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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Crunch time: The English We Speak - YouTube

Crunch time: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello I'm Feifei and this is

The English We Speak.

Rob: And hello, this is Rob. And it's an

important day in the office today, isn't it Feifei?

Feifei: Err, is it?

Rob: Yes, it is! Remember that big project

we've all been working on?

Feifei: Errr. A big project?

Rob: Yes, well it's crunch time.

Feifei: Oh great – I'm starving. I'll get my crisps.

Rob: No, I didn't say 'lunch time'.

Feifei: I know. You said 'crunch time' –

time to start crunching these delicious

crisps. I love crisps.

Rob: No, no – I didn't mean it's time to crunch

crisps. Crunch time is an important or

critical time when a decisive or difficult

decision has to be made. And it's crunch

time for our big project.

Feifei: If you say so, Rob. Why don't I

finish these crisps while we hear some

examples of the expression 'crunch time'?

We've reached crunch time in our

relationship – I'm going to ask my

boyfriend to move in with me. I wonder

what he'll say?

The team are doing well but come crunch

time, will they score that vital goal?

It's crunch time for us tomorrow – that's

when we find out if our building plans

have been approved.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English. We're finding out

about the expression 'crunch time', which

describes an important moment in a

situation where a difficult or

decisive decision has to be made.

But, Rob, I'm still not clear why it's crunch

time for our big office project?

Rob: Come on, Feifei, you know –

the project we've been working on for


Feifei: Oh, you mean the biscuit project?

Rob: Exactly! We have to decide today

which biscuits we're going to buy for our

meetings. And if we don't order them

today, we won't have anything

to eat in tomorrow's meeting.

Feifei: So, Rob, your crunch time is just

about what you'll be crunching tomorrow.

You really need to change your priorities.

I think I've reached 'crunch time' in this


Rob: What's that? You've got a big

decision to make?

Feifei: Yes - to finish this programme or

finish my crisps?

Rob: Shall we just eat the crisps?

Feifei: OK. Bye.

Rob: Bye. Pass them over then!

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Crunch time: The English We Speak - YouTube Kritická doba|||||| Die Zeit drängt: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube La hora de la verdad: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube L'heure de vérité : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube クランチ・タイム私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Czas na kryzys: Angielski, którym mówimy - YouTube Tempo de crise: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Crunch time: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Kriz zamanı: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Crunch time: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 紧要关头我们说的英语 - YouTube 紧要关头我们说的英语 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello I'm Feifei and this is Feifei: Merhaba ben Feifei ve bu

The English We Speak.

Rob: And hello, this is Rob. And it's an ||こんにちは||||||

important day in the office today, isn't it Feifei? ||||オフィス|||| 今天是办公室的重要日子,不是菲菲吗?

Feifei: Err, is it? |えっと||

Rob: Yes, it is! Remember that big project |Ja, genau!||||||

we've all been working on? 我们都在努力吗?

Feifei: Errr. A big project?

Rob: Yes, well it's crunch time. |||es ist|Jetzt wird's ernst.| ||||critical moment| Rob : Oui, eh bien c'est le moment critique. Rob: Vâng, đây là thời điểm quan trọng. 罗布:是的,现在是关键时刻。

Feifei: Oh great – I'm starving. I'll get my crisps. ||||||||Chips ||||お腹がペコペコ||||ポテトチップス Feifei : Oh super - je meurs de faim. Je vais chercher mes chips.

Rob: No, I didn't say 'lunch time'. ||||言った||

Feifei: I know. You said 'crunch time' – Feifei : Je sais. Vous avez dit 'temps critique' -

time to start crunching these delicious |||chroupat|| il est temps de commencer à croquer ces délicieux 是时候开始咀嚼这些美味了

crisps. I love crisps.

Rob: No, no – I didn't mean it's time to crunch

crisps. Crunch time is an important or potato chips||||||

critical time when a decisive or difficult ||||entscheidend|| ||||Pivotal|| thời điểm quan trọng khi quyết định hoặc khó khăn 关键时刻,当一个决定性的或困难的时候

decision has to be made. And it's crunch рішення має бути прийняте. І це хрускіт

time for our big project. час для нашого великого проекту.

Feifei: If you say so, Rob. Why don't I |もし|あなたが|言うなら|||なぜ|どうして| Feifei: もしそう言うのなら、Rob。では私がやりますか?

finish these crisps while we hear some

examples of the expression 'crunch time'? 「クランチタイム」という表現の例はありますか?

We've reached crunch time in our Wir haben||||| Wir sind in der heißen Phase unserer Nous avons atteint le moment critique dans notre 私たちの関係では、今クランチタイムに突入しました

relationship – I'm going to ask my ー私は彼(彼女)に 关系 – 我要问我的

boyfriend to move in with me. I wonder хлопця переїхати до мене. Цікаво. 男朋友搬来和我一起住。我想知道

what he'll say? що він скаже?

The team are doing well but come crunch Die Mannschaft macht ihre Sache gut, aber es wird knirschen L'équipe va bien mais viens crunch У команди все йде добре, але настає момент, коли настає криза

time, will they score that vital goal? |||||重要な| fois, marqueront-ils ce but vital? чи заб'ють вони цей життєво важливий гол? 时间到了,他们会进球吗?

It's crunch time for us tomorrow – that's Es ist||||||

when we find out if our building plans коли ми дізнаємося, що наші будівельні плани

have been approved. були схвалені.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English. We're finding out

about the expression 'crunch time', which

describes an important moment in a

situation where a difficult or

decisive decision has to be made. rozhodující|||||

But, Rob, I'm still not clear why it's crunch ||ich bin|||||es ist|

time for our big office project?

Rob: Come on, Feifei, you know –

the project we've been working on for


Feifei: Oh, you mean the biscuit project? |||||cookie or cracker| Фейфей: О, ти маєш на увазі проект з бісквітами?

Rob: Exactly! We have to decide today

which biscuits we're going to buy for our quels biscuits nous allons acheter pour notre

meetings. And if we don't order them réunions. Et si nous ne les commandons pas

today, we won't have anything

to eat in tomorrow's meeting.

Feifei: So, Rob, your crunch time is just

about what you'll be crunching tomorrow. |worüber|||| à propos de ce que vous allez croquer demain.

You really need to change your priorities. Vous devez vraiment changer vos priorités. 你确实需要改变你的优先事项。

I think I've reached 'crunch time' in this 我想我已经到了“关键时刻”


Rob: What's that? You've got a big

decision to make?

Feifei: Yes - to finish this programme or

finish my crisps?

Rob: Shall we just eat the crisps? Роб: Може, просто з'їмо чіпси? 罗布:我们只吃薯片好吗?

Feifei: OK. Bye.

Rob: Bye. Pass them over then! ||Gib weiter|sie|| 罗布:再见。那就把它们传过去吧!