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American English Pronunciation Podcast (Pronuncian.com), #16: American English pronunciation of reducing pronouns

#16: American English pronunciation of reducing pronouns Learn how and why to reduce the pronouns he, him, her , and them Transcript Hi everyone.

Welcome back to Seattle Learning Academy's American Pronunciation podcast. This is podcast number 16. If you are just joining us, my name is Mandy. I decided to stay on a topic related to rhythm today, since that is what we've been studying since episode number 12. In fact, today's podcast about reduced pronouns has a lot of similarity to podcast 12, which was about common contractions. If you don't remember the grammatical term, a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. It is a word like he or she or they. We use them all the time. While there are no surprises with the pronunciation of most pronouns, there are four in particular that have unusual pronunciation issues: he, him, her, and them. These four pronouns, when they are not the first word of a sentence or clause, become very similar to a contraction. With the words he, him, and her, we will omit the h sound at the beginning of a word and link the remainder of the word to the word before it using the linking rules we learned in the last two podcasts. Here's an example. If I reduce the pronoun and link the words watch + him, I get watch 'im. I take off the h sound of the word him, Then I link the ch sound at the end of the word watch to the first sound of the word him because it now begins with a vowel sound. Listen carefully again. Watch 'im. Watch 'im. Listen to an example with the word he, and I'll add an informal contraction also, just for fun.

Does 'e wanna come along?

Did you hear it?

Does 'e . I removed the h sound of the word he , then linked the final z sound of the word does to the long e sound of the reduced pronoun, he. I get does 'e . Here is an example with the word her: I like 'er a lot. So, I took off the h sound of the word her and linked the remainder of the word to the word like . I ended up with like 'er . Finally, we have the word them.

Most students hate the word them because it begins with a voiced th sound and it is hard to say. Episode 1 was all about voiced and unvoiced th sounds. If you've forgotten about them, go back and listen again for a little review. I have good news for all of you, though. You can remove the voiced th sound from the word them when it does not begin a sentence. You must link the remainder of the word with whatever was before it. Then you don't have to say that voiced th at all! Here's an example: Give 'em a sample. Listen again: Give 'em a sample. Now, the reduced pronoun of him 'im and the reduced pronoun of them 'em sound quite similar. But your listener should know which one you mean by the context. All of the example so far were easy to link, because I chose words that ended in a consonant sound. If the word before the reduced pronoun ends in a vowel sound, though, you need to follow the rules for linking vowels. We studied this last week in Episode 15. Let's listen to some examples of using a reduced pronoun after a word that ends in a vowel sound.

show + them becomes show 'em, with an distinct w sound between the words.

carry + her becomes carry 'er, with a y sound added between the words. The only way reducing pronouns works is by linking the reduced pronoun to the word before it. There are two times that we do not reduce pronouns. The first time is when it is the first word of a sentence. The second time is if we are emphasizing the word for some reason. As an example, if I weren't emphasizing the word he in this sentence, it would sound like this:

I thought 'e was picking me up.

But if I was emphasizing the fact that I thought is was him that was going to pick me up, I would say:

I thought he was picking me up.

It may seem very hard to notice, but a native speaker and listener would immediately perceive the difference. Most Americans don't expect a person who doesn't have English as a first language to do this, but you will sound more fluent if you can. That's all for today.

This has been a Seattle Learning Academy digital publication. Seattle Learning Academy is where the world comes to learn. The transcripts for this week's show are online at www.pronuncian.com. You can email comments or suggestions to me at podcast@pronuncian.com. Thanks for listening everyone.

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#16: American English pronunciation of reducing pronouns ||произношение||редуцирование|местоимения ||||縮約| #16: American English pronunciation of reducing pronouns #16: 彼らの代名詞を短縮するアメリカ英語の発音 #16: Американское английское произношение уменьшительных местоимений Learn how and why to reduce the pronouns he, him, her , and them |||||уменьшить||местоимения||||| 彼、彼女、彼女、そして彼らの代名詞を短縮する方法と理由を学ぶ Узнайте, как и зачем сокращать местоимения he, him, her, and them. Transcript 転写 Транскрипт Hi everyone.

Welcome back to Seattle Learning Academy’s American Pronunciation podcast. |||シアトル||||| シアトル・ラーニング・アカデミーのアメリカ英語発音ポッドキャストへようこそ。 This is podcast number 16. これは16番目のポッドキャストです。 If you are just joining us, my name is Mandy. |||||||||マンディと申します 初めて参加される方々、私の名前はマンディです。 I decided to stay on a topic related to rhythm today, since that is what we’ve been studying since episode number 12. 今日は、エピソード12以降から勉強しているリズムに関連するトピックに留まることにしました。 In fact, today’s podcast about reduced pronouns has a lot of similarity to podcast 12, which was about common contractions. ||сегодняшний|||||||||сходство||||||| In|actually|today's|episode||||||||||||||| |||||短縮された|代名詞|||||||||||一般的な| 実際、今日の短縮代名詞についてのポッドキャストは、一般的な短縮形についての12番目のポッドキャストと非常に似ています。 If you don’t remember the grammatical term, a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. |||||грамматический термин||||||||||||| |||||文法的な|文法用語|||||代名詞||||||| 文法用語を覚えていない場合、代名詞は名詞の代わりに使われる単語です。 It is a word like he or she or they. 代名詞は彼や彼女、彼らのような単語です。 We use them all the time. 私たちはそれらをいつも使っています。 While there are no surprises with the pronunciation of most pronouns, there are four in particular that have unusual pronunciation issues: he, him, her, and them. |||||||||||||||в частности|||||||||| ||||驚き||||||||||||||||||||| ほとんどの代名詞の発音には驚きはありませんが、特にhe、him、her、themの4つの発音に問題があります。 These four pronouns, when they are not the first word of a sentence or clause, become very similar to a contraction. |||||||||||||||становятся похожими на||||| これらの4つの代名詞は、文や節の最初の単語でない場合、短縮形に非常に似たものになります。 With the words he, him, and her, we will omit the h sound at the beginning of a word and link the remainder of the word to the word before it using the linking rules we learned in the last two podcasts. ||||||||||||звук "h"|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||подкастов ||||||||||||||||||||||残りの部分||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||ละเว้น|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 彼、彼女を示す言葉では、単語の先頭のhの音を省略し、前回の2つのポッドキャストで学んだ連結ルールを使って前の単語と単語をつなげます。 Here’s an example. Вот пример.|| 例を示します。 If I reduce the pronoun and link the words watch + him, I get watch 'im. |||||||||смотреть на него||||| ||||||||||||||彼を Si l'on réduit le pronom et que l'on relie les mots watch + him, on obtient watch 'im. 代名詞を短縮して watch + him の単語をつなげると、watch 'im となります。 I take off the h sound of the word him, Then I link the ch sound at the end of the word watch to the first sound of the word him because it now begins with a vowel sound. J'enlève le son h du mot him, puis je relie le son ch à la fin du mot watch au premier son du mot him parce qu'il commence maintenant par une voyelle. 「彼」という単語のh音を取り除き、その後、「watch」という単語の最後にch音をつなげて、「彼」という単語の最初の音につける。なぜなら、それは今、母音の音で始まるからだ。 Listen carefully again. もう一度注意深く聞いてください。 Watch 'im. ウォッチ 'im. Watch 'im. Listen to an example with the word he, and I’ll add an informal contraction also, just for fun. Écoutez un exemple avec le mot he, et j'ajouterai également une contraction informelle, juste pour le plaisir. 単語heを使用した例を聞いてみて、また、楽しみのために非公式な短縮形も付け加えます。

Does 'e wanna come along? ||||一緒に Il veut venir ? 'e も一緒に来たいのかな?

Did you hear it? Vous l'avez entendue ? それを聞いた?

Does 'e . Est-ce qu'il . Does 'e . I removed the h sound of the word he , then linked the final z sound of the word does to the long e sound of the reduced pronoun, he. ||||||||||つなげた|||||||||||||||||| heという言葉のh音の部分を取り除き、doesという単語のz音をreducedな代名詞heの長いe音にリンクさせました。 I get does 'e . I get does 'e . Here is an example with the word her: I like 'er a lot. So, I took off the h sound of the word her and linked the remainder of the word to the word like . I ended up with like 'er . I ended up with like 'er . Finally, we have the word them.

Most students hate the word them because it begins with a voiced th sound and it is hard to say. Episode 1 was all about voiced and unvoiced th sounds. If you’ve forgotten about them, go back and listen again for a little review. I have good news for all of you, though. You can remove the voiced th sound from the word them when it does not begin a sentence. You must link the remainder of the word with whatever was before it. Then you don’t have to say that voiced th at all! Here’s an example: Give 'em a sample. Voici un exemple : Donnez-leur un échantillon. Listen again: Give 'em a sample. Now, the reduced pronoun of him 'im and the reduced pronoun of them 'em sound quite similar. But your listener should know which one you mean by the context. All of the example so far were easy to link, because I chose words that ended in a consonant sound. If the word before the reduced pronoun ends in a vowel sound, though, you need to follow the rules for linking vowels. We studied this last week in Episode 15. Let’s listen to some examples of using a reduced pronoun after a word that ends in a vowel sound.

show + them becomes show 'em, with an distinct w sound between the words.

carry + her becomes carry 'er, with a y sound added between the words. The only way reducing pronouns works is by linking the reduced pronoun to the word before it. There are two times that we do not reduce pronouns. The first time is when it is the first word of a sentence. The second time is if we are emphasizing the word for some reason. As an example, if I weren’t emphasizing the word he in this sentence, it would sound like this:

I thought 'e was picking me up.

But if I was emphasizing the fact that I thought is was him that was going to pick me up, I would say:

I thought he was picking me up.

It may seem very hard to notice, but a native speaker and listener would immediately perceive the difference. Most Americans don’t expect a person who doesn’t have English as a first language to do this, but you will sound more fluent if you can. That’s all for today.

This has been a Seattle Learning Academy digital publication. Seattle Learning Academy is where the world comes to learn. The transcripts for this week’s show are online at www.pronuncian.com. You can email comments or suggestions to me at podcast@pronuncian.com. Thanks for listening everyone.