is used:
questa espressione è usata:
Examples: Mary spent all weekend partying
instead of studying.
When I asked her why she wasn't
concerned about the exam,
she told me she'd just wing it.
|mi ha detto||||improvvisare|
mi ha detto che avrebbe fatto alla buona.
The minister is a great orator.
Il ministro è un grande oratore.
He's never had a speech ready,
Non ha mai avuto un discorso pronto.
he just wings it and people love it.
Neil: So a theatrical expression for you.
Now Feifei, do you know lots of jokes about
birds? Tell me one.
Feifei: Why did the little bird
Фейфей: Чому маленька пташка
get in trouble at school?
||Mettersi nei guai||
маєте проблеми в школі?
Neil: Mmmm… no idea…
Feifei: Because he was caught tweeting
|||||tweet atmak
Feifei: Perché è stato sorpreso a twittare
during the test.
durante il test.
Neil: Yes, very funny…
Neil: Sì, molto divertente…
Both: Bye.