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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Shadow, part 5

The Shadow, part 5

"Yes, I will tell you all about it," said the shadow, and sat down: "but then you must also promise me, that, wherever you may meet me, you will never say to anyone here in the town that I have been your shadow. I intend to get betrothed, for I can provide for more than one family." "Be quite at thy ease about that," said the learned man; "I shall not say to anyone who thou actually art: here is my hand--I promise it, and a man's bond is his word." "A word is a shadow," said the shadow, "and as such it must speak." It was really quite astonishing how much of a man it was. It was dressed entirely in black, and of the very finest cloth; it had patent leather boots, and a hat that could be folded together, so that it was bare crown and brim; not to speak of what we already know it had--seals, gold neck-chain, and diamond rings; yes, the shadow was well-dressed, and it was just that which made it quite a man.

"Now I shall tell you my adventures," said the shadow; and then he sat, with the polished boots, as heavily as he could, on the arm of the learned man's new shadow, which lay like a poodle-dog at his feet. Now this was perhaps from arrogance; and the shadow on the ground kept itself so still and quiet, that it might hear all that passed: it wished to know how it could get free, and work its way up, so as to become its own master.

"Do you know who lived in our opposite neighbor's house?" said the shadow. "It was the most charming of all beings, it was Poesy! I was there for three weeks, and that has as much effect as if one had lived three thousand years, and read all that was composed and written; that is what I say, and it is right. I have seen everything and I know everything!" "Poesy!" cried the learned man. "Yes, yes, she often dwells a recluse in large cities! Poesy! Yes, I have seen her--a single short moment, but sleep came into my eyes! She stood on the balcony and shone as the Aurora Borealis shines. Go on, go on--thou wert on the balcony, and went through the doorway, and then--" "Then I was in the antechamber," said the shadow. "You always sat and looked over to the antechamber. There was no light; there was a sort of twilight, but the one door stood open directly opposite the other through a long row of rooms and saloons, and there it was lighted up. I should have been completely killed if I had gone over to the maiden; but I was circumspect, I took time to think, and that one must always do." "And what didst thou then see?" asked the learned man.

The Shadow, part 5 La Sombra, parte 5 L'Ombre, partie 5 A Sombra, parte 5 Gölge, Bölüm 5 影子,第五部分

"Yes, I will tell you all about it," said the shadow, and sat down: "but then you must also promise me, that, wherever you may meet me, you will never say to anyone here in the town that I have been your shadow. "Ja, ich werde dir alles darüber erzählen", sagte der Schatten und setzte sich: "Aber dann musst du mir auch versprechen, dass du, wo immer du mich triffst, niemandem hier in der Stadt sagen wirst, dass ich dein Schatten gewesen bin. I intend to get betrothed, for I can provide for more than one family." Ich habe vor, mich zu verloben, denn ich kann für mehr als eine Familie sorgen." "Be quite at thy ease about that," said the learned man; "I shall not say to anyone who thou actually art: here is my hand--I promise it, and a man's bond is his word." "Seien Sie ganz unbesorgt", sagte der Gelehrte, "ich werde niemandem sagen, wer Sie wirklich sind: hier ist meine Hand, ich verspreche es, und eines Mannes Band ist sein Wort." "A word is a shadow," said the shadow, "and as such it must speak." "Ein Wort ist ein Schatten", sagte der Schatten, "und als solcher muss es sprechen." It was really quite astonishing how much of a man it was. Es war wirklich erstaunlich, was für ein Mann das war. It was dressed entirely in black, and of the very finest cloth; it had patent leather boots, and a hat that could be folded together, so that it was bare crown and brim; not to speak of what we already know it had--seals, gold neck-chain, and diamond rings; yes, the shadow was well-dressed, and it was just that which made it quite a man. Er war ganz in Schwarz gekleidet und von feinstem Stoff; er hatte Lackstiefel und einen Hut, den man zusammenfalten konnte, so dass er ohne Scheitel und Krempe war; ganz zu schweigen von dem, was wir schon wissen, dass er Siegel, goldene Halskette und Diamantringe hatte; ja, der Schatten war gut gekleidet, und gerade das machte ihn zu einem richtigen Mann.

"Now I shall tell you my adventures," said the shadow; and then he sat, with the polished boots, as heavily as he could, on the arm of the learned man's new shadow, which lay like a poodle-dog at his feet. "Jetzt werde ich dir meine Abenteuer erzählen", sagte der Schatten, und dann setzte er sich mit den polierten Stiefeln, so schwer er konnte, auf den Arm des neuen Schattens des Gelehrten, der wie ein Pudelhund zu seinen Füßen lag. Now this was perhaps from arrogance; and the shadow on the ground kept itself so still and quiet, that it might hear all that passed: it wished to know how it could get free, and work its way up, so as to become its own master. Dies geschah vielleicht aus Hochmut, und der Schatten auf dem Boden hielt sich so still und leise, dass er alles hören konnte, was geschah: er wollte wissen, wie er sich befreien und nach oben arbeiten könnte, um sein eigener Herr zu werden.

"Do you know who lived in our opposite neighbor's house?" said the shadow. "It was the most charming of all beings, it was Poesy! "Es war das reizendste aller Wesen, es war Poesie! I was there for three weeks, and that has as much effect as if one had lived three thousand years, and read all that was composed and written; that is what I say, and it is right. Ich war drei Wochen dort, und das hat so viel Wirkung, als hätte man dreitausend Jahre gelebt und alles gelesen, was geschrieben und komponiert wurde; das sage ich, und es ist richtig. I have seen everything and I know everything!" "Poesy!" cried the learned man. "Yes, yes, she often dwells a recluse in large cities! "Ja, ja, sie lebt oft zurückgezogen in großen Städten! Poesy! Yes, I have seen her--a single short moment, but sleep came into my eyes! Ja, ich habe sie gesehen - einen einzigen kurzen Augenblick, aber der Schlaf trat mir in die Augen! She stood on the balcony and shone as the Aurora Borealis shines. Sie stand auf dem Balkon und leuchtete, wie die Aurora Borealis leuchtet. Go on, go on--thou wert on the balcony, and went through the doorway, and then--" "Then I was in the antechamber," said the shadow. "You always sat and looked over to the antechamber. There was no light; there was a sort of twilight, but the one door stood open directly opposite the other through a long row of rooms and saloons, and there it was lighted up. Es gab kein Licht; es herrschte eine Art Zwielicht, aber die eine Tür stand direkt gegenüber der anderen durch eine lange Reihe von Zimmern und Salons offen, und dort war es beleuchtet. I should have been completely killed if I had gone over to the maiden; but I was circumspect, I took time to think, and that one must always do." Ich wäre völlig erledigt gewesen, wenn ich zu dem Mädchen übergegangen wäre; aber ich war umsichtig, ich habe mir Zeit zum Nachdenken genommen, und das muss man immer tun." "And what didst thou then see?" asked the learned man.