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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Have you ever had ecotherapy? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Have you ever had ecotherapy? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello, this is 6 Minute English.

I'm Neil.

Georgina: And I'm Georgina.

Neil: Georgina, what do you do

to cheer yourself up?

Georgina: Having a walk usually helps -

especially if it's in the countryside.

Neil: Yes, being in all the green

open space can certainly help us

relax and de-stress - getting back

to nature can be a tonic

when you're feeling down.

Georgina: A tonic is something that

makes you feel happier and healthier.

I'll drink to that!

Neil: Me too. But connecting with

the natural world is particularly

beneficial to people with mental health

issues such as clinical depression.

And it's something that's being

called 'ecotherapy'. More on that in

a moment but here's a question for you

to answer, Georgina.

Georgina: OK, Neil. Fire away.

Neil: Well, seeing or even hugging trees

is a form of therapy, but how high

is the world's tallest tree

thought to be? Is it...

a) 65.8 metres, b) 115.8 metres,

or c) 185.8 metres?

Georgina, any ideas?

Georgina: Not a clue - but let's go for

the highest figure of 185.8 metres.

Neil: Are you sure? Well, we'll have

to wait until the end of the programme

to find out.

Now, the mental health charity, Mind,

describes ecotherapy as a formal type

of treatment which involves doing

outdoor activities in nature.

However, there's not one simple definition,

it just relates to doing activities outdoors.

Georgina: Yes, it can involve doing

many things, such as outdoor yoga

or horticulture - another name for

gardening. It doesn't involve taking

medication, but instead it just develops a

person's relationship with nature.

Neil: It's something Patricia Hasbach

knows a lot about

She's a clinical psychotherapist

and told the BBC Radio programme

Health Check how ecotherapy can help.

Does she say it can

help everyone?

Patricia Hasbach: I often think about

ecotherapy as another tool

in the therapist's toolbox.

It's not a panacea. It's not going to erase

somebody's pain or grief.

But it is a powerful tool, you know.

Traditionally therapy has stopped

at the urban boundary.

Neil: So it's interesting that she describes

ecotherapy as a tool - something that can

be used to achieve something else.

Here is can be used to help improve

someone's mental health.

Georgina: Ah, but she says it's not

a panacea - so not something

that will solve everything - it won't

erase or get rid of someone's pain.

But going beyond what she calls the

'urban boundary', and into the

natural world, means there is another

method for helping people.

Neil: Now, as we've mentioned,

ecotherapy can take on many forms -

doing art in a forest or running on

a beach are all therapeutic.

They're things that makes you feel better

or healthier.

Georgina: Well, I think that's clear, but

what is it about the outdoors that affects us?

Neil: A good question, Georgina.

It seems from research that our busy

brains are always on guard,

but when we get into nature it gets a

break, there's not so much to be on the

lookout for and we can relax.

Georgina: Well, it does seem the negative

symptoms of urban life can benefit from a

dose of nature - a dose is

an amount of something.

Let's get a good explanation

from an expert.

Environmental psychologist

Birgitta Gatersleben also spoke

to the BBC Health Check programme

and gave two reasons - one of them,

she explained, was something

called 'biophilia'.

Birgitta Gatersleben: Biophilia, very briefly,

is really an innate positive response that

people have with life and life-like features.

The idea that nature reminds us of life, and

if we (are) exposed to the natural

elements then our sort of

negative feelings get almost

immediately replaced

with positive emotions.

Neil: Birgitta Gatersleben there explaining

biophilia - which is a passion

for or empathy

with the natural world and living things.

Georgina: She said biophilia is innate,

which means is a quality that

you're born with.

So basically, most of us were born

to connect with nature - nature

reminds us of life and

gives us good, positive emotions.

Neil: Naturally. OK. Well, Georgina,

maybe getting today's quiz question

right will give you positive emotions.

Earlier I asked you how high

the world's tallest tree is thought

to be. Is it...

a) 65.8 metres, b) 115.8 metres,

or c) 185.8 metres?

What did you say?

Georgina: I said c) 185.8 metres.

Neil: Oh dear, I'm afraid that's far too high!

The correct answer is 115.8 metres.

Never mind. The tree, named Hyperion,

is a type of redwood and was

found in California in 2006.

Georgina: Well, that's still very tall,

and would be great to see.

Neil: Now we've just got time

to recap some of the vocabulary

we've discussed, starting with 'tonic'

which can be a fizzy drink you mix with

an alcoholic drink, but in the context

of therapy it can mean something that

makes you feel happier and healthier.

Georgina: Horticulture is the study

or activity of growing garden plants -

in other words, gardening.

Neil: A panacea is something

believed to solve everything.

Georgina: If something is therapeutic,

it makes you feel better or healthier.

Neil: We also discussed biophilia, which is

a passion for or empathy with the natural

world and living things.

Georgina: And innate means a quality that

you naturally have - you're born with it.

Neil: Well, as you know I have

an innate quality for presenting this

programme - but now it's time to go.

Please join us next time, and don't forget

to check us out on your favourite

social media platform, on our app and

of course the website

bbclearningenglish.com. Goodbye.

Georgina: Bye!

Have you ever had ecotherapy? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube Haben Sie jemals eine Ökotherapie gemacht? Hören Sie sich 6 Minuten Englisch an - YouTube エコセラピーを受けたことがありますか?6分間英語を聞く - YouTube Já fizeste ecoterapia? Ouvir 6 Minute English - YouTube Hiç ekoterapi aldınız mı? 6 Minute English'i dinleyin - YouTube 您曾经接受过生态疗法吗?听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube 您曾經接受過生態療法嗎?聽 6 分鐘英語 - YouTube

Neil: Hello, this is 6 Minute English.

I'm Neil.

Georgina: And I'm Georgina.

Neil: Georgina, what do you do

to cheer yourself up? |to cheer|| rozveselit se?

Georgina: Having a walk usually helps -

especially if it's in the countryside. zvláště pokud je to na venkově.

Neil: Yes, being in all the green Neil: Ano, být celý zelený

open space can certainly help us open space nám určitě může pomoci

relax and de-stress - getting back relaxovat a zbavit se stresu - dostat se zpět

to nature can be a tonic |||||tonic k přírodě může být tonikum

when you're feeling down. když se cítíte na dně.

Georgina: A tonic is something that

makes you feel happier and healthier.

I'll drink to that! Na to se připiju!

Neil: Me too. But connecting with

the natural world is particularly přírodní svět je zvláště

beneficial to people with mental health prospěšné lidem s duševním zdravím

issues such as clinical depression. problémy, jako je klinická deprese.

And it's something that's being

called 'ecotherapy'. More on that in nazývaná „ekoterapie“. Více o tom v

a moment but here's a question for you chvíli, ale tady je otázka pro vás

to answer, Georgina.

Georgina: OK, Neil. Fire away. Georgina: Dobře, Neile. Vystřelit.

Neil: Well, seeing or even hugging trees |||||hugging| Neil: No, vidět nebo dokonce objímat stromy

is a form of therapy, but how high

is the world's tallest tree je nejvyšší strom světa

thought to be? Is it... pensato|||| považován za? je to...

a) 65.8 metres, b) 115.8 metres,

or c) 185.8 metres?

Georgina, any ideas? Georgino, nějaké nápady?

Georgina: Not a clue - but let's go for Georgina: Ani stopa - ale pojďme na to

the highest figure of 185.8 metres.

Neil: Are you sure? Well, we'll have Neil: Jsi si jistý? No, budeme mít

to wait until the end of the programme

to find out. zjistit.

Now, the mental health charity, Mind, Nyní, charita pro duševní zdraví, Mind,

describes ecotherapy as a formal type

of treatment which involves doing léčby, která zahrnuje dělání

outdoor activities in nature.

However, there's not one simple definition,

it just relates to doing activities outdoors.

Georgina: Yes, it can involve doing Georgina: Ano, může to zahrnovat práci

many things, such as outdoor yoga

or horticulture - another name for |horticulture||| |hortikultury||| nebo zahradnictví - jiný název pro

gardening. It doesn't involve taking

medication, but instead it just develops a

person's relationship with nature.

Neil: It's something Patricia Hasbach Neil: To je něco, co Patricia Hasbach

knows a lot about ví hodně o

She's a clinical psychotherapist

and told the BBC Radio programme

Health Check how ecotherapy can help.

Does she say it can

help everyone?

Patricia Hasbach: I often think about

ecotherapy as another tool

in the therapist's toolbox. v sadě nástrojů terapeuta.

It's not a panacea. It's not going to erase |||cure-all|||||to erase

somebody's pain or grief. |||grief něčí bolest nebo smutek.

But it is a powerful tool, you know. Ale je to mocný nástroj, víte.

Traditionally therapy has stopped Tradičně se terapie zastavila

at the urban boundary. na hranici města.

Neil: So it's interesting that she describes Neil: Tak to je zajímavé, že popisuje

ecotherapy as a tool - something that can ekoterapie jako nástroj – něco, co umí

be used to achieve something else. použít k dosažení něčeho jiného.

Here is can be used to help improve Zde je možné použít ke zlepšení

someone's mental health.

Georgina: Ah, but she says it's not

a panacea - so not something všelék – tedy nic

that will solve everything - it won't tím se vše vyřeší – nevyřeší

erase or get rid of someone's pain. |||to get rid of||| vymazat nebo zbavit se něčí bolesti.

But going beyond what she calls the Ale jde nad rámec toho, co nazývá

'urban boundary', and into the „městské hranice“ a do

natural world, means there is another přírodní svět znamená, že existuje jiný

method for helping people. způsob pomoci lidem.

Neil: Now, as we've mentioned,

ecotherapy can take on many forms -

doing art in a forest or running on

a beach are all therapeutic.

They're things that makes you feel better Jsou to věci, díky kterým se cítíte lépe

or healthier.

Georgina: Well, I think that's clear, but

what is it about the outdoors that affects us? co nás ovlivňuje venku?

Neil: A good question, Georgina.

It seems from research that our busy Z výzkumu vyplývá, že naše zaneprázdněnost

brains are always on guard, mozek je vždy ve střehu,

but when we get into nature it gets a ale když se dostaneme do přírody, dostane a

break, there's not so much to be on the přestávka, není toho tolik co být na

lookout for and we can relax. podíváme se a můžeme odpočívat.

Georgina: Well, it does seem the negative

symptoms of urban life can benefit from a příznaky městského života mohou těžit z a

dose of nature - a dose is

an amount of something.

Let's get a good explanation

from an expert.

Environmental psychologist

Birgitta Gatersleben also spoke

to the BBC Health Check programme

and gave two reasons - one of them,

she explained, was something

called 'biophilia'.

Birgitta Gatersleben: Biophilia, very briefly, ||||for a short time Birgitta Gatersleben: Biofilie, velmi stručně,

is really an innate positive response that |||||response| je opravdu vrozená pozitivní reakce, že

people have with life and life-like features. lidé mají rysy podobné životu.

The idea that nature reminds us of life, and Myšlenka, že příroda nám připomíná život, a

if we (are) exposed to the natural pokud jsme (jsme) vystaveni přirozenému

elements then our sort of prvky pak náš druh

negative feelings get almost negativní pocity dostávají téměř

immediately replaced |replaced okamžitě vyměněn

with positive emotions.

Neil: Birgitta Gatersleben there explaining

biophilia - which is a passion biofilie – což je vášeň

for or empathy pro nebo empatii

with the natural world and living things. s přírodou a živými věcmi.

Georgina: She said biophilia is innate, |||||innata Georgina: Řekla, že biofilie je vrozená,

which means is a quality that

you're born with.

So basically, most of us were born Takže v podstatě většina z nás se narodila

to connect with nature - nature

reminds us of life and

gives us good, positive emotions.

Neil: Naturally. OK. Well, Georgina,

maybe getting today's quiz question

right will give you positive emotions.

Earlier I asked you how high

the world's tallest tree is thought

to be. Is it...

a) 65.8 metres, b) 115.8 metres,

or c) 185.8 metres?

What did you say?

Georgina: I said c) 185.8 metres.

Neil: Oh dear, I'm afraid that's far too high! Neil: Bože, obávám se, že je to příliš vysoko!

The correct answer is 115.8 metres. Správná odpověď je 115,8 metru.

Never mind. The tree, named Hyperion, Nevadí. Strom, pojmenovaný Hyperion,

is a type of redwood and was je druh sekvoje a byl

found in California in 2006.

Georgina: Well, that's still very tall,

and would be great to see. a bylo by skvělé to vidět.

Neil: Now we've just got time Neil: Teď máme akorát čas

to recap some of the vocabulary zrekapitulovat část slovní zásoby

we've discussed, starting with 'tonic' ||||tonic diskutovali jsme, počínaje „tonikou“

which can be a fizzy drink you mix with což může být perlivý nápoj, se kterým se mísí

an alcoholic drink, but in the context alkoholický nápoj, ale v kontextu

of therapy it can mean something that

makes you feel happier and healthier.

Georgina: Horticulture is the study |horticoltura|||

or activity of growing garden plants - nebo činnost pěstování zahradních rostlin -

in other words, gardening.

Neil: A panacea is something Neil: Všelék je něco

believed to solve everything. věřil, že vše vyřeší.

Georgina: If something is therapeutic, Georgina: Pokud je něco terapeutické,

it makes you feel better or healthier.

Neil: We also discussed biophilia, which is

a passion for or empathy with the natural vášeň nebo empatie s přírodním

world and living things.

Georgina: And innate means a quality that Georgina: A innate znamená vlastnost, která

you naturally have - you're born with it.

Neil: Well, as you know I have

an innate quality for presenting this vrozená vlastnost pro prezentaci tohoto

programme - but now it's time to go.

Please join us next time, and don't forget Příště se k nám přidejte a nezapomeňte

to check us out on your favourite a zkontroluj nás na svém oblíbeném

social media platform, on our app and platformě sociálních médií, v naší aplikaci a

of course the website

bbclearningenglish.com. Goodbye.

Georgina: Bye!