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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), What difference has #MeToo made? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

What difference has #MeToo made? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

Hello. This is 6 Minute English from

BBC Learning English. I'm Sam.

And I'm Georgina.

In this programme we'll take a look at the sensitive issue of sexual violence.

At the start of the decade no one knew

start of the decade no one knew

that the two-word phrase 'MeToo' would go viral - or spread quickly and widely on the internet through social media.

would go viral - or spread

quickly and widely on the internet

through social media.

But when explosive allegations against Hollywood movie producer Harry Weinstein made headlines in 2017,

Hollywood movie producer

Harry Weinstein made headlines

the MeToo hashtag became the focus for a global movement of women determined to expose the truth about abusive sexual behaviour.

focus for a global movement

of women determined

to expose the truth about

abusive sexual behaviour.

Weinstein was found guilty and given a 23-year prison sentence.


But the deeper reasons behind the problem, in America and worldwide, have not disappeared.

the problem, in America and worldwide,

I have a question now about the origin of the MeToo expression.

a question now about

the origin of the MeToo expression.

Although the MeToo message went viral due to public support from famous Hollywood actresses,

went viral due to public

support from famous Hollywood

the phrase itself was thought up years earlier by civil rights activist, Tarana Burke.

thought up years earlier

by civil rights activist, Tarana Burke.

What year did she first use it? Was it: a) 1996, b) 2006 or c) 2016?

a) 1996, b) 2006 or c) 2016?

I'll guess b) 2006.

OK, Georgina. We'll come back to that later.

Now more about Tarana Burke.

Tarana Burke.

Yes, Tarana worked with marginalised women in neglected American communities,

women in neglected American

shocking numbers of whom were victims of sexual violence and abuse.

numbers of whom were victims

of sexual violence and abuse.

Here she is talking with the BBC World Service's programme HARDtalk

World Service's programme HARDtalk

about how the MeToo movement continues to speak up for voiceless women and girls.

continues to speak up for

voiceless women and girls.

The beauty, I think, and the magic of MeToo is that it's a unifier in that way,

of MeToo is that it's a unifier

and it's where survivors find community and so -

where survivors find community and so -

definitely the mainstream media kept the focus on the actresses and Hollywood and that...

kept the focus on the

actresses and Hollywood and that...

but at its core the women who came forward were really no different than those girls who I served in the communities ten years before.

who came forward were really

no different than those girls who I served

in the communities ten years before.

Tarana doesn't call the girls and women who were abused 'victims'.

who were abused 'victims'.

Instead she prefers the term survivors -

people who are able to carry on with their life successfully,

able to carry on with their life

despite very unpleasant experiences which still affect them.

very unpleasant experiences

which still affect them.

The MeToo movement went viral when several famous movie actresses came forward -

when several famous movie actresses

offered to give information, about sexual harassment.

to give information,

about sexual harassment.

While these Hollywood actresses were famous celebrities, most survivors of sexual violence are ordinary women, living ordinary lives.

famous celebrities, most survivors

of sexual violence

are ordinary women, living ordinary lives.

That's why Tarana calls the MeToo movement a unifier -

the MeToo movement

something that unites and brings people together,

in this case women of different race and social background.

women of different

race and social background.

But while the media focused on particular people - Weinstein and several actresses in the movie industry -

people - Weinstein and

several actresses in

Tarana is clear that the problem is bigger than just individual cases.

the problem is bigger than just individual


Here she is explaining about the wider reasons behind the MeToo movement:

reasons behind the MeToo movement:

We can talk about Harvey Weinstein ad nauseam

but we also have to talk about what are the structures that were in place that allowed a Harvey Weinstein to thrive.

about what are the

structures that were in place that allowed

a Harvey Weinstein to thrive.

If you're going to talk about Harvey Weinstein's being successful,

to talk about Harvey Weinstein's being

then we have to also talk about capitalism, right?

talk about capitalism,

Because it's the love of money and the desire for people to have money and what he represented.

and the desire for people

to have money and what

The bottom line is people value those things more than they value the humanity of the women that he was destroying their lives.

value those things more than

they value the

humanity of the women that he was

It's about power and it's about privilege.

power and it's about

At the end of the day, these are the two things we have to talk about dismantling.

are the two things we have

to talk about dismantling.

According to Tarana, the behaviour of abusers like Weinstein was not challenged or questioned because of their privilege -

of abusers like Weinstein was not

challenged or questioned

power and advantage held by a small group of people, usually because of their high social position or because they are rich.

and advantage held by a small group

of people, usually because

of their high social position

or because they are rich.

So rather than focusing on individual cases,

it's male-dominated social structures like privilege that need dismantling -

structures like

breaking up or being stopped from working by gradually reducing its power over a period of time.

up or being stopped from

working by gradually

reducing its power over a period of time.

Tarana knows the problem won't disappear overnight.

disappear overnight.

But she believes the MeToo movement has opened up a space to talk about sexual violence in a new way and set out a pathway forward.

has opened up a space to talk

about sexual violence in

a new way and set out a pathway forward.

Let's go back to the quiz question. I asked you what year the two-word expression 'Me Too' was used. Was it a) 1996, b) 2006 or c) 2016, and you said...?

you what year the

two-word expression 'Me

Too' was used. Was it a) 1996,

b) 2006 or c) 2016, and you said...?

Yes. I said it was b) 2006.

Well done, Georgina! You are absolutely

Today, we've been talking about the hashtag MeToo movement

about the hashtag

MeToo movement

which went viral in 2017 - meaning it spread quickly on the internet.

it spread quickly on the internet.

The name 'MeToo' was created by Tarana Burke, an activist who works with sexual abuse survivors

by Tarana Burke, an activist who works

with sexual abuse survivors

- people who experience abuse but are able to carry on with their lives successfully.

able to carry on with

their lives successfully.

In 2017 many of these survivors came forward

- offered to give information - about sexual harassment in Hollywood.

information - about sexual

harassment in Hollywood.

And these actresses were supported by millions of women and men across the world,

by millions of women and men

making the MeToo movement an important cultural unifier

the MeToo movement an important

- something that unites and brings people together.

unites and brings people


Now the movement wants to shift the focus away from individual cases

the focus away from individual cases

and onto social structures of privilege - power and advantage held by a small group of people,

structures of privilege - power and

advantage held by a small group

of people, usually because

of their wealth or high social class.

And according to Tarana, it is these social

structures and attitudes which need to be

dismantled - stopped from

working by gradually reducing

their power over time.

And that's all we have time for today.

Join us again soon here at 6 Minute

English for more topical discussion

and vocabulary.

Bye for now.


What difference has #MeToo made? - 6 Minute English - YouTube Jaký rozdíl přineslo #MeToo? - 6 minut angličtiny - YouTube Welchen Unterschied hat #MeToo gemacht? - 6 Minuten Englisch - YouTube Τι διαφορά έχει κάνει το #MeToo; - 6 λεπτά αγγλικά - YouTube ¿Qué diferencia ha marcado el #MeToo? - 6 Minute English - YouTube Quelle différence a fait #MeToo ? - 6 minutes d'anglais - YouTube MeTooで何が変わったか?- 6分間英語 - YouTube 미투가 어떤 변화를 가져왔나요? - 6분 영어 - YouTube Jaką różnicę zrobiło #MeToo? - 6 Minute English - YouTube Que diferença é que o #MeToo fez? - 6 Minute English - YouTube Что изменилось благодаря #MeToo? - 6 Minute English - YouTube MeToo nasıl bir fark yarattı? - 6 Minute English - YouTube #MeToo 带来了什么改变? - 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Hello. This is 6 Minute English from |||Minutos||

BBC Learning English. I'm Sam.

And I'm Georgina. ||Y yo soy Georgina.

In this programme we'll take a look at the sensitive issue of sexual violence. ||||||||||||جنسی|خشونت جنسی |||vamos a|||||||tema delicado|||violencia sexual この番組では、性的暴力というデリケートな問題を取り上げる。

At the start of the decade no one knew ||||||||می‌دانست

start of the decade no one knew |||شروع دهه ناآشنا||| début de la décennie, personne ne savait

that the two-word phrase 'MeToo' would go viral - or spread quickly and widely on the internet through social media. ||||||||ویروسی شدن||گسترش یافتن|||گسترده|||||| ||||||||spread rapidly||||||||||| ||||||||viralizarse|||rápidamente|||||||| MeToo』という2文字のフレーズが流行すること、つまりソーシャルメディアを通じてインターネット上で急速に、そして広く拡散することを。

would go viral - or spread ||ویروسی شود||

quickly and widely on the internet ||به‌طور گسترده|||

through social media.

But when explosive allegations against Hollywood movie producer Harry Weinstein made headlines in 2017, |||اتهامات انفجاری||||تهیه‌کننده فیلم||واینستین||تیتر خبرها| |||accusations||||||||| |||oskarżenia||||||||| ||explosivas|acusaciones explosivas||||productor de cine||Weinstein||| しかし、2017年にハリウッドの映画プロデューサー、ハリー・ワインスタインに対する爆発的な疑惑が世間を賑わせた、

Hollywood movie producer

Harry Weinstein made headlines

the MeToo hashtag became the focus for a global movement of women determined to expose the truth about abusive sexual behaviour. ||هشتگ #من_هم||||||||||مصمم||افشا کردن||حقیقت||سوء استفاده آمیز|| ||etiqueta MeToo||||||||||||revelar|||||| MeTooのハッシュタグは、虐待的な性行為の真実を暴露しようと決意した女性たちの世界的な運動の焦点となった。

focus for a global movement

of women determined

to expose the truth about

abusive sexual behaviour. رفتار جنسی توهین‌آمیز||

Weinstein was found guilty and given a 23-year prison sentence. ワインスタインは有罪となり、23年の実刑判決を受けた。


But the deeper reasons behind the problem, in America and worldwide, have not disappeared. しかし、アメリカでも世界でも、この問題の背景にある深い理由が消えたわけではない。

the problem, in America and worldwide,

I have a question now about the origin of the MeToo expression. 私は今、MeTooという表現の起源について疑問を持っている。

a question now about

the origin of the MeToo expression.

Although the MeToo message went viral due to public support from famous Hollywood actresses, |||||||||||||بازیگران زن مشهور MeTooのメッセージは、有名なハリウッド女優たちの公的支援によって広まった、

went viral due to public est devenu viral en raison du public

support from famous Hollywood soutien du célèbre Hollywood

the phrase itself was thought up years earlier by civil rights activist, Tarana Burke. |||||||||||activista de derechos civiles|Tarana Burke|Tarana Burke この言葉自体は、公民権運動家のタラナ・バークが数年前に考えたものだ。

thought up years earlier

by civil rights activist, Tarana Burke.

What year did she first use it? Was it: a) 1996, b) 2006 or c) 2016? 彼女がそれを最初に使ったのは何年ですか?a)1996年、b)2006年、c)2016年?

a) 1996, b) 2006 or c) 2016?

I'll guess b) 2006.

OK, Georgina. We'll come back to that later. わかったよ、ジョージナ。その話はまた後で。

Now more about Tarana Burke.

Tarana Burke.

Yes, Tarana worked with marginalised women in neglected American communities, |||||||overlooked underserved disadvantaged|| ||||mujeres marginadas||||| そう、タラナは疎外されたアメリカのコミュニティで、疎外された女性たちと働いていた、

women in neglected American

shocking numbers of whom were victims of sexual violence and abuse. その中には、性的暴力や虐待の被害者も少なくない。

numbers of whom were victims

of sexual violence and abuse.

Here she is talking with the BBC World Service's programme HARDtalk ||||||||||HARDtalk BBCワールドサービスの番組『HARDtalk』で彼女はこう語っている。

World Service's programme HARDtalk

about how the MeToo movement continues to speak up for voiceless women and girls. ||||||||||sin voz|||

continues to speak up for

voiceless women and girls.

The beauty, I think, and the magic of MeToo is that it's a unifier in that way, |||||||||||||unificador||| 私が思うに、MeTooの素晴らしさ、そして魔法は、それがそのような意味での統一体であるということだ、

of MeToo is that it's a unifier MeToo je, že je to sjednotitel

and it's where survivors find community and so - そして、サバイバーたちがコミュニティを見つけていく場所でもある。

where survivors find community and so -

definitely the mainstream media kept the focus on the actresses and Hollywood and that... ||los principales medios||||||||||| しかし、主流メディアは女優やハリウッドに焦点を当て続けた。

kept the focus on the

actresses and Hollywood and that...

but at its core the women who came forward were really no different than those girls who I served in the communities ten years before. しかし、その核心は、名乗り出た女性たちは、私が10年前にコミュニティで奉仕していた少女たちと何ら変わりはなかった。

who came forward were really

no different than those girls who I served se neliší od těch dívek, kterým jsem sloužil

in the communities ten years before. v obcích před deseti lety.

Tarana doesn't call the girls and women who were abused 'victims'. |||||||||abusadas| タラナは虐待を受けた少女や女性を『被害者』とは呼ばない。

who were abused 'victims'.

Instead she prefers the term survivors -

people who are able to carry on with their life successfully, 人生をうまくやり遂げることができる人たち、

able to carry on with their life

despite very unpleasant experiences which still affect them.

very unpleasant experiences

which still affect them.

The MeToo movement went viral when several famous movie actresses came forward - MeToo運動は、何人かの有名な映画女優が名乗り出たことで広まった。

when several famous movie actresses

offered to give information, about sexual harassment. ||||||nękanie seksualne ||||||acoso sexual セクシャル・ハラスメントに関する情報提供を申し出た。

to give information,

about sexual harassment.

While these Hollywood actresses were famous celebrities, most survivors of sexual violence are ordinary women, living ordinary lives. ||||||famosas celebridades||||||||||| ハリウッド女優たちは有名なセレブリティだったが、性暴力のサバイバーのほとんどは普通の女性で、普通の生活を送っている。

famous celebrities, most survivors

of sexual violence

are ordinary women, living ordinary lives.

That's why Tarana calls the MeToo movement a unifier - だからこそ、タラナはMeToo運動を統合者と呼んでいる。

the MeToo movement

something that unites and brings people together, 人々を団結させ、ひとつにするもの、

in this case women of different race and social background. この場合、人種も社会的背景も異なる女性たちである。

women of different

race and social background.

But while the media focused on particular people - Weinstein and several actresses in the movie industry - しかし、メディアはワインスタインや映画界の女優たちといった特定の人物に焦点を当てた。

people - Weinstein and

several actresses in

Tarana is clear that the problem is bigger than just individual cases. タラナは、問題は個々のケースだけでなく、もっと大きなものだと明言している。

the problem is bigger than just individual


Here she is explaining about the wider reasons behind the MeToo movement: ここで彼女は、MeToo運動の背景にある広範な理由について説明している:

reasons behind the MeToo movement:

We can talk about Harvey Weinstein ad nauseam |||||||do znudzenia ハーヴェイ・ワインスタインについては、何度でも話すことができる。

but we also have to talk about what are the structures that were in place that allowed a Harvey Weinstein to thrive. ad nauseam, ale musíme také mluvit o tom. しかし、ハーヴェイ・ワインスタインが繁栄することを可能にした構造とは何なのかについても話さなければならない。

about what are the

structures that were in place that allowed

a Harvey Weinstein to thrive.

If you're going to talk about Harvey Weinstein's being successful, ハーヴェイ・ワインスタインが成功したと言うのなら、

to talk about Harvey Weinstein's being

then we have to also talk about capitalism, right? |||||||سرمایه‌داری| それなら、資本主義についても話さなければならないだろう?

talk about capitalism,

Because it's the love of money and the desire for people to have money and what he represented. それはお金への愛であり、人々がお金を持つことへの欲望であり、彼が象徴するものだからだ。

and the desire for people

to have money and what

The bottom line is people value those things more than they value the humanity of the women that he was destroying their lives. 要するに、人々は、彼が彼女たちの人生を破壊していた人間性よりも、そうしたものを重視しているのだ。

value those things more than

they value the

humanity of the women that he was

It's about power and it's about privilege. ||||||امتیاز それは権力であり、特権だ。

power and it's about

At the end of the day, these are the two things we have to talk about dismantling. ||||||||||||||||از بین بردن ||||||||||||||||demontażu 結局のところ、私たちが解体について話さなければならないのはこの2つだ。

are the two things we have

to talk about dismantling. |||صحبت از برچیدن

According to Tarana, the behaviour of abusers like Weinstein was not challenged or questioned because of their privilege - ||||||سوءاستفاده‌کنندگان|||||||||||امتیاز |||||||||||||||||power status advantage タラナによれば、ワインスタインのような虐待者の行動は、彼らの特権のために異議を唱えられたり、疑問視されたりすることはなかったという。

of abusers like Weinstein was not

challenged or questioned

power and advantage held by a small group of people, usually because of their high social position or because they are rich. 通常、社会的地位が高い、あるいは金持ちであるなどの理由で、少数の人々が持つ権力や優位性。

and advantage held by a small group

of people, usually because

of their high social position

or because they are rich.

So rather than focusing on individual cases, だから、個々のケースに焦点を当てるよりも、むしろ

it's male-dominated social structures like privilege that need dismantling - ||||||امتیاز اجتماعی||| 特権のような男性優位の社会構造こそ解体が必要なのだ。

structures like

breaking up or being stopped from working by gradually reducing its power over a period of time. 一定期間にわたって徐々にパワーを低下させることによって、故障したり、作動しなくなったりする。

up or being stopped from

working by gradually

reducing its power over a period of time.

Tarana knows the problem won't disappear overnight. タラナはこの問題が一朝一夕には解決しないことを知っている。

disappear overnight.

But she believes the MeToo movement has opened up a space to talk about sexual violence in a new way and set out a pathway forward. ||||||||||||||||||||||||مسیر پیش رو| しかし彼女は、MeToo運動が新たな方法で性暴力について語る場を開き、前進する道筋を示したと考えている。

has opened up a space to talk

about sexual violence in

a new way and set out a pathway forward. novou cestou a vytyčit cestu vpřed.

Let's go back to the quiz question. I asked you what year the two-word expression 'Me Too' was used. Was it a) 1996, b) 2006 or c) 2016, and you said...?

you what year the

two-word expression 'Me

Too' was used. Was it a) 1996,

b) 2006 or c) 2016, and you said...?

Yes. I said it was b) 2006.

Well done, Georgina! You are absolutely

Today, we've been talking about the hashtag MeToo movement

about the hashtag

MeToo movement

which went viral in 2017 - meaning it spread quickly on the internet.

it spread quickly on the internet.

The name 'MeToo' was created by Tarana Burke, an activist who works with sexual abuse survivors MeToo」という名前は、性的虐待の生存者のために活動する活動家、タラナ・バークによって作られた。

by Tarana Burke, an activist who works

with sexual abuse survivors

- people who experience abuse but are able to carry on with their lives successfully. - 虐待を経験しながらも、うまく生活を続けている人々。

able to carry on with

their lives successfully.

In 2017 many of these survivors came forward

- offered to give information - about sexual harassment in Hollywood.

information - about sexual

harassment in Hollywood.

And these actresses were supported by millions of women and men across the world,

by millions of women and men

making the MeToo movement an important cultural unifier

the MeToo movement an important

- something that unites and brings people together.

unites and brings people


Now the movement wants to shift the focus away from individual cases |||||change||||||

the focus away from individual cases

and onto social structures of privilege - power and advantage held by a small group of people,

structures of privilege - power and

advantage held by a small group

of people, usually because

of their wealth or high social class.

And according to Tarana, it is these social |طبق گفتهٔ||||||اجتماعی ||||||diese sozialen|

structures and attitudes which need to be ساختارها||نگرش‌ها||||

dismantled - stopped from متوقف شده||

working by gradually reducing ||به تدریج|

their power over time.

And that's all we have time for today.

Join us again soon here at 6 Minute

English for more topical discussion |||موضوعی|

and vocabulary.

Bye for now.
