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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'the more the merrier' mean? - YouTube

What does 'the more the merrier' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to a very festive

The English We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: ...and I'm Rob. Happy Christmas

everyone - and to you, Feifei.

Feifei: Oh thanks. But you know what,

Rob, I don't feel very festive.

Rob: Festive?! Look, I'm wearing

my Christmas jumper, we've got

mince pies and, yeah, I

think it's snowing outside.

Feifei: That's not snow, it's rain, Rob.

But I just think there is something

missing ... something that would

make us feel more Christmassy.

Rob: Presents?

Feifei: Not presents.

Rob: Christmas crackers?

Feifei: No, it's not those - I know

what's missing - it's people.

We need more people

to make it feel like a Christmas party!

Rob: What's wrong with just me?

Feifei: You're OK, Rob. But you know

what they say? The more the merrier.

Rob: Right - you mean the situation

or occasion would be better, or

more enjoyable, if lots

of people joined in. More people

equals more fun!

Feifei: Exactly!

Rob: OK, well I'll try to find some people

for you, Feifei, while you enjoy

some examples...

A: Is it OK if I bring some of my friends

to the party tonight?

B: Of course it is - the more the merrier!

Why don't you come skiing with us? We've

got room in the car. The more the merrier!

We've got our office brainstorm later.

Please join us - the more the merrier!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English.

It's almost Christmas,

so I want a party with lots of people

in the studio. As the saying goes,

the more the merrier

- the more people there are, the more

enjoyable the situation!

Don't you agree Rob? Rob? Oh,

where's he gone?

Rob: Don't worry, Feifei, I'm here, I'm here.

And I've found some people for you.

Roy: Hi Feifei!

Feifei: Hi Roy!

Catherine: Hello Feifei!

Feifei: Hello!

Dan: Hi Feifei!

Feifei: Hi! Wow! All my Learning English

chums - but... it's getting a bit

crowded in here now.

Dan: Hello!

Hi! Good to see you. Hey!

Party time!

Rob: Yes, yes, save some room for me.

Feifei: Squeeze in, Rob - the more

the merrier!

Rob: Ooo, OK. Excuse me... excuse me...

alright. Oh Yeah, it is a bit of a squeeze.

There, I'm in.

Everyone: Phwaoh!

Not again, Rob!

What's that?

Have you been eating chicken?

What are you having for dinner?

Rob: Ooops sorry. Too many Brussels

sprouts, I'm afraid.

Everyone: Is that the time?

Yeah, I've gotta go.

I must breathe!

You ruined my life!

Rob: Bye. Bye.

Feifei: Now look what you've done - you've

ruined our Christmas party!

It's not so merry now.

Rob: Oh well. Happy Christmas, Feifei!

Feifei: You too.

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What does 'the more the merrier' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "je mehr, desto besser"? - YouTube the more the merrier」の意味とは?- YouTube O que significa "quanto mais, melhor"? - YouTube Що означає "чим більше, тим краще"? - YouTube 多多益善 "是什么意思?- YouTube 「越多越好」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to a very festive

The English We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: ...and I'm Rob. Happy Christmas

everyone - and to you, Feifei.

Feifei: Oh thanks. But you know what,

Rob, I don't feel very festive.

Rob: Festive?! Look, I'm wearing

my Christmas jumper, we've got

mince pies and, yeah, I

think it's snowing outside.

Feifei: That's not snow, it's rain, Rob.

But I just think there is something

missing ... something that would

make us feel more Christmassy.

Rob: Presents?

Feifei: Not presents.

Rob: Christmas crackers?

Feifei: No, it's not those - I know

what's missing - it's people.

We need more people

to make it feel like a Christmas party!

Rob: What's wrong with just me?

Feifei: You're OK, Rob. But you know

what they say? The more the merrier.

Rob: Right - you mean the situation

or occasion would be better, or

more enjoyable, if lots

of people joined in. More people

equals more fun!

Feifei: Exactly!

Rob: OK, well I'll try to find some people

for you, Feifei, while you enjoy

some examples...

A: Is it OK if I bring some of my friends

to the party tonight?

B: Of course it is - the more the merrier!

Why don't you come skiing with us? We've

got room in the car. The more the merrier!

We've got our office brainstorm later. この後、オフィスのブレインストームがあるんだ。

Please join us - the more the merrier!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English.

It's almost Christmas,

so I want a party with lots of people

in the studio. As the saying goes,

the more the merrier

- the more people there are, the more

enjoyable the situation!

Don't you agree Rob? Rob? Oh,

where's he gone?

Rob: Don't worry, Feifei, I'm here, I'm here.

And I've found some people for you.

Roy: Hi Feifei!

Feifei: Hi Roy!

Catherine: Hello Feifei!

Feifei: Hello!

Dan: Hi Feifei!

Feifei: Hi! Wow! All my Learning English

chums - but... it's getting a bit

crowded in here now.

Dan: Hello!

Hi! Good to see you. Hey!

Party time!

Rob: Yes, yes, save some room for me.

Feifei: Squeeze in, Rob - the more 菲菲:ロブ、もっと絞れ。

the merrier!

Rob: Ooo, OK. Excuse me... excuse me...

alright. Oh Yeah, it is a bit of a squeeze.

There, I'm in.

Everyone: Phwaoh!

Not again, Rob! またか、ロブ!

What's that?

Have you been eating chicken?

What are you having for dinner? 夕食は何ですか?

Rob: Ooops sorry. Too many Brussels

sprouts, I'm afraid. もやしだ。

Everyone: Is that the time? 全員:その時間ですか?

Yeah, I've gotta go. ああ、もう行くよ。

I must breathe!

You ruined my life!

Rob: Bye. Bye.

Feifei: Now look what you've done - you've

ruined our Christmas party!

It's not so merry now.

Rob: Oh well. Happy Christmas, Feifei!

Feifei: You too.