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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), To cut a long story short: The English We Speak - YouTube

To cut a long story short: The English We Speak - YouTube

Rob: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob...

Feifei: And hello, I'm Feifei.

We're here to teach you a real English phrase. Rob, if you don't mind me saying, you look a bit... rough.

Rob: Rough? Well you would be, if you'd had

the night I've just had.

Feifei: Oh yes? What happened?

Rob: Well, I went out for dinner with Neil,

then we went to the pub and then I lost my wallet

and... to cut a long story short...

I got home at two o'clock this morning.

Feifei: Oh dear. But why 'cut the long story short'?

I want to hear the whole story.

Rob: No, you don't - it would take too long

and we haven't got time - and anyway,

it's not that interesting -

that's why I'm just telling you the most important

parts of the story.

Feifei: Right, so 'to cut a long story short'

means to tell only the main or important parts

of a story - not all the details.

Hmm, that's a shame Rob because I'm sure you had lots

more to tell me.

Rob: Really? Well we've got to keep this programme

short so shall we move on and hear some examples

of this phrase in action...

Examples: So I spoke to the boss and to cut a long story

short, I'm getting a promotion!

There was a technical problem with our plane

which they couldn't fix so to cut a long story

short, we had to wait for another flight

and we arrived a day late.

I met Geeta last year and to cut a long story short, we getting married tomorrow!

Feifei: So 'to cut - or make - a long story

short' means to tell only the important parts

about something that has happened

and leaving out all the details.

So Rob, you're telling me

you went out with Neil, lost your wallet

and got home very very late?

Rob: Yes, that's about it. Not very exciting, is it?

But the details are boring - that's why my long story is short. Why do keep asking?

Feifei: Well actually Rob, it sounds like

you're telling a tall story a tall story -

a story or fact that is difficult to believe.

Rob: Oh really, why do you say that?

Feifei: Well I spoke to Neil this morning

and he said you didn't go for dinner last night.

You went straight to the pub,

then another and another pub.

And you left your wallet there so you had no money

to get home and had to walk.

Rob: Ah well... that's the long story.

Did you really want all the details?

Feifei: Oh yes. Never cut a long story short

if it's a good one!

Rob: If you say so Feifei. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.

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To cut a long story short: The English We Speak - YouTube لقص قصة طويلة: The English We Speak - YouTube Um es kurz zu machen: The English We Speak - YouTube Para abreviar: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube 長い話を短くまとめると: The English We Speak - YouTube Para resumir uma longa história: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Короче говоря: английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Uzun lafın kısası: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Коротко про головне: The English We Speak - YouTube 长话短说:The English We Speak - YouTube 長話短說:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Rob: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak Rob|||||||| روب: مرحبًا ومرحبًا بكم في The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob... |BBC||||

Feifei: And hello, I'm Feifei.

We're here to teach you a real English phrase. Rob, if you don't mind me saying, you look a bit... rough. |||||||||||rau Rob, wenn ich das sagen darf, du siehst ein bisschen... rau aus. Rob, si je peux me permettre, tu as l'air un peu... dur.

Rob: Rough? Well you would be, if you'd had Rob: Grob? Nun, das wärst du, wenn du eine Rob : Rugueux ? et bien vous le seriez, si vous aviez eu ロブ:荒っぽい?そうだろうね。

the night I've just had. الليلة التي قضيتها للتو. die Nacht, die ich gerade erlebt habe.

Feifei: Oh yes? What happened? فايفي: أوه نعم؟ ماذا حدث؟

Rob: Well, I went out for dinner with Neil, روب: حسنًا ، خرجت لتناول العشاء مع نيل ،

then we went to the pub and then I lost my wallet |||||酒吧||||||钱包 |||||le pub||||||portefeuille |||||Kneipe||||||Geldbörse

and... to cut a long story short...

I got home at two o'clock this morning.

Feifei: Oh dear. But why 'cut the long story short'? فايفي: يا عزيزي. لكن لماذا "قص القصة الطويلة"؟

I want to hear the whole story. اريد ان اسمع القصة كاملة.

Rob: No, you don't - it would take too long روب: لا ، لا تفعل ذلك - سيستغرق الأمر وقتًا طويلاً

and we haven't got time - and anyway, وليس لدينا وقت - وعلى أي حال ، und wir haben keine Zeit - und überhaupt,

it's not that interesting - انها ليست مثيرة للاهتمام - es ist nicht so interessant -

that's why I'm just telling you the most important Deshalb sage ich Ihnen nur das Wichtigste

parts of the story. أجزاء من القصة.

Feifei: Right, so 'to cut a long story short' Feifei: حسنًا ، لذا "لاختصار قصة طويلة"

means to tell only the main or important parts تعني أن تخبر فقط الأجزاء الرئيسية أو المهمة

of a story - not all the details. قصة - ليس كل التفاصيل.

Hmm, that's a shame Rob because I'm sure you had lots |||Schade||||||| حسنًا ، هذا عار روب لأنني متأكد من أنه كان لديك الكثير Hmm, das ist schade, Rob, denn ich bin sicher, du hattest viele Hmm, c'est dommage, Rob, car je suis sûr que vous aviez beaucoup de choses à faire.

more to tell me.

Rob: Really? Well we've got to keep this programme ||||||||Programm Rob: Wirklich? Nun, wir müssen dieses Programm weiterführen.

short so shall we move on and hear some examples kurz, also machen wir weiter und hören uns einige Beispiele an

of this phrase in action...

Examples: So I spoke to the boss and to cut a long story |||gesprochen|||||||||

short, I'm getting a promotion! ||||升职 ||||Beförderung

There was a technical problem with our plane |||||||飞机 |||technischen||||Flugzeug

which they couldn't fix so to cut a long story |||reparieren||||||

short, we had to wait for another flight

and we arrived a day late.

I met Geeta last year and to cut a long story short, ||吉塔||||||||| ||Geeta||||||||| |traf|||||||||| we getting married tomorrow!

Feifei: So 'to cut - or make - a long story

short' means to tell only the important parts

about something that has happened über etwas, das passiert ist

and leaving out all the details.

So Rob, you're telling me

you went out with Neil, lost your wallet |||||||portefeuille

and got home very very late?

Rob: Yes, that's about it. Not very exciting, is it? Rob: Ja, das war's schon. Nicht sehr aufregend, oder?

But the details are boring - that's why my long story is short. Why do keep asking? ist kurz. Warum fragen Sie weiter?

Feifei: Well actually Rob, it sounds like

you're telling a tall story a tall story - Du erzählst eine große Geschichte, eine große Geschichte -

a story or fact that is difficult to believe. eine Geschichte oder Tatsache, die schwer zu glauben ist.

Rob: Oh really, why do you say that?

Feifei: Well I spoke to Neil this morning

and he said you didn't go for dinner last night. und er sagte, dass du gestern Abend nicht zum Essen gegangen bist.

You went straight to the pub, |||||le pub

then another and another pub. ||||bar

And you left your wallet there so you had no money ||||portefeuille||||||

to get home and had to walk.

Rob: Ah well... that's the long story.

Did you really want all the details?

Feifei: Oh yes. Never cut a long story short

if it's a good one!

Rob: If you say so Feifei. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.