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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 1. Chapter 6.

Part 1. Chapter 6.

When Oblonsky asked Levin what had brought him to town, Levin blushed, and was furious with himself for blushing, because he could not answer, "I have come to make your sister-in-law an offer," though that was precisely what he had come for. The families of the Levins and the Shtcherbatskys were old, noble Moscow families, and had always been on intimate and friendly terms. This intimacy had grown still closer during Levin's student days. He had both prepared for the university with the young Prince Shtcherbatsky, the brother of Kitty and Dolly, and had entered at the same time with him. In those days Levin used often to be in the Shtcherbatskys' house, and he was in love with the Shtcherbatsky household. Strange as it may appear, it was with the household, the family, that Konstantin Levin was in love, especially with the feminine half of the household. Levin did not remember his own mother, and his only sister was older than he was, so that it was in the Shtcherbatskys' house that he saw for the first time that inner life of an old, noble, cultivated, and honorable family of which he had been deprived by the death of his father and mother. All the members of that family, especially the feminine half, were pictured by him, as it were, wrapped about with a mysterious poetical veil, and he not only perceived no defects whatever in them, but under the poetical veil that shrouded them he assumed the existence of the loftiest sentiments and every possible perfection. Why it was the three young ladies had one day to speak French, and the next English; why it was that at certain hours they played by turns on the piano, the sounds of which were audible in their brother's room above, where the students used to work; why they were visited by those professors of French literature, of music, of drawing, of dancing; why at certain hours all the three young ladies, with Mademoiselle Linon, drove in the coach to the Tversky boulevard, dressed in their satin cloaks, Dolly in a long one, Natalia in a half-long one, and Kitty in one so short that her shapely legs in tightly-drawn red stockings were visible to all beholders; why it was they had to walk about the Tversky boulevard escorted by a footman with a gold cockade in his hat—all this and much more that was done in their mysterious world he did not understand, but he was sure that everything that was done there was very good, and he was in love precisely with the mystery of the proceedings.

In his student days he had all but been in love with the eldest, Dolly, but she was soon married to Oblonsky. Then he began being in love with the second. He felt, as it were, that he had to be in love with one of the sisters, only he could not quite make out which. But Natalia, too, had hardly made her appearance in the world when she married the diplomat Lvov. Kitty was still a child when Levin left the university. Young Shtcherbatsky went into the navy, was drowned in the Baltic, and Levin's relations with the Shtcherbatskys, in spite of his friendship with Oblonsky, became less intimate. But when early in the winter of this year Levin came to Moscow, after a year in the country, and saw the Shtcherbatskys, he realized which of the three sisters he was indeed destined to love.

One would have thought that nothing could be simpler than for him, a man of good family, rather rich than poor, and thirty-two years old, to make the young Princess Shtcherbatskaya an offer of marriage; in all likelihood he would at once have been looked upon as a good match. But Levin was in love, and so it seemed to him that Kitty was so perfect in every respect that she was a creature far above everything earthly; and that he was a creature so low and so earthly that it could not even be conceived that other people and she herself could regard him as worthy of her.

After spending two months in Moscow in a state of enchantment, seeing Kitty almost every day in society, into which he went so as to meet her, he abruptly decided that it could not be, and went back to the country.

Levin's conviction that it could not be was founded on the idea that in the eyes of her family he was a disadvantageous and worthless match for the charming Kitty, and that Kitty herself could not love him. In her family's eyes he had no ordinary, definite career and position in society, while his contemporaries by this time, when he was thirty-two, were already, one a colonel, and another a professor, another director of a bank and railways, or president of a board like Oblonsky. But he (he knew very well how he must appear to others) was a country gentleman, occupied in breeding cattle, shooting game, and building barns; in other words, a fellow of no ability, who had not turned out well, and who was doing just what, according to the ideas of the world, is done by people fit for nothing else.

The mysterious, enchanting Kitty herself could not love such an ugly person as he conceived himself to be, and, above all, such an ordinary, in no way striking person. Moreover, his attitude to Kitty in the past—the attitude of a grown-up person to a child, arising from his friendship with her brother—seemed to him yet another obstacle to love. An ugly, good-natured man, as he considered himself, might, he supposed, be liked as a friend; but to be loved with such a love as that with which he loved Kitty, one would need to be a handsome and, still more, a distinguished man.

He had heard that women often did care for ugly and ordinary men, but he did not believe it, for he judged by himself, and he could not himself have loved any but beautiful, mysterious, and exceptional women.

But after spending two months alone in the country, he was convinced that this was not one of those passions of which he had had experience in his early youth; that this feeling gave him not an instant's rest; that he could not live without deciding the question, would she or would she not be his wife, and that his despair had arisen only from his own imaginings, that he had no sort of proof that he would be rejected. And he had now come to Moscow with a firm determination to make an offer, and get married if he were accepted. Or…he could not conceive what would become of him if he were rejected.

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Part 1. Chapter 6. Teil 1. Kapitel 6. Primera parte. Parte 1. Capítulo 6. 1 dalis. 6 skyrius. Parte 1. Capítulo 6. Часть 1. Глава 6. Частина 1. Розділ 6. 第 1 部分.第 6 章.

When Oblonsky asked Levin what had brought him to town, Levin blushed, and was furious with himself for blushing, because he could not answer, "I have come to make your sister-in-law an offer," though that was precisely what he had come for. |||||||||||se sonrojó|||||||se sonrojó||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||rasende||||||||||||||||||||tilbud||||||||| オブロンスキーがレビンに彼を町に連れて来た理由を尋ねたとき、レビンは顔を赤らめ、自分の顔を赤らめたので怒っていました。来ていた。 Kai Oblonskis paklausė Levino, kas jį atvedė į miestą, Levinas paraudo ir buvo įsiutęs dėl savęs raudonavimo, nes negalėjo atsakyti: „Aš atėjau pateikti jūsų svainei pasiūlymo“, nors jis būtent tai ir padarė. buvo atėjęs. Когда Облонский спросил Левина, что привело его в город, Левин покраснел и был разъярен тем, что покраснел, потому что не мог ответить: "Я приехал сделать предложение вашей невестке", хотя именно за этим он и приехал. Oblonsky, Levin'e kendisini kasabaya neyin getirdiğini sorduğunda, Levin kızardı ve kızardığı için kendine kızdı, çünkü cevap veremedi, "Kayınbiraderinize bir teklifte bulunmaya geldim," ama tam da buydu. için gelmişti. 当奥布隆斯基问列文是什么把他带到城里时,列文脸红了,对自己的脸红得发火,因为他无法回答:“我是来向你的嫂子提出要约的”,尽管这正是他的意思。来了。 The families of the Levins and the Shtcherbatskys were old, noble Moscow families, and had always been on intimate and friendly terms. ||||los Levín||||||||||||||||| ||||Levins||||||noble||||||||||| レビンズとシュチェルバツキーの家族は古く、高貴なモスクワの家族であり、いつも親密で友好的な関係にありました。 Levinų ir Štčerbatskių šeimos buvo senos, kilmingos Maskvos šeimos, visada buvo intymios ir draugiškos. Семьи Левиных и Щербацких были старинными, знатными московскими семьями и всегда находились в близких и дружеских отношениях. This intimacy had grown still closer during Levin’s student days. |Esta intimidad|||||||| ||||||||studenttiden| この親密さは、レビンの学生時代にさらに近づきました。 Эта близость стала еще более тесной в студенческие годы Левина. He had both prepared for the university with the young Prince Shtcherbatsky, the brother of Kitty and Dolly, and had entered at the same time with him. |||||||||||Shtcherbatsky||||||Dolly||||||||| |||||||||||Shtcherbatsky|||||||||gått inn|||||| Jis abu ruošėsi universitetui su jaunuoju princu Shtcherbatsky, Kitty ir Dolly broliu, ir įėjo kartu su juo. Он как готовился к поступлению в университет вместе с молодым князем Щербацким, братом Китти и Долли, так и поступил одновременно с ним. 他和凯蒂和多莉的弟弟、年轻的谢尔巴茨基王子一起为大学做准备,并且和他同时入学。 In those days Levin used often to be in the Shtcherbatskys' house, and he was in love with the Shtcherbatsky household. Tais laikais Levinas dažnai būdavo Štčerbatskių namuose, ir jis buvo įsimylėjęs Štčerbatskio namus. В те дни Левин часто бывал в доме Щербацких, и он был влюблен в щербацкий быт. O günlerde Levin sık sık Shtcherbatskys'in evinde bulunurdu ve Shtcherbatsky ailesine aşıktı. 那些日子里,列文经常在谢尔巴茨基家,他爱上了谢尔巴茨基家。 Strange as it may appear, it was with the household, the family, that Konstantin Levin was in love, especially with the feminine half of the household. ||||parecer||||||||||||||||||||| ||||virke|||||||||||||||||feminine|||| Kad ir kaip keista, Konstantinas Levinas buvo įsimylėjęs buitį, šeimą, ypač moterišką namų pusę. Как ни странно, но именно в быт, в семью, Константин Левин был влюблен, особенно в женскую половину домочадцев. Tuhaf görünse de, Konstantin Levin'in özellikle hanehalkının kadınsı yarısına aşık olması hane halkı ve ailedir. 可能看起来很奇怪,康斯坦丁·莱文爱上了家庭,家庭,尤其是家庭中女性化的那一半。 Levin did not remember his own mother, and his only sister was older than he was, so that it was in the Shtcherbatskys' house that he saw for the first time that inner life of an old, noble, cultivated, and honorable family of which he had been deprived by the death of his father and mother. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kultivert|||||||||berøvet|||||||| Левин не помнил своей матери, а его единственная сестра была старше его, поэтому именно в доме Щербацких он впервые увидел ту внутреннюю жизнь старой, благородной, культурной и почтенной семьи, которой он был лишен смертью отца и матери. Levin kendi annesini hatırlamıyordu ve tek kız kardeşi de kendisinden daha büyüktü, bu yüzden ilk kez Shtcherbatskys'in evinde gördüğü eski, asil, kültürlü ve onurlu bir ailenin içsel yaşamını gördü. babasının ve annesinin ölümüyle mahrum kalmıştı. All the members of that family, especially the feminine half, were pictured by him, as it were, wrapped about with a mysterious poetical veil, and he not only perceived no defects whatever in them, but under the poetical veil that shrouded them he assumed the existence of the loftiest sentiments and every possible perfection. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||concealed||||||||highest ideals||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gebreken||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||avbildet||||||innhyllet||||mystisk|poetisk|slør|||||oppfattet||defekter||||||||||innhyllet|||||eksistens|||høyeste|følelser||||perfeksjon Tous les membres de cette famille, en particulier la moitié féminine, étaient représentés par lui, pour ainsi dire, enveloppés d'un mystérieux voile poétique, et non seulement il ne percevait aucun défaut en eux, mais sous le voile poétique qui les enveloppait, il supposait. l'existence des sentiments les plus élevés et de toutes les perfectionnements possibles. Visus tos šeimos narius, ypač moteriškąją pusę, jis tarsi pavaizdavo apgaubęs paslaptingu poetiniu šydu, ir jis ne tik nesuvokė jokių defektų, bet ir po juos apgaubusiu poetiniu šydu. pačių aukščiausių jausmų ir kiekvieno įmanomo tobulumo egzistavimas. Все члены этого семейства, особенно женская половина, представлялись ему как бы окутанными таинственной поэтической пеленой, и он не только не видел в них никаких недостатков, но под окутывающей их поэтической пеленой допускал существование самых возвышенных чувств и всех возможных совершенств. O ailenin tüm üyeleri, özellikle de dişil yarısı, onun tarafından, olduğu gibi, gizemli bir şiirsel örtüyle sarılmış olarak resmedildi ve sadece içlerinde ne olursa olsun hiçbir kusur algılamakla kalmadı, aynı zamanda onları örten şiirsel perdenin altında varsaydı. en yüce duyguların ve olası her mükemmelliğin varlığı. 那个家庭的所有成员,尤其是女性的那一半,都被他描绘出来,仿佛被一层神秘的诗意面纱包裹着,他不仅没有发现他们身上有任何缺陷,而且他认为在笼罩着他们的诗意面纱下最崇高的情感和一切可能的完美的存在。 Why it was the three young ladies had one day to speak French, and the next English; why it was that at certain hours they played by turns on the piano, the sounds of which were audible in their brother’s room above, where the students used to work; why they were visited by those professors of French literature, of music, of drawing, of dancing; why at certain hours all the three young ladies, with Mademoiselle Linon, drove in the coach to the Tversky boulevard, dressed in their satin cloaks, Dolly in a long one, Natalia in a half-long one, and Kitty in one so short that her shapely legs in tightly-drawn red stockings were visible to all beholders; why it was they had to walk about the Tversky boulevard escorted by a footman with a gold cockade in his hat—all this and much more that was done in their mysterious world he did not understand, but he was sure that everything that was done there was very good, and he was in love precisely with the mystery of the proceedings. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||satin cloaks||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||onlookers|||||||||||||||||||gold emblem|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||was||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||goudkleurige kokarde|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Mademoiselle Linon|||||||Tverskói||||||||||||Natalia en media||||||||||||||bien formadas||||||medias rojas|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||damer|||||||||||||||||||spilte||skifter|||piano||lyder||||hørbar|||brorens|||||studenter|||||||besøkt av|||professorer|||litteratur||||||dansing|||||||||||Frøken|Mademoiselle Linon||||vogn|||Tverskij|boulevard||||satengkåper|kapper||||||Natalia||||||||||||||velformede||||trukket||strømper||synlige|||tilskuere|||||||||||||||fotmann||||gullcockade|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mysterium|||handlingene Pourquoi les trois demoiselles avaient-elles un jour pour parler français, et l'anglais suivant; pourquoi à certaines heures ils jouaient à tour de rôle sur le piano dont les sons étaient audibles dans la chambre de leur frère au-dessus, où les élèves travaillaient; pourquoi ils ont été visités par ces professeurs de littérature française, de musique, de dessin, de danse; pourquoi, à certaines heures, toutes les trois demoiselles, avec Mademoiselle Linon, se rendaient en voiture au boulevard Tversky, vêtues de leurs capes de satin, Dolly en longue, Natalia en demi-longue, et Kitty en une si courte que ses jambes galbées en bas rouges serrés étaient visibles de tous les spectateurs; pourquoi ils devaient se promener sur le boulevard Tversky escortés par un valet de pied avec une cocarde d'or dans son chapeau - tout cela et bien plus encore dans leur monde mystérieux, il ne comprenait pas, mais il était sûr que tout ce qui se faisait là-bas était très bon, et il était précisément amoureux du mystère de la procédure. Почему три барышни в один день должны были говорить по-французски, а в другой - по-английски; почему в определенные часы они по очереди играли на рояле, звуки которого были слышны в комнате брата, где занимались студенты; почему к ним приходили профессора французской литературы, музыки, рисования, танцев; почему в определенные часы все три барышни с мадемуазель Линон ехали в карете на Тверской бульвар, одетые в свои атласные плащи: Долли - в длинный, Наталья - в полудлинный, а Кити - в такой короткий, что ее стройные ножки в туго натянутых красных чулках были видны всем зрителям; почему они должны были ходить по Тверскому бульвару в сопровождении лакея с золотой кокардой на шляпе - всего этого и многого другого, что делалось в их таинственном мире, он не понимал, но он был уверен, что все, что там делалось, было очень хорошо, и он был влюблен именно в таинственность этого дела. Neden üç genç hanımın bir gün Fransızca, sonraki İngilizce konuşması vardı; öğrencilerin çalıştıkları yukarıdaki ağabeylerinin odasında sesleri duyulabilen piyanoyu belirli saatlerde sırayla çalıyorlardı neden; Fransız edebiyatı, müzik, çizim, dans profesörleri tarafından neden ziyaret edildiklerini; neden belirli saatlerde üç genç bayan, Matmazel Linon'la birlikte arabada saten pelerinleri giymiş, Dolly uzun, Natalia yarım uzun ve Kitty de çok kısa bir süre içinde Tversky bulvarına gittiler. sıkıca çekilmiş kırmızı çoraplar içindeki biçimli bacakları tüm izleyiciler tarafından görülebilirdi; neden şapkasında altın bir palaska olan bir uşağın eşlik ettiği Tversky bulvarında yürümek zorunda kaldılar - tüm bunlar ve daha pek çok şey onların gizemli dünyasında yapıldığını anlamadı, ama orada yapılan her şeyin olduğundan emindi çok iyiydi ve yargılamanın gizemine tam olarak aşıktı. 为什么三位年轻女士一天说法语,一天说英语?为什么在某些时候他们轮流弹奏钢琴,钢琴的声音在他们哥哥的房间里听得见,那是学生们过去工作的地方;为什么那些法国文学、音乐、绘画、舞蹈教授会来拜访他们?为什么在某些时候,三位年轻女士都和利农小姐一起,都穿着绸缎斗篷,开着马车到特维尔斯基大道去,多莉穿着长斗篷,娜塔莉亚穿着半长斗篷,凯蒂穿着那么短,以至于所有旁观者都可以看到她穿着紧绷的红色长袜的匀称腿;为什么他们必须在一个戴着金帽的男仆的陪同下在特沃斯基林荫大道上走动——这一切以及在他们神秘的世界里所做的更多事情,他不明白,但他确信在那里所做的一切非常好,他正是爱上了诉讼的奥秘。

In his student days he had all but been in love with the eldest, Dolly, but she was soon married to Oblonsky. |||||||||||||||||||giftet seg|| À l'époque où il était étudiant, il avait presque été amoureux de l'aînée, Dolly, mais elle fut bientôt mariée à Oblonsky. В студенческие годы он был влюблен в старшую, Долли, но она вскоре вышла замуж за Облонского. Öğrenci günlerinde en büyüğü Dolly'ye aşık olmuştu ama kısa süre sonra Oblonsky ile evlendi. 在学生时代,他几乎爱上了最年长的多莉,但她很快就嫁给了奥布隆斯基。 Then he began being in love with the second. Затем он стал влюбляться во вторую. He felt, as it were, that he had to be in love with one of the sisters, only he could not quite make out which. Il sentait, pour ainsi dire, qu'il devait être amoureux d'une des sœurs, mais il ne pouvait pas tout à fait comprendre laquelle. Он чувствовал, что должен быть влюблен в одну из сестер, но не мог понять, в какую именно. Kız kardeşlerden birine aşık olması gerektiğini hissetti, ancak hangisi olduğunu tam olarak anlayamadı. 他觉得,他必须爱上其中一个姐妹,只是他不太清楚是哪一个。 But Natalia, too, had hardly made her appearance in the world when she married the diplomat Lvov. ||||||||||||||||Lvov |||||||||||||||diplomat|Lviv Mais Natalia, elle aussi, avait à peine fait son apparition dans le monde lorsqu'elle épousa le diplomate Lvov. Но и Наталья, выйдя замуж за дипломата Львова, едва успела появиться в свет. Ancak Natalia da diplomat Lvov ile evlendiğinde dünyada pek görünmemişti. 但娜塔莉亚在嫁给外交官利沃夫时也几乎没有出现在世人面前。 Kitty was still a child when Levin left the university. Young Shtcherbatsky went into the navy, was drowned in the Baltic, and Levin’s relations with the Shtcherbatskys, in spite of his friendship with Oblonsky, became less intimate. ||||||||||||||||Sjtjerbatski's|||||||||| |||||marinen|||||baltiske hav|||||||||||vennskap||||| Молодой Щербацкий ушел на флот, утонул на Балтике, и отношения Левина с Щербацкими, несмотря на его дружбу с Облонским, стали менее близкими. Genç Shtcherbatsky donanmaya girdi, Baltık'ta boğuldu ve Levin'in Oblonsky ile dostluğuna rağmen Shtcherbatskys ile ilişkileri daha az yakınlaştı. 年轻的谢尔巴茨基加入了海军,淹死在波罗的海,列文与谢尔巴茨基家族的关系尽管与奥布隆斯基有友谊,但也变得不那么亲密了。 But when early in the winter of this year Levin came to Moscow, after a year in the country, and saw the Shtcherbatskys, he realized which of the three sisters he was indeed destined to love. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||skjebnebestemt|| Но когда в начале зимы этого года Левин, приехав в Москву после годичного пребывания в деревне, увидел Щербацких, он понял, кого из трех сестер ему действительно суждено полюбить. Ancak Levin, bu yılın kışının başlarında, ülkede geçirdiği bir yılın ardından Moskova'ya geldiğinde ve Shtcherbatskys'i gördüğünde, kaderindeki üç kız kardeşten hangisini gerçekten seveceğini anladı.

One would have thought that nothing could be simpler than for him, a man of good family, rather rich than poor, and thirty-two years old, to make the young Princess Shtcherbatskaya an offer of marriage; in all likelihood he would at once have been looked upon as a good match. ||||||||enklere||||||||||ganske rik||||||||||||Prinsesse|Prinsesse Shtcherbatskaya|||||||sannsynlighet||||||||||||parti On aurait pensé que rien de plus simple que pour lui, homme de bonne famille, plutôt riche que pauvre, et âgé de trente-deux ans, de faire une offre de mariage à la jeune princesse Shtcherbatskaya; selon toute vraisemblance, il aurait tout de suite été considéré comme un bon match. Galima būtų pagalvoti, kad niekas negali būti paprasčiau nei jis, geros šeimos vyras, o ne turtingas, o ne vargšas ir trisdešimt dvejų metų, kad jaunoji princesė Shtcherbatskaya pasiūlytų santuoką; greičiausiai į jį iškart būtų žiūrėta kaip į geras rungtynes. Можно было подумать, что нет ничего проще, чем ему, человеку из хорошей семьи, скорее богатому, чем бедному, тридцати двух лет от роду, сделать предложение руки и сердца молодой княжне Щербацкой; по всей вероятности, его сразу же сочли бы подходящей партией. Genç Prenses Shtcherbatskaya'yı bir evlilik teklifi yapmak için hiçbir şeyin ondan daha kolay, fakirden çok zengin ve otuz iki yaşında olan iyi bir aileden olamayacağı düşünülebilirdi; büyük bir olasılıkla, hemen iyi bir eşleşme olarak görülüyordu. 人们可能会认为,对于他来说,没有什么比他更简单的了,他是一个三十二岁的家庭好人,而不是贫穷,而是向年轻的谢尔巴茨卡娅公主求婚。很可能他会立即被视为一个很好的匹配。 But Levin was in love, and so it seemed to him that Kitty was so perfect in every respect that she was a creature far above everything earthly; and that he was a creature so low and so earthly that it could not even be conceived that other people and she herself could regard him as worthy of her. |||||||||||||||||||||||vesen||||||||||||lav||||||||||forestilt||||||||anse|||verdig|| Mais Levin était amoureux, et il lui semblait donc que Kitty était si parfaite à tous égards qu'elle était une créature bien au-dessus de tout ce qui est terrestre; et qu'il était une créature si basse et si terrestre qu'on ne pouvait même pas concevoir que d'autres personnes et elle-même puissent le considérer comme digne d'elle. Но Левин был влюблен, и ему казалось, что Китти настолько совершенна во всех отношениях, что она - существо гораздо выше всего земного, а он - существо настолько низкое и земное, что даже не может быть и речи о том, чтобы другие люди и она сама могли считать его достойным ее. Ama Levin aşıktı ve bu yüzden ona Kitty her açıdan o kadar mükemmel görünüyordu ki, dünyevi her şeyin çok üzerinde bir yaratıktı; ve o kadar alçak ve o kadar dünyevi bir yaratıktı ki, diğer insanların ve onun kendisini ona layık görmesi bile düşünülemezdi. 但是列文恋爱了,所以在他看来,基蒂在各方面都是那么完美,以至于她是一个远超世间万物的生物;他是一个如此卑微、如此世俗的生物,甚至无法想象其他人和她自己会认为他配得上她。

After spending two months in Moscow in a state of enchantment, seeing Kitty almost every day in society, into which he went so as to meet her, he abruptly decided that it could not be, and went back to the country. |brukte|||||||||fortryllelse||||||||||||||||||brått|bestemte seg||||||||||| Après avoir passé deux mois à Moscou dans un état d'enchantement, voyant Kitty presque tous les jours dans la société, dans laquelle il allait pour la rencontrer, il décida brusquement que cela ne pouvait pas être et retourna au pays. Проведя в Москве два месяца в состоянии околдованности, видя Китти почти каждый день в обществе, в которое он заходил, чтобы встретиться с ней, он резко решил, что этого не может быть, и уехал обратно в деревню. Moskova'da büyülenmiş bir halde iki ay geçirdikten sonra, Kitty'yi hemen hemen her gün onunla tanışmak için içine girdiği toplumda gördükten sonra, aniden bunun olamayacağına karar verdi ve ülkeye geri döndü. 在莫斯科迷醉了两个月后,他几乎每天都在社交场合看到凯蒂,为了见她而去,他突然决定不可能,然后回到了这个国家。

Levin’s conviction that it could not be was founded on the idea that in the eyes of her family he was a disadvantageous and worthless match for the charming Kitty, and that Kitty herself could not love him. ||||||||||||||||||||||nadelig||||||||||||||| |overbevisning|||||||grunnlagt||||||||||||||ugunstig||verdiløs||||sjarmerende||||||||| La conviction de Levin que cela ne pouvait pas être fondé sur l'idée qu'aux yeux de sa famille, il était un match désavantageux et sans valeur pour la charmante Kitty, et que Kitty elle-même ne pouvait pas l'aimer. Levin'in bunun, ailesinin gözünde büyüleyici Kitty için dezavantajlı ve değersiz bir eş olduğu ve Kitty'nin kendisinin onu sevemeyeceği fikri üzerine kurulamayacağına olan inancı. 列文坚信这不可能是建立在这样一种观念之上的:在她的家人眼中,他与迷人的凯蒂相比是一个不利和毫无价值的对手,而凯蒂自己也不会爱他。 In her family’s eyes he had no ordinary, definite career and position in society, while his contemporaries by this time, when he was thirty-two, were already, one a colonel, and another a professor, another director of a bank and railways, or president of a board like Oblonsky. ||familie|||||vanlig|definitiv||||||||samtidige|||||||||||||oberst||||professor|||||bank||jernbaner||||||| Aux yeux de sa famille, il n'avait ni carrière ni position ordinaire et définie dans la société, tandis que ses contemporains à cette époque, quand il avait trente-deux ans, étaient déjà, l'un colonel, l'autre professeur, un autre directeur d'une banque et des chemins de fer, ou président d'un conseil d'administration comme Oblonsky. Jos šeimos akimis, jis neturėjo įprastos, apibrėžtos karjeros ir padėties visuomenėje, o jo amžininkai tuo metu, kai jam buvo trisdešimt dveji, jau buvo vienas pulkininkas, kitas profesorius, kitas banko ir geležinkelio direktorius, ar tokios valdybos kaip Oblonsky prezidentas. В глазах ее семьи он не имел обычной, определенной карьеры и положения в обществе, в то время как его сверстники к этому времени, когда ему было тридцать два года, уже были, один полковником, другой профессором, третий директором банка и железных дорог, или президентом правления, как Облонский. But he (he knew very well how he must appear to others) was a country gentleman, occupied in breeding cattle, shooting game, and building barns; in other words, a fellow of no ability, who had not turned out well, and who was doing just what, according to the ideas of the world, is done by people fit for nothing else. ||||||||||||||||||||||||sheds||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||oppdrett|||spill||bygge|låver||||||||evner||||||||||||||||||||||||egnet for||| Mais il (il savait très bien comment il doit apparaître aux autres) était un gentilhomme de la campagne, occupé à élever du bétail, à tirer du gibier et à construire des granges; en d'autres termes, un homme sans capacité, qui n'avait pas bien réussi, et qui faisait exactement ce que, selon les idées du monde, est fait par des gens dignes de rien d'autre. Но он (он прекрасно понимал, каким он должен казаться окружающим) был деревенским джентльменом, занимавшимся разведением скота, стрельбой по дичи и строительством сараев, то есть человеком без способностей, не получившим хорошего образования и занимавшимся тем, чем, по представлениям мира, занимаются люди, ни на что другое не годные. Ama o (başkalarına nasıl görünmesi gerektiğini çok iyi biliyordu) sığır yetiştirme, avcılık ve ahır inşa etme işleriyle uğraşan bir taşra beyefendisiydi; başka bir deyişle, dünyanın fikirlerine göre, yeteneği olmayan, iyi sonuç almamış ve tam olarak ne yapan bir adam, başka hiçbir şeye uygun olmayan insanlar tarafından yapılır.

The mysterious, enchanting Kitty herself could not love such an ugly person as he conceived himself to be, and, above all, such an ordinary, in no way striking person. ||fortryllende||||||||stygg||||forestilte|||||||||||||slående| La mystérieuse et enchanteresse Kitty elle-même ne pouvait pas aimer une personne aussi laide qu'il se concevait et, surtout, une personne aussi ordinaire, nullement frappante. Paslaptingoji, kerinti pati Kitty negalėjo mylėti tokio bjauraus žmogaus, koks jis buvo, ir, svarbiausia, tokio paprasto, jokiu būdu nestebinčio žmogaus. Таинственная, обворожительная Китти не могла полюбить такого некрасивого человека, каким он себя считал, и, главное, такого обычного, ничем не выделяющегося человека. Gizemli, büyüleyici Kitty, kendisini düşündüğü kadar çirkin bir insanı sevemezdi ve her şeyden öte, bu kadar sıradan, hiçbir şekilde çarpıcı bir insan değildi. 神秘而迷人的凯蒂本人无法爱上他想象中的丑陋的人,尤其是这样一个普通的、一点都不引人注目的人。 Moreover, his attitude to Kitty in the past—the attitude of a grown-up person to a child, arising from his friendship with her brother—seemed to him yet another obstacle to love. Dessuten||holdning|||||tidligere|||||||||||som oppstår||||||||||||hinder|| De plus, son attitude envers Kitty dans le passé - l'attitude d'une personne adulte envers un enfant, découlant de son amitié avec son frère - lui semblait encore un autre obstacle à l'amour. Более того, его отношение к Китти в прошлом - отношение взрослого человека к ребенку, возникшее на почве дружбы с ее братом, - казалось ему еще одним препятствием на пути к любви. Dahası, geçmişte Kitty'ye karşı tutumu - bir yetişkinin bir çocuğa karşı erkek kardeşiyle olan arkadaşlığından kaynaklanan tutumu - ona sevginin önünde bir başka engel gibi görünüyordu. 而且,他过去对凯蒂的态度——成年人对孩子的态度,源于他与她哥哥的友谊——在他看来,又是一个爱情的障碍。 An ugly, good-natured man, as he considered himself, might, he supposed, be liked as a friend; but to be loved with such a love as that with which he loved Kitty, one would need to be a handsome and, still more, a distinguished man. |||godhjertet||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||distinguished| Un homme laid et de bonne humeur, tel qu'il se considérait, pouvait, supposait-il, être apprécié comme un ami; mais pour être aimé d'un amour comme celui dont il aimait Kitty, il faudrait être un homme beau et, plus encore, distingué. Bjaurus, geraširdis žmogus, kaip jis laikė save, galėjo, kaip manė, patikti kaip draugas; tačiau norint būti mylimam tokia meile, kokia mylėjo Kitty, reikia būti šauniam ir, dar labiau, pasižymėjusiam vyrui. Некрасивый, добродушный человек, каким он себя считал, мог, по его мнению, нравиться как друг; но чтобы его любили такой любовью, какой он любил Китти, нужно было быть красивым и, тем более, выдающимся человеком. Kendisini düşündüğü gibi çirkin, iyi huylu bir adam bir arkadaş olarak sevilebilirdi; ama Kitty'yi sevdiği bir aşkla sevilmek için birinin yakışıklı ve daha da güzeli seçkin bir erkek olması gerekirdi. 一个丑陋的好人,在他看来,可能,他认为,会像朋友一样被人喜欢。但要以他爱基蒂的那种爱来爱,一个人必须是一个英俊的人,更重要的是,一个杰出的人。

He had heard that women often did care for ugly and ordinary men, but he did not believe it, for he judged by himself, and he could not himself have loved any but beautiful, mysterious, and exceptional women. |||||||||||||||||||||dømte|||||||||||||||eksepsjonelle| Il avait entendu dire que les femmes aimaient souvent les hommes laids et ordinaires, mais il ne le croyait pas, car il jugeait par lui-même, et lui-même ne pouvait aimer que des femmes belles, mystérieuses et exceptionnelles. Jis buvo girdėjęs, kad moterys dažnai rūpinosi bjauriais ir paprastais vyrais, tačiau jis tuo netikėjo, nes vertino pagal save ir pats negalėjo mylėti nė vienos, bet gražios, paslaptingos ir išskirtinės moterys. Kadınların sık sık çirkin ve sıradan erkeklere değer verdiğini duymuştu, ama buna inanmıyordu, çünkü kendisi yargıladı ve kendisi dışında güzel, gizemli ve istisnai kadınlardan başka hiçbirini sevemezdi. 他听说女人经常喜欢丑陋普通的男人,但他不相信,因为他自己判断,除了美丽、神秘、非凡的女人,他自己不可能爱过任何女人。

But after spending two months alone in the country, he was convinced that this was not one of those passions of which he had had experience in his early youth; that this feeling gave him not an instant’s rest; that he could not live without deciding the question, would she or would she not be his wife, and that his despair had arisen only from his own imaginings, that he had no sort of proof that he would be rejected. |||||||||||||||||||lidenskaper||||||erfaring||||||||||||||||||||å bestemme|||||||||||||||||oppstått|||||forestillinger|||||||bevis|||||avvist Mais après avoir passé deux mois seul à la campagne, il était convaincu que ce n'était pas une de ces passions dont il avait eu l'expérience dans sa jeunesse; que ce sentiment ne lui donna pas un instant de repos; qu'il ne pouvait pas vivre sans trancher la question, serait-elle ou ne serait-elle pas sa femme, et que son désespoir n'était né que de sa propre imagination, qu'il n'avait aucune sorte de preuve qu'il serait rejeté. Bet praleidęs du mėnesius vienas šalyje, jis buvo įsitikinęs, kad tai nėra viena iš tų aistrų, kurių jis turėjo patyręs ankstyvoje jaunystėje; kad šis jausmas jam akimirksniu nepailsėjo; kad jis negalėtų gyventi nenusprendęs klausimo, ar ji nebus ar nebus jo žmona, ir kad jo neviltis kilo tik iš jo paties įsivaizdavimų, kad jis neturėjo kažkokių įrodymų, kad bus atmestas. Но, проведя два месяца в одиночестве в деревне, он убедился, что это не одна из тех страстей, которые он испытал в ранней юности; что это чувство не давало ему ни минуты покоя; что он не мог жить, не решив вопроса, будет она или не будет его женой, и что отчаяние его возникло только от его собственных фантазий, что у него не было никаких доказательств того, что он будет отвергнут. Ancak ülkede yalnız iki ay geçirdikten sonra, bunun gençliğinde deneyimlediği tutkulardan biri olmadığına ikna oldu; bu hissin ona bir an bile dinlenmediğini soruya karar vermeden yaşayamayacağını, karısı olup olmayacağını ve çaresizliğinin sadece kendi hayallerinden kaynaklandığını, reddedileceğine dair hiçbir kanıtı olmadığını. 但在乡下独自呆了两个月后,他确信这不是他年轻时所经历的那些激情之一。这种感觉让他一刻也没有休息;他不能不决定这个问题,她会不会是他的妻子,他不能生活,他的绝望只是来自他自己的想象,他没有任何证据表明他会被拒绝。 And he had now come to Moscow with a firm determination to make an offer, and get married if he were accepted. ||||||||||bestemmelse|||||||||||akseptert Ir dabar jis atvyko į Maskvą tvirtai pasiryžęs pateikti pasiūlymą ir susituokti, jei jį priims. Ve şimdi bir teklifte bulunma kararlılığıyla Moskova'ya gelmiş ve kabul edilirse evlenmişti. Or…he could not conceive what would become of him if he were rejected. ||||forestille seg||||||||| Arba ... jis negalėjo įsivaizduoti, kas nutiks jam, jei jis bus atmestas. 或者……他无法想象如果他被拒绝,他会变成什么样子。