What does 'vanish into thin air' mean? - YouTube
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Feifei: This is The English We Speak. I'm Feifei.
Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.
Feifei: Rob, would you mind wiping those
Фейфей: Робе, ти не міг би витерти їх
crumbs from your mouth?
briciole dalla tua bocca?
крихти з рота?
Rob: Ooops, sorry!
Rob: Ops, scusa!
Feifei: Do you know, it's very strange
Feifei: Sai, è molto strano
Фейфей: Знаєте, це дуже дивно.
- I made a cake a last night and brought it to work
- Ieri sera ho fatto una torta e l'ho portata al lavoro
- Вчора ввечері я спекла торт і принесла його на роботу
today to share with you.
oggi per condividerla con voi.
сьогодні, щоб поділитися з вами.
Rob: That's very kind!
Rob: È molto gentile!
Роб: Це дуже люб'язно!
Feifei: Yes, but
Фейфей: Так, але
it seems to have vanished into thin air.
sembra essere svanito nel nulla.
він ніби розчинився в повітрі.
Rob: Wow! You're a magician!
Rob: Wow! Sei un mago!
You've made a cake disappear!
Hai fatto sparire una torta!
Feifei: No, Rob.
The phrase 'to vanish into thin air' means
'to suddenly, mysteriously and completely disappear'.
'scomparire improvvisamente, misteriosamente e completamente'.
"раптово, таємниче і повністю зникнути".
You haven't seen the cake, have you, Rob?
Non hai visto la torta, vero, Rob?
Rob: No, Feifei – no sign of your
Rob: No, Feifei – nessun segno della tua
‘disappearing' cake.
torta 'scomparsa'.
Feifei: OK,
Feifei: OK,
well let's hear some examples of this phrase.
bene, sentiamo alcuni esempi di questa frase.
Let's hope they haven't suddenly disappeared!
Speriamo che non siano spariti all'improvviso!
Examples: I can't remember where I've parked the car!
Esempi: Non riesco a ricordare dove ho parcheggiato l'auto!
I think it's vanished into thin air.
Penso che sia svanito nel nulla.
Have you seen the boss?
Ви бачили боса?
Someone important needs to talk to him
Qualcuno di importante deve parlargli
but I can't find him anywhere.
ma non riesco a trovarlo da nessuna parte.
It's like he's vanished into thin air.
È come se fosse svanito nel nulla.
Has anyone seen my glasses?
They've vanished into thin air.
Feifei: This is The English We Speak
from BBC Learning English
and we're learning about the expression
‘to vanish into thin air',
‘svanire nell'aria',
which can be used to describe a situation where
che può essere usato per descrivere una situazione in cui
something mysteriously and suddenly disappears.
qualcosa scompare misteriosamente e improvvisamente.
So any sign of my cake?
Quindi ci sono segni della mia torta?
Rob: No.
Rob: No.
Feifei: Very odd.
Feifei: Molto strano.
I put it on my desk this morning
and went to make a cup of coffee
and when I returned,
it had gone.
Dan: Great cake, Rob!
Thanks for sharing it!
I hope you'll be baking again soon!
||||cucinando al forno||
See you!
Feifei: Rob!
Rob: Sorry, Feifei!
It was so tempting, so delicious,so I thought…
Feifei: So you thought you'd eat it!
Rob: It helped us demonstrate today's phrase.
Feifei: There's just one thing I
want to vanish into thin air.
Rob: Oh yeah? And what's that?
Feifei: You, Rob!
Now I'm off to bake a cake
- for me.
Rob: See you!
Oh, she's gone!
О, вона пішла!