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The Red House Mystery by A. A. Milne, CHAPTER XI. The Reverend Theodore Ussher

CHAPTER XI. The Reverend Theodore Ussher

"There's one thing, which we have got to realize at once," said Antony, "and that is that if we don't find it easily, we shan't find it at all." "You mean that we shan't have time?" "Neither time nor opportunity. Which is rather a consoling thought to a lazy person like me." "But it makes it much harder, if we can't really look properly." "Harder to find, yes, but so much easier to look. For instance, the passage might begin in Cayley's bedroom. Well, now we know that it doesn't." "We don't know anything of the sort," protested Bill. "We—know for the purposes of our search. Obviously we can't go tailing into Cayley's bedroom and tapping his wardrobes; and obviously, therefore, if we are going to look for it at all, we must assume that it doesn't begin there." "Oh, I see." Bill chewed a piece of grass thoughtfully. "Anyhow, it wouldn't begin on an upstairs floor, would it?" "Probably not. Well, we're getting on." "You can wash out the kitchen and all that part of the house," said Bill, after more thought. "We can't go there." "Right. And the cellars, if there are any." "Well, that doesn't leave us much." "No. Of course it's only a hundred-to-one chance that we find it, but what we want to consider is which is the most likely place of the few places in which we can look safely." "All it amounts to," said Bill, "is the living-rooms downstairs dining-room, library, hall, billiard-room and the office rooms." "Yes, that's all." "Well, the office is the most likely, isn't it?" "Yes. Except for one thing." "What's that?" "Well, it's on the wrong side of the house. One would expect the passage to start from the nearest place to which it is going. Why make it longer by going under the house first?" "Yes, that's true. Well, then, you think the dining-room or the library?" "Yes. And the library for choice. I mean for our choice. There are always servants going into dining-rooms. We shouldn't have much of a chance of exploring properly in there. Besides, there's another thing to remember. Mark has kept this a secret for a year. Could he have kept it a secret in the dining-room? Could Miss Norris have got into the dining-room and used the secret door just after dinner without being seen? It would have been much too risky." Bill got up eagerly.

"Come along," he said, "let's try the library. If Cayley comes in, we can always pretend we're choosing a book." Antony got up slowly, took his arm and walked back to the house with him.

The library was worth going into, passages or no passages. Antony could never resist another person's bookshelves. As soon as he went into the room, he found himself wandering round it to see what books the owner read, or (more likely) did not read, but kept for the air which they lent to the house. Mark had prided himself on his library. It was a mixed collection of books. Books which he had inherited both from his father and from his patron; books which he had bought because he was interested in them or, if not in them, in the authors to whom he wished to lend his patronage; books which he had ordered in beautifully bound editions, partly because they looked well on his shelves, lending a noble colour to his rooms, partly because no man of culture should ever be without them; old editions, new editions, expensive books, cheap books, a library in which everybody, whatever his taste, could be sure of finding something to suit him.

"And which is your particular fancy, Bill?" said Antony, looking from one shelf to another. "Or are you always playing billiards?" "I have a look at 'Badminton' sometimes," said Bill. "It's over in that corner there." He waved a hand.

"Over here?" said Antony, going to it.

"Yes." He corrected himself suddenly.—"Oh, no, it's not. It's over there on the right now. Mark had a grand re-arrangement of his library about a year ago. It took him more than a week, he told us. He's got such a frightful lot, hasn't he?" "Now that's very interesting," said Antony, and he sat down and filled his pipe again. There was indeed a "frightful lot" of books. The four walls of the library were plastered with them from floor to ceiling, save only where the door and the two windows insisted on living their own life, even though an illiterate one. To Bill it seemed the most hopeless room of any in which to look for a secret opening.

"We shall have to take every blessed book down," he said, "before we can be certain that we haven't missed it." "Anyway," said Antony, "if we take them down one at a time, nobody can suspect us of sinister designs. After all, what does one go into a library for, except to take books down?" "But there's such a frightful lot." Antony's pipe was now going satisfactorily, and he got up and walked leisurely to the end of the wall opposite the door. "Well, let's have a look," he said, "and see if they are so very frightful. Hallo, here's your 'Badminton.' You often read that, you say?" "If I read anything." "Yes." He looked down and up the shelf. "Sport and Travel chiefly. I like books of travel, don't you?" "They're pretty dull as a rule." "Well, anyhow, some people like them very much," said Antony, reproachfully. He moved on to the next row of shelves. "The Drama. The Restoration dramatists. You can have most of them. Still, as you well remark, many people seem to love them. Shaw, Wilde, Robertson—I like reading plays, Bill. There are not many people who do, but those who do are usually very keen. Let us pass on." "I say, we haven't too much time," said Bill restlessly. "We haven't. That's why we aren't wasting any. Poetry. Who reads poetry nowadays? Bill, when did you last read 'Paradise Lost'?" "Never." "I thought not. And when did Miss Calladine last read 'The Excursion' aloud to you?" "As a matter of fact, Betty—Miss Calladine—happens to be jolly keen on what's the beggar's name?" "Never mind his name. You have said quite enough. We pass on." He moved on to the next shelf.

"Biography. Oh, lots of it. I love biographies. Are you a member of the Johnson Club? I bet Mark is. 'Memories of Many Courts' I'm sure Mrs. Calladine reads that. Anyway, biographies are just as interesting as most novels, so why linger? We pass on." He went to the next shelf, and then gave a sudden whistle. "Hallo, hallo!" "What's the matter?" said Bill rather peevishly.

"Stand back there. Keep the crowd back, Bill. We are getting amongst it. Sermons, as I live. Sermons. Was Mark's father a clergyman, or does Mark take to them naturally?" "His father was a parson, I believe. Oh, yes, I know he was." "Ah, then these are Father's books. 'Half-Hours with the Infinite' I must order that from the library when I get back. 'The Lost Sheep,' 'Jones on the Trinity,' 'The Epistles of St. Paul Explained.' Oh, Bill, we're amongst it. 'The Narrow Way, being Sermons by the Rev. Theodore Ussher' hal-LO!" "What is the matter?" "William, I am inspired. Stand by." He took down the Reverend Theodore Ussher's classic work, looked at it with a happy smile for a moment, and then gave it to Bill. "Here, hold Ussher for a bit." Bill took the book obediently.

"No, give it me back. Just go out into the hall, and see if you can hear Cayley anywhere. Say 'Hallo' loudly, if you do." Bill went out quickly, listened, and came back.

"It's all right." "Good." He took the book out of its shelf again. "Now then, you can hold Ussher. Hold him in the left hand so. With the right or dexter hand, grasp this shelf firmly so. Now, when I say 'Pull,' pull gradually. Got that?" Bill nodded, his face alight with excitement.

"Good." Antony put his hand into the space left by the stout Ussher, and fingered the hack of the shelf. "Pull," he said. Bill pulled.

"Now just go on pulling like that. I shall get it directly. Not hard, you know, but just keeping up the strain." His fingers went at it again busily.

And then suddenly the whole row of shelves, from top to bottom, swung gently open towards them.

"Good Lord!" said Bill, letting go of the shelf in his amazement.

Antony pushed the shelves back, extracted Ussher from Bill's fingers, replaced him, and then, taking Bill by the arm, led him to the sofa and deposited him in it. Standing in front of him, he bowed gravely.

"Child's play, Watson," he said; "child's play." "How on earth—" Antony laughed happily and sat down on the sofa beside him.

"You don't really want it explained," he said, smacking him on the knee; "you're just being Watsonish. It's very nice of you, of course, and I appreciate it." "No, but really, Tony." "Oh, my dear Bill!" He smoked silently for a little, and then went on, "It's what I was saying just now a secret is a secret until you have discovered it, and as soon as you have discovered it, you wonder why everybody else isn't discovering it, and how it could ever have been a secret at all. This passage has been here for years, with an opening at one end into the library, and at the other end into the shed. Then Mark discovered it, and immediately he felt that everybody else must discover it. So he made the shed end more difficult by putting the croquet-box there, and this end more difficult by—" he stopped and looked at the other "by what, Bill?" But Bill was being Watsonish.

"What?" "Obviously by re-arranging his books. He happened to take out 'The Life of Nelson' or 'Three Men in a Boat,' or whatever it was, and by the merest chance discovered the secret. Naturally he felt that everybody else would be taking down 'The Life of Nelson' or 'Three Men in a Boat.' Naturally he felt that the secret would be safer if nobody ever interfered with that shelf at all. When you said that the books had been re-arranged a year ago just about the time the croquet-box came into existence; of course, I guessed why. So I looked about for the dullest books I could find, the books nobody ever read. Obviously the collection of sermon-books of a mid-Victorian clergyman was the shelf we wanted." "Yes, I see. But why were you so certain of the particular place?" "Well, he had to mark the particular place by some book. I thought that the joke of putting 'The Narrow Way' just over the entrance to the passage might appeal to him. Apparently it did." Bill nodded to himself thoughtfully several times. "Yes, that's very neat," he said. "You're a clever devil, Tony." Tony laughed.

"You encourage me to think so, which is bad for me, but very delightful." "Well, come on, then," said Bill, and he got up, and held out a hand. "Come on where?" "To explore the passage, of course." Antony shook his head.

"Why ever not?" "Well, what do you expect to find there?" "I don't know. But you seemed to think that we might find something that would help." "Suppose we find Mark?" said Antony quietly.

"I say, do you really think he's there?" "Suppose he is?" "Well, then, there we are." Antony walked over to the fireplace, knocked out the ashes of his pipe, and turned back to Bill. He looked at him gravely without speaking.

"What are you going to say to him?" he said at last.

"How do you mean?" "Are you going to arrest him, or help him to escape?" "I—I—well, of course, I—" began Bill, stammering, and then ended lamely, "Well, I don't know." "Exactly. We've got to make up our minds, haven't we?" Bill didn't answer. Very much disturbed in his mind, he walked restlessly about the room, frowning to himself, stopping now and then at the newly discovered door and looking at it as if he were trying to learn what lay behind it. Which side was he on, if it came to choosing sides—Mark's or the Law's? "You know, you can't just say, 'Oh er hallo!' to him," said Antony, breaking rather appropriately into his thoughts. Bill looked up at him with a start.

"Nor," went on Antony, "can you say, 'This is my friend Mr. Gillingham, who is staying with you. We were just going to have a game of bowls.'" "Yes, it's dashed difficult. I don't know what to say. I've been rather forgetting about Mark." He wandered over to the window and looked out on to the lawns. There was a gardener clipping the grass edges. No reason why the lawn should be untidy just because the master of the house had disappeared. It was going to be a hot day again. Dash it, of course he had forgotten Mark. How could he think of him as an escaped murderer, a fugitive from justice, when everything was going on just as it did yesterday, and the sun was shining just as it did when they all drove off to their golf, only twenty-four hours ago? How could he help feeling that this was not real tragedy, but merely a jolly kind of detective game that he and Antony were playing?

He turned back to his friend.

"All the same," he said, "you wanted to find the passage, and now you've found it. Aren't you going into it at all?" Antony took his arm.

"Let's go outside again," he said. "We can't go into it now, anyhow. It's too risky, with Cayley about. Bill, I feel like you—just a little bit frightened. But what I'm frightened of I don't quite know. Anyway, you want to go on with it, don't you?" "Yes," said Bill firmly. "We must." "Then we'll explore the passage this afternoon, if we get the chance. And if we don't get the chance, then we'll try it to-night." They walked across the hall and out into the sunlight again.

"Do you really think we might find Mark hiding there?" asked Bill.

"It's possible," said Antony. "Either Mark or—" He pulled himself up quickly. "No," he murmured to himself, "I won't let myself think that not yet, anyway. It's too horrible."

CHAPTER XI. The Reverend Theodore Ussher BÖLÜM XI. Muhterem Theodore Ussher

"There's one thing, which we have got to realize at once," said Antony, "and that is that if we don't find it easily, we shan't find it at all." "You mean that we shan't have time?" "Neither time nor opportunity. Which is rather a consoling thought to a lazy person like me." "But it makes it much harder, if we can't really look properly." "Но это делает всё гораздо сложнее, если мы не можем действительно смотреть внимательно." "Harder to find, yes, but so much easier to look. "Сложнее найти, да, но гораздо легче смотреть. For instance, the passage might begin in Cayley's bedroom. Например, проход может начинаться в спальне Кейли. Well, now we know that it doesn't." "We don't know anything of the sort," protested Bill. "We—know for the purposes of our search. "Мы знаем для целей нашего поиска. Obviously we can't go tailing into Cayley's bedroom and tapping his wardrobes; and obviously, therefore, if we are going to look for it at all, we must assume that it doesn't begin there." ||||следуя||||||||||поэтому|||||||||||||||||| Очевидно, мы не можем войти в спальню Кейли и заглядывать в его шкафы; и, следовательно, если мы и собираемся искать его, мы должны предположить, что он не начинается там." "Oh, I see." "О, я понимаю." Bill chewed a piece of grass thoughtfully. "Anyhow, it wouldn't begin on an upstairs floor, would it?" ||||||на верхнем этаже||| "Probably not. Well, we're getting on." |мы|продвигаемся| Ну, мы продвигаемся. "You can wash out the kitchen and all that part of the house," said Bill, after more thought. ||мыть||||||||||||||больше размышлений| «Вы можете помыть кухню и всю эту часть дома,» сказал Билл после долгих размышлений. "We can't go there." «Мы не можем туда пойти.» "Right. And the cellars, if there are any." ||подвалы|||| "Well, that doesn't leave us much." "No. Of course it's only a hundred-to-one chance that we find it, but what we want to consider is which is the most likely place of the few places in which we can look safely." "All it amounts to," said Bill, "is the living-rooms downstairs dining-room, library, hall, billiard-room and the office rooms." "Yes, that's all." "Well, the office is the most likely, isn't it?" "Yes. Except for one thing." "What's that?" "Well, it's on the wrong side of the house. One would expect the passage to start from the nearest place to which it is going. Why make it longer by going under the house first?" "Yes, that's true. Well, then, you think the dining-room or the library?" "Yes. And the library for choice. I mean for our choice. Я имею в виду наш выбор. There are always servants going into dining-rooms. Всегда есть слуги, которые заходят в столовые. We shouldn't have much of a chance of exploring properly in there. У нас не будет большого шанса нормально исследовать там. Besides, there's another thing to remember. Mark has kept this a secret for a year. Could he have kept it a secret in the dining-room? Could Miss Norris have got into the dining-room and used the secret door just after dinner without being seen? It would have been much too risky." Bill got up eagerly. Билл встал с нетерпением.

"Come along," he said, "let's try the library. "Пойдем," сказал он, "давай заглянем в библиотеку. If Cayley comes in, we can always pretend we're choosing a book." Если Кэйли зайдет, мы всегда можем притвориться, что выбираем книгу." Antony got up slowly, took his arm and walked back to the house with him.

The library was worth going into, passages or no passages. Antony could never resist another person's bookshelves. ||||||книги Antony could never resist another person's bookshelves. As soon as he went into the room, he found himself wandering round it to see what books the owner read, or (more likely) did not read, but kept for the air which they lent to the house. Mark had prided himself on his library. It was a mixed collection of books. Books which he had inherited both from his father and from his patron; books which he had bought because he was interested in them or, if not in them, in the authors to whom he wished to lend his patronage; books which he had ordered in beautifully bound editions, partly because they looked well on his shelves, lending a noble colour to his rooms, partly because no man of culture should ever be without them; old editions, new editions, expensive books, cheap books, a library in which everybody, whatever his taste, could be sure of finding something to suit him. ||||унаследованные книги||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||издания||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Книги, которые он унаследовал как от своего отца, так и от своего покровителя; книги, которые он купил, потому что они его интересовали, или, если нет, то авторы, которым он хотел бы оказать покровительство; книги, которые он заказывал в красиво оформленных изданиях, частично потому, что они хорошо смотрелись на его полках, придавая его комнатам благородный вид, частично потому, что ни один человек культуры не должен быть без них; старые издания, новые издания, дорогие книги, дешевые книги, библиотека, в которой каждый, независимо от своих вкусов, может быть уверен, что найдет что-то подходящее для себя.

"And which is your particular fancy, Bill?" "А какой именно уголок тебе нравится, Билл?" said Antony, looking from one shelf to another. сказал Антоний, переводя взгляд с одной полки на другую. "Or are you always playing billiards?" |||||бильярд "I have a look at 'Badminton' sometimes," said Bill. |||||бадминтон||| "It's over in that corner there." He waved a hand.

"Over here?" said Antony, going to it.

"Yes." He corrected himself suddenly.—"Oh, no, it's not. It's over there on the right now. |там||||| Mark had a grand re-arrangement of his library about a year ago. Марк||||пере|расположение||||||| Марк осуществил грандиозную реорганизацию своей библиотеки около года назад. It took him more than a week, he told us. Он сказал нам, что это заняло у него больше недели. He's got such a frightful lot, hasn't he?" |||||много вещей|| У него ведь действительно большое количество книг, не так ли? "Now that's very interesting," said Antony, and he sat down and filled his pipe again. There was indeed a "frightful lot" of books. The four walls of the library were plastered with them from floor to ceiling, save only where the door and the two windows insisted on living their own life, even though an illiterate one. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||их||||||| To Bill it seemed the most hopeless room of any in which to look for a secret opening. Для Билла это казалось самой безнадежной комнатой, в которой можно было искать секретный вход.

"We shall have to take every blessed book down," he said, "before we can be certain that we haven't missed it." "Мы должны будем снять с полки каждую благословенную книгу," сказал он, "прежде чем мы сможем быть уверены, что не упустили её." "Anyway," said Antony, "if we take them down one at a time, nobody can suspect us of sinister designs. "В любом случае," сказал Антоний, "если мы будем снимать их одну за другой, никто не сможет заподозрить нас в зловещих намерениях." After all, what does one go into a library for, except to take books down?" "But there's such a frightful lot." Antony's pipe was now going satisfactorily, and he got up and walked leisurely to the end of the wall opposite the door. "Well, let's have a look," he said, "and see if they are so very frightful. "Ну, давайте посмотрим," сказал он, "и посмотрим, действительно ли они такие уж ужасные. Hallo, here's your 'Badminton.' Привет, вот ваш 'Бадминтон.' You often read that, you say?" Вы часто это читаете, говорите?" "If I read anything." "Yes." He looked down and up the shelf. "Sport and Travel chiefly. I like books of travel, don't you?" "They're pretty dull as a rule." "Well, anyhow, some people like them very much," said Antony, reproachfully. He moved on to the next row of shelves. "The Drama. The Restoration dramatists. ||драматурги You can have most of them. Still, as you well remark, many people seem to love them. ||вы|хорошо||||||| Тем не менее, как вы правильно отмечаете, многим людям, похоже, это нравится. Shaw, Wilde, Robertson—I like reading plays, Bill. Шоу||Робертсон||||| Шоу, Уайльд, Робертсон — мне нравится читать пьесы, Билл. There are not many people who do, but those who do are usually very keen. Не так много людей, которые это делают, но те, кто делает, обычно очень увлечены. Let us pass on." Давайте продолжим. "I say, we haven't too much time," said Bill restlessly. |||||||||беспокойно «Я говорю, у нас не так много времени», - беспокойно сказал Билл. "We haven't. «У нас его нет.» That's why we aren't wasting any. ||||тратим| Poetry. Who reads poetry nowadays? Bill, when did you last read 'Paradise Lost'?" "Never." "I thought not. And when did Miss Calladine last read 'The Excursion' aloud to you?" ||||||||Экскурсия||| "As a matter of fact, Betty—Miss Calladine—happens to be jolly keen on what's the beggar's name?" ||||||||||||||||нищего| "Never mind his name. You have said quite enough. We pass on." He moved on to the next shelf.

"Biography. Oh, lots of it. I love biographies. Are you a member of the Johnson Club? I bet Mark is. 'Memories of Many Courts' I'm sure Mrs. Calladine reads that. |||судов||||Калладин|| Anyway, biographies are just as interesting as most novels, so why linger? |биографии||||||||||задерживаться В любом случае, биографии не менее интересны, чем большинство романов, так зачем задерживаться? We pass on." Мы проходим дальше. He went to the next shelf, and then gave a sudden whistle. Он подошел к следующей полке и вдруг свистнул. "Hallo, hallo!" "What's the matter?" said Bill rather peevishly.

"Stand back there. Keep the crowd back, Bill. Держите толпу подальше, Билл. We are getting amongst it. |||в этом деле| Мы в самом центре событий. Sermons, as I live. Проповеди, как я живу. Sermons. Was Mark's father a clergyman, or does Mark take to them naturally?" "His father was a parson, I believe. ||||пастор|| Oh, yes, I know he was." "Ah, then these are Father's books. 'Half-Hours with the Infinite' I must order that from the library when I get back. ||||Бесконечный||||||||||| «Час с Бесконечным» Я должен заказать это из библиотеки, когда вернусь. 'The Lost Sheep,' 'Jones on the Trinity,' 'The Epistles of St. ||||||Троица|||| Paul Explained.' |объяснил Oh, Bill, we're amongst it. |||среди| 'The Narrow Way, being Sermons by the Rev. |||||||Священник Theodore Ussher' hal-LO!" "What is the matter?" "William, I am inspired. Stand by." Подождите. He took down the Reverend Theodore Ussher's classic work, looked at it with a happy smile for a moment, and then gave it to Bill. ||||Реверант||Уссера|||||||||||||||||| Он снял с полки классическую работу преподобного Теодора Ашера, посмотрел на нее с довольной улыбкой на мгновение, а затем отдал ее Биллу. "Here, hold Ussher for a bit." ||||один|немного Вот, подержи Ашера немного. Bill took the book obediently. ||||послушно

"No, give it me back. Just go out into the hall, and see if you can hear Cayley anywhere. Say 'Hallo' loudly, if you do." Bill went out quickly, listened, and came back.

"It's all right." "Good." He took the book out of its shelf again. "Now then, you can hold Ussher. "Теперь, держите Ушер. Hold him in the left hand so. Держите его в левой руке вот так. With the right or dexter hand, grasp this shelf firmly so. ||||правой рукой|||||| Правой или доминирующей рукой крепко схватите эту полку. Now, when I say 'Pull,' pull gradually. Got that?" понял| Bill nodded, his face alight with excitement.

"Good." Antony put his hand into the space left by the stout Ussher, and fingered the hack of the shelf. |||||||||||||потрогал||доска для резки||| Антоний засунул руку в пространство, оставленное толстым Ушером, и потрогал заднюю часть полки. "Pull," he said. "Тяните," сказал он. Bill pulled. Билл потянул.

"Now just go on pulling like that. I shall get it directly. ||||прямо Я достану это сразу. Not hard, you know, but just keeping up the strain." ||||||поддерживая||| Не трудно, знаешь, но просто поддерживать напряжение. His fingers went at it again busily. Его пальцы снова занялись им усердно.

And then suddenly the whole row of shelves, from top to bottom, swung gently open towards them. И затем вдруг вся ряд полок, сверху донизу, мягко swung открылась к ним.

"Good Lord!" "Господи!" said Bill, letting go of the shelf in his amazement. сказал Билл, отпуская полку в своем удивлении.

Antony pushed the shelves back, extracted Ussher from Bill's fingers, replaced him, and then, taking Bill by the arm, led him to the sofa and deposited him in it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||положил||| Standing in front of him, he bowed gravely. Стоя перед ним, он серьезно поклонился.

"Child's play, Watson," he said; "child's play." "Детская игра, Ватсон," сказал он; "детская игра." "How on earth—" "Как на свете—" Antony laughed happily and sat down on the sofa beside him.

"You don't really want it explained," he said, smacking him on the knee; "you're just being Watsonish. ||||||||похлопывая|||||||| It's very nice of you, of course, and I appreciate it." Это|||||||||| "No, but really, Tony." "Oh, my dear Bill!" He smoked silently for a little, and then went on, "It's what I was saying just now a secret is a secret until you have discovered it, and as soon as you have discovered it, you wonder why everybody else isn't discovering it, and how it could ever have been a secret at all. Он молчаливо закурил немного, а затем продолжил: "Это то, о чем я только что говорил - секрет остается секретом, пока вы его не раскрыли, и как только вы его раскрываете, вы начинаете задумываться, почему никто другой этого не раскрывает и как он мог быть секретом вообще. This passage has been here for years, with an opening at one end into the library, and at the other end into the shed. Этот проход здесь уже много лет, с одним концом, выходящим в библиотеку, и на другом конце в сарай. Then Mark discovered it, and immediately he felt that everybody else must discover it. ||открыл||||||||||| Затем Марк это раскрыл, и сразу почувствовал, что все остальные тоже должны это раскрыть. So he made the shed end more difficult by putting the croquet-box there, and this end more difficult by—" he stopped and looked at the other "by what, Bill?" But Bill was being Watsonish.

"What?" "Obviously by re-arranging his books. ||снова||| "Очевидно, что он просто rearranging his books. He happened to take out 'The Life of Nelson' or 'Three Men in a Boat,' or whatever it was, and by the merest chance discovered the secret. он|случайно произошло||||||||||||||||||||||||| Он случайно достал 'Жизнь Нелсона' или 'Трое в лодке', или что-то такое, и по чистой случайности обнаружил секрет. Naturally he felt that everybody else would be taking down 'The Life of Nelson' or 'Three Men in a Boat.' Естественно, он чувствовал, что все остальные тоже достают 'Жизнь Нелсона' или 'Трое в лодке.' Naturally he felt that the secret would be safer if nobody ever interfered with that shelf at all. When you said that the books had been re-arranged a year ago just about the time the croquet-box came into existence; of course, I guessed why. So I looked about for the dullest books I could find, the books nobody ever read. Obviously the collection of sermon-books of a mid-Victorian clergyman was the shelf we wanted." ||||проповедь||||||||||| "Yes, I see. But why were you so certain of the particular place?" "Well, he had to mark the particular place by some book. I thought that the joke of putting 'The Narrow Way' just over the entrance to the passage might appeal to him. Я думал, что шутка о том, чтобы поставить 'Узкий путь' прямо над входом в проход, может ему понравиться. Apparently it did." Похоже, что это так. Bill nodded to himself thoughtfully several times. Билл несколько раз кивал себе задумчиво. "Yes, that's very neat," he said. "Да, это очень аккуратно," сказал он. "You're a clever devil, Tony." "Ты хитрый дьявол, Тони." Tony laughed. Тони засмеялся.

"You encourage me to think so, which is bad for me, but very delightful." "Well, come on, then," said Bill, and he got up, and held out a hand. "Come on where?" приходи||куда "Куда же идти?" "To explore the passage, of course." "Конечно, исследовать проход." Antony shook his head. Антоний покачал головой.

"Why ever not?" "Well, what do you expect to find there?" "I don't know. But you seemed to think that we might find something that would help." "Suppose we find Mark?" said Antony quietly.

"I say, do you really think he's there?" "Suppose he is?" "Well, then, there we are." Ну что ж|||| "Ну что ж, вот мы и здесь." Antony walked over to the fireplace, knocked out the ashes of his pipe, and turned back to Bill. Антони подошел к камину, выбил пепел из своей трубки и вернулся к Биллу. He looked at him gravely without speaking. Он смотрел на него серьезно, ничего не говоря.

"What are you going to say to him?" he said at last.

"How do you mean?" как||| «Как ты это имеешь в виду?» "Are you going to arrest him, or help him to escape?" «Ты собираешься арестовать его или помочь ему сбежать?» "I—I—well, of course, I—" began Bill, stammering, and then ended lamely, "Well, I don't know." ||||||||заикаясь||||неуверенно|||| «Я—я—ну, конечно, я—» начал Билл, заикаясь, и затем закончился вяло: «Ну, не знаю.» "Exactly. We've got to make up our minds, haven't we?" мы|||||||| Мы должны принять решение, не так ли? Bill didn't answer. Билл не ответил. Very much disturbed in his mind, he walked restlessly about the room, frowning to himself, stopping now and then at the newly discovered door and looking at it as if he were trying to learn what lay behind it. Сильно расстроенный, он беспокойно ходил по комнате, хмуря брови, временами останавливаясь у только что обнаруженной двери и смотря на неё, как будто пытался понять, что за ней скрывается. Which side was he on, if it came to choosing sides—Mark's or the Law's? "You know, you can't just say, 'Oh er hallo!' to him," said Antony, breaking rather appropriately into his thoughts. «к нему,» сказал Антоний, прерываясь довольно уместно в его мыслях. Bill looked up at him with a start. Билл взглянул на него с испугом.

"Nor," went on Antony, "can you say, 'This is my friend Mr. Gillingham, who is staying with you. «И,» продолжал Антоний, «вы не можете сказать: 'Это мой друг мистер Гиллингем, который останавливается у вас.' We were just going to have a game of bowls.'" "Yes, it's dashed difficult. |это|| "Да, это ужасно сложно. I don't know what to say. Я не знаю, что сказать. I've been rather forgetting about Mark." Я довольно-таки забыл о Марке." He wandered over to the window and looked out on to the lawns. ||||||||||||газоны There was a gardener clipping the grass edges. ||||подстригая||| No reason why the lawn should be untidy just because the master of the house had disappeared. It was going to be a hot day again. Dash it, of course he had forgotten Mark. Черт возьми, конечно, он забыл о Марке. How could he think of him as an escaped murderer, a fugitive from justice, when everything was going on just as it did yesterday, and the sun was shining just as it did when they all drove off to their golf, only twenty-four hours ago? Как он мог думать о нем как об escaped murderer, fugitive from justice, когда всё происходило так же, как и вчера, и солнце светило так же, как и когда они все уехали на гольф всего двадцать четыре часа назад? How could he help feeling that this was not real tragedy, but merely a jolly kind of detective game that he and Antony were playing? как|мог бы||помочь||||||||||||||||||||| Как он мог не чувствовать, что это не настоящая трагедия, а всего лишь веселая детективная игра, в которую он и Антони играли?

He turned back to his friend.

"All the same," he said, "you wanted to find the passage, and now you've found it. Aren't you going into it at all?" Antony took his arm.

"Let's go outside again," he said. "We can't go into it now, anyhow. It's too risky, with Cayley about. Bill, I feel like you—just a little bit frightened. But what I'm frightened of I don't quite know. Anyway, you want to go on with it, don't you?" "Yes," said Bill firmly. "We must." "Then we'll explore the passage this afternoon, if we get the chance. And if we don't get the chance, then we'll try it to-night." They walked across the hall and out into the sunlight again.

"Do you really think we might find Mark hiding there?" asked Bill.

"It's possible," said Antony. "Either Mark or—" He pulled himself up quickly. "No," he murmured to himself, "I won't let myself think that not yet, anyway. It's too horrible." ||ужасное