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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 29. I AM ALARMED BY A VOICE


AS soon as I touched the land, I fell upon my knees and gave God thanks for bringing me safe out of so great danger.

I made the canoe fast to a rock by the shore, and lay down on the grass.

I was so tired that I soon fell asleep and did not waken once until the next morning.

I went up a little hill close by the shore, and looked around to see what part of the island I was in.

To my right I saw some well-known trees which I had visited when I was exploring the island. Then I knew that I was only a little way from my summer house and that I could reach it easily by walking.

I was sick of the sea, and I thought that nothing would be so pleasant as a few days in my quiet bower.

So, with my umbrella over my head, I started across the country. It was a hot day, and I walked slowly.

I stopped often to rest, and did not reach my summer house until it was growing dark.

I saw that everything was standing just as I had left it; for I always kept it in good order.

As soon as I got over the fence, I sat down to rest; and I was so tired that I fell asleep.

Then, all at once in the darkness, I heard a voice calling me, "Robin, Robin, Robin Crusoe!" I was so full of sleep that I did not wake up at once. But between sleeping and waking I could hear somebody saying, "Robin Crusoe, Robin Crusoe!" I wondered who it could be, but I was still more than half asleep.

Then the voice screamed in my ear, "ROBIN CRUSOE!" I sprang to my feet. I was frightened almost out of my wits. Who in the world could be speaking my name in that place?

No sooner were my eyes well open than I saw in the dim light of the moon my Poll Parrot sitting on a post quite close to my shoulder.

"Poor Robin Crusoe," he said. "Poor Robin Crusoe." He was looking down at me as though in pity.

He was but repeating the words I had taught him. I knew that he was glad to see me, as I also was glad to see him.

I let him sit on my thumb as he often did at home. He rubbed his bill on my face and kept saying: "Poor Robin Crusoe! Where are you? Where have you been?" and other words that he knew.

I wondered how the bird had come to this place, for I had left him at the castle. I asked him; "Why are you here, Poll?" But he answered me only by saying: "Poor Robin Crusoe! Where have you been?" I surely believe that the bird loved me.

In the morning I carried him with me back to my castle.

As for the canoe, I would gladly have brought it back to its place in the little river. But I was afraid of being caught again in the furious currents; and so I left it in the safe cove on the other side of the island.

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AS soon as I touched the land, I fell upon my knees and gave God thanks for bringing me safe out of so great danger. Assim que toquei em terra, caí de joelhos e dei graças a Deus por me ter tirado a salvo de tão grande perigo. Как только я коснулся земли, я упал на колени и возблагодарил Бога за то, что он вывел меня из столь серьезной опасности. 我一踏上陆地就跪倒在地上,感谢上帝让我平安地从如此巨大的危险中脱身。

I made the canoe fast to a rock by the shore, and lay down on the grass. ||||festgemacht||||||||||||Gras Prendi a canoa a uma rocha junto à margem e deitei-me na relva. Я закрепил каноэ на камне у берега и лег на траву. Я швидко підтягнув каное до каменя на березі і ліг на траву. 我把独木舟系在岸边的一块岩石上,躺在草地上。

I was so tired that I soon fell asleep and did not waken once until the next morning. ||||||||||||醒来||||| ||||||||||||wake up||||| Estava tão cansado que adormeci rapidamente e só acordei na manhã seguinte. Я так устал, что вскоре заснул и не просыпался до следующего утра. 我太累了,很快就睡着了,直到第二天早晨都没有醒来。

I went up a little hill close by the shore, and looked around to see what part of the island I was in. |||||||||海岸边||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||in the Subi a uma pequena colina perto da costa e olhei em volta para ver em que parte da ilha estava. Я поднялся на небольшой холм недалеко от берега и огляделся, чтобы понять, в какой части острова я нахожусь. Я піднявся на невеликий пагорб біля берега і озирнувся, щоб побачити, в якій частині острова я перебуваю. 我上了一座靠近岸边的小山丘,四周环顾,看看自己在岛上的哪个部分。

To my right I saw some well-known trees which I had visited when I was exploring the island. À minha direita, vi algumas árvores conhecidas que tinha visitado quando andava a explorar a ilha. Справа от себя я увидел несколько известных деревьев, которые я уже посещал, когда исследовал остров. 在右边,我看到一些熟悉的树木,我在探索岛屿时曾经去过。 Then I knew that I was only a little way from my summer house and that I could reach it easily by walking. Então soube que estava a uma pequena distância da minha casa de verão e que podia lá chegar facilmente a pé. Тогда я понял, что нахожусь совсем недалеко от своего летнего дома и могу легко добраться до него пешком. 然后我知道自己离我的夏日小屋只有一小段路程,通过步行很容易就能到达。

I was sick of the sea, and I thought that nothing would be so pleasant as a few days in my quiet bower. ||Ich hatte genug||||||||||||||||||||ruhiges Plätzchen ||||||||||||||enjoyable||||||||arbor ||||||||||||||||||||||refúgio tranquilo Estava farto do mar e pensei que nada seria tão agradável como uns dias no meu refúgio tranquilo. Меня тошнило от моря, и я подумал, что ничто не может быть так приятно, как несколько дней в моей тихой беседке. Мене нудило від моря, і я подумав, що ніщо не буде таким приємним, як кілька днів у моїй тихій альтанці. 我受够了大海,我觉得没有什么比在我幽静的小亭子里度过几天更愉快的了。

So, with my umbrella over my head, I started across the country. Assim, com o meu guarda-chuva na cabeça, comecei a atravessar o país. Так что, прикрыв голову зонтиком, я отправился в путь через всю страну. 所以,头上撑着伞,我开始穿过这片国家。 It was a hot day, and I walked slowly. Estava um dia quente e eu caminhava lentamente. День был жаркий, и я шел медленно. 那是一个炎热的日子,我走得很慢。

I stopped often to rest, and did not reach my summer house until it was growing dark. ||||||||||||||||becoming night Parei muitas vezes para descansar e só cheguei à minha casa de verão quando já estava a escurecer. Я часто останавливался, чтобы отдохнуть, и добрался до своего летнего домика только когда уже стемнело. 我经常停下来休息,直到天色渐暗才到达我的夏日小屋。

I saw that everything was standing just as I had left it; for I always kept it in good order. |||||||||||||||||||condition Vi que tudo estava tal e qual como eu o tinha deixado, pois sempre o mantive em boa ordem. Я увидел, что все стоит так, как я оставил; ведь я всегда поддерживал порядок. 我看到一切都还站在原地,就像我离开时一样;因为我总是保持整洁有序。

As soon as I got over the fence, I sat down to rest; and I was so tired that I fell asleep. |||||||Zaun|||||||||||||| |||||||fence|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||descansar||||||||| Assim que ultrapassei a vedação, sentei-me para descansar; e estava tão cansado que adormeci. Как только я перебрался через забор, я присел отдохнуть; я так устал, что заснул. Як тільки я перелізла через паркан, я сіла відпочити; і я так втомилася, що заснула. 我一跨过栅栏,就坐下来休息;我太累了,结果睡着了。

Then, all at once in the darkness, I heard a voice calling me, "Robin, Robin, Robin Crusoe!" Então, de repente, na escuridão, ouvi uma voz a chamar-me: "Robin, Robin, Robin Crusoé!" И вдруг в темноте я услышал голос, который звал меня: "Робин, Робин, Робин Крузо!". 然后,突然在黑暗中,我听到一个声音在呼唤我,“罗宾,罗宾,鲁宾·克鲁索!” I was so full of sleep that I did not wake up at once. Estava tão cheio de sono que não acordei de imediato. Я был настолько полон сна, что не сразу проснулся. 我睡得很沉,一时没有醒来。 But between sleeping and waking I could hear somebody saying, "Robin Crusoe, Robin Crusoe!" Mas entre dormir e acordar ouvia alguém a dizer: "Robin Crusoé, Robin Crusoé!" 但在睡与醒之间,我能听到有人说:“罗宾·克鲁索,罗宾·克鲁索!” I wondered who it could be, but I was still more than half asleep. |想知道|||可能是||||||||| Perguntei-me quem poderia ser, mas ainda estava mais do que meio a dormir. Я подумал, кто бы это мог быть, но я все еще был более чем в полусне. Мені було цікаво, хто б це міг бути, але я все ще був більш ніж напівсонний. 我好奇这会是谁,但我仍然有一半以上的时间在睡觉。

Then the voice screamed in my ear, "ROBIN CRUSOE!" |||schrie||||| |||yelled||||| Depois a voz gritou-me ao ouvido: "ROBIN CRUSOE!" Затем голос прокричал мне в ухо: "РОБИН КРУЗОУ!". 然后,声音在我耳边尖叫道:“罗宾·克鲁索!” I sprang to my feet. |leaped||| Pus-me de pé. Я вскочил на ноги. Я схопився на ноги. 我跳起来。 I was frightened almost out of my wits. ||Ich hatte Todesangst.|||||Verstand ||scared|||||mind Estava quase a perder a cabeça de susto. Я был напуган почти до смерти. Я була налякана майже до смерті. 我吓得几乎失魂落魄。 Who in the world could be speaking my name in that place? |||||||my|||| Quem poderia estar a falar o meu nome naquele lugar? Кто мог произносить мое имя в этом месте? 世界上谁会在那个地方喊我的名字?

No sooner were my eyes well open than I saw in the dim light of the moon my Poll Parrot sitting on a post quite close to my shoulder. |kaum|||||||||||schwachen|||||||||||Pfosten||||| ||||||||||||faint||||||Poll Parrot|Poll Parrot||||post||||| Mal os meus olhos se abriram, vi, à luz ténue da lua, o meu papagaio Poll pousado num poste bem perto do meu ombro. Не успел я открыть глаза, как увидел в тусклом свете луны своего попугая Полла, сидящего на столбике совсем близко от моего плеча. Не встигли мої очі добре розплющитися, як я побачив у тьмяному світлі місяця свого папугу, що сидів на стовпчику зовсім близько до мого плеча. 我刚睁开眼睛,就在月光的微弱光线中看到我的鹦鹉坐在靠近我的肩膀的柱子上。

"Poor Robin Crusoe," he said. "Armer"|||| "Pobre Robin Crusoé", disse ele. "Бедный Робин Крузо", - сказал он. “可怜的鲁宾·克鲁索,”他说。 "Poor Robin Crusoe." "Pobre Robin Crusoé." “可怜的鲁宾·克鲁索。” He was looking down at me as though in pity. |||||||||Mitleid |||||||||sympathy Ele olhava para mim como se tivesse pena. Он смотрел на меня с жалостью. Він дивився на мене зверху вниз, ніби жаліючи. 他俯视着我,像在怜悯一样。

He was but repeating the words I had taught him. Ele estava apenas a repetir as palavras que eu lhe tinha ensinado. Он просто повторял слова, которым я его научил. Він просто повторював слова, яких я його навчив. 他只是在重复我教课的话。 I knew that he was glad to see me, as I also was glad to see him. Eu sabia que ele estava contente por me ver, tal como eu estava contente por o ver. Я знал, что он рад меня видеть, как и я был рад видеть его. 我知道他很高兴见到我,我也很高兴见到他。

I let him sit on my thumb as he often did at home. ||||||Daumen|||||| Deixei-o sentar-se no meu polegar, como fazia frequentemente em casa. Я позволила ему сесть на мой большой палец, как он часто делал дома. 我让他坐在我的大拇指上,就像他经常在家里做的那样。 He rubbed his bill on my face and kept saying: "Poor Robin Crusoe! |rieb||Schnabel||||||||| |擦拭||beak||||||||| Esfregou a conta na minha cara e não parava de dizer: "Pobre Robin Crusoé! Он терся о мое лицо и повторял: "Бедный Робин Крузо! 他在我的脸上蹭了蹭它的喙,不停地说:"可怜的罗宾·克鲁索! Where are you? Onde é que está? Где ты? 你在哪里? Where have you been?" ||you| Onde estiveste? Где ты был?" 你去哪里了?" and other words that he knew. и другие слова, которые он знал. 以及其他他认识的词语。

I wondered how the bird had come to this place, for I had left him at the castle. Perguntei-me como é que o pássaro tinha chegado a este lugar, pois eu tinha-o deixado no castelo. Мне стало интересно, как птица оказалась в этом месте, ведь я оставил ее в замке. 我想知道这只鸟是怎么来到这个地方的,因为我已经把它留在了城堡里。 I asked him; "Why are you here, Poll?" Я спросил его: "Почему ты здесь, Полл?" 我问他:“波尔,你为什么在这里呢?” But he answered me only by saying: "Poor Robin Crusoe! 但他只是回答我说:“可怜的罗宾·克鲁索! Where have you been?" |去过|| Onde estiveste? 你去哪里了?" I surely believe that the bird loved me. |Ich glaube sicher|||||| Acredito que o pássaro me amava. Я верю, что птица любила меня. 我真的相信那只鸟爱我。

In the morning I carried him with me back to my castle. De manhã, levei-o comigo para o meu castelo. Утром я отнес его в свой замок.

As for the canoe, I would gladly have brought it back to its place in the little river. ||||||with pleasure||||||||||| Quanto à canoa, eu tê-la-ia levado de bom grado para o seu lugar no pequeno rio. Что касается каноэ, то я с радостью вернул бы его на место в маленькой речке. 至于独木舟,我很乐意把它带回到小河的原位。 But I was afraid of being caught again in the furious currents; and so I left it in the safe cove on the other side of the island. ||||||||||||||||||||sichere Bucht||||||| ||||||||||violent||||||||||cove|||||||island Mas tive medo de ser apanhado de novo pelas correntes furiosas e deixei-o na enseada segura do outro lado da ilha. Но я боялся снова попасть в яростное течение и поэтому оставил его в безопасной бухте на другой стороне острова. Але я боявся, що мене знову віднесе шаленими течіями, тому залишив його в безпечній бухті на іншому боці острова. 但我害怕再次被困在湍急的急流中;所以我把它留在岛的另一边的安全小海湾里。