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The Adventures of Paddy Beaver by Thornton W. Burgess, XVIII


FOR three nights Old Man Coyote had stolen up through the Green Forest with the coming of the Black Shadows and had hidden among the aspen-trees where Paddy the Beaver cut his food, and for three nights Paddy had failed to come ashore. Each night he had seemed to have enough food logs in the water to keep him busy without cutting more. Old Man Coyote lay there, and the hungry look in his eyes changed to one of doubt and then to suspicion. Could it be that Paddy the Beaver was smarter than he thought? It began to look very much as if Paddy knew perfectly well that he was hiding there each night. Yes, Sir, that's the way it looked. For three nights Paddy hadn't cut a single tree, and yet each night he had plenty of food logs ready to take to his storehouse in the pond. "That means that he comes ashore in the daytime and cuts his trees," thought Old Man Coyote as, tired and with black anger in his heart, he trotted home the third night. "He couldn't have found out about me himself; he isn't smart enough. It must be that some one has told him. And nobody knows that I have been over there but Sammy Jay. It must be he who has been the tattletale. I think I'll visit Paddy by daylight to-morrow, and then we'll see!" Now the trouble with some smart people is that they are never able to believe that others may be as smart as they. Old Man Coyote didn't know that the first time he had visited Paddy's pond he had left behind him a footprint in a little patch of soft mud. If he had known it, he wouldn't have believed that Paddy would be smart enough to guess what that footprint meant. So Old Man Coyote laid all the blame at the door of Sammy Jay, and that very morning, when Sammy came flying over the Green Meadows, Old Man Coyote accused him of being a tattletale and threatened the most dreadful things to Sammy if ever he caught him.

Now Sammy had flown down to the Green Meadows to tell Old Man Coyote how Paddy was doing all his work on land in the daytime. But when Old Man Coyote began to call him a tattletale and accuse him of having warned Paddy, and to threaten dreadful things, he straightway forgot all his anger at Paddy and turned it all on Old Man Coyote. He called him everything he could think of, and this was a great deal, for Sammy has a wicked tongue. When he hadn't any breath left, he flew over to the Green Forest, and there he hid where he could watch all that was going on. That afternoon Old Man Coyote tried his new plan. He slipped into the Green Forest, looking this way and that way to be sure that no one saw him. Then very, very softly, he crept up through the Green Forest towards the pond of Paddy the Beaver. As he drew near, he heard a crash, and it made him smile. He knew what it meant. It meant that Paddy was at work cutting down trees. With his stomach almost on the ground, he crept forward little by little, little by little, taking the greatest care not to rustle so much as a leaf. Presently he reached a place where he could see the aspen-trees, and there sure enough was Paddy, sitting up on his hind legs and hard at work cutting another tree.

Old Man Coyote lay down for a few minutes to watch. Then he wriggled a little nearer. Slowly and carefully he drew his legs under him and made ready for a rush. Paddy the Beaver was his at last! At just that very minute a harsh scream rang out right over his head "Thief! thief! thief!" It was Sammy Jay, who had silently followed him all the way. Paddy the Beaver didn't stop to even look around. He knew what that scream meant, and he scrambled down his little path to the water as he never had scrambled before. And as he dived with a great splash, Old Man Coyote landed with a great jump on the very edge of the pond.


FOR three nights Old Man Coyote had stolen up through the Green Forest with the coming of the Black Shadows and had hidden among the aspen-trees where Paddy the Beaver cut his food, and for three nights Paddy had failed to come ashore. Три ночі Старий Койот прокрадався через Зелений Ліс з приходом Чорних Тіней і ховався серед осик, де бобер Педді рубав собі їжу, і три ночі Педді не міг вийти на берег. Each night he had seemed to have enough food logs in the water to keep him busy without cutting more. Кожного вечора йому здавалося, що у воді достатньо колод для їжі, щоб він був зайнятий і не рубав більше. Old Man Coyote lay there, and the hungry look in his eyes changed to one of doubt and then to suspicion. Старий Койот лежав, і голодний погляд його очей змінився на сумнів, а потім на підозру. Could it be that Paddy the Beaver was smarter than he thought? It began to look very much as if Paddy knew perfectly well that he was hiding there each night. Стало дуже схоже на те, що Педді чудово знав, що він ховається там щоночі. Yes, Sir, that's the way it looked. For three nights Paddy hadn't cut a single tree, and yet each night he had plenty of food logs ready to take to his storehouse in the pond. За три ночі Педді не зрубав жодного дерева, але щовечора у нього було вдосталь полін для їжі, які він міг віднести до свого сховища у ставку. "That means that he comes ashore in the daytime and cuts his trees," thought Old Man Coyote as, tired and with black anger in his heart, he trotted home the third night. "He couldn't have found out about me himself; he isn't smart enough. "Він не міг дізнатися про мене сам, він недостатньо розумний. It must be that some one has told him. And nobody knows that I have been over there but Sammy Jay. It must be he who has been the tattletale. Мабуть, це він був донощиком. I think I'll visit Paddy by daylight to-morrow, and then we'll see!" Now the trouble with some smart people is that they are never able to believe that others may be as smart as they. Old Man Coyote didn't know that the first time he had visited Paddy's pond he had left behind him a footprint in a little patch of soft mud. If he had known it, he wouldn't have believed that Paddy would be smart enough to guess what that footprint meant. So Old Man Coyote laid all the blame at the door of Sammy Jay, and that very morning, when Sammy came flying over the Green Meadows, Old Man Coyote accused him of being a tattletale and threatened the most dreadful things to Sammy if ever he caught him. Тож Старий Койот поклав усю провину на Семмі Джея, і того самого ранку, коли Семмі пролітав над Зеленими Луками, Старий Койот звинуватив його в тому, що він донощик, і пригрозив Семмі найстрашнішими речами, якщо він коли-небудь його спіймає.

Now Sammy had flown down to the Green Meadows to tell Old Man Coyote how Paddy was doing all his work on land in the daytime. Тепер Семмі полетів на Зелені Луки, щоб розповісти Старому Койоту, як Педді виконує всю роботу на землі вдень. But when Old Man Coyote began to call him a tattletale and accuse him of having warned Paddy, and to threaten dreadful things, he straightway forgot all his anger at Paddy and turned it all on Old Man Coyote. Але коли Старий Койот почав називати його донощиком, звинувачувати в тому, що він попередив Педді, і погрожувати жахливими речами, він одразу ж забув усю свою злість на Педді і спрямував її на Старого Койота. He called him everything he could think of, and this was a great deal, for Sammy has a wicked tongue. When he hadn't any breath left, he flew over to the Green Forest, and there he hid where he could watch all that was going on. Коли у нього вже не залишилося сил, він перелетів до Зеленого лісу і сховався там, де міг спостерігати за тим, що відбувається. That afternoon Old Man Coyote tried his new plan. He slipped into the Green Forest, looking this way and that way to be sure that no one saw him. Then very, very softly, he crept up through the Green Forest towards the pond of Paddy the Beaver. As he drew near, he heard a crash, and it made him smile. Наближаючись, він почув гуркіт, і це викликало у нього посмішку. He knew what it meant. It meant that Paddy was at work cutting down trees. With his stomach almost on the ground, he crept forward little by little, little by little, taking the greatest care not to rustle so much as a leaf. Майже лежачи животом на землі, він потихеньку, потроху просувався вперед, намагаючись не зашелестіти ані листочком. Presently he reached a place where he could see the aspen-trees, and there sure enough was Paddy, sitting up on his hind legs and hard at work cutting another tree. Нарешті він дістався до місця, звідки можна було побачити осики, і там, звичайно ж, був Педді, який сидів на задніх лапах і старанно працював, спилюючи ще одне дерево.

Old Man Coyote lay down for a few minutes to watch. Then he wriggled a little nearer. Slowly and carefully he drew his legs under him and made ready for a rush. Повільно й обережно підібгавши під себе ноги, він приготувався до стрибка. Paddy the Beaver was his at last! Бобер Педді нарешті став його! At just that very minute a harsh scream rang out right over his head "Thief! У цю саму хвилину прямо над його головою пролунав різкий крик: "Злодій! thief! thief!" It was Sammy Jay, who had silently followed him all the way. Paddy the Beaver didn't stop to even look around. He knew what that scream meant, and he scrambled down his little path to the water as he never had scrambled before. And as he dived with a great splash, Old Man Coyote landed with a great jump on the very edge of the pond. Пірнувши з великим сплеском, Старий Койот приземлився з великим стрибком на самому краю ставка.