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BuzzFeed Video, My Miracle Trip To Japan

My Miracle Trip To Japan

- I went on a magical trip that changed my life forever,

and this is that story.

So, it's Labor Day Weekend 2016

and my friend tells me that she has an update on my ex.

So, I'm just like, oh my God, what's going on?

Does he have a girlfriend already?

She tells me no, no girlfriend, so I am relieved,

but then she tells me that he recently went to Japan.

That pissed me off so much

because my ex does not like to travel.

I had to book all of our trips together.

We went to Puerto Rico, we went to Mexico City.

It was all because of the work that I did

to plan these trips,

and one of the big trips I wanted to do for us

was to go to Tokyo.

It's been my dream trip since I was a kid.

So, fueled by Instagram jealousy,

I ran back to my apartment

and immediately began googling trips to Japan.

I found round-trip tickets for $750, woo!

Then I texted my childhood friend, Pat,

and I told him about this crazy cheap deal that I found.

He was down, I was down,

we decided to spend two weeks in Japan.

A month after we booked our flights,

my father was hospitalized

due to complications with diabetes.

I was with my dad at the hospital for most of the time,

and I assumed the role of the caregiver

because my mother is a nanny

and she does not have the same flexibility as I do

working here at BuzzFeed.

We received the heavy news

that he was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

I never thought that I'd be in a situation

where either of my parents would have cancer.

I took my dad to two different oncologists

and they both agreed he needed a tumor removed

from his left kidney.

I somehow miraculously got him into

one of the best hospitals in the country,

but I was getting nervous.

The trip to Japan was getting closer and closer

and I wasn't at work a lot,

and I asked my boss at one point,

should I still go to Japan?

Is that okay?

She said please go.

You need to travel, get your mind off things.

And with my family and boss's blessing,

I hopped on a plane with my friend Pat

and we embarked to The Land of the Rising Sun.

We started our trip in Kyoto,

which is Japan's ancient capital.

It has thousands of temples and shrines.

So, we decided to book an all-day tour

so we could hit up all the important spots.

Obviously, at the time,

I had a lot going on in my life

and I'm also a very spiritual person,

so it was important to me when I was in Kyoto

to pray in these temples and shrines

and do it in a very respectful manner.

At the end of this tour, I'm totally nerding out.

I'm in the front of the group

asking all the annoying questions, raising my hand.

It got to a point where I was that person

holding the tour guide pole.

I was that tourist, and all of a sudden,

I noticed this cute guy and I think he's looking at me.

At one point, we locked eyes,

and then I looked away

'cause I just thought he was staring at me

'cause I looked crazy with that tour pole thing.

So, we're at the last stop of the tour

and it's this magical temple called Kiyomizu-dera.

It's absolutely stunning.

There are these two stones

and they're actually called the Love Stones,

and legend goes that you must close your eyes

and walk from one stone to another stone,

and if you're able to walk from one stone to another stone

with your eyes closed without any help,

that means you won't need help finding love.

However, if you walk from one stone

to the other stone and you need help,

you will need help finding love,

whether it's a matchmaker, your mom, Tinder,

you're gonna need help.

So, my friend Pat walks from one stone to the other.

They're about 60 feet apart, and he is flawless.

I do it and I'm a hot mess.

I trip, I stumble.

(people talking)

- [Man] Yeah!

- In other words, I desperately need help finding love.

Before we knew it,

it was time to head back to the tour bus

and go back to our hotels.

So, as I get back in the bus,

I notice that that really cute guy

who I thought was checking me out,

he was sitting in the back of the bus too.

It was weird because he definitely

wasn't sitting in the back of the bus

throughout the whole day of this tour.

So, I hear him talking about traveling

and where he's been in Japan,

so I turn around and start talking to him,

we're hitting it off.

He introduced himself as Josh, I told him I was Alexis,

and then I quickly introduced him to Pat,

but I made sure to say this is my friend Pat

so he knew I was traveling with a homie and not a boyfriend.

So, then I gave my Instagram handle

and I told him to follow me, which he did.

I became friends with this girl named Molly from Australia,

and we made plans to hang out that night.

So, I figured I'd ask Josh to join us

'cause he's also an Aussie.

Why not?

Molly, Josh, and I meet in the hotel lobby that evening

and I lead them to this really cool ramen place

that I found on Yelp.

We had a great meal and decided to get drinks afterwards,

which is where things took a turn.

After a few hours in the bar,

I proposed that we do karaoke

because Japan is the birthplace of karaoke.

You know that chemistry you have

when you go out with a crush?

Your arms are brushing each other,

your legs are rubbing next to each other,

and you feel that spark in the air.

That's how it felt singing with Josh.

Molly finally leaves to go to the bathroom.

The second Molly leaves the room,

Josh and I begin looking at each other

and we just start immediately kissing.

4:00 a.m. rolls around and we leave the karaoke bar.

After we dropped of Molly,

Josh and I headed straight to his hotel.

The next morning,

we woke up together and ate a hungover lunch at McDonald's.

We ended up spending the whole day together

and we really opened up about our lives.

He tells me that his parents are both cancer survivors,

so I told him about my dad's recent cancer diagnosis

and we really really really bonded over that.

Josh and I spent 36 hours together,

and the only reason we stopped hanging out

was because he had to go back home to Australia.

I still had a week left in Japan,

so I finally met up with Pat again.

Remember him?

All the while, Josh and I kept talking on WhatsApp.

It felt like he was my boyfriend even though he wasn't.

Eventually, my trip to Japan ends

and I'm back in New York City.

A few random guys from my past asked me to hang out

and it frustrated me.

These (bleep) boys were playing themselves.

I hadn't heard from them in months

and they just started popping up from my trip after Japan,

and it just gave me clarity that

really the only person I wanted to be with was Josh.

A few days later,

I was on the phone with Josh and I just told him the truth.

I was like, look,

I only want to be with you and no one else.

Oh my God, I was feeling the same way,

but I was gonna wait until Christmas to tell you that,

he said.

It felt really nice that we were both on the same page.

So, we both laughed and decided then and there

that after 36 hours of hanging out,

he was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend.

Fast forward to a month later,

my father was about to get surgery

to have his tumor removed.

My father is a man of God and I grew up in a Baptist church

and I really respect and love the power of prayer,

but nothing had prepared me for my father's surgery update.

A few days after surgery,

my father's doctor called

and he said that my dad's tumor was benign.

I thought back to two things

I distinctly prayed for in Kyoto.

First was my father's health.

I prayed for a speedy recovery,

like I wouldn't be the optimistic woman that I am today

if it wasn't for him, so that was a really...

It was a really important prayer in Kyoto.

The second thing I prayed for in Kyoto was true love.

So, here I am in my mid-30s,

and I prayed to find true love no matter my age.

And I was like, if I find true love in my 40s or 50s or 60s,

I'd be okay with it.

I just wanna find the right person.

I'm sure you're wondering

what's going on with Josh and I now.

Well, I ended up going to Australia

to meet his friends and family

and he came to New York City to meet mine.

Less than a year after we met,

he moved to LA and we got engaged.

Exactly a year after we met,

we went to the Beverly Hills Courthouse and got married,

and it only cost us $90 to get married.

What a steal!

I never gave up on love and it led me to where I am now.

I hope the one thing you can take away from this video

is to do the same.

Don't give up on love.

(upbeat music)

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My Miracle Trip To Japan my|Miracle||| Моя|Моє диво-подорож до Японії|Моя чудова подорож до Японії|| Meine wundersame Reise nach Japan Mi viaje milagroso a Japón Mon voyage miraculeux au Japon Il mio viaggio miracoloso in Giappone 日本への奇跡の旅 나의 기적의 일본 여행 Moja cudowna podróż do Japonii A minha viagem milagrosa ao Japão Мое чудесное путешествие в Японию Japonya'ya Mucize Seyahatim Моя чудо-подорож до Японії 我的奇迹日本之旅 我的奇蹟日本之旅

- I went on a magical trip that changed my life forever, |ging||||||||| ||||enchanting|||||| - Šel jsem na kouzelný výlet, který navždy změnil můj život, - Я отправился в волшебное путешествие, которое навсегда изменило мою жизнь,

and this is that story. a tohle je ten příběh. и это та история.

So, it's Labor Day Weekend 2016 ||Tag der Arbeit|| ||Emek|Emek Bayramı| ||День праці|| ||Work|| Takže je tu Labour Day Weekend 2016 Итак, наступили выходные, посвященные Дню труда 2016.

and my friend tells me that she has an update on my ex. ||||||||||||前任 ||||||||||||Ex-Freund/Freundin |||||||||new information||| |||||||||оновлення||| ||||||||||||bivši partner a moje kamarádka mi řekla, že má aktuální informace o mém bývalém. и моя подруга говорит мне, что у нее есть последние новости о моем бывшем.

So, I'm just like, oh my God, what's going on? Отже||||||||| Takže si říkám, můj bože, co se děje? Итак, я просто такой, Боже мой, что происходит?

Does he have a girlfriend already? |||||schon |||||вже Má už přítelkyni? У него уже есть девушка?

She tells me no, no girlfriend, so I am relieved, |||||||||aliviado |||||||||鬆了一口氣 |||||||||erleichtert |||||||||rahatlamış |||||||||полегшено зітхнув |||||||||olajšan |||||||||安心した Říká mi ne, žádná přítelkyně, takže se mi ulevilo, Она говорит мне, что нет девушки, поэтому я чувствую облегчение,

but then she tells me that he recently went to Japan. ||||||||ging|| |||||||недавно||| ale pak mi řekla, že nedávno odjel do Japonska. но потом она говорит мне, что он недавно был в Японии.

That pissed me off so much |气死我了|||| |hat mich aufgeregt|||| |惹火|||| |розлютило|||| |razjezilo|||| To mě tak naštvalo Это так меня разозлило

because my ex does not like to travel. protože můj bývalý nerad cestuje. потому что мой бывший не любит путешествовать.

I had to book all of our trips together. Musel jsem si zarezervovat všechny naše výlety společně. Пришлось бронировать все поездки вместе.

We went to Puerto Rico, we went to Mexico City. |||波多|波多黎各||||| |||Port|Puerto Rico||||| Šli jsme do Portorika, šli jsme do Mexico City. Мы поехали в Пуэрто-Рико, мы поехали в Мехико.

It was all because of the work that I did Bylo to všechno kvůli práci, kterou jsem dělal Это все из-за той работы, которую я проделал

to plan these trips, планировать эти поездки,

and one of the big trips I wanted to do for us и одно из больших путешествий, которое я хотел сделать для нас

was to go to Tokyo. должен был поехать в Токио.

It's been my dream trip since I was a kid. |一直是|||||||| Это путешествие было моей мечтой с детства.

So, fueled by Instagram jealousy, |受...驱动||| |driven by||social media platform| |підживлений|||ревнощі через Instagram |受到 Instagram 嫉|||嫉妒心 Итак, подогреваемые завистью в Instagram, 所以,受到 Instagram 嫉妒的驅使,

I ran back to my apartment Я побежал в свою квартиру 我跑回我的公寓

and immediately began googling trips to Japan. и сразу начал гуглить поездки в Японию. 並立即開始搜尋去日本的行程。

I found round-trip tickets for $750, woo! ||туди й назад|||| Я нашел билеты туда и обратно за 750 долларов, ух! 我找到來回票只要750美元,哇!

Then I texted my childhood friend, Pat, ||||Kindheitsfreund|| ||sent a message||||Pat 然後我發短信給我的童年朋友,Pat,

and I told him about this crazy cheap deal that I found. |||||||дешевий|||| 我告訴他我找到的這個瘋狂便宜的優惠。

He was down, I was down, |||||Er war niedergeschlagen, ich war niedergeschlagen. ||Він був засмучений, я була засмучена.||| 彼は落ち込んでいた、私は落ち込んでいた、

we decided to spend two weeks in Japan.

A month after we booked our flights, |一個月||||| ||||reserved||

my father was hospitalized |||admitted to hospital |||住院 |||ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert |||hastaneye yatırıldı |||住院 |||入院した

due to complications with diabetes. ||并发症|| ||||aufgrund von Diabetes ||health issues||diabetes-related issues ||ускладненнями через діабет|| ||併發症||糖尿病 由於糖尿病的併發症。

I was with my dad at the hospital for most of the time, 我大部分時間都在醫院陪伴我的父親,

and I assumed the role of the caregiver |||||||primary caretaker ||擔任||角色|||照顧者 |||||||Betreuer ||üstlendiğim|||||bakıcı |||||||照顾者 |||||||опікуна 我擔任了護理者的角色

because my mother is a nanny |||||childcare provider |||||保姆 |||||Kindermädchen |||||bakıcı |||||保姆 |||||няня

and she does not have the same flexibility as I do |||||||靈活性|||

working here at BuzzFeed. |||BuzzFeed arbeiten |||BuzzFeed'de |||バズフィード |||BuzzFeed workplace 在 BuzzFeed 工作。

We received the heavy news |||schwere| 我們收到那則沉重的消息

that he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. |||found to have||renal organ| |||被診斷||腎臟| |||||Niere|Nierenkrebs |||teşhis edildi||böbrek| |||诊断为||肾脏| |||diagnosticirali||ledvica| 他被診斷出腎癌。

I never thought that I'd be in a situation 我從來沒有想過我會處於這樣的情況

where either of my parents would have cancer. 我的任何一位父母都會得癌症。

I took my dad to two different oncologists |||||||肿瘤医生 |||||||Onkologen |||||||cancer specialists |||||||腫瘤科 我帶我爸去看了兩位不同的腫瘤醫生

and they both agreed he needed a tumor removed |||||||肿瘤| |||||||growth| |||||||腫瘤|

from his left kidney. |||Niere

I somehow miraculously got him into |不知怎麼地|奇蹟般地||| ||auf wundersame Weise||| |By some miracle|||| ||奇跡的に||| ||奇迹般地|||

one of the best hospitals in the country, ||||top medical facility|||

but I was getting nervous.

The trip to Japan was getting closer and closer

and I wasn't at work a lot, 而且我不常上班,

and I asked my boss at one point, |||||||某個時候 有一次我問我的老闆,

should I still go to Japan? 我還應該去日本嗎?

Is that okay?

She said please go.

You need to travel, get your mind off things.

And with my family and boss's blessing, ||||||祝福 |||||boss's approval|approval

I hopped on a plane with my friend Pat |登上了||||||| |boarded||||||| |跳上|||||||

and we embarked to The Land of the Rising Sun. ||启程前往||||||| ||aufbrachen||||||| ||set out||||||| ||啟程||||||| ||odpravili smo se||||||| 我們啟程前往日出之國。

We started our trip in Kyoto, 我们||||| |||||Kyoto 我們的旅程從京都開始,

which is Japan's ancient capital. ||||首都 ||||ancient capital 京都是日本的古都。

It has thousands of temples and shrines. ||||||神社 ||||places of worship||sacred places ||||||神社 ||||||svetišča

So, we decided to book an all-day tour

so we could hit up all the important spots. |||去逛逛|去到|||| ||||||||important places

Obviously, at the time, Offensichtlich, damals||| Açıkça|||

I had a lot going on in my life

and I'm also a very spiritual person, |||||靈性的人| |||||geistig| |||||deeply connected|

so it was important to me when I was in Kyoto

to pray in these temples and shrines |祈禱||||| ||||||svetišča

and do it in a very respectful manner. |||||||方式

At the end of this tour, I'm totally nerding out. ||||||||geeking out| ||||||||發瘋於| ||||||||ausflippen| ||||||||çılgınca heyecanlanmak| ||||||||痴迷| ||||||||navdušen nad znanjem| ||||||||オタクになって| 在這次旅程的結尾,我完全變成了書呆子。

I'm in the front of the group 我站在團體的前面,

asking all the annoying questions, raising my hand. |||煩人的|||| |||nadležen|||| 問所有煩人的問題,舉手。

It got to a point where I was that person ||||一個地步||||| 到了某個時刻,我成為了那個人

holding the tour guide pole. ||||導遊桿 ||||vodniška palica 手握導覽桿。

I was that tourist, and all of a sudden, |||那位遊客||||| ||||||||ganz plötzlich 我成為了那個遊客,突然之間,

I noticed this cute guy and I think he's looking at me.

At one point, we locked eyes, ||某一刻||| ||||sich treffen| ||||srečala sta se|

and then I looked away

'cause I just thought he was staring at me

'cause I looked crazy with that tour pole thing. |||||||導遊桿|

So, we're at the last stop of the tour

and it's this magical temple called Kiyomizu-dera. ||||||Kiyomizu-dera Temple|temple or shrine

It's absolutely stunning. ||驚人 ||驚くべき |Popolnoma|Osupljivo

There are these two stones

and they're actually called the Love Stones, |它們|實際上|||愛之石|

and legend goes that you must close your eyes

and walk from one stone to another stone,

and if you're able to walk from one stone to another stone

with your eyes closed without any help,

that means you won't need help finding love.

However, if you walk from one stone

to the other stone and you need help,

you will need help finding love,

whether it's a matchmaker, your mom, Tinder, ||||||Tinder |||relationship facilitator|||Dating app

you're gonna need help.

So, my friend Pat walks from one stone to the other.

They're about 60 feet apart, and he is flawless. |||相隔||||完美無瑕 |||||||makellos |||||||perfect in appearance |||||||完璧な |||||||brezhiben

I do it and I'm a hot mess. |||||||一團糟 |||||||めちゃくちゃ

I trip, I stumble. |絆倒||絆倒 |||Ich stolpere. |||lose my balance |||つまずく |||spotaknem se

(people talking)

- [Man] Yeah!

- In other words, I desperately need help finding love. ||||非常需要|||| ||||dringend|||| ||||urgently||||

Before we knew it,

it was time to head back to the tour bus

and go back to our hotels. |||||our accommodations

So, as I get back in the bus,

I notice that that really cute guy

who I thought was checking me out, 我以為正在瞧我的那個人,

he was sitting in the back of the bus too. 他也坐在巴士的後面。

It was weird because he definitely |||||肯定 ||seltsam||| 這很奇怪,因為他絕對

wasn't sitting in the back of the bus 沒有坐在公車的後面

throughout the whole day of this tour. 整個旅程的|||||| all day long|||||| 在這次旅行的整個一天中。

So, I hear him talking about traveling 所以,我聽到他在談論旅行

and where he's been in Japan,

so I turn around and start talking to him,

we're hitting it off. |相處融洽|| |verstehen uns gut|| |ujeli||

He introduced himself as Josh, I told him I was Alexis, ||||||||||I was Alexis

and then I quickly introduced him to Pat,

but I made sure to say this is my friend Pat

so he knew I was traveling with a homie and not a boyfriend. ||||||||朋友|||| ||||||||Kumpel|||| ||||||||close friend|||| ||||||||友達|||| ||||||||prijateljem||||

So, then I gave my Instagram handle |||給了|||帳號 ||||||Benutzernamen ||||||username or ID

and I told him to follow me, which he did.

I became friends with this girl named Molly from Australia, |||||||Molly|| 我和這個名叫瑪莉的澳洲女孩成為了朋友,

and we made plans to hang out that night. 我們計劃在那個晚上一起出去玩。

So, I figured I'd ask Josh to join us ||想說|||||| 所以,我想邀請喬希一起來。

'cause he's also an Aussie. ||||澳洲人 ||||Australier ||||Australian person

Why not?

Molly, Josh, and I meet in the hotel lobby that evening ||||||||hotel entrance area||

and I lead them to this really cool ramen place ||führe||||||| ||guide||||||Japanese noodle soup|

that I found on Yelp. ||||Yelp 網站 ||||review platform Yelp

We had a great meal and decided to get drinks afterwards, |||美好的|||||||之後 ||||||||||danach

which is where things took a turn. ||||||轉變 這就是事情轉折的地方。

After a few hours in the bar, 在酒吧待了幾個小時後,

I proposed that we do karaoke |建議||||卡拉OK |||||Karaoke singen |suggested|||| |önerilen|||| 我提議我們去唱卡拉OK

because Japan is the birthplace of karaoke. ||||origin||

You know that chemistry you have |||化學|| |||diese Chemie|| |||kimya||

when you go out with a crush? ||||||暗戀對象 ||||||Schwarm ||||||romantic interest ||||||simpatija

Your arms are brushing each other, |||輕觸|| |||sich berühren|| |||touching lightly||

your legs are rubbing next to each other, |||摩擦|||| |||chafing against each|||| |||sürtünme|||| |||drgnjenje||||

and you feel that spark in the air. ||||火花||| ||||kıvılcım|||

That's how it felt singing with Josh.

Molly finally leaves to go to the bathroom.

The second Molly leaves the room,

Josh and I begin looking at each other

and we just start immediately kissing.

4:00 a.m. rolls around and we leave the karaoke bar. ||來到|||||||

After we dropped of Molly, ||送走||

Josh and I headed straight to his hotel. |||前往||||

The next morning,

we woke up together and ate a hungover lunch at McDonald's. |||||||宿醉的||| |||||||verkatert||| |||||||recovering from drinking|||McDonald's

We ended up spending the whole day together

and we really opened up about our lives. |||öffneten uns|||| 我們真的敞開心扉,談論了自己的生活。

He tells me that his parents are both cancer survivors, |||||||||癌症倖存 |||||||||cancer survivors 他告訴我他的父母都是癌症倖存者,

so I told him about my dad's recent cancer diagnosis |||||||||診斷結果 |||||||||Krebsdiagnose meines Vaters |||||||||cancer diagnosis 所以我告訴他我爸爸最近被診斷出癌症的事。

and we really really really bonded over that. |||||建立了聯繫|| |||||zusammengewachsen|| |||||connected deeply|| |||||絆を深め|| |||||povezali||

Josh and I spent 36 hours together,

and the only reason we stopped hanging out

was because he had to go back home to Australia.

I still had a week left in Japan,

so I finally met up with Pat again.

Remember him?

All the while, Josh and I kept talking on WhatsApp. |||||||||messaging app

It felt like he was my boyfriend even though he wasn't. ||||||||obwohl||

Eventually, my trip to Japan ends

and I'm back in New York City.

A few random guys from my past asked me to hang out ||隨機的||||||||| 我過去的一些隨便的男孩邀請我出去玩

and it frustrated me. ||讓我沮| ||und es frustrierte mich.| 這讓我感到沮喪。

These (bleep) boys were playing themselves. |Diese verdammten Jungs|||| 這些(刪除)男孩真是在自我作踐。

I hadn't heard from them in months

and they just started popping up from my trip after Japan, ||||出現|||||| ||||auftauchen|||||| ||||appearing suddenly|||||| ||||pojavljati se||||||

and it just gave me clarity that |||||清晰感| |||||Klarheit darüber, dass|

really the only person I wanted to be with was Josh.

A few days later,

I was on the phone with Josh and I just told him the truth.

I was like, look,

I only want to be with you and no one else.

Oh my God, I was feeling the same way,

but I was gonna wait until Christmas to tell you that,

he said. |er sagte

It felt really nice that we were both on the same page.

So, we both laughed and decided then and there |||lachten|||||

that after 36 hours of hanging out,

he was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend.

Fast forward to a month later, 快進||||| Skip ahead|skip ahead|||| 快轉到一個月後,

my father was about to get surgery ||||||手術 ||||||undergo an operation 我父親即將接受手術,

to have his tumor removed. |||腫瘤| 以切除他的腫瘤。

My father is a man of God and I grew up in a Baptist church |||||||||||||Baptist church|

and I really respect and love the power of prayer, |||||||||祈禱的 |||||||||spiritual supplication

but nothing had prepared me for my father's surgery update. 但沒有什麼能讓我為我父親的手術更新做好準備。

A few days after surgery, 手術後幾天,

my father's doctor called 我父親的醫生打電話來了

and he said that my dad's tumor was benign. ||||||||良性 ||||||||gutartig ||||||||Not harmful

I thought back to two things

I distinctly prayed for in Kyoto. |清楚地|祈禱||| |clearly|asked for|||

First was my father's health.

I prayed for a speedy recovery, ||||迅速的|康復 ||||quick|quick healing 我祈求快速康復,

like I wouldn't be the optimistic woman that I am today |||||樂觀的||||| 如果不是因為他,我就不會成為今天這樣的樂觀女性,

if it wasn't for him, so that was a really... 所以那真的是一個...

It was a really important prayer in Kyoto. |||||祈禱||

The second thing I prayed for in Kyoto was true love.

So, here I am in my mid-30s,

and I prayed to find true love no matter my age. 無論我的年齡,我都祈禱能找到真愛。

And I was like, if I find true love in my 40s or 50s or 60s, 我想,如果我在40、50或60歲的時候找到真愛,

I'd be okay with it. 我會接受的。

I just wanna find the right person.

I'm sure you're wondering

what's going on with Josh and I now.

Well, I ended up going to Australia

to meet his friends and family

and he came to New York City to meet mine. 他來到紐約市見我。

Less than a year after we met, 我們認識不到一年,

he moved to LA and we got engaged. |||||||訂婚 |||||||became fiancés 他搬到洛杉磯並且我們訂婚了。

Exactly a year after we met, ちょうど|||||

we went to the Beverly Hills Courthouse and got married, ||||||法院||| ||||||Gerichtsgebäude||| ||||||Beverly Hills Courthouse||| sva|||||||||

and it only cost us $90 to get married. |||gekostet||||

What a steal! ||好便宜 ||Was für ein Schnäppchen! ||Kakšna kraja!

I never gave up on love and it led me to where I am now.

I hope the one thing you can take away from this video

is to do the same.

Don't give up on love.

(upbeat music)