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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 30. I AM HAPPY AS A KING


I HAD now had adventures enough for a time, and I felt very happy to be at home with my goats and other pets.

A few years before, I had started with keeping three kids that I had caught. Now I had a herd of three and forty goats, some of them young, some old.

I kept them in five little fields that I had fenced, at the foot of my castle hill. I never had any lack of meat and I had plenty of milk, too.

Indeed, I had gone so far as to set up a little dairy, and sometimes my goats gave me a gallon or two of milk in a day.

Before coming to the island I had never milked a cow, much less a goat. I had never seen butter made, or even cheese. But I learned how to do everything of the kind. And now I had more butter and cheese than I could eat.

After dinner it was my custom to go out for a stroll. How proud I was of my little kingdom!

If you had seen me then, you would not have laughed. You would have been frightened. For a stranger-looking fellow you never saw.

Be pleased to take a picture of me.

On my head was a big cap made of goatskin. It was very tall and without shape. A flap hung down from the back of it to keep the rain off my neck.

I wore a short jacket of goatskin and a pair of knee breeches of the same.

I had neither stockings nor shoes. But I wore around my legs and feet some queer things that I called buskins. They were made of goatskin, too, and were of great use when walking among briers or stones.

Around my waist I had a broad belt of rawhide. I had no need of sword or dagger; and so I carried in this belt a little saw and a hatchet.

Another belt, which hung over my shoulder, held my powderhorn and shot pouch.

On my back was slung a basket. On my shoulder was my gun. Above my head I carried my great clumsy, ugly umbrella.

My face was as dark as mahogany. It was tanned by the sun and browned by the hot winds.

My beard was at one time a yard long. But I soon grew tired of it and cut it pretty short. Yet even then it looked grizzly enough, I assure you.

It is not a very handsome picture, is it?

But do not blame me. I dressed as well as I could. I kept myself clean. I tried to be worthy of respect, even though no one saw me.

I looked over my little kingdom and was proud and happy.

You would have laughed to see me and my family when dinner time came.

First there was myself, Robinson Crusoe, king of the island. I was the lord of everything I could see.

Then, like a king, I dined alone, with my servants looking on.

No one was allowed to talk to me but Poll Parrot, who sat on the back of my chair and waited for what I would give him.

My dog was now so old and feeble that he could hardly stir. He sat always at my right hand and wagged his tail if I did but snap my finger.

My two cats waited, one on each side of the table, to see what I would give them.

These two cats were not the same that I had brought from the ship. Those were dead, long ago, of old age. But they had left many kittens.

Indeed, there had come to be so many cats that I was forced to drive them away. All but these two had gone into the woods and become very wild.

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I HAD now had adventures enough for a time, and I felt very happy to be at home with my goats and other pets. ||||||||||||||||||||as cabras||| Já tinha tido aventuras suficientes durante algum tempo e sentia-me muito feliz por estar em casa com as minhas cabras e outros animais de estimação. На какое-то время мне хватило приключений, и я чувствовал себя очень счастливым, находясь дома со своими козами и другими домашними животными. Тепер у мене вже було достатньо пригод, і я відчував себе дуже щасливим, перебуваючи вдома з моїми козами та іншими домашніми тваринами.

A few years before, I had started with keeping three kids that I had caught. Alguns anos antes, tinha começado por ficar com três crianças que tinha apanhado. За несколько лет до этого я начал с содержания трех детей, которых поймал. Кілька років тому я почав з того, що утримував трьох дітей, яких зловив. Now I had a herd of three and forty goats, some of them young, some old. ||||Herde||||||||||| ||||group||||||||||| ||||||||quarenta||||||| Agora eu tinha um rebanho de três e quarenta cabras, algumas jovens, outras velhas. Теперь у меня было стадо из трех сорока коз, некоторые из них молодые, некоторые старые. Тепер у мене було стадо з трьох і сорока кіз, деякі з них були молодими, деякі старими.

I kept them in five little fields that I had fenced, at the foot of my castle hill. ||||||||||围起来的||||||| ||||||||||eingezäunt||||||| ||||||||||enclosed|||base|||| Guardava-os em cinco pequenos campos que tinha vedado, no sopé da colina do meu castelo. Я держал их на пяти небольших полях, которые огородил забором у подножия своего замкового холма. 我把它们放在我城堡山脚下围起来的五个小田地里。 I never had any lack of meat and I had plenty of milk, too. ||||缺乏||||||||| ||||||||||reichlich||| Nunca me faltou carne e também tinha muito leite. Я никогда не испытывал недостатка в мясе, и молока у меня тоже было много. 我从未缺乏肉类,而且牛奶也很充足。

Indeed, I had gone so far as to set up a little dairy, and sometimes my goats gave me a gallon or two of milk in a day. ||||||||||||奶牛场||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Molkerei||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||dairy farm||||||||gallon||||||| ||||||||||||laticínio||||||||galão||||||| De facto, tinha chegado ao ponto de montar uma pequena leitaria e, por vezes, as minhas cabras davam-me um ou dois litros de leite por dia. Действительно, я дошел до того, что устроил небольшую молочную ферму, и иногда мои козы давали мне галлон или два молока за день. Я дійшов до того, що організував невелику молочну ферму, і іноді мої кози давали мені галон чи два молока на день. 确实,我甚至还建了一个小乳品场,有时我的山羊一天可以给我产一两加仑的牛奶。

Before coming to the island I had never milked a cow, much less a goat. Antes de vir para a ilha, nunca tinha ordenhado uma vaca e muito menos uma cabra. До приезда на остров я никогда не доила ни корову, ни тем более козу. 在来到这个岛之前,我从未挤过牛奶,更不用说挤山羊了。 I had never seen butter made, or even cheese. ||||butter|||| Nunca tinha visto fazer manteiga, nem mesmo queijo. Я никогда не видел, как делают масло или даже сыр. 我以前从未见过制作黄油,甚至奶酪。 But I learned how to do everything of the kind. ||||||||the|that sort Mas aprendi a fazer tudo o que é do género. Но я научился делать все, что угодно. Але я навчився робити все це. 但我学会了如何做这类事情。 And now I had more butter and cheese than I could eat. |||||manteiga|||||| E agora tinha mais manteiga e queijo do que podia comer. И теперь у меня было больше масла и сыра, чем я мог съесть. 现在我有更多的黄油和奶酪,比我能吃的要多。

After dinner it was my custom to go out for a stroll. |||||||||||散步 |||||Gewohnheit||||||Spaziergang machen |||||habit||||||walk Depois do jantar, era meu hábito sair para dar um passeio. После ужина у меня был обычай выходить на прогулку. 晚饭后,我习惯出去散步。 How proud I was of my little kingdom! |||||||kingdom Como estava orgulhoso do meu pequeno reino! Как я гордилась своим маленьким королевством! 我是多么骄傲我小小的王国啊!

If you had seen me then, you would not have laughed. Se me tivesses visto nessa altura, não te terias rido. Если бы вы видели меня тогда, вы бы не смеялись. Якби ви мене тоді побачили, ви б не сміялися. 如果你那时看见了我,你是不会笑的。 You would have been frightened. ||||наляканий Teria ficado assustado. Вы бы испугались. Ви б злякалися. 你会感到恐惧。 For a stranger-looking fellow you never saw. ||||家伙||| ||||seltsamer Kerl||| ||||person||| Para um tipo mais estranho que nunca viste. Для парня с незнакомой внешности, которого ты никогда не видел. Для незнайомця, якого ви ніколи не бачили. 你从来没见过这么像陌生人的家伙。

Be pleased to take a picture of me. É um prazer tirar-me uma fotografia. С удовольствием сфотографируйте меня. Будьте ласкаві, сфотографуйте мене. 请给我拍张照片。

On my head was a big cap made of goatskin. |||||||||козячої шкіри Na minha cabeça tinha um grande chapéu feito de pele de cabra. 我头上戴着一顶用山羊皮做的大帽子。 It was very tall and without shape. |||Es war sehr hoch und formlos.|||Form Era muito alto e sem forma. Він був дуже високий і безформний. 它非常高大且没有固定的形状。 A flap hung down from the back of it to keep the rain off my neck. |Klappe|||||||||||||| |protective cover flap|suspended||||||||||||my| Uma aba pendia da parte de trás para manter a chuva longe do meu pescoço. На спине висел лоскут, чтобы дождь не попадал на шею. Ззаду звисав клапан, щоб дощ не потрапляв мені на шию. 它的后面悬挂下来,遮住我的脖子,防雨。

I wore a short jacket of goatskin and a pair of knee breeches of the same. |trug|||||||||||Kniebundhosen||| ||||||||||||knee pants||| Vestia um casaco curto de pele de cabra e um par de calças pelo joelho do mesmo material. На мне была короткая куртка из козьей шкуры и такие же бриджи до колен. На мені була коротка куртка з козячої шкіри і такі ж штани. 我穿着山羊皮短夹克和同样材质的短裤。

I had neither stockings nor shoes. |||Strümpfe|| ||ні |stockings|| Não tinha meias nem sapatos. У меня не было ни чулок, ни туфель. 我既没有袜子也没有鞋。 But I wore around my legs and feet some queer things that I called buskins. ||||||||||||||长筒靴 |||||||||seltsam|||||Stiefelstulpen ||had on|||||||unusual|||||leg coverings |||||||||estranhas coisas|||||botas altas Mas eu usava à volta das pernas e dos pés umas coisas esquisitas a que chamava buskins. Но на ногах и ступнях я носил какие-то странные штуки, которые называл бускинами. 但我在腿和脚周围穿了一些奇怪的东西,我称之为穿在脚腕上的靴子。 They were made of goatskin, too, and were of great use when walking among briers or stones. ||||||||||||||荆棘丛|| ||||||||||||||Dornensträucher|| ||||||||||||||thorny bushes|| ||||||||||||||espinhos|| Também eram feitos de pele de cabra e eram muito úteis quando se caminhava entre sarças ou pedras. Они тоже были сделаны из козьей кожи и очень пригодились при ходьбе среди зарослей или камней. Вони також були зроблені з козячої шкіри і були дуже корисними, коли ходили серед чагарників або каміння. 它们也是由山羊皮制成的,在走在荆棘或石头间时非常有用。

Around my waist I had a broad belt of rawhide. ||Taille||||breit|Gürtel||Rohleder ||||||wide|||untanned leather belt |||||||||couro cru À volta da minha cintura, tinha um cinto largo de couro cru. На талии у меня был широкий ремень из сыромятной кожи. 腰间我系了一条宽宽的生皮腰带。 I had no need of sword or dagger; and so I carried in this belt a little saw and a hatchet. |||||Schwert||Dolch||||trug|||Gürtel|||Säge|||Beil |||requirement||sword||dagger|||||||||||||斧头 |||||||punhal||||||||||||| Não precisava de espada nem de punhal e, por isso, trazia no cinto uma pequena serra e um machado de guerra. Мне не нужны были ни меч, ни кинжал, поэтому я носил на поясе маленькую пилу и топорик. Мені не потрібні були ні меч, ні кинджал, тому я носив у цьому поясі маленьку пилку і сокиру. 我不需要剑或匕首;因此,我在腰带上带了一个小锯子和一个斧头。

Another belt, which hung over my shoulder, held my powderhorn and shot pouch. ||||||||||||Schrotbeutel |||suspended||||||порохівниця|||bag Um outro cinto, que pendia do meu ombro, segurava o meu canhão de pólvora e o estojo de tiro. Другой ремень, который висел через мое плечо, удерживал мой пороховой рожок и мешочек для дроби. 另一个挂在肩上的腰带里装着我的火药筒和子弹袋。

On my back was slung a basket. ||||aufgehängt||Korb |||verb|hung|| Nas minhas costas estava pendurado um cesto. 我背上挎着一个篮子。 On my shoulder was my gun. No meu ombro estava a minha arma. На плече у меня висело ружье. 我的肩膀上压着我的枪。 Above my head I carried my great clumsy, ugly umbrella. |||||||ungeschickt|hässlich| |||||||awkward and bulky|| Por cima da cabeça, levava o meu grande guarda-chuva desajeitado e feio. Над головой у меня висел мой большой неуклюжий, уродливый зонт. 在我的头顶上,我拿着我的笨重、丑陋的大伞。

My face was as dark as mahogany. ||||||红木色 ||||||Mahagoni ||||||темно-коричневий A minha cara estava tão escura como mogno. 我的脸色像红木一样黑。 It was tanned by the sun and browned by the hot winds. |||||||晒黑了|||| ||gebräunt||||||||| ||Sun-darkened|||||darkened|||| Estava bronzeada pelo sol e acastanhada pelos ventos quentes. Он был загорелым от солнца и коричневым от горячего ветра. 这是被太阳晒黑和热风晒褐的。

My beard was at one time a yard long. |facial hair||||||yard| A minha barba chegou a ter um metro de comprimento. Когда-то моя борода была длиной в ярд. 我的胡须曾经长达一码长。 But I soon grew tired of it and cut it pretty short. |||became|||||||| Mas depressa me cansei e cortei-o bastante curto. Но вскоре мне это надоело, и я довольно быстро прекратил это занятие. 但我很快就厌倦了,将它修剪得相当短。 Yet even then it looked grizzly enough, I assure you. |||||gruselig|||versichere Ihnen| |||||gruesome|||I promise you| No entanto, mesmo nessa altura, tinha um aspeto bastante pardo, garanto-vos. Но даже тогда он выглядел достаточно гризли, уверяю вас. Але навіть тоді це виглядало досить грізно, запевняю вас. 即使在那时候,它看起来已经够可怕了,我向您保证。

It is not a very handsome picture, is it? Não é uma imagem muito bonita, pois não? Это не очень красивая картина, не так ли? Не дуже гарна картина, чи не так? 这不是一幅很好看的画,是吧?

But do not blame me. |||Aber gib mir nicht die Schuld.| Mas não me culpem. Но не вините меня. Але не звинувачуйте мене. 但请不要责怪我。 I dressed as well as I could. Vesti-me o melhor que pude. Я оделась так хорошо, как только могла. Я одягався, як міг. 我尽力打扮得体。 I kept myself clean. |保持|| Eu mantinha-me limpo. Я держал себя в чистоте. 我保持自己清洁。 I tried to be worthy of respect, even though no one saw me. ||||值得|||||||| ||||würdig|||||||| Tentei ser digno de respeito, mesmo que ninguém me visse. Я старался быть достойным уважения, хотя меня никто не видел. Я намагався бути гідним поваги, хоча мене ніхто не бачив. 我努力让自己值得尊重,尽管没人看到我。

I looked over my little kingdom and was proud and happy. Olhei para o meu pequeno reino e senti-me orgulhoso e feliz. Я смотрел на свое маленькое королевство и был горд и счастлив. 我俯视着我的小王国,感到自豪和幸福。

You would have laughed to see me and my family when dinner time came. |||||||||||||chegou Ter-se-ia rido ao ver-me e à minha família quando chegou a hora do jantar. Вы бы посмеялись, увидев меня и мою семью, когда наступило время ужина. Ви б сміялися, якби побачили мене і мою сім'ю, коли прийшов час вечері. 到了晚餐时间,你会笑看我和我的家人。

First there was myself, Robinson Crusoe, king of the island. Primeiro fui eu, Robinson Crusoé, o rei da ilha. Сначала был я, Робинзон Крузо, король острова. 首先是我自己,鲁滨逊·克鲁索,这个岛屿的国王。 I was the lord of everything I could see. Eu era o senhor de tudo o que podia ver. 我是我所能看到的一切的主人。

Then, like a king, I dined alone, with my servants looking on. |||||||||Diener|| |||monarch||ate||||attendants|| Depois, como um rei, jantei sozinho, com os meus criados a olhar. Затем, как король, я обедал в одиночестве, а мои слуги смотрели на это. 然后,就像国王一样,我独自就餐,我的仆人们注视着我。

No one was allowed to talk to me but Poll Parrot, who sat on the back of my chair and waited for what I would give him. Ninguém podia falar comigo, exceto Poll Parrot, que se sentava nas costas da minha cadeira e esperava o que eu lhe dava. Никому не разрешалось разговаривать со мной, кроме Полла Попугая, который сидел на спинке моего кресла и ждал, что я ему дам. 没有人被允许与我交谈,只有坐在我的椅子背上等待我给他什么的波尔鹦鹉。

My dog was now so old and feeble that he could hardly stir. |||||||schwach|||konnte|kaum|sich bewegen |||||||weak|||||move |||||||fraco||||| O meu cão estava agora tão velho e fraco que mal se podia mexer. Моя собака была теперь такой старой и слабой, что едва могла пошевелиться. Мій пес був такий старий і слабкий, що ледве міг рухатися. 我的狗现在已经老弱到几乎无法移动。 He sat always at my right hand and wagged his tail if I did but snap my finger. ||||||||moved back and forth|||||||snap|| Sentava-se sempre à minha mão direita e abanava a cauda quando eu estalava o dedo. Он всегда сидел по правую руку от меня и вилял хвостом, стоило мне только щелкнуть пальцем. 它总是坐在我右手边,只要我响指一弹它就摇着尾巴。

My two cats waited, one on each side of the table, to see what I would give them. |||waited|||||||||||||| Os meus dois gatos esperavam, um de cada lado da mesa, para ver o que eu lhes ia dar. Две мои кошки ждали, по одной с каждой стороны стола, чтобы узнать, что я им дам. 我的两只猫在桌子的两侧等着,看我会给它们什么。

These two cats were not the same that I had brought from the ship. Estes dois gatos não eram os mesmos que eu tinha trazido do navio. Ці два коти не були тими, яких я привезла з корабля. 这两只猫不是我从船上带来的那两只。 Those were dead, long ago, of old age. Esses já tinham morrido, há muito tempo, de velhice. Те были мертвы, давно, от старости. 那些早已死了,死于老年。 But they had left many kittens. |||||小猫 |||||gatinhos Mas tinham deixado muitos gatinhos. Но у них осталось много котят. 但它们留下了许多小猫。

Indeed, there had come to be so many cats that I was forced to drive them away. |||||||viele|||||gezwungen|||| De facto, os gatos eram tantos que me vi obrigado a expulsá-los. Действительно, кошек стало так много, что я был вынужден их прогонять. 事实上,猫的数量变得如此之多,以至于我不得不把它们赶走。 All but these two had gone into the woods and become very wild. Todos, exceto estes dois, tinham ido para a floresta e tinham-se tornado muito selvagens. Все, кроме этих двоих, ушли в лес и стали очень дикими. 除了这两只外,其他的都已经进入了树林里变得很野。