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The Rise and Fall, The Rise And Fall Of Subway

The Rise And Fall Of Subway

With more than 42,000 restaurants

in over 100 countries, Subway has the most locations

of any fast-food chain on the planet.

And at first, that sounds like a sign

of a thriving sub giant.

However, Subway is anything but.

Subway's closed thousands of stores

in the last three years

and saw a 25% fall in business from 2012 to 2017.

So what happened?

The chain began as Pete's Super Submarines

in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1965.

Three years later, cofounders Fred DeLuca

and Peter Buck rebranded it to simply Subway.

Announcer: Subway's famous giant foot-long sandwiches

are made right before your eyes, the way you want 'em.

Len Van Popering: What was so compelling then

and still is today about Subway

is really an open-kitchen format.

In many ways, they really pioneered that

and the ability to customize your sandwich.

Narrator: The brand redefined fast food

with fresh ingredients that customers could see.

Compared to other fast-food chains at the time,

it felt healthy.

And it worked.

By 1981, there were 200 locations across the US,

and soon after, Subway went international.

Joel Libava: In the late '70s,

and in the '80s, and in the '90s,

everyone knew about Subway.

I mean, they were everywhere.

They're still everywhere.

Narrator: That's Joel Libava, an expert in franchising.

While each store looks and smells the same,

they're all independently owned franchises.

Libava: The format is pretty simple.

You buy a franchise, you get trained,

they help you secure a location.

They help with a grand opening,

and you're open.

You're open for business.

Follow the several-hundred-page operating manual,

do the advertising,

and customers will come in.

Narrator: Not only were Subway franchises successful,

they were, and still are,

one of the cheapest chains to franchise.

It costs between $116,000 and $263,000

to open a Subway franchise.

Compare that to opening a McDonald's,

which costs up to $2.2 million.

Because Subways were easy to open,

the number of stores skyrocketed.

Between 1990 and 1998,

store locations rose from 5,000 to 13,200.

And in that same period of time,

gross sales rose by about $2.1 billion.

Subway's success continued into the early 2000s.

At a time when obesity was rising rapidly in America,

Subway continued to market itself

as a healthy alternative to fast food.

Kate Taylor: One of their biggest successes

for sure was the Jared Fogle story.

Everyone remembers those ads,

where it's him in those huge pants

where he's showing how he lost all of this weight.

And that just made them so much money,

and it really made people think

about Subway as a really great health brand.

It was one of the biggest advertising wins

that any chain's had in recent decades.

So that was a huge, huge part of their brand.

Narrator: Subway carried Fogle's success story

for nearly a decade.

But by 2008, the world was suffering

from the effects of the Great Recession.

And for many Americans,

hunting for deals replaced the obsession with weight loss.

So Subway changed up its message.

In March 2008, it introduced a new promotion

that would come to define the chain.

♪ Five ♪

♪ Five dollar ♪

♪ Five dollar footlongs ♪

Narrator: By August 2009,

as other restaurant chains were struggling

through the Recession, the $5 footlong had pulled in

$3.8 billion in sales for Subway,

a 17% jump in US sales from the year before.

But even the best deals run their course.

♪ Five dollar ♪

♪ Five dollar footlong ♪

Narrator: Starting in 2014,

Subway's sales began steadily dropping.

Behind the scenes, many of the reasons

for Subway's success had turned on them.

Quiznos was once Subway's main competition,

but tons of sub chains, like Jimmy John's,

Firehouse, Potbelly, and Jersey Mike's,

and fast-casual chains like Panera,

were offering seemingly fresher and healthier options.

And they started stealing market share.

Taylor: They were competing against people who bring in

fresh produce every day.

A lot of Subway locations

only bring in fresh produce once or twice a week.

Narrator: On top of that, fast-food chains

that had been around as long as Subway

were coming up with healthy alternatives of their own

and getting creative with new menus.

Taylor: More and more fast-food chains really want

to have that innovation pipeline

where they're bringing something out new almost every month.

Fast-food places are looking for ways

to bring in new customers, drive traffic,

and Subway has not tried to do that

in the same way other places have.

Narrator: But other fast-food chains

weren't the only competition for Subway franchises.

With Subway's franchising model making it so easy

to open locations, stores inevitably started opening up

around the corner from each other in lucrative markets.

Take downtown Manhattan, for example.

Within a 15-minute walk in less than half a square mile,

there are 10 Subway locations.

And these locations in close proximity

began cannibalizing each others' sales.

Libava: The Subway franchise agreement, the contract,

it says they can open anywhere.

There is no protected territory.

So franchisees really have no say-so

in where the other franchisees are going to open.

It's a problem.

Narrator: And Subway corporate wasn't stopping it,

because the company benefited

from a high number of locations.

More locations meant more franchising fees

and high royalties to Subway corporate,

which diminished the effect

of falling sales from a single location.

Taylor: When franchisees' sales are kind of slipping,

as long as they're staying open,

it doesn't necessarily hurt Subway

as much as it would some other chains.

If everyone's kind of, like, chugging along, like,

opening new locations, then they can kind of

keep on keeping on, and it's not gonna be

the end of the world for the corporate office.

Narrator: Franchise owners, on the other hand,

took the hit.

In 2012, each Subway franchise generated

an average of $482,000 a year.

Four years later, that number had slipped

to $422,000 a year.

For comparison, the average annual revenue

of a McDonald's franchise in 2016

was $2.6 million.

And to make matters worse,

Subway would lose the face of its company.

In 2015, the man

who had embodied Subway's "eat fresh" mission was charged

with possession of child pornography

and having sex with minors.

Subway cut ties with Fogle,

and he was sentenced to 15 1/2 years in federal prison.

Taylor: And the Jared Fogle thing kind of basically went

from a huge positive to huge liability.

Like, the worst things possible

that your brand could be associated with.

Narrator: All of these things

created the perfect storm for Subway.

And soon, locations started to close.

In 2016, Subway closed 359 stores in the US.

It was the first year the chain closed more locations

than it opened.

In 2017, that number was over 800,

and by the end of 2018, over 1,000 locations had closed.

With all these sour ingredients,

it's hard to imagine Subway could bounce back.

But the chain is certainly trying.

In 2017, Subway launched its Fresh Forward program,

starting with remodeled stores.

The revamped locations featured new menu boards,

WiFi, USB ports, updated furniture, and music.

Libava: I will give Subway credit.

They're doing something interesting.

They are offering grants where,

if a franchisee applies and everything's in line,

they can get up to $10,000 towards remodeling.

Narrator: By the end of 2020,

over 10,000 locations will have this new restaurant design.

But Subway says food is its next priority,

and it's backing it up with an $80 million investment

in updated menu items.

Subway's partnered with the media company Tastemade

to develop hundreds of new menu ideas,

like the Green Goddess Tuna Melt

and the Southern Style French Dip.

In 2018, the chain introduced its cheesy garlic bread,

its most successful promotion in the last five years.

And in 2019, a line of ciabatta sandwiches

and Halo Top milkshakes hit stores.

Van Popering: Historically, Subway would evaluate

about six or seven new menu items per month,

but we've set up a process and invested in capabilities

where we're literally testing

at least 100 new menu items every month.

Narrator: As for whether or not all these menu items

and revamped designs will stop shuttering stores

and dropping business, only time will tell.

Taylor: They need to figure out

who they want their customer to be.

I think it's really an uphill battle for them.

But if they kind of go back to the basics,

think about what people want,

ask people what they want

and think about it a little bit more innovation,

that's kind of going to be a good start for them.

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The Rise And Fall Of Subway |||||U-Bahn Der Aufstieg und Fall der U-Bahn Auge y declive del metro L'ascension et la chute de Subway 地下鉄の栄枯盛衰 Powstanie i upadek metra A ascensão e queda do metro Взлет и падение метрополитена Metronun Yükselişi ve Düşüşü Зліт і падіння метрополітену 地铁的兴衰 地鐵的興衰

With more than 42,000 restaurants 42,000以上のレストランがあります

in over 100 countries, Subway has the most locations ||||tem||| 100か国以上で、地下鉄が最も多くの場所を持っています em mais de 100 países, a Subway é a empresa com mais estabelecimentos

of any fast-food chain on the planet.

And at first, that sounds like a sign そして最初は、それは兆候のように聞こえます E, à primeira vista, isso parece um sinal

of a thriving sub giant. ||gedeihenden|| ||繁栄する|サブ| 繁栄している準巨星の。

However, Subway is anything but. しかし、地下鉄はそれ以外のものです。 No entanto, o Subway é tudo menos isso.

Subway's closed thousands of stores Subways|||| ||||店舗 Subway|||| 地下鉄は何千もの店舗を閉鎖しました A Subway fechou milhares de lojas

in the last three years nos últimos três anos

and saw a 25% fall in business from 2012 to 2017. 2012年から2017年にかけてビジネスが25%減少しました。 e registou uma quebra de 25% na atividade entre 2012 e 2017.

So what happened? O que é que aconteceu?

The chain began as Pete's Super Submarines ||||Pete||Super-Sandwiches ||||de Pete|| |a cadeia|começou|||| チェーンはピートのスーパー潜水艦として始まりました

in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1965. |Bridgeport|Connecticut| |Bridgeport||

Three years later, cofounders Fred DeLuca |||Mitbegründer|Fred DeLuca|DeLuca |||cofundadores||DeLuca

and Peter Buck rebranded it to simply Subway. ||Buck|umbenannt|||| |||cambió de marca|||| e Peter Buck mudou-lhe o nome para simplesmente Subway.

Announcer: Subway's famous giant foot-long sandwiches Anunciador: As famosas sandes gigantes da Subway

are made right before your eyes, the way you want 'em. ||||||||||sie あなたの目の前で、あなたが望む方法で作られています。 são feitos mesmo à frente dos seus olhos, tal como os quer.

Len Van Popering: What was so compelling then Len||Popering||||überzeugend| ||||||魅力的な| Len Van Popering||Popering||||| Len Van Popering:当時とても魅力的だったのは Len Van Popering: O que é que era tão atraente nessa altura

and still is today about Subway |und ist es|||| そして今日も地下鉄についてです e ainda hoje é sobre o Subway

is really an open-kitchen format. é de facto um formato de cozinha aberta.

In many ways, they really pioneered that |||||pioniert| 多くの点で、彼らは本当にそれを開拓しました Em muitos aspectos, eles foram realmente pioneiros nessa área

and the ability to customize your sandwich. ||die Möglichkeit||anpassen|| e a possibilidade de personalizar a sua sandes.

Narrator: The brand redefined fast food |||neu definiert|| |||redefinió|| Narrador: A marca redefiniu a comida rápida

with fresh ingredients that customers could see. お客様に見ていただける新鮮な食材を使用。 com ingredientes frescos que os clientes pudessem ver.

Compared to other fast-food chains at the time, Verglichen|||||||| 当時の他のファストフードチェーンと比較して、 Em comparação com outras cadeias de fast-food da altura,

it felt healthy. |pareceu|saudável

And it worked. そしてそれはうまくいった。 E funcionou.

By 1981, there were 200 locations across the US,

and soon after, Subway went international. |bald|||| そしてすぐに、地下鉄は国際的になりました。

Joel Libava: In the late '70s, |Libava|||| |Libava||||

and in the '80s, and in the '90s,

everyone knew about Subway.

I mean, they were everywhere. つまり、彼らはいたるところにいました。 Quer dizer, estavam por todo o lado.

They're still everywhere. 彼らはまだどこにでもいます。 Continuam a estar em todo o lado.

Narrator: That's Joel Libava, an expert in franchising. |||||||Franchising |||||||franquicias ナレーター:それはフランチャイズの専門家であるジョエル・リバヴァです。

While each store looks and smells the same, 見た目も匂いも同じですが、 Embora cada loja tenha o mesmo aspeto e o mesmo cheiro,

they're all independently owned franchises. ||unabhängig||Franchises ||||franquicias それらはすべて独立して所有されているフランチャイズです。

Libava: The format is pretty simple. ||||bastante| Libava: O formato é bastante simples.

You buy a franchise, you get trained, |||Franchiseunternehmen||| あなたはフランチャイズを購入し、訓練を受け、 Compra-se uma franquia, recebe-se formação,

they help you secure a location. 彼らはあなたが場所を確保するのに役立ちます。 ajudam-no a garantir um local.

They help with a grand opening, Ajudam numa grande inauguração,

and you're open. そして、あなたは開いています。 e está aberto.

You're open for business. あなたはビジネスのために開いています。 Está aberto para negócios.

Follow the several-hundred-page operating manual, ||mehrere||||Handbuch 数百ページの操作マニュアルに従ってください。 Seguir o manual de instruções de várias centenas de páginas,

do the advertising, ||Werbung 広告をする、

and customers will come in. そして顧客がやってくるでしょう。 e os clientes virão.

Narrator: Not only were Subway franchises successful, |||||franquias|bem-sucedidas ナレーター:地下鉄のフランチャイズが成功しただけでなく、 Narrador: Não só os franchisings da Subway tiveram sucesso,

they were, and still are, |||immer noch| 彼らは、そして今もそうです、 eram, e ainda são,

one of the cheapest chains to franchise. フランチャイズで最も安いチェーンの1つ。 uma das cadeias mais baratas de franchising.

It costs between $116,000 and $263,000 |custa|| それは116,000ドルから263,000ドルの間の費用がかかります

to open a Subway franchise.

Compare that to opening a McDonald's, Vergleiche|||||McDonald's それをマクドナルドを開くことと比較してください、

which costs up to $2.2 million. これは最大220万ドルの費用がかかります。

Because Subways were easy to open, Weil|U-Bahnen|||| Porque os Metro eram fáceis de abrir,

the number of stores skyrocketed. ||||schnell gestiegen ||||急増した 店舗数が急増しました。

Between 1990 and 1998, 1990年から1998年の間に、

store locations rose from 5,000 to 13,200. ||stieg|| 店舗の場所は5,000から13,200に増えました。

And in that same period of time, そして、その同じ期間に、 E nesse mesmo período de tempo,

gross sales rose by about $2.1 billion. brutas||||| 総売上高は約21億ドル増加しました。 as vendas brutas aumentaram em cerca de 2,1 mil milhões de dólares.

Subway's success continued into the early 2000s. 地下鉄の成功は2000年代初頭まで続いた。 O sucesso da Subway continuou no início da década de 2000.

At a time when obesity was rising rapidly in America, ||||Fettleibigkeit||||| ||||肥満||||| アメリカで肥満が急増していた時代、 Numa altura em que a obesidade estava a aumentar rapidamente na América,

Subway continued to market itself A Subway continuou a comercializar-se

as a healthy alternative to fast food. ファーストフードの健康的な代替品として。

Kate Taylor: One of their biggest successes ||||||Erfolge ケイトテイラー:彼らの最大の成功の1つ Kate Taylor: Um dos seus maiores sucessos

for sure was the Jared Fogle story. ||||Jared|Fogle| |||||Jared Fogle| 確かにジャレド・フォーグルの話でした。 de certeza foi a história do Jared Fogle.

Everyone remembers those ads, |erinnert sich|| |||anúncios 誰もがそれらの広告を覚えています、 Toda a gente se lembra desses anúncios,

where it's him in those huge pants |||||riesigen|Hosen ||||||calças それらの巨大なズボンの彼です onde é ele com aquelas calças enormes

where he's showing how he lost all of this weight. ここで彼はこの体重をすべて失った方法を示しています。 onde ele está a mostrar como perdeu todo este peso.

And that just made them so much money, E isso deu-lhes muito dinheiro,

and it really made people think そしてそれは本当に人々に考えさせました e fez realmente as pessoas pensarem

about Subway as a really great health brand. sobre a Subway como uma marca muito boa para a saúde.

It was one of the biggest advertising wins ||||||Werbung|Erfolge Foi uma das maiores vitórias publicitárias

that any chain's had in recent decades. ||Kette|||jüngsten| ||de la cadena|||| que qualquer cadeia teve nas últimas décadas.

So that was a huge, huge part of their brand. |||||riesiger|||| それが彼らのブランドの非常に大きな部分でした。 Por isso, essa era uma parte enorme, enorme da sua marca.

Narrator: Subway carried Fogle's success story |||Fogles|| |||de Fogle|| ||carregou||| Narrador: A história de sucesso de Fogle com a Subway

for nearly a decade. |fast||Jahrzehnt ほぼ10年間。 durante quase uma década.

But by 2008, the world was suffering |||||leiden しかし2008年までに、世界は苦しんでいました Mas em 2008, o mundo estava a sofrer

from the effects of the Great Recession. ||||||不況

And for many Americans, E para muitos americanos,

hunting for deals replaced the obsession with weight loss. |||||Besessenheit||| 狩り||お得な情報|||執着||| |||||||peso| 取引を探すことは、執着を減量に置き換えました。 a caça às ofertas substituiu a obsessão pela perda de peso.

So Subway changed up its message. Por isso, a Subway alterou a sua mensagem.

In March 2008, it introduced a new promotion |||einführte|||Beförderung

that would come to define the chain. それがチェーンを定義するようになるでしょう。 que viria a definir a cadeia.

♪ Five ♪

♪ Five dollar ♪

♪ Five dollar footlongs ♪ ||Fußlange Sandwiches ||submarinos de cinco ♪5ドルの足長♪

Narrator: By August 2009,

as other restaurant chains were struggling |||||kämpfen 他のレストランチェーンが苦労していたように enquanto outras cadeias de restaurantes estavam a ter dificuldades

through the Recession, the $5 footlong had pulled in ||||Fußlang||| ||||submarino de||| 不況を通じて、5フィートの長さが引き込まれました durante a Recessão, o footlong de 5 dólares tinha conseguido

$3.8 billion in sales for Subway, 地下鉄の売上高は38億ドル、

a 17% jump in US sales from the year before. um aumento de 17% nas vendas nos EUA em relação ao ano anterior.

But even the best deals run their course. |||||||コース |||||||curso しかし、最高の取引でさえ彼らのコースを実行します。 Mas mesmo os melhores negócios acabam por se esgotar.

♪ Five dollar ♪ ♪5ドル♪

♪ Five dollar footlong ♪

Narrator: Starting in 2014,

Subway's sales began steadily dropping. 地下鉄の売上高は着実に落ち始めました。 As vendas da Subway começaram a cair de forma constante.

Behind the scenes, many of the reasons 裏で|||||| 舞台裏では、多くの理由が Nos bastidores, muitas das razões

for Subway's success had turned on them. ||||回った|| 地下鉄の成功が彼らをオンにしたからです。 porque o sucesso da Subway se tinha virado contra eles.

Quiznos was once Subway's main competition, Quiznos||||| Quiznos||||| クイズノスはかつて地下鉄の主要な競争でした、 O Quiznos já foi o principal concorrente da Subway,

but tons of sub chains, like Jimmy John's, |||sub|||Jimmy| しかし、ジミー・ジョンズのようなたくさんのサブチェーン、

Firehouse, Potbelly, and Jersey Mike's, firehouse|Potbelly||| Firehouse Subs|Potbelly||| Firehouse、Potbelly、Jersey Mike's、

and fast-casual chains like Panera, |||||Panera

were offering seemingly fresher and healthier options. ||seemingly|fresher||| |||más frescas||| 一見新鮮で健康的なオプションを提供していました。 estavam a oferecer opções aparentemente mais frescas e saudáveis.

And they started stealing market share. |||stealing|| |||roubando|| そして彼らは市場シェアを盗み始めました。 E começaram a roubar quota de mercado.

Taylor: They were competing against people who bring in |||competing|against|||| テイラー:彼らは持ち込む人々と競争していました Taylor: Estavam a competir com pessoas que trazem

fresh produce every day.

A lot of Subway locations 地下鉄の場所がたくさん

only bring in fresh produce once or twice a week. |||||once||due volte|| só trazem produtos frescos uma ou duas vezes por semana.

Narrator: On top of that, fast-food chains ナレーター:それに加えて、ファーストフードチェーン

that had been around as long as Subway それは地下鉄と同じくらい長い間存在していました

were coming up with healthy alternatives of their own 独自の健康的な代替案を考え出していました

and getting creative with new menus. |||||menus 新しいメニューでクリエイティブになります。 e a criatividade com novos menus.

Taylor: More and more fast-food chains really want Taylor: Cada vez mais cadeias de fast-food querem realmente

to have that innovation pipeline |||innovazione|pipeline そのイノベーションパイプラインを持つために

where they're bringing something out new almost every month. ||||||almost|| 彼らはほぼ毎月何か新しいものを出しているところです。 onde estão a lançar algo novo quase todos os meses.

Fast-food places are looking for ways ファーストフード店は方法を探しています As cadeias de fast-food estão à procura de formas

to bring in new customers, drive traffic, 新しい顧客を呼び込み、トラフィックを増やし、 para atrair novos clientes e aumentar o tráfego,

and Subway has not tried to do that ||||tried||| そして地下鉄はそれをしようとしませんでした e a Subway não tentou fazer isso

in the same way other places have. 他の場所と同じように。 da mesma forma que noutros locais.

Narrator: But other fast-food chains

weren't the only competition for Subway franchises. weren't|||competition|||

With Subway's franchising model making it so easy Com o modelo de franchising da Subway a tornar tão fácil

to open locations, stores inevitably started opening up ||||inevitably||| para abrir locais, as lojas começaram inevitavelmente a abrir

around the corner from each other in lucrative markets. |||||||儲かる| 儲かる市場でお互いから角を曲がったところ。 em mercados lucrativos.

Take downtown Manhattan, for example. ||Manhattan|| マンハッタンのダウンタウンを例にとってみましょう。

Within a 15-minute walk in less than half a square mile, 0.5平方マイル未満で徒歩15分以内、

there are 10 Subway locations. 地下鉄の場所は10か所あります。

And these locations in close proximity |||||proximity |||||近接 E estes locais estão muito próximos

began cannibalizing each others' sales. |to cannibalize||| |互いの販売を食い合う||| |canibalizando||| começaram a canibalizar as vendas uns dos outros.

Libava: The Subway franchise agreement, the contract, ||||||contract リババ:地下鉄フランチャイズ契約、契約、

it says they can open anywhere. |||||anywhere それは彼らがどこでも開くことができると言います。 diz que podem abrir em qualquer sítio.

There is no protected territory. 保護された領域はありません。 Não existe um território protegido.

So franchisees really have no say-so |franchising partners||||| |los franquiciados||||| だからフランチャイジーは本当に言うことはありません-そう Assim, os franchisados não têm qualquer poder de decisão

in where the other franchisees are going to open. 他のフランチャイジーがオープンする場所です。 no local onde os outros franchisados vão abrir.

It's a problem.

Narrator: And Subway corporate wasn't stopping it, |||corporate||| ナレーター:そして、地下鉄の企業はそれを止めていませんでした、 Narrador: E a empresa Subway não estava a parar,

because the company benefited |||benefited 会社が恩恵を受けたからです porque a empresa beneficiou

from a high number of locations. 多数の場所から。 a partir de um elevado número de locais.

More locations meant more franchising fees ||meant||| より多くの場所はより多くのフランチャイズ料金を意味しました

and high royalties to Subway corporate, ||royalties||| ||regalías altas|||

which diminished the effect |diminuito|| |減少した|| 効果を減少させた o que diminuiu o efeito

of falling sales from a single location. de vendas em queda a partir de um único local.

Taylor: When franchisees' sales are kind of slipping, |||||||declining |||||||減少している テイラー:フランチャイジーの売り上げが落ち込んでいるとき、 Taylor: Quando as vendas dos franchisados estão a cair,

as long as they're staying open, 彼らが開いている限り、

it doesn't necessarily hurt Subway ||necessarily|hurt| 必ずしも地下鉄を傷つけるわけではありません

as much as it would some other chains. 他のチェーンと同じくらい。

If everyone's kind of, like, chugging along, like, |everyone's||||chugging|| |||||進んでいる|| |||||avanzando|| みんなのようなものなら、

opening new locations, then they can kind of 新しい場所を開くと、彼らは一種のことができます

keep on keeping on, and it's not gonna be |||||||going to be| 続けてください、そしてそれはそうなるつもりはありません continuar a manter-se, e não vai ser

the end of the world for the corporate office. |||||||corporate| 本社の世界の終わり。

Narrator: Franchise owners, on the other hand, ナレーター:一方、フランチャイズの所有者は、

took the hit. took = it took|the|hit ヒットした。 foi atingido.

In 2012, each Subway franchise generated 2012年には、各Subwayフランチャイズが生成されました Em 2012, cada franquia Subway gerou

an average of $482,000 a year. |medio||| 年間平均482,000ドル。 uma média de 482.000 dólares por ano.

Four years later, that number had slipped Quatro anos mais tarde, esse número tinha descido

to $422,000 a year.

For comparison, the average annual revenue |comparison||average|annual|revenue 比較のために、平均年間収益

of a McDonald's franchise in 2016 2016年のマクドナルドのフランチャイズの

was $2.6 million.

And to make matters worse, |||matters| |||e para piorar as coisas,| さらに悪いことに、 E para piorar a situação,

Subway would lose the face of its company. ||失う||||| 地下鉄は会社の顔を失うでしょう。 A Subway perderia o rosto da sua empresa.

In 2015, the man

who had embodied Subway's "eat fresh" mission was charged ||embodied|||||| ||具現化した|||||| ||encarnado|||||| 地下鉄の「新鮮な食事」の使命を具現化した人が起訴された que tinha encarnado a missão "comer fresco" da Subway foi acusado

with possession of child pornography ||||pornography 児童ポルノを所持している com posse de pornografia infantil

and having sex with minors. ||||minori 未成年者とのセックス。

Subway cut ties with Fogle, ||ties|| ||rompe os laços||Subway フォグルとの地下鉄カットネクタイ、 A Subway cortou relações com o Fogle,

and he was sentenced to 15 1/2 years in federal prison. |||è stato condannato||||federal| そして彼は連邦刑務所で15年半の刑を宣告されました。

Taylor: And the Jared Fogle thing kind of basically went テイラー:そして、ジャレド・フォーグルのことは基本的に Taylor: E o caso do Jared Fogle foi basicamente

from a huge positive to huge liability. ||||||liability ||||||負債 ||||||responsabilidad negativa 大きな前向きなものから大きな責任へ。 de um enorme ponto positivo para uma enorme responsabilidade.

Like, the worst things possible ||the most negative|| のように、可能な最悪のこと

that your brand could be associated with. |||||associated| あなたのブランドが関連付けられる可能性があります。

Narrator: All of these things

created the perfect storm for Subway. |||tempestade||

And soon, locations started to close. E, em breve, os locais começaram a fechar.

In 2016, Subway closed 359 stores in the US.

It was the first year the chain closed more locations チェーンがより多くの場所を閉鎖したのは最初の年でした

than it opened. do que abriu.

In 2017, that number was over 800,

and by the end of 2018, over 1,000 locations had closed.

With all these sour ingredients, |||sour| |||酸っぱい| |||azedo| これらすべての酸っぱい材料で、 Com todos estes ingredientes azedos,

it's hard to imagine Subway could bounce back. |hard||imagine|||| ||||||recuperarse| ||||||recuperar| é difícil imaginar que a Subway possa recuperar.

But the chain is certainly trying. ||||certainly| ||||certamente|tentando しかし、チェーンは確かに試みています。 Mas a cadeia está certamente a tentar.

In 2017, Subway launched its Fresh Forward program, |||||Em| Em 2017, a Subway lançou o seu programa Fresh Forward,

starting with remodeled stores. ||remodeled| ||remodeladas| 改装された店から始まります。

The revamped locations featured new menu boards, |updated||presentavano||| |改装された||||| |renovadas||apresentavam||cardápios| 刷新された場所には、新しいメニューボードがありました。

WiFi, USB ports, updated furniture, and music. WiFi|USB|||furniture|| ||||móveis|| |puertos USB|||||

Libava: I will give Subway credit. |||||credit Libava:地下鉄のクレジットを差し上げます。 Libava: Dou crédito ao Subway.

They're doing something interesting.

They are offering grants where, ||offering|grants| |||助成金| |||bolsas| 彼らはどこで助成金を提供しています、 Estão a ser oferecidas subvenções onde,

if a franchisee applies and everything's in line, ||franchising partner|applies = it applies|||| ||franquiciado||||| フランチャイジーが申請し、すべてが順調に進んでいる場合、

they can get up to $10,000 towards remodeling. |||||towards|remodeling 彼らは改造に向けて最大$ 10,000を得ることができます。

Narrator: By the end of 2020,

over 10,000 locations will have this new restaurant design.

But Subway says food is its next priority, |||||||priority

and it's backing it up with an $80 million investment ||support|||||| ||respaldando|||||| そしてそれは8000万ドルの投資でそれをバックアップしています

in updated menu items. 更新されたメニュー項目で。

Subway's partnered with the media company Tastemade |partnered|||||Tastemade ||||||Tastemade

to develop hundreds of new menu ideas, |desenvolver|||||

like the Green Goddess Tuna Melt |||Goddess||

and the Southern Style French Dip.

In 2018, the chain introduced its cheesy garlic bread, |||introduced||cheesy|| 2018年、チェーンは安っぽいガーリックブレッドを発表しました。

its most successful promotion in the last five years.

And in 2019, a line of ciabatta sandwiches |||||ciabatta| |||||ciabatta|

and Halo Top milkshakes hit stores. |Halo Top||milkshakes|| |||batidos de leche|| とハロートップミルクセーキは店を襲った。

Van Popering: Historically, Subway would evaluate |||||evaluate Van Popering:歴史的に、Subwayは評価します

about six or seven new menu items per month,

but we've set up a process and invested in capabilities |||||||||capabilities = abilities しかし、私たちはプロセスを設定し、機能に投資しました

where we're literally testing ||literally| 文字通りテストしているところ

at least 100 new menu items every month. |least|||||

Narrator: As for whether or not all these menu items |||whether||||||

and revamped designs will stop shuttering stores |revamped = redesigned||||shuttering| |||||cerrando| |reformuladas||||| 刷新されたデザインは店舗の閉鎖を停止します

and dropping business, only time will tell. とビジネスを落とす、時間だけが教えてくれます。

Taylor: They need to figure out テイラー:彼らは理解する必要があります

who they want their customer to be. 彼らが彼らの顧客になりたい人。

I think it's really an uphill battle for them. |||||uphill|||

But if they kind of go back to the basics, |||||||||basics しかし、もし彼らが基本に立ち返れば、

think about what people want,

ask people what they want 彼らが欲しいものを人々に尋ねる

and think about it a little bit more innovation, もう少しイノベーションについて考えてみてください

that's kind of going to be a good start for them. それは彼らにとって良いスタートになるでしょう。