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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 4. Chapter 14.

Part 4. Chapter 14.

When Kitty had gone and Levin was left alone, he felt such uneasiness without her, and such an impatient longing to get as quickly, as quickly as possible, to tomorrow morning, when he would see her again and be plighted to her forever, that he felt afraid, as though of death, of those fourteen hours that he had to get through without her. It was essential for him to be with someone to talk to, so as not to be left alone, to kill time. Stepan Arkadyevitch would have been the companion most congenial to him, but he was going out, he said, to a soirèe , in reality to the ballet. Levin only had time to tell him he was happy, and that he loved him, and would never, never forget what he had done for him. The eyes and the smile of Stepan Arkadyevitch showed Levin that he comprehended that feeling fittingly.

"Oh, so it's not time to die yet?" said Stepan Arkadyevitch, pressing Levin's hand with emotion. "N-n-no!" said Levin.

Darya Alexandrovna too, as she said good-bye to him, gave him a sort of congratulation, saying, "How glad I am you have met Kitty again! One must value old friends." Levin did not like these words of Darya Alexandrovna's. She could not understand how lofty and beyond her it all was, and she ought not to have dared to allude to it. Levin said good-bye to them, but, not to be left alone, he attached himself to his brother.

"Where are you going?" "I'm going to a meeting." "Well, I'll come with you. May I?" "What for? Yes, come along," said Sergey Ivanovitch, smiling. "What is the matter with you today?" "With me? Happiness is the matter with me!" said Levin, letting down the window of the carriage they were driving in. "You don't mind?—it's so stifling. It's happiness is the matter with me! Why is it you have never married?" Sergey Ivanovitch smiled.

"I am very glad, she seems a nice gi…" Sergey Ivanovitch was beginning. "Don't say it! don't say it!" shouted Levin, clutching at the collar of his fur coat with both hands, and muffling him up in it. "She's a nice girl" were such simple, humble words, so out of harmony with his feeling. Sergey Ivanovitch laughed outright a merry laugh, which was rare with him. "Well, anyway, I may say that I'm very glad of it." "That you may do tomorrow, tomorrow and nothing more! Nothing, nothing, silence," said Levin, and muffling him once more in his fur coat, he added: "I do like you so! Well, is it possible for me to be present at the meeting?" "Of course it is." "What is your discussion about today?" asked Levin, never ceasing smiling.

They arrived at the meeting. Levin heard the secretary hesitatingly read the minutes which he obviously did not himself understand; but Levin saw from this secretary's face what a good, nice, kind-hearted person he was. This was evident from his confusion and embarrassment in reading the minutes. Then the discussion began. They were disputing about the misappropriation of certain sums and the laying of certain pipes, and Sergey Ivanovitch was very cutting to two members, and said something at great length with an air of triumph; and another member, scribbling something on a bit of paper, began timidly at first, but afterwards answered him very viciously and delightfully. And then Sviazhsky (he was there too) said something too, very handsomely and nobly. Levin listened to them, and saw clearly that these missing sums and these pipes were not anything real, and that they were not at all angry, but were all the nicest, kindest people, and everything was as happy and charming as possible among them. They did no harm to anyone, and were all enjoying it. What struck Levin was that he could see through them all today, and from little, almost imperceptible signs knew the soul of each, and saw distinctly that they were all good at heart. And Levin himself in particular they were all extremely fond of that day. That was evident from the way they spoke to him, from the friendly, affectionate way even those he did not know looked at him.

"Well, did you like it?" Sergey Ivanovitch asked him.

"Very much. I never supposed it was so interesting! Capital! Splendid!" Sviazhsky went up to Levin and invited him to come round to tea with him. Levin was utterly at a loss to comprehend or recall what it was he had disliked in Sviazhsky, what he had failed to find in him. He was a clever and wonderfully good-hearted man.

"Most delighted," he said, and asked after his wife and sister-in-law. And from a queer association of ideas, because in his imagination the idea of Sviazhsky's sister-in-law was connected with marriage, it occurred to him that there was no one to whom he could more suitably speak of his happiness, and he was very glad to go and see them. Sviazhsky questioned him about his improvements on his estate, presupposing, as he always did, that there was no possibility of doing anything not done already in Europe, and now this did not in the least annoy Levin. On the contrary, he felt that Sviazhsky was right, that the whole business was of little value, and he saw the wonderful softness and consideration with which Sviazhsky avoided fully expressing his correct view. The ladies of the Sviazhsky household were particularly delightful. It seemed to Levin that they knew all about it already and sympathized with him, saying nothing merely from delicacy. He stayed with them one hour, two, three, talking of all sorts of subjects but the one thing that filled his heart, and did not observe that he was boring them dreadfully, and that it was long past their bedtime.

Sviazhsky went with him into the hall, yawning and wondering at the strange humor his friend was in. It was past one o'clock. Levin went back to his hotel, and was dismayed at the thought that all alone now with his impatience he had ten hours still left to get through. The servant, whose turn it was to be up all night, lighted his candles, and would have gone away, but Levin stopped him. This servant, Yegor, whom Levin had noticed before, struck him as a very intelligent, excellent, and, above all, good-hearted man.

"Well, Yegor, it's hard work not sleeping, isn't it?" "One's got to put up with it! It's part of our work, you see. In a gentleman's house it's easier; but then here one makes more." It appeared that Yegor had a family, three boys and a daughter, a sempstress, whom he wanted to marry to a cashier in a saddler's shop. Levin, on hearing this, informed Yegor that, in his opinion, in marriage the great thing was love, and that with love one would always be happy, for happiness rests only on oneself. Yegor listened attentively, and obviously quite took in Levin's idea, but by way of assent to it he enunciated, greatly to Levin's surprise, the observation that when he had lived with good masters he had always been satisfied with his masters, and now was perfectly satisfied with his employer, though he was a Frenchman. "Wonderfully good-hearted fellow!" thought Levin.

"Well, but you yourself, Yegor, when you got married, did you love your wife?" "Ay! and why not?" responded Yegor.

And Levin saw that Yegor too was in an excited state and intending to express all his most heartfelt emotions.

"My life, too, has been a wonderful one. From a child up…" he was beginning with flashing eyes, apparently catching Levin's enthusiasm, just as people catch yawning. But at that moment a ring was heard. Yegor departed, and Levin was left alone. He had eaten scarcely anything at dinner, had refused tea and supper at Sviazhsky's, but he was incapable of thinking of supper. He had not slept the previous night, but was incapable of thinking of sleep either. His room was cold, but he was oppressed by heat. He opened both the movable panes in his window and sat down to the table opposite the open panes. Over the snow-covered roofs could be seen a decorated cross with chains, and above it the rising triangle of Charles's Wain with the yellowish light of Capella. He gazed at the cross, then at the stars, drank in the fresh freezing air that flowed evenly into the room, and followed as though in a dream the images and memories that rose in his imagination. At four o'clock he heard steps in the passage and peeped out at the door. It was the gambler Myaskin, whom he knew, coming from the club. He walked gloomily, frowning and coughing. "Poor, unlucky fellow!" thought Levin, and tears came into his eyes from love and pity for this man. He would have talked with him, and tried to comfort him, but remembering that he had nothing but his shirt on, he changed his mind and sat down again at the open pane to bathe in the cold air and gaze at the exquisite lines of the cross, silent, but full of meaning for him, and the mounting lurid yellow star. At seven o'clock there was a noise of people polishing the floors, and bells ringing in some servants' department, and Levin felt that he was beginning to get frozen. He closed the pane, washed, dressed, and went out into the street.

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Part 4. Chapter 14. Bölüm 4. Bölüm 14. 第 4 部分。第 14 章。

When Kitty had gone and Levin was left alone, he felt such uneasiness without her, and such an impatient longing to get as quickly, as quickly as possible, to tomorrow morning, when he would see her again and be plighted to her forever, that he felt afraid, as though of death, of those fourteen hours that he had to get through without her. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sözleşmiş||||||||||||||||||||||| It was essential for him to be with someone to talk to, so as not to be left alone, to kill time. Stepan Arkadyevitch would have been the companion most congenial to him, but he was going out, he said, to a soirèe , in reality to the ballet. ||||||||uygun||||||||||||||||| Levin only had time to tell him he was happy, and that he loved him, and would never, never forget what he had done for him. The eyes and the smile of Stepan Arkadyevitch showed Levin that he comprehended that feeling fittingly. |||||||||||||||uygun bir şekilde

"Oh, so it's not time to die yet?" said Stepan Arkadyevitch, pressing Levin's hand with emotion. "N-n-no!" said Levin.

Darya Alexandrovna too, as she said good-bye to him, gave him a sort of congratulation, saying, "How glad I am you have met Kitty again! One must value old friends." Levin did not like these words of Darya Alexandrovna's. She could not understand how lofty and beyond her it all was, and she ought not to have dared to allude to it. Elle ne pouvait pas comprendre à quel point tout était haut et au-delà d'elle, et elle n'aurait pas dû oser y faire allusion. Levin said good-bye to them, but, not to be left alone, he attached himself to his brother.

"Where are you going?" "I'm going to a meeting." "Well, I'll come with you. May I?" "What for? Yes, come along," said Sergey Ivanovitch, smiling. "What is the matter with you today?" "With me? Happiness is the matter with me!" said Levin, letting down the window of the carriage they were driving in. dit Levin en baissant la vitre de la voiture dans laquelle ils conduisaient. "You don't mind?—it's so stifling. It's happiness is the matter with me! Why is it you have never married?" Sergey Ivanovitch smiled.

"I am very glad, she seems a nice gi…" Sergey Ivanovitch was beginning. «Je suis très content, elle a l'air d'un joli gi…» commençait Sergey Ivanovitch. "Don't say it! don't say it!" shouted Levin, clutching at the collar of his fur coat with both hands, and muffling him up in it. cria Levin en agrippant le col de son manteau de fourrure à deux mains et en l'étouffant dedans. "She's a nice girl" were such simple, humble words, so out of harmony with his feeling. «C'est une fille gentille» étaient des mots si simples et si humbles, tellement en désaccord avec son sentiment. Sergey Ivanovitch laughed outright a merry laugh, which was rare with him. "Well, anyway, I may say that I'm very glad of it." "That you may do tomorrow, tomorrow and nothing more! «Pour que tu puisses faire demain, demain et rien de plus! Nothing, nothing, silence," said Levin, and muffling him once more in his fur coat, he added: "I do like you so! ||||||sarmalayarak|||||||||||||| Nieko, nieko, tyla “, - sakė Levinas ir dar kartą prislopindamas kailį pridūrė:„ Aš man taip patinki! Well, is it possible for me to be present at the meeting?" "Of course it is." "What is your discussion about today?" asked Levin, never ceasing smiling.

They arrived at the meeting. Levin heard the secretary hesitatingly read the minutes which he obviously did not himself understand; but Levin saw from this secretary's face what a good, nice, kind-hearted person he was. This was evident from his confusion and embarrassment in reading the minutes. Then the discussion began. They were disputing about the misappropriation of certain sums and the laying of certain pipes, and Sergey Ivanovitch was very cutting to two members, and said something at great length with an air of triumph; and another member, scribbling something on a bit of paper, began timidly at first, but afterwards answered him very viciously and delightfully. ||||belirli|kötüye kullan|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||karalamak||||||||||||||||kötü niyet|| On se disputait le détournement de certaines sommes et la pose de certaines pipes, et Sergey Ivanovitch était très coupant à deux membres, et dit longuement quelque chose avec un air de triomphe; et un autre membre, griffonnant quelque chose sur un bout de papier, commença timidement au début, mais ensuite lui répondit très vicieusement et délicieusement. And then Sviazhsky (he was there too) said something too, very handsomely and nobly. Levin listened to them, and saw clearly that these missing sums and these pipes were not anything real, and that they were not at all angry, but were all the nicest, kindest people, and everything was as happy and charming as possible among them. They did no harm to anyone, and were all enjoying it. What struck Levin was that he could see through them all today, and from little, almost imperceptible signs knew the soul of each, and saw distinctly that they were all good at heart. ||||||||||||||||fark edilmeyen|||||||||||||||| And Levin himself in particular they were all extremely fond of that day. That was evident from the way they spoke to him, from the friendly, affectionate way even those he did not know looked at him.

"Well, did you like it?" Sergey Ivanovitch asked him.

"Very much. I never supposed it was so interesting! Capital! Splendid!" Sviazhsky went up to Levin and invited him to come round to tea with him. Levin was utterly at a loss to comprehend or recall what it was he had disliked in Sviazhsky, what he had failed to find in him. Levin était totalement incapable de comprendre ou de se rappeler ce qu'il n'avait pas aimé en Sviazhsky, ce qu'il n'avait pas réussi à trouver en lui. Levinas buvo visiškai netekęs suprasti ar prisiminti, kas jam nepatiko Sviažskyje, ko jam nepavyko rasti. He was a clever and wonderfully good-hearted man.

"Most delighted," he said, and asked after his wife and sister-in-law. And from a queer association of ideas, because in his imagination the idea of Sviazhsky's sister-in-law was connected with marriage, it occurred to him that there was no one to whom he could more suitably speak of his happiness, and he was very glad to go and see them. Et à partir d'une association d'idées bizarre, parce que dans son imagination l'idée de la belle-sœur de Sviazhsky était liée au mariage, il lui vint à l'esprit qu'il n'y avait personne à qui il pourrait mieux parler de son bonheur, et il était très heureux d'aller les voir. Sviazhsky questioned him about his improvements on his estate, presupposing, as he always did, that there was no possibility of doing anything not done already in Europe, and now this did not in the least annoy Levin. |||||||||varsayarak||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sviazhsky l'interrogea sur les améliorations qu'il avait apportées à son domaine, présupposant, comme il l'a toujours fait, qu'il n'y avait aucune possibilité de faire quoi que ce soit qui ne soit pas déjà fait en Europe, et maintenant cela n'ennuyait nullement Levin. On the contrary, he felt that Sviazhsky was right, that the whole business was of little value, and he saw the wonderful softness and consideration with which Sviazhsky avoided fully expressing his correct view. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Sviazhsky|||||| The ladies of the Sviazhsky household were particularly delightful. It seemed to Levin that they knew all about it already and sympathized with him, saying nothing merely from delicacy. He stayed with them one hour, two, three, talking of all sorts of subjects but the one thing that filled his heart, and did not observe that he was boring them dreadfully, and that it was long past their bedtime.

Sviazhsky went with him into the hall, yawning and wondering at the strange humor his friend was in. |||||||esneyerek|||||||||| It was past one o'clock. Levin went back to his hotel, and was dismayed at the thought that all alone now with his impatience he had ten hours still left to get through. The servant, whose turn it was to be up all night, lighted his candles, and would have gone away, but Levin stopped him. This servant, Yegor, whom Levin had noticed before, struck him as a very intelligent, excellent, and, above all, good-hearted man.

"Well, Yegor, it's hard work not sleeping, isn't it?" "One's got to put up with it! «Il faut le supporter! It's part of our work, you see. In a gentleman's house it's easier; but then here one makes more." Dans la maison d'un gentleman, c'est plus facile; mais alors ici on fait plus. " It appeared that Yegor had a family, three boys and a daughter, a sempstress, whom he wanted to marry to a cashier in a saddler's shop. |||||||||||||terziye||||||||kasiyer|||terzi dükkan| Il est apparu que Yegor avait une famille, trois garçons et une fille, une sempstress, qu'il voulait épouser avec une caissière dans une boutique de sellier. Levin, on hearing this, informed Yegor that, in his opinion, in marriage the great thing was love, and that with love one would always be happy, for happiness rests only on oneself. Yegor listened attentively, and obviously quite took in Levin's idea, but by way of assent to it he enunciated, greatly to Levin's surprise, the observation that when he had lived with good masters he had always been satisfied with his masters, and now was perfectly satisfied with his employer, though he was a Frenchman. Yegor écouta attentivement, et évidemment tout à fait compris l'idée de Levin, mais en guise d'assentiment, il énonça, à la grande surprise de Levin, l'observation que lorsqu'il avait vécu avec de bons maîtres, il avait toujours été satisfait de ses maîtres, et maintenant était parfaitement satisfait de son employeur, bien qu'il fût Français. "Wonderfully good-hearted fellow!" thought Levin.

"Well, but you yourself, Yegor, when you got married, did you love your wife?" "Ay! and why not?" responded Yegor.

And Levin saw that Yegor too was in an excited state and intending to express all his most heartfelt emotions. ||||||||||||||||||içten duyg|

"My life, too, has been a wonderful one. From a child up…" he was beginning with flashing eyes, apparently catching Levin's enthusiasm, just as people catch yawning. But at that moment a ring was heard. Yegor departed, and Levin was left alone. He had eaten scarcely anything at dinner, had refused tea and supper at Sviazhsky's, but he was incapable of thinking of supper. He had not slept the previous night, but was incapable of thinking of sleep either. His room was cold, but he was oppressed by heat. He opened both the movable panes in his window and sat down to the table opposite the open panes. |||||pencereleri||||||||||||| Over the snow-covered roofs could be seen a decorated cross with chains, and above it the rising triangle of Charles's Wain with the yellowish light of Capella. ||||||||||||||||||üçgen||||||sarımsı|||Capella Au-dessus des toits enneigés, on voyait une croix décorée avec des chaînes, et au-dessus, le triangle montant de Charles's Wain avec la lumière jaunâtre de Capella. He gazed at the cross, then at the stars, drank in the fresh freezing air that flowed evenly into the room, and followed as though in a dream the images and memories that rose in his imagination. ||||||||||||||||akan|||||||||||||||||||| Il regardait la croix, puis les étoiles, buvait l'air frais et glacial qui coulait uniformément dans la pièce, et suivait comme dans un rêve les images et les souvenirs qui montaient dans son imagination. At four o'clock he heard steps in the passage and peeped out at the door. Om vier uur hoorde hij stappen in de gang en gluurde naar de deur. It was the gambler Myaskin, whom he knew, coming from the club. He walked gloomily, frowning and coughing. Il marchait tristement, fronçant les sourcils et toussant. "Poor, unlucky fellow!" thought Levin, and tears came into his eyes from love and pity for this man. He would have talked with him, and tried to comfort him, but remembering that he had nothing but his shirt on, he changed his mind and sat down again at the open pane to bathe in the cold air and gaze at the exquisite lines of the cross, silent, but full of meaning for him, and the mounting lurid yellow star. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||parlak|| Il aurait parlé avec lui, et essayé de le réconforter, mais se souvenant qu'il n'avait rien d'autre que sa chemise, il a changé d'avis et s'est assis à nouveau à la vitre ouverte pour se baigner dans l'air froid et regarder les lignes exquises du croix, silencieuse, mais pleine de sens pour lui, et l'étoile jaune sinistre montante. At seven o'clock there was a noise of people polishing the floors, and bells ringing in some servants' department, and Levin felt that he was beginning to get frozen. |||||||||parlatma||||||||||||||||||| He closed the pane, washed, dressed, and went out into the street.