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A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Melvin Powers, Chapter 7. Deepening the Self-Hypnotic State

Chapter 7. Deepening the Self-Hypnotic State

For each progressive test, it is usually necessary to have accomplished the preceding tests. However, this is not an absolute rule. Frequently, a subject responds to tests at the beginning of the depth scale and then to others at the end of the depth scale. Certain tests in between do not work. I have had the following experience more than once while teaching one of my classes in self-hypnosis. In testing the depth of hypnosis, I run the gamut of all of the tests from light to deep. In this way, the subject can ascertain how far he has progressed. One frequent test for the deep state is to give the subject a posthypnotic suggestion to the effect that the next cigarette he smokes will have a vile taste and it will be absolutely impossible for him to take more than three puffs. It is further suggested that after the third puff, the cigarette taste will be so unbearable it will become necessary for him to extinguish the cigarette.

We can expect an excellent hypnotic subject to comply with these posthypnotic suggestions, but a subject who hasn't even passed the eye closure test (test No. 1) or any other test may unexpectedly react perfectly to the cigarette test which we know is a standard test for determining if the subject has entered into a deep state of hypnosis. How can you account for it? There is no simple or positive answer. If we hadn't given him this particular test, he would have felt that he wasn't making progress in his determination to become a good hypnotic subject. Because of this, he might not have given himself therapeutic suggestions because he would feel he hadn't reached a state of hypnosis which would benefit him. Remember, follow the instructions of giving yourself whatever therapeutic suggestions you want, regardless of the fact that you feel that "nothing has happened." I have seen many subjects who were bewildered because certain tests did not work, yet were pleased because of very gratifying overall results from using self-hypnosis. They were baffled because of their inability to pass certain tests which they felt were a prerequisite to the success of constructive suggestions they gave themselves.

It is commonly felt that the deeper the state of hypnosis, the better the results. In actual practice, I have not found this to be so. I have had excellent results in a relatively short period of time with subjects who only achieved a light state, and it has been necessary to work with others who achieved a deep state of hypnosis for a longer period before lasting results were in evidence. Naturally, each individual presents a different set of needs and even though the symptoms may be basically the same, each will respond favorably when his requirements are met. This happens on a conscious as well as unconscious level. For example, the mere assurance by a physician that the patient is all right and has nothing to worry about is often sufficient to bring about desirable results. Another example is the mother who stops the sobbing of her hurt child by a loving kiss. A logical approach, pointing out to the child that he really didn't hurt himself, would never have worked. We have all heard stories of primitive tribesmen who have died because they knew they were the objects of "death wishes" by another member of the tribe. The key to achieving a greater depth of self-hypnosis lies in the use of the visual-imagery technique. You "see" yourself going into the hypnotic state deeper and deeper. You even picture yourself, using this technique, passing various progressive hypnotic tests. The second part of the key lies in giving yourself a posthypnotic suggestion that each succeeding attempt will put you into a deeper state as a result of a given stimulus—such as the count of three.

The following instructions should not be attempted usually unless you have been successful in achieving the two basic tests—the eye closure as well as the uncontrollable urge to swallow followed by the physical act of swallowing at a specific count. If the conditioning process works for these two tests, you have achieved the lethargic state of hypnosis. This is the first state of hypnosis and is generally referred to as the "light" state. Therapeutic suggestions can work admirably in this state. The next stage of hypnosis is known as the cataleptic state and is referred to as the "medium" state. Generally, hypnosis is divided into three states: the lethargic (light state); the cataleptic (medium state); and the somnambulistic (deep state).

As you deepen the hypnotic state, you can accomplish the progressive tests that I shall outline for you. I'll also number these tests for the convenience of having a reference. Deepening the hypnotic state requires the same type of practice or conditioning as the first two steps. Let us call eye closure—No. 1, and swallowing—No. 2. We are now ready to proceed to the "hand tingling" test—No. 3.

You have just completed tests No. 1 and 2; you are in a completely relaxed state. Now give yourself the following suggestions: "As I count to ten and even before I reach the count of ten, I shall feel a light tingling or numb feeling in my right hand." As you slowly begin the count of ten, you keep repeating suggestions to the effect that your right hand is beginning to tingle. Once again, you practice the technique of visual-imagery, tapping your experiential background for this feeling. You can recall how it feels when your hand goes to sleep. Once you get an initial feeling of lightness, tingling or numbness, reinforce this feeling by the feed-back technique as you did with the eye closure test. As you practice this procedure, it will work with greater effectiveness. The following is a very important point to remember. Be sure that you give yourself a posthypnotic suggestion that the tingling, light or numb sensation will disappear as you continue to count to 15. For example, "As I count to 15, the tingling feeling in my right hand will disappear, and I shall experience only normal sensations. Eleven ... The tingling feeling is leaving. Twelve ... Now it is leaving faster. Thirteen ... I can feel my hand returning to normal. Fourteen ... The tingling feeling has left. Fifteen ... My right hand feels perfectly normal." You could try a variation of this test by saying your nose or one of your toes will itch at a specific count. Once this test is accomplished, you are ready for the "foot" test—No. 4.

You will remember that the key to achieving a greater depth of hypnosis lies in visualizing yourself going deeper with each attempt and accomplishing progressive hypnotic tests. Keep this in mind. For a moment, let us go back to the hand tingling test—No. 3.

Once you have been successful in accomplishing this test, use the visual-imagery technique to see yourself successfully responding to the foot test. When you have actually accomplished test No. 4, you see yourself accomplishing the "hand levitation" test—No. 5. In other words, you use each step to enhance a greater receptivity for the following progressive test. As you couple this approach with posthypnotic suggestions that you will go deeper and deeper into the hypnotic state at a given stimulus, you set into motion a conditioned response mechanism which must ultimately guide you into a profound state of hypnosis.

The foot test can be accomplished while sitting or lying down. The idea of this test is to imagine that your feet are stuck to the floor or that your legs are so heavy that they are impossible to raise until you reach a certain count. It is best to begin this test by trying to capture a heavy, relaxed feeling in your legs. You give yourself specific suggestions along these lines: "As I count to five, I shall notice a very heavy, relaxed, pleasant feeling in both legs. It will be a very comfortable feeling; a feeling of complete relaxation." You then begin the count of ten, following out the idea of the other tests you have successfully accomplished. You should remember that there is no time limit and you take as much time as you need in order to get the relaxed, heavy feeling. Once you get the relaxed, heavy feeling, you use the visual-imagery technique to try to picture your legs stuck to the floor. If you are lying down, imagine you are covered by a heavy blanket which is tightly tucked under the mattress, making it impossible for you to raise your legs. If sitting up, I tell the subject to imagine that his shoes are stuck to the floor with "iron glue," and since his feet are in the shoes, it is impossible to lift them until the specific count which will enable him to do so. Here are the suggestions you can use for the second part of this test. "As I continue to count to ten, I shall find that it will be impossible for me to raise my legs. I shall try at the count of ten, but it will be absolutely impossible to raise my legs until I count to 15. At that time, I shall be able to raise my legs easily, and the heavy feeling will leave as well." You then continue with the count, giving yourself appropriate suggestions. Once this test is accomplished, you use the visual-imagery technique to see yourself accomplishing the hand levitation test—No. 5. Be sure you give yourself the posthypnotic suggestion that the next time you hypnotize yourself, you will fall into a deeper and sounder state.

I'll assume that you have been able to get a relaxed, heavy feeling in your legs. You have reached the count of five and are ready to proceed further. Here are sample suggestions you can use: "Six ... My legs are becoming extremely heavy. Seven ... I'll be unable to lift them until I count to 15. Eight ... I feel very comfortable; my legs are becoming heavier and heavier. Nine ... My entire body is completely relaxed, and my legs are so heavy that they are impossible to lift. Ten ... I'm in a very deep hypnotic state, and it is absolutely impossible for me to move my legs until I count to 15." At this point, you actually try to raise your legs. If you can't do it, you have reached the cataleptic stage. Should you not be able to raise your legs, don't become frightened. All you need to say is: "I can now move my legs." You could also say: "As I count to three, I'll be able to move my legs." However, since we have elected originally to be able to move the legs at the count of 15, it would be best to follow out this pattern. You could at this time merely continue to count to 15, at which time you would be able to move your legs. I prefer giving suggestions between each count as follows: "Eleven ... The heavy feeling is leaving, and I shall be able to raise my legs at the count of 15. Twelve ... I can feel the heavy, relaxed feeling leaving. Thirteen ... I am beginning to move my legs. Fourteen ... I am lifting my legs more and more. Fifteen ... I have perfect control over my bodily functions and legs; I am lifting and moving my legs; the heavy feeling is dissipating; I am in complete control; I can now give myself posthypnotic suggestions that will be very effective and beneficial." Give yourself whatever suggestions you want at this time.

Let us suppose that you tried the foot test for some time and were unsuccessful. Perhaps this puzzles you, and you wonder why it didn't work. Perhaps you were able to get a heavy feeling in the legs, but the second part of the test didn't work. The following information will help you to understand why you were unable to complete this cataleptic test. Either you had not conditioned yourself sufficiently, or you weren't really "letting go" enough to enter into a deeper state of hypnosis. Most subjects need to test themselves and feel secure every step of the way. They don't just plunge into the cataleptic or somnambulistic stages immediately. In this connection, I believe it can be compared with the bather who goes into the water one step at a time. Even the playful splashing directed at him by friends does not compel him to duck under the water. Instead, he continues to slowly go deeper and deeper until he is completely submerged. Wouldn't it have been easier to duck under all at once? Perhaps, but I'm sure you have either experienced the same thing yourself or seen it happen. The analogy should be clear. The subject is reluctant to do what he considers as "giving up his control" when, in reality, he is really more and more in control of himself as he penetrates the deeper levels of hypnosis. In reality, the subject who does not or cannot raise his feet really could move in case of emergency, even without counting to 15. He has, in effect, entered into a state in which it is too much bother to lift his feet. A common example of this frame of mind is when you remain in bed in the morning even though you know you will be late to work. You are just too comfortable to move, and your initiative seems paralyzed.

Let us assume, at this point, that you have finally succeeded in getting the foot test to work. You are now ready for the hand levitation test—No. 5. In this test, the goal is to get your hand to slowly rise and touch your chin. Once it touches your chin, you enter into a still deeper state and lower your hand slowly to your side. This test is actually combined with the hand tingling test—No. 3.

Since you have been successful with test No. 3, the rest is rather simple. This time as you work test No. 3, aim for a light, pleasant feeling in your right hand. Once you get this reaction, you give yourself suggestions that your right hand will now rise and touch your chin. As soon as it does, you will fall into a deeper state and lower your hand. Here are the suggestions that you can use: "As I count to ten and even before I reach the count of ten, I shall have an irresistible impulse to slowly raise my hand to my chin. As I progress with the counting, my hand will slowly rise, and the impulse will become stronger and stronger. As soon as my hand touches my chin, the impulse will leave. I will then lower my hand and fall into a very deep hypnotic state. I shall be fully aware of what is happening, my surroundings, and will be able to give myself beneficial posthypnotic suggestions." At this point you start counting to ten, giving yourself suggestions that your right hand which already has a light feeling will begin to slowly rise to your chin. Time the counting to coincide with the actual physical act of raising your hand. You are trying to feel an involuntary urge to raise your hand. The movement itself should also be of an unconscious rather than conscious nature. A conscious raising of your hand to your chin is not what you are looking for in this test. Should you experience difficulty in attaining the first movement of your hand, you can give yourself assistance by consciously and slowly raising your hand just to get it started. The rest of the movement, as mentioned, must be automatic. Should you find it necessary to start your hand rising, use the feed-back technique to continue the movement. You can give yourself the following suggestions:

"One ... My right hand is beginning to rise. Two ... My right hand is very, very light, and I am getting an irresistible urge to slowly raise it. Three ... This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Four ... My right hand is rising more and more. Five ... My hand is rising toward my chin. Six ... As soon as my hand touches my chin, I shall fall into a deeper and sounder state of hypnosis. Seven ... My hand is rising closer and closer toward my chin. Eight ... The feeling of lightness is becoming stronger and stronger. Nine ... My right hand is about to touch my chin; as soon as it does, I'll fall into a very deep hypnotic state. Ten ... My right hand is touching my chin; I'm falling deeper and deeper into a sound hypnotic state; I'll now slowly lower my hand and continue falling into a deep, sound, pleasant state of hypnosis. The light feeling has left my hand." You should not attempt to memorize the exact phraseology for any of the tests. You are to merely use the suggestions that have been written out for you as a guide. The timing of the suggestions is the paramount consideration in attaining successful results. Don't be impatient. Take as much time as you need. Should you find yourself unsuccessful after ten or fifteen minutes, drop the test and come back to it another day. I haven't found that working at a specific test all day long accomplishes the end result. It is best to work for a specific period every day. In this way, the conditioned response pattern is established for the success of the tests as well as the success of the posthypnotic suggestions that you have given yourself. You should bear in mind that if you have been successful in achieving the first five tests, you have reached a medium state of hypnosis, and posthypnotic suggestions will be extremely effective. In the next chapter, you'll learn, psychologically, how to go even deeper into hypnosis. You'll learn those psychological factors that are important to know and that can contribute to your development into an excellent hypnotic subject. Following this, the subsequent chapter will give you further tests and instructions for developing into a somnambulistic subject.

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Chapter 7. Deepening the Self-Hypnotic State Capítulo 7. Profundización del estado autohipnótico Profundización del estado autohipnótico Capítulo 7. Aprofundamento do estado auto-hipnótico

For each progressive test, it is usually necessary to have accomplished the preceding tests. ||||||||||виконані||| Für jeden weiterführenden Test ist es in der Regel erforderlich, die vorangegangenen Tests absolviert zu haben. However, this is not an absolute rule. Frequently, a subject responds to tests at the beginning of the depth scale and then to others at the end of the depth scale. |||||||||||||||||||||||шкала глибини Häufig reagiert ein Subjekt auf Tests am Anfang der Tiefenskala und dann auf andere am Ende der Tiefenskala. Certain tests in between do not work. Bestimmte Tests dazwischen funktionieren nicht. I have had the following experience more than once while teaching one of my classes in self-hypnosis. Ich habe die folgende Erfahrung mehr als einmal gemacht, als ich einen meiner Kurse in Selbsthypnose unterrichtete. In testing the depth of hypnosis, I run the gamut of all of the tests from light to deep. |||||||||діапазон||||||||| Beim Testen der Tiefe der Hypnose führe ich alle Tests von leicht bis tief durch. In this way, the subject can ascertain how far he has progressed. Auf diese Weise kann der Proband feststellen, wie weit er fortgeschritten ist. One frequent test for the deep state is to give the subject a posthypnotic suggestion to the effect that the next cigarette he smokes will have a vile taste and it will be absolutely impossible for him to take more than three puffs. Ein häufiger Test für den tiefen Zustand besteht darin, der Versuchsperson eine posthypnotische Suggestion zu geben, dass die nächste Zigarette, die sie raucht, einen abscheulichen Geschmack haben wird und es für sie absolut unmöglich sein wird, mehr als drei Züge zu nehmen. It is further suggested that after the third puff, the cigarette taste will be so unbearable it will become necessary for him to extinguish the cigarette. |||||||||||||||нестерпний||||||||загасити|| Es wird weiter angedeutet, dass der Zigarettengeschmack nach dem dritten Zug so unerträglich sein wird, dass er die Zigarette löschen muss.

We can expect an excellent hypnotic subject to comply with these posthypnotic suggestions, but a subject who hasn't even passed the eye closure test (test No. 我们|||||||||||后催眠|||||||||||||| Wir können davon ausgehen, dass eine ausgezeichnete hypnotische Versuchsperson diesen posthypnotischen Suggestionen nachkommt, aber eine Versuchsperson, die nicht einmal den Augenschließtest bestanden hat (Test Nr. 1) or any other test may unexpectedly react perfectly to the cigarette test which we know is a standard test for determining if the subject has entered into a deep state of hypnosis. |||||||完美|||香烟||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||визначення||||||||||| 1) oder jeder andere Test kann unerwartet perfekt auf den Zigarettentest reagieren, von dem wir wissen, dass er ein Standardtest ist, um festzustellen, ob die Testperson in einen Zustand tiefer Hypnose eingetreten ist. How can you account for it? Wie können Sie das erklären? There is no simple or positive answer. Es gibt keine einfache oder positive Antwort. If we hadn't given him this particular test, he would have felt that he wasn't making progress in his determination to become a good hypnotic subject. Wenn wir ihm diesen speziellen Test nicht gegeben hätten, hätte er das Gefühl gehabt, dass er in seiner Entschlossenheit, ein guter Hypnotiseur zu werden, keine Fortschritte machte. Because of this, he might not have given himself therapeutic suggestions because he would feel he hadn't reached a state of hypnosis which would benefit him. Aus diesem Grund hätte er sich möglicherweise keine therapeutischen Vorschläge gemacht, weil er das Gefühl hätte, einen Hypnosezustand nicht erreicht zu haben, der ihm zugute käme. Remember, follow the instructions of giving yourself whatever therapeutic suggestions you want, regardless of the fact that you feel that "nothing has happened." Denken Sie daran, befolgen Sie die Anweisungen und geben Sie sich selbst die gewünschten therapeutischen Vorschläge, unabhängig davon, ob Sie das Gefühl haben, dass „nichts passiert ist“. I have seen many subjects who were bewildered because certain tests did not work, yet were pleased because of very gratifying overall results from using self-hypnosis. ||||||||||||||||||||令人满意|||||| |||||||спантеличені||||||||||||||||||| Ich habe viele Probanden gesehen, die verwirrt waren, weil bestimmte Tests nicht funktionierten, sich aber dennoch über die sehr erfreulichen Gesamtergebnisse der Selbsthypnose freuten. They were baffled because of their inability to pass certain tests which they felt were a prerequisite to the success of constructive suggestions they gave themselves. ||||||||||||||||передумова||||||||дали собі| Sie waren verblüfft, weil sie bestimmte Tests nicht bestehen konnten, die ihrer Meinung nach eine Voraussetzung für den Erfolg konstruktiver Vorschläge waren, die sie selbst machten.

It is commonly felt that the deeper the state of hypnosis, the better the results. Es wird allgemein angenommen, dass die Ergebnisse umso besser sind, je tiefer der Zustand der Hypnose ist. In actual practice, I have not found this to be so. In der Praxis habe ich das nicht so festgestellt. I have had excellent results in a relatively short period of time with subjects who only achieved a light state, and it has been necessary to work with others who achieved a deep state of hypnosis for a longer period before lasting results were in evidence. Ich habe in relativ kurzer Zeit hervorragende Ergebnisse mit Probanden erzielt, die nur einen leichten Zustand erreicht haben, und es war notwendig, mit anderen zu arbeiten, die über einen längeren Zeitraum einen tiefen Hypnosezustand erreicht haben, bevor sich dauerhafte Ergebnisse zeigten. Naturally, each individual presents a different set of needs and even though the symptoms may be basically the same, each will respond favorably when his requirements are met. |||||||||||||||||||||реагувати|||||| Natürlich hat jeder Mensch unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse, und obwohl die Symptome im Grunde dieselben sein können, wird jeder positiv reagieren, wenn seine Bedürfnisse erfüllt sind. This happens on a conscious as well as unconscious level. For example, the mere assurance by a physician that the patient is all right and has nothing to worry about is often sufficient to bring about desirable results. ||||||||||||||||||||||достатньо||||| Beispielsweise reicht oft die bloße Zusicherung eines Arztes, dass es dem Patienten gut geht und er sich keine Sorgen machen muss, um wünschenswerte Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Another example is the mother who stops the sobbing of her hurt child by a loving kiss. ||||||||ридання|||||||| A logical approach, pointing out to the child that he really didn't hurt himself, would never have worked. Eine logische Herangehensweise, das Kind darauf hinzuweisen, dass es sich wirklich nicht wehgetan hat, hätte nie funktioniert. We have all heard stories of primitive tribesmen who have died because they knew they were the objects of "death wishes" by another member of the tribe. |||||||члени племені||||||||||||||||||| Wir alle haben Geschichten von primitiven Stammesangehörigen gehört, die gestorben sind, weil sie wussten, dass sie das Objekt von „Todeswünschen“ eines anderen Stammesmitglieds waren. The key to achieving a greater depth of self-hypnosis lies in the use of the visual-imagery technique. You "see" yourself going into the hypnotic state deeper and deeper. You even picture yourself, using this technique, passing various progressive hypnotic tests. Sie stellen sich sogar vor, wie Sie mit dieser Technik verschiedene progressive hypnotische Tests bestehen. The second part of the key lies in giving yourself a posthypnotic suggestion that each succeeding attempt will put you into a deeper state as a result of a given stimulus—such as the count of three. Der zweite Teil des Schlüssels besteht darin, sich selbst eine posthypnotische Suggestion zu geben, dass jeder nachfolgende Versuch Sie als Ergebnis eines gegebenen Stimulus in einen tieferen Zustand versetzen wird – wie zum Beispiel das Zählen von drei.

The following instructions should not be attempted usually unless you have been successful in achieving the two basic tests—the eye closure as well as the uncontrollable urge to swallow followed by the physical act of swallowing at a specific count. Die folgenden Anweisungen sollten normalerweise nicht versucht werden, es sei denn, Sie haben die beiden grundlegenden Tests erfolgreich bestanden – das Schließen der Augen sowie den unkontrollierbaren Drang zu schlucken, gefolgt von der körperlichen Handlung des Schluckens bei einer bestimmten Anzahl. If the conditioning process works for these two tests, you have achieved the lethargic state of hypnosis. Wenn der Konditionierungsprozess bei diesen beiden Tests funktioniert, haben Sie den lethargischen Zustand der Hypnose erreicht. This is the first state of hypnosis and is generally referred to as the "light" state. Dies ist der erste Zustand der Hypnose und wird allgemein als „Licht“-Zustand bezeichnet. Therapeutic suggestions can work admirably in this state. Therapeutische Vorschläge können in diesem Zustand bewundernswert wirken. The next stage of hypnosis is known as the cataleptic state and is referred to as the "medium" state. |||||||||каталептичний стан||||||||| Die nächste Stufe der Hypnose ist als kataleptischer Zustand bekannt und wird als „mittlerer“ Zustand bezeichnet. Generally, hypnosis is divided into three states: the lethargic (light state); the cataleptic (medium state); and the somnambulistic (deep state). |||||||||||||||||сомнамбулічний|| Im Allgemeinen wird Hypnose in drei Zustände unterteilt: den lethargischen (leichten Zustand); die Kataleptik (mittlerer Zustand); und der somnambulistische (tiefe Zustand).

As you deepen the hypnotic state, you can accomplish the progressive tests that I shall outline for you. ||||||||досягти||||||||| I'll also number these tests for the convenience of having a reference. |||||||зручність|||| Ich werde diese Tests auch nummerieren, um eine Referenz zu haben. Deepening the hypnotic state requires the same type of practice or conditioning as the first two steps. Let us call eye closure—No. 1, and swallowing—No. 2. We are now ready to proceed to the "hand tingling" test—No. |||||продовжити|||||| 3.

You have just completed tests No. 1 and 2; you are in a completely relaxed state. Now give yourself the following suggestions: "As I count to ten and even before I reach the count of ten, I shall feel a light tingling or numb feeling in my right hand." |||||||||||||||||||||||||поколювання||||||| Machen Sie sich jetzt folgende Vorschläge: "Wenn ich bis zehn zähle und noch bevor ich zehn erreicht habe, werde ich ein leichtes Kribbeln oder Taubheitsgefühl in meiner rechten Hand spüren." As you slowly begin the count of ten, you keep repeating suggestions to the effect that your right hand is beginning to tingle. Once again, you practice the technique of visual-imagery, tapping your experiential background for this feeling. ||||||||||||досвід||| Noch einmal übst du die Technik der visuellen Imagination, indem du deinen Erfahrungshintergrund für dieses Gefühl anzapfst. You can recall how it feels when your hand goes to sleep. Once you get an initial feeling of lightness, tingling or numbness, reinforce this feeling by the feed-back technique as you did with the eye closure test. |||||||||||强化||||||||||||||| |||||||||||підсилюйте||||||||||||||| As you practice this procedure, it will work with greater effectiveness. The following is a very important point to remember. Das Folgende ist ein sehr wichtiger Punkt, an den Sie sich erinnern sollten. Be sure that you give yourself a posthypnotic suggestion that the tingling, light or numb sensation will disappear as you continue to count to 15. |||||||||||поколювання|||||||||||| For example, "As I count to 15, the tingling feeling in my right hand will disappear, and I shall experience only normal sensations. Eleven ... The tingling feeling is leaving. Elf ... Das Kribbeln lässt nach. Twelve ... Now it is leaving faster. Zwölf ... Jetzt geht es schneller. Thirteen ... I can feel my hand returning to normal. Fourteen ... The tingling feeling has left. Vierzehn ... Das Kribbeln ist weg. Fifteen ... My right hand feels perfectly normal." You could try a variation of this test by saying your nose or one of your toes will itch at a specific count. Sie könnten eine Variation dieses Tests ausprobieren, indem Sie sagen, dass Ihre Nase oder einer Ihrer Zehen bei einer bestimmten Anzahl juckt. Once this test is accomplished, you are ready for the "foot" test—No. 4.

You will remember that the key to achieving a greater depth of hypnosis lies in visualizing yourself going deeper with each attempt and accomplishing progressive hypnotic tests. |||||||||||||||||||||спроба||||| Sie werden sich daran erinnern, dass der Schlüssel zum Erreichen einer größeren Tiefe der Hypnose darin liegt, sich vorzustellen, wie Sie mit jedem Versuch tiefer gehen und progressive hypnotische Tests durchführen. Keep this in mind. Denken Sie daran. For a moment, let us go back to the hand tingling test—No. 3.

Once you have been successful in accomplishing this test, use the visual-imagery technique to see yourself successfully responding to the foot test. ||||||||||||||||||реагуючи на|||| When you have actually accomplished test No. 4, you see yourself accomplishing the "hand levitation" test—No. 4 sehen Sie, wie Sie den "Handlevitations"-Test bestehen - Nr. 5. In other words, you use each step to enhance a greater receptivity for the following progressive test. Mit anderen Worten, Sie verwenden jeden Schritt, um eine größere Empfänglichkeit für den folgenden progressiven Test zu erhöhen. As you couple this approach with posthypnotic suggestions that you will go deeper and deeper into the hypnotic state at a given stimulus, you set into motion a conditioned response mechanism which must ultimately guide you into a profound state of hypnosis. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||глибокий|||

The foot test can be accomplished while sitting or lying down. The idea of this test is to imagine that your feet are stuck to the floor or that your legs are so heavy that they are impossible to raise until you reach a certain count. Die Idee dieses Tests ist, sich vorzustellen, dass Ihre Füße am Boden kleben oder dass Ihre Beine so schwer sind, dass Sie sie nicht heben können, bis Sie eine bestimmte Anzahl erreicht haben. It is best to begin this test by trying to capture a heavy, relaxed feeling in your legs. Am besten beginnen Sie diesen Test, indem Sie versuchen, ein schweres, entspanntes Gefühl in Ihren Beinen zu erfassen. You give yourself specific suggestions along these lines: "As I count to five, I shall notice a very heavy, relaxed, pleasant feeling in both legs. ||||||||||||||буду|||||||||| It will be a very comfortable feeling; a feeling of complete relaxation." You then begin the count of ten, following out the idea of the other tests you have successfully accomplished. ||||||||||||||||||виконали успішно Dann beginnen Sie mit dem Zählen bis zehn und folgen dabei der Idee der anderen Tests, die Sie erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben. You should remember that there is no time limit and you take as much time as you need in order to get the relaxed, heavy feeling. Once you get the relaxed, heavy feeling, you use the visual-imagery technique to try to picture your legs stuck to the floor. Sobald Sie das entspannte, schwere Gefühl bekommen, verwenden Sie die Technik der visuellen Vorstellung, um sich vorzustellen, wie Ihre Beine am Boden kleben. If you are lying down, imagine you are covered by a heavy blanket which is tightly tucked under the mattress, making it impossible for you to raise your legs. Wenn Sie sich hinlegen, stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wären von einer dicken Decke bedeckt, die fest unter die Matratze gesteckt ist und es Ihnen unmöglich macht, Ihre Beine zu heben. If sitting up, I tell the subject to imagine that his shoes are stuck to the floor with "iron glue," and since his feet are in the shoes, it is impossible to lift them until the specific count which will enable him to do so. Wenn ich mich aufsetze, sage ich dem Probanden, er solle sich vorstellen, dass seine Schuhe mit "Eisenleim" am Boden kleben, und da seine Füße in den Schuhen sind, ist es unmöglich, sie anzuheben, bis die spezifische Anzahl, die es ihm ermöglicht, dies zu tun . Here are the suggestions you can use for the second part of this test. "As I continue to count to ten, I shall find that it will be impossible for me to raise my legs. ||||||||||||||||||підняти|| I shall try at the count of ten, but it will be absolutely impossible to raise my legs until I count to 15. At that time, I shall be able to raise my legs easily, and the heavy feeling will leave as well." Zu diesem Zeitpunkt werde ich meine Beine leicht heben können, und das schwere Gefühl wird auch verschwinden." You then continue with the count, giving yourself appropriate suggestions. ||||||||відповідні| Once this test is accomplished, you use the visual-imagery technique to see yourself accomplishing the hand levitation test—No. 5. Be sure you give yourself the posthypnotic suggestion that the next time you hypnotize yourself, you will fall into a deeper and sounder state. ||||||||||||||||||||||更深更稳|

I'll assume that you have been able to get a relaxed, heavy feeling in your legs. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie ein entspanntes, schweres Gefühl in Ihren Beinen bekommen haben. You have reached the count of five and are ready to proceed further. |||||||||||продовжити далі| Here are sample suggestions you can use: "Six ... My legs are becoming extremely heavy. Seven ... I'll be unable to lift them until I count to 15. Eight ... I feel very comfortable; my legs are becoming heavier and heavier. Nine ... My entire body is completely relaxed, and my legs are so heavy that they are impossible to lift. Neun ... Mein ganzer Körper ist völlig entspannt und meine Beine sind so schwer, dass ich sie nicht heben kann. Ten ... I'm in a very deep hypnotic state, and it is absolutely impossible for me to move my legs until I count to 15." At this point, you actually try to raise your legs. An diesem Punkt versuchen Sie tatsächlich, Ihre Beine zu heben. If you can't do it, you have reached the cataleptic stage. Should you not be able to raise your legs, don't become frightened. Sollten Sie Ihre Beine nicht heben können, erschrecken Sie nicht. All you need to say is: "I can now move my legs." You could also say: "As I count to three, I'll be  able to move my legs." However, since we have elected originally to be able to move the legs at the count of 15, it would be best to follow out this pattern. ||||||||||||||||||||||дотримуватися||| Da wir uns jedoch ursprünglich dafür entschieden haben, die Beine bei 15 bewegen zu können, wäre es am besten, diesem Muster zu folgen. You could at this time merely continue to count to 15, at which time you would be able to move your legs. I prefer giving suggestions between each count as follows: "Eleven ... The heavy feeling is leaving, and I shall be able to raise my legs at the count of 15. Ich ziehe es vor, zwischen den Zählungen folgende Vorschläge zu machen: "Elf ... Das schwere Gefühl lässt nach, und ich werde in der Lage sein, meine Beine bei 15 zu heben. Twelve ... I can feel the heavy, relaxed feeling leaving. Thirteen ... I am beginning to move my legs. Fourteen ... I am lifting my legs more and more. Fifteen ... I have perfect control over my bodily functions and legs; I am lifting and moving my legs; the heavy feeling is dissipating; I am in complete control; I can now give myself posthypnotic suggestions that will be very effective and beneficial." Give yourself whatever suggestions you want at this time.

Let us suppose that you tried the foot test for some time and were unsuccessful. Perhaps this puzzles you, and you wonder why it didn't work. Perhaps you were able to get a heavy feeling in the legs, but the second part of the test didn't work. The following information will help you to understand why you were unable to complete this cataleptic test. Either you had not conditioned yourself sufficiently, or you weren't really "letting go" enough to enter into a deeper state of hypnosis. Entweder hattest du dich nicht ausreichend konditioniert, oder du hast nicht wirklich genug „losgelassen“, um in einen tieferen Zustand der Hypnose zu gelangen. Most subjects need to test themselves and feel secure every step of the way. Die meisten Probanden müssen sich selbst testen und sich bei jedem Schritt sicher fühlen. They don't just plunge into the cataleptic or somnambulistic stages immediately. In this connection, I believe it can be compared with the bather who goes into the water one step at a time. ||||相信||||||||||||||||| Ich glaube, in diesem Zusammenhang ist es vergleichbar mit dem Badenden, der Schritt für Schritt ins Wasser geht. Even the playful splashing directed at him by friends does not compel him to duck under the water. Auch das spielerische Plätschern von Freunden zwingt ihn nicht, sich unter Wasser zu ducken. Instead, he continues to slowly go deeper and deeper until he is completely submerged. |||||||||||||повністю занурений Stattdessen fährt er langsam fort, tiefer und tiefer zu gehen, bis er vollständig untergetaucht ist. Wouldn't it have been easier to duck under all at once? Wäre es nicht einfacher gewesen, sich auf einmal unterzutauchen? Perhaps, but I'm sure you have either experienced the same thing yourself or seen it happen. Vielleicht, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie dasselbe selbst erlebt oder gesehen haben. The analogy should be clear. The subject is reluctant to do what he considers as "giving up his control" when, in reality, he is really more and more in control of himself as he penetrates the deeper levels of hypnosis. |||неохочий||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Das Subjekt zögert, das zu tun, was es als "seine Kontrolle aufgeben" betrachtet, wenn es in Wirklichkeit mehr und mehr die Kontrolle über sich selbst hat, während es in die tieferen Ebenen der Hypnose eindringt. In reality, the subject who does not or cannot raise his feet really could move in case of emergency, even without counting to 15. ||||||||||||||||||надзвичайна ситуація|||| In Wirklichkeit könnte sich der Proband, der die Füße nicht hebt oder nicht heben kann, im Notfall wirklich bewegen, auch ohne bis 15 zu zählen. He has, in effect, entered into a state in which it is too much bother to lift his feet. Er ist tatsächlich in einen Zustand eingetreten, in dem es zu mühsam ist, seine Füße zu heben. A common example of this frame of mind is when you remain in bed in the morning even though you know you will be late to work. Ein typisches Beispiel für diese Geisteshaltung ist, wenn Sie morgens im Bett bleiben, obwohl Sie wissen, dass Sie zu spät zur Arbeit kommen werden. You are just too comfortable to move, and your initiative seems paralyzed. |||||||||ініціатива|| Sie fühlen sich einfach zu wohl, um sich zu bewegen, und Ihre Initiative scheint gelähmt zu sein.

Let us assume, at this point, that you have finally succeeded in getting the foot test to work. Gehen wir an dieser Stelle mal davon aus, dass es Ihnen endlich gelungen ist, den Fußtest zum Laufen zu bringen. You are now ready for the hand levitation test—No. 5. In this test, the goal is to get your hand to slowly rise and touch your chin. ||||||||||||||||підборіддя Bei diesem Test besteht das Ziel darin, Ihre Hand dazu zu bringen, sich langsam zu heben und Ihr Kinn zu berühren. Once it touches your chin, you enter into a still deeper state and lower your hand slowly to your side. Sobald es Ihr Kinn berührt, treten Sie in einen noch tieferen Zustand ein und senken Ihre Hand langsam an Ihre Seite. This test is actually combined with the hand tingling test—No. Dieser Test ist tatsächlich mit dem Handkribbeln-Test kombiniert – Nr. 3.

Since you have been successful with test No. 3, the rest is rather simple. This time as you work test No. 3, aim for a light, pleasant feeling in your right hand. 3, streben Sie ein leichtes, angenehmes Gefühl in Ihrer rechten Hand an. Once you get this reaction, you give yourself suggestions that your right hand will now rise and touch your chin. As soon as it does, you will fall into a deeper state and lower your hand. Sobald dies der Fall ist, wirst du in einen tieferen Zustand fallen und deine Hand senken. Here are the suggestions that you can use: "As I count to ten and even before I reach the count of ten, I shall have an irresistible impulse to slowly raise my hand to my chin. Hier sind die Vorschläge, die Sie verwenden können: „Wenn ich bis zehn zähle und noch bevor ich bis zehn erreiche, werde ich einen unwiderstehlichen Impuls haben, meine Hand langsam an mein Kinn zu heben. As I progress with the counting, my hand will slowly rise, and the impulse will become stronger and stronger. As soon as my hand touches my chin, the impulse will leave. Sobald meine Hand mein Kinn berührt, vergeht der Impuls. I will then lower my hand and fall into a very deep hypnotic state. I shall be fully aware of what is happening, my surroundings, and will be able to give myself beneficial posthypnotic suggestions." At this point you start counting to ten, giving yourself suggestions that your right hand which already has a light feeling will begin to slowly rise to your chin. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||підборіддя An diesem Punkt beginnst du bis zehn zu zählen und gibst dir selbst Suggestionen, dass deine rechte Hand, die sich bereits leicht anfühlt, beginnt, sich langsam zu deinem Kinn zu heben. Time the counting to coincide with the actual physical act of raising your hand. |||||||||||піднімання|| Zeit das Zählen so, dass es mit dem eigentlichen physischen Akt des Handhebens zusammenfällt. You are trying to feel an involuntary urge to raise your hand. The movement itself should also be of an unconscious rather than conscious nature. Auch die Bewegung selbst sollte eher unbewusster als bewusster Natur sein. A conscious raising of your hand to your chin is not what you are looking for in this test. Ein bewusstes Heben der Hand zum Kinn ist bei diesem Test nicht das, wonach Sie suchen. Should you experience difficulty in attaining the first movement of your hand, you can give yourself assistance by consciously and slowly raising your hand just to get it started. |||||达到||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||досягнення||||||||||||||||||||||| Sollten Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, die erste Handbewegung zu erreichen, können Sie sich selbst helfen, indem Sie Ihre Hand bewusst und langsam heben, um loszulegen. The rest of the movement, as mentioned, must be automatic. Should you find it necessary to start your hand rising, use the feed-back technique to continue the movement. You can give yourself the following suggestions: ||||||пропозиції

"One ... My right hand is beginning to rise. Two ... My right hand is very, very light, and I am getting an irresistible urge to slowly raise it. ||||||||||||||непереборне бажання|||| Three ... This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Four ... My right hand is rising more and more. Five ... My hand is rising toward my chin. Six ... As soon as my hand touches my chin, I shall fall into a deeper and sounder state of hypnosis. Seven ... My hand is rising closer and closer toward my chin. Eight ... The feeling of lightness is becoming stronger and stronger. Nine ... My right hand is about to touch my chin; as soon as it does, I'll fall into a very deep hypnotic state. Ten ... My right hand is touching my chin; I'm falling deeper and  deeper into a sound hypnotic state; I'll now slowly lower my hand and continue falling into a deep, sound, pleasant state of hypnosis. The light feeling has left my hand." You should not attempt to memorize the exact phraseology for any of the tests. Sie sollten nicht versuchen, sich die genaue Ausdrucksweise für einen der Tests zu merken. You are to merely use the suggestions that have been written out for you as a guide. |||лише|||||||||||||путівник Sie sollen lediglich die für Sie niedergeschriebenen Vorschläge als Richtlinie verwenden. The timing of the suggestions is the paramount consideration in attaining successful results. |||||||першочерговий||||| Der Zeitpunkt der Vorschläge ist die wichtigste Überlegung, um erfolgreiche Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Don't be impatient. ||Не поспішай. Take as much time as you need. Nehmen Sie sich so viel Zeit wie Sie brauchen. Should you find yourself unsuccessful after ten or fifteen minutes, drop the test and come back to it another day. Sollten Sie nach zehn oder fünfzehn Minuten keinen Erfolg haben, brechen Sie den Test ab und wiederholen Sie ihn an einem anderen Tag. I haven't found that working at a specific test all day long accomplishes the end result. ||||||||||||досягає||| Ich habe nicht festgestellt, dass die Arbeit an einem bestimmten Test den ganzen Tag das Endergebnis erreicht. It is best to work for a specific period every day. In this way, the conditioned response pattern is established for the success of the tests as well as the success of the posthypnotic suggestions that you have given yourself. ||||||||встановлюється|||||||||||||||||||| Auf diese Weise wird das konditionierte Reaktionsmuster für den Erfolg der Tests sowie den Erfolg der von Ihnen selbst gegebenen posthypnotischen Suggestionen ermittelt. You should bear in mind that if you have been successful in achieving the first five tests, you have reached a medium state of hypnosis, and posthypnotic suggestions will be extremely effective. Sie sollten bedenken, dass Sie, wenn Sie die ersten fünf Tests erfolgreich bestanden haben, einen mittleren Hypnosezustand erreicht haben und posthypnotische Suggestionen äußerst effektiv sein werden. In the next chapter, you'll learn, psychologically, how to go even deeper into hypnosis. Im nächsten Kapitel lernen Sie, psychologisch noch tiefer in die Hypnose einzusteigen. You'll learn those psychological factors that are important to know and that can contribute to your development into an excellent hypnotic subject. |||心理的|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||розвиток||||| Following this, the subsequent chapter will give you further tests and instructions for developing into a somnambulistic subject.