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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Liam Gallagher | Vogue

73 Questions With Liam Gallagher | Vogue

play it cool

William Gallagher I'm so happy to be

asking you 73 questions waited for this

for a long time let's get into this so

how are you these days I'm good very

good all right what's currently on your

mind Oh mine's just a city yeah your

city supporter I'm glad we're doing this

in Hampstead Heath it's a change of

scenery for the series you run here a

lot right yeah I'm running it for the

pit Oaks up in Solon Wow yeah I like to

run on there when I come do you run for

distance or for speed a distance if you

couldn't be Liam Gallagher who would you

want to be John Lennon out of every film

that you've ever seen in your entire

life what's your favorite Quadrophenia

mmm do you have any irrational fears

like snakes airplanes clowns that type

of thing mice what's the best present

anyone ever gave you yeah my brother

bought me a John Lennon necklace that he

wore when he met the Maharishi that was

a lot of nicest thing you ever done for

me you have any kind of motto or mantra

that you live by living there now forget

you know don't worry about tomorrow okay

what's a topic you could spend hours

upon hours talking to me about Oh the

Beatles I found you out of pubs

what would you be drinking Paulson's I

like come on Lago guineas how do you

prepare your tea I like it with milk no

sugar what would you say is your spirit

animals dolphin now you weren't always

into music but how did it bloom for you

I got in the music when I was about 18

and all there's a lot of people like

getting it when the spoo in that but I I

was in a football I was about 18 sawdust

I was a late that was a late few more

now what are your favorite lyrics of any

song ever I need to be myself I can't be

no one else feeling supersonic give me

gin and sonic can you rank your favorite

Beatles records from least to most

favorite no I can't I love them all put

your top five favorite Oasis songs

the forever supersonic casts no shadow

come on so far we need one more don't

Wonderwall all right there you go now a

couple years back you said you own 2010

Marines do you say doc yeah you did no

no no no I don't own mm somebody's not

anymore cuz I sent it give him away and

that's it a beautiful people where did

that rumor come from I don't know all

right now if you could form a supergroup

with anybody from the history of music

and you're the singer who else is in the

band right case Boone on drums Jimi

Hendrix song beats are Paul McCartney on

bass what audience do you want play

cutting what audience would you play

what audience with the play yeah well

then you main road they're not main goal

cause it's not are there anywhere

anywhere that levels Liam what would you

say is the single hardest part of the

rock and roll lifestyle the hardest part

is staying true to yourself and keeping

it real right is there anyone today you

say is a true living rock star me was

expecting anything less you got and over

these living rock stars who got old and

stayed cool Neil Young how do you think

you've changed rock and roll another

thing I've changed well I'll just do

exactly what it says on the tin yeah

well would you say that rock and roll

still exists

yeah it does while I'm still a yeah what

do you like and dislike about music

today no I like music man I don't I

don't dislike dislike you what's your

favorite part of performing on stage

David perform on stage he's seeing the

people I'm making him bounce and when

you're standing on stage you have such

an iconic stance how did that come about

well I never wanted to be Mick Jagger

and I'm not in the dancing it's not my

scene and that solar I just think you

know who's just done like that and you

get a bit more power behind the under

vocals what's the most underrated band

of the nineties Oh wases how about the

most overrated band below what was your

favorite thing about the nineties oh the

favorite thing about a night is I reckon

there was no camera phones of people

just living in the moment do you miss

that yeah what was their least favorite

thing about the nineties least favorite

thing about a nineties I don't have

those I don't have a least favorite

thing about my nineties were beautiful

all right

can't have this interview without asking

what's the best party you've ever been

to in your life best part in a binman

oh you've seen some party really think

of the best one we they have been to

quite a few enough there's got to be one

right there I was like guess what I

can't think of one yet that's okay but

do you have any hangover remedies right

Oh straight back to the pub and all

messing about lager yeah here in the

dark don't sit and dwell about on angles

just go straight back again and it's

work yourself out it's been a few years

since the 90s things are different

what's a wild night out for you these

days oh I don't have wild nights out

these days I have wild night seeds if

you were forced to sing one song for the

rest of your life what song would it be

lifts whatever what would you say is the

best lesson that your mother taught you

should be myself and not give a

what people think what's the biggest

lesson that you've learned from being a

father being a father

I'm tall enough I'm not I don't know

yeah sure yeah can you tell me something

that your kids do better than you digest

their food better than me

now there's been a resurgence in oasis

fans over the past few years

what's it been like to see a new

generation discovering your music ya

know it's amazing we're very lucky to be

alive and still witness you know the

youth are geeks there's a lot of people

that passed away and you never get to

experience up in 18 years at Oasis were

together what specific moment makes you

the most emotional I just think getting

a record deal you know I was born as

that kind of concern and like we don't

like Knebworth and Maine rolled and all

I think getting a record deal and going

into the studio and developing the songs

and that was that was a that was the

most important thing for me yeah for


what's your up guilty pleasure mm-hmm

pleasure blah has anyone ever left you

feeling completely starstruck

yeah Ringo Starr Ringo I can see that

she's like a pretty good guy to hang out

with right yeah he's a dude you're my

favorite when you're getting ready for a


what's your pre stage ritual who stays

ritual yeah I drink a lot of honey and

lemon and apple cider vinegar it

actually sounds Pleasant

obvious fan placement it what wonderful

display of footwork nice who's the most

rock'n'roll player at Manchester City

and why uh well it used to be Mike

summer bit in the 60s and 70s because

you stood he never wore shin pads and I

rolled his socks down he got stuck in

what these days you were to say is now

they may be said you're Gretl

all right would you like to see

relegated from the Premier League you

know I eat monstrous tea and I eat okay

who would you rather be stuck on a

desert island with Mohamed Salah or

Alexis session who Mohamed Salah or

Alexis Sanchez


Alexis Sanchez I heard that Danny Boyle

just found someone to play you in a

movie who's someone that you would have

not minded to play you do whether or not

mine play me

yep and I'm easy month yeah I only got

the air court right and then you know

the chaton out I'm down I'm cool with

anyone bigger question who do you think

she was playing Knoll in the movie oh

the little fella of Ant and Dec deck

yeah that's deck is there a topic you

wish people would stop asking you about

yeah are you hot in that bathroom

yeah I'm hiding it shits off we got some

dogs we would you consider yourself a

dog person I am yes what rules do you

try to follow the best you can to keep

everything in check just my voice that

one tells me it got bad it's Betty it's

loud in that light years ago it used to

be very quiet I know when I go about

these days right

how'd you describe your personal style

yeah big baggy and authentic how do you

think it's evolved over the past few

decades now is it evolved it's still the

same keeping it real who was or is your

style icon George Allison was killed

Paul well is kill stolen always always

dressed killed and half the Bundys

what's a wardrobe staple every man

should own epochal good I don't got a

lot of experiences in your life what

would you say is the most incredible

thing that you've ever seen

Manchester City winning the league

what's the last show that you've been

watched lost wha last show that you've

been watched things what I watched

something I don't know the name of it I

watched it on Netflix sort of day thing

about this song lady you had an affair

with two inmates can't remember the name

find out for you get back to know that

one what's your most overused phrase

only use phrase must say if you could

resurrect one person from history put

them in the world today who would it be

John Lennon why because he's he's the

main month Liam can I ask you what makes

you happy makes me happy early mornings

make me out there my children and being


when was the last time that you cried oh

the other day

what made you cry stupid so on a coffee

table looking back on your life is there

anything that you would have done

differently no never

everything off this for reason is there

anything you regret saying much for it

probably about nine million times how do

you handle regret in general mmm I don't

regret I don't regret much what would

you say is your greatest talent singing

and where do you see yourself precisely

ten years from now

no no Liam that's question number 72 and

now for the final question question

number 73 how do you feel about ending

this interview with some word

associations yeah why not

here we go number one Keanu Reeves it's

all da counsin spongebob legend farmers

markets goes for the sole skinny jeans

it's had a bull and this interview

Austin that's a wrap yeah yeah wait it

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73 Questions With Liam Gallagher | Vogue 질문들|||| 리암 갤러거와의 73가지 질문 | Vogue 73 perguntas com Liam Gallagher | Vogue

play it cool

William Gallagher I'm so happy to be

asking you 73 questions waited for this

for a long time let's get into this so

how are you these days I'm good very

good all right what's currently on your

mind Oh mine's just a city yeah your

city supporter I'm glad we're doing this

in Hampstead Heath it's a change of

scenery for the series you run here a

lot right yeah I'm running it for the

pit Oaks up in Solon Wow yeah I like to

run on there when I come do you run for

distance or for speed a distance if you

couldn't be Liam Gallagher who would you

want to be John Lennon out of every film

that you've ever seen in your entire

life what's your favorite Quadrophenia

mmm do you have any irrational fears

like snakes airplanes clowns that type

of thing mice what's the best present

anyone ever gave you yeah my brother

bought me a John Lennon necklace that he

wore when he met the Maharishi that was

a lot of nicest thing you ever done for

me you have any kind of motto or mantra

that you live by living there now forget

you know don't worry about tomorrow okay

what's a topic you could spend hours

upon hours talking to me about Oh the

Beatles I found you out of pubs

what would you be drinking Paulson's I

like come on Lago guineas how do you

prepare your tea I like it with milk no

sugar what would you say is your spirit

animals dolphin now you weren't always

into music but how did it bloom for you

I got in the music when I was about 18

and all there's a lot of people like

getting it when the spoo in that but I I

was in a football I was about 18 sawdust

I was a late that was a late few more

now what are your favorite lyrics of any

song ever I need to be myself I can't be

no one else feeling supersonic give me

gin and sonic can you rank your favorite

Beatles records from least to most

favorite no I can't I love them all put

your top five favorite Oasis songs

the forever supersonic casts no shadow

come on so far we need one more don't

Wonderwall all right there you go now a

couple years back you said you own 2010

Marines do you say doc yeah you did no

no no no I don't own mm somebody's not

anymore cuz I sent it give him away and

that's it a beautiful people where did

that rumor come from I don't know all

right now if you could form a supergroup

with anybody from the history of music

and you're the singer who else is in the

band right case Boone on drums Jimi

Hendrix song beats are Paul McCartney on

bass what audience do you want play

cutting what audience would you play

what audience with the play yeah well

then you main road they're not main goal

cause it's not are there anywhere

anywhere that levels Liam what would you

say is the single hardest part of the

rock and roll lifestyle the hardest part

is staying true to yourself and keeping

it real right is there anyone today you

say is a true living rock star me was

expecting anything less you got and over

these living rock stars who got old and

stayed cool Neil Young how do you think

you've changed rock and roll another

thing I've changed well I'll just do

exactly what it says on the tin yeah

well would you say that rock and roll

still exists

yeah it does while I'm still a yeah what

do you like and dislike about music

today no I like music man I don't I

don't dislike dislike you what's your

favorite part of performing on stage

David perform on stage he's seeing the

people I'm making him bounce and when

you're standing on stage you have such

an iconic stance how did that come about

well I never wanted to be Mick Jagger

and I'm not in the dancing it's not my

scene and that solar I just think you

know who's just done like that and you

get a bit more power behind the under

vocals what's the most underrated band

of the nineties Oh wases how about the

most overrated band below what was your

favorite thing about the nineties oh the

favorite thing about a night is I reckon

there was no camera phones of people

just living in the moment do you miss

that yeah what was their least favorite

thing about the nineties least favorite

thing about a nineties I don't have

those I don't have a least favorite

thing about my nineties were beautiful

all right

can't have this interview without asking

what's the best party you've ever been

to in your life best part in a binman

oh you've seen some party really think

of the best one we they have been to

quite a few enough there's got to be one

right there I was like guess what I

can't think of one yet that's okay but

do you have any hangover remedies right

Oh straight back to the pub and all

messing about lager yeah here in the

dark don't sit and dwell about on angles

just go straight back again and it's

work yourself out it's been a few years

since the 90s things are different

what's a wild night out for you these

days oh I don't have wild nights out

these days I have wild night seeds if

you were forced to sing one song for the

rest of your life what song would it be

lifts whatever what would you say is the

best lesson that your mother taught you

should be myself and not give a

what people think what's the biggest

lesson that you've learned from being a

father being a father

I'm tall enough I'm not I don't know

yeah sure yeah can you tell me something

that your kids do better than you digest

their food better than me

now there's been a resurgence in oasis

fans over the past few years

what's it been like to see a new

generation discovering your music ya

know it's amazing we're very lucky to be

alive and still witness you know the

youth are geeks there's a lot of people

that passed away and you never get to

experience up in 18 years at Oasis were

together what specific moment makes you

the most emotional I just think getting

a record deal you know I was born as

that kind of concern and like we don't

like Knebworth and Maine rolled and all

I think getting a record deal and going

into the studio and developing the songs

and that was that was a that was the

most important thing for me yeah for


what's your up guilty pleasure mm-hmm

pleasure blah has anyone ever left you

feeling completely starstruck

yeah Ringo Starr Ringo I can see that

she's like a pretty good guy to hang out

with right yeah he's a dude you're my

favorite when you're getting ready for a


what's your pre stage ritual who stays

ritual yeah I drink a lot of honey and

lemon and apple cider vinegar it

actually sounds Pleasant

obvious fan placement it what wonderful

display of footwork nice who's the most

rock'n'roll player at Manchester City

and why uh well it used to be Mike

summer bit in the 60s and 70s because

you stood he never wore shin pads and I

rolled his socks down he got stuck in

what these days you were to say is now

they may be said you're Gretl

all right would you like to see

relegated from the Premier League you

know I eat monstrous tea and I eat okay

who would you rather be stuck on a

desert island with Mohamed Salah or

Alexis session who Mohamed Salah or

Alexis Sanchez


Alexis Sanchez I heard that Danny Boyle

just found someone to play you in a

movie who's someone that you would have

not minded to play you do whether or not

mine play me

yep and I'm easy month yeah I only got

the air court right and then you know

the chaton out I'm down I'm cool with

anyone bigger question who do you think

she was playing Knoll in the movie oh

the little fella of Ant and Dec deck

yeah that's deck is there a topic you

wish people would stop asking you about

yeah are you hot in that bathroom

yeah I'm hiding it shits off we got some

dogs we would you consider yourself a

dog person I am yes what rules do you

try to follow the best you can to keep

everything in check just my voice that

one tells me it got bad it's Betty it's

loud in that light years ago it used to

be very quiet I know when I go about

these days right

how'd you describe your personal style

yeah big baggy and authentic how do you

think it's evolved over the past few

decades now is it evolved it's still the

same keeping it real who was or is your

style icon George Allison was killed

Paul well is kill stolen always always

dressed killed and half the Bundys

what's a wardrobe staple every man

should own epochal good I don't got a

lot of experiences in your life what

would you say is the most incredible

thing that you've ever seen

Manchester City winning the league

what's the last show that you've been

watched lost wha last show that you've

been watched things what I watched

something I don't know the name of it I

watched it on Netflix sort of day thing

about this song lady you had an affair

with two inmates can't remember the name

find out for you get back to know that

one what's your most overused phrase

only use phrase must say if you could

resurrect one person from history put

them in the world today who would it be

John Lennon why because he's he's the

main month Liam can I ask you what makes

you happy makes me happy early mornings

make me out there my children and being


when was the last time that you cried oh

the other day

what made you cry stupid so on a coffee

table looking back on your life is there

anything that you would have done

differently no never

everything off this for reason is there

anything you regret saying much for it

probably about nine million times how do

you handle regret in general mmm I don't

regret I don't regret much what would

you say is your greatest talent singing

and where do you see yourself precisely

ten years from now

no no Liam that's question number 72 and

now for the final question question

number 73 how do you feel about ending

this interview with some word

associations yeah why not

here we go number one Keanu Reeves it's

all da counsin spongebob legend farmers

markets goes for the sole skinny jeans

it's had a bull and this interview

Austin that's a wrap yeah yeah wait it