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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 14. The Two Prisoners (2)

Chapter 14. The Two Prisoners (2)

The soldiers interposed their bayonets, for they thought that he was about to attack the inspector, and the latter recoiled two or three steps. Dantes saw that he was looked upon as dangerous. Then, infusing all the humility he possessed into his eyes and voice, he addressed the inspector, and sought to inspire him with pity.

The inspector listened attentively; then, turning to the governor, observed, "He will become religious--he is already more gentle; he is afraid, and retreated before the bayonets--madmen are not afraid of anything; I made some curious observations on this at Charenton." Then, turning to the prisoner, "What is it you want?" said he.

"I want to know what crime I have committed--to be tried; and if I am guilty, to be shot; if innocent, to be set at liberty." "Are you well fed?" said the inspector.

"I believe so; I don't know; it's of no consequence. What matters really, not only to me, but to officers of justice and the king, is that an innocent man should languish in prison, the victim of an infamous denunciation, to die here cursing his executioners." "You are very humble to-day," remarked the governor; "you are not so always; the other day, for instance, when you tried to kill the turnkey." "It is true, sir, and I beg his pardon, for he his always been very good to me, but I was mad." "And you are not so any longer?" "No; captivity has subdued me--I have been here so long." "So long?--when were you arrested, then?" asked the inspector.

"The 28th of February, 1815, at half-past two in the afternoon." "To-day is the 30th of July, 1816,--why it is but seventeen months." "Only seventeen months," replied Dantes. "Oh, you do not know what is seventeen months in prison!--seventeen ages rather, especially to a man who, like me, had arrived at the summit of his ambition--to a man, who, like me, was on the point of marrying a woman he adored, who saw an honorable career opened before him, and who loses all in an instant--who sees his prospects destroyed, and is ignorant of the fate of his affianced wife, and whether his aged father be still living! Seventeen months captivity to a sailor accustomed to the boundless ocean, is a worse punishment than human crime ever merited. Have pity on me, then, and ask for me, not intelligence, but a trial; not pardon, but a verdict--a trial, sir, I ask only for a trial; that, surely, cannot be denied to one who is accused!" "We shall see," said the inspector; then, turning to the governor, "On my word, the poor devil touches me. You must show me the proofs against him." "Certainly; but you will find terrible charges." "Monsieur," continued Dantes, "I know it is not in your power to release me; but you can plead for me--you can have me tried--and that is all I ask. Let me know my crime, and the reason why I was condemned. Uncertainty is worse than all." "Go on with the lights," said the inspector. "Monsieur," cried Dantes, "I can tell by your voice you are touched with pity; tell me at least to hope." "I cannot tell you that," replied the inspector; "I can only promise to examine into your case." "Oh, I am free--then I am saved!" "Who arrested you?" "M. Villefort. See him, and hear what he says." "M. Villefort is no longer at Marseilles; he is now at Toulouse." "I am no longer surprised at my detention," murmured Dantes, "since my only protector is removed." "Had M. de Villefort any cause of personal dislike to you?" "None; on the contrary, he was very kind to me." "I can, then, rely on the notes he has left concerning you?" "Entirely." "That is well; wait patiently, then." Dantes fell on his knees, and prayed earnestly. The door closed; but this time a fresh inmate was left with Dantes--hope.

"Will you see the register at once," asked the governor, "or proceed to the other cell?" "Let us visit them all," said the inspector. "If I once went up those stairs. I should never have the courage to come down again." "Ah, this one is not like the other, and his madness is less affecting than this one's display of reason." "What is his folly?" "He fancies he possesses an immense treasure. The first year he offered government a million of francs for his release; the second, two; the third, three; and so on progressively. He is now in his fifth year of captivity; he will ask to speak to you in private, and offer you five millions." "How curious!--what is his name?" "The Abbe Faria." "No. 27," said the inspector.

Chapter 14. The Two Prisoners (2) Capítulo 14. Los dos prisioneros (2)

The soldiers interposed their bayonets, for they thought that he was about to attack the inspector, and the latter recoiled two or three steps. ||||||||||||||||||the inspector|stepped back|||| Dantes saw that he was looked upon as dangerous. Dantes, tehlikeli olarak görüldüğünü fark etti. Then, infusing all the humility he possessed into his eyes and voice, he addressed the inspector, and sought to inspire him with pity. |imbuing|||modesty|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ilham vermek||| Puis, mettant dans ses yeux et dans sa voix toute l'humilité qu'il avait, il s'adressa à l'inspecteur et chercha à lui inspirer de la pitié. Sonra, sahip olduğu tüm alçakgönüllülüğü gözlerine ve sesine katarak müfettişe hitap etti ve onu merhametle ilham vermeye çalıştı.

The inspector listened attentively; then, turning to the governor, observed, "He will become religious--he is already more gentle; he is afraid, and retreated before the bayonets--madmen are not afraid of anything; I made some curious observations on this at Charenton." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Charenton asylum |||dikkatlice|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Müfettiş dikkatle dinledi; ardından, hükümdara dönerek, "O dinine bağlı olacak - zaten daha nazik; korkuyor ve süngülerin önünde geri çekildi - deli insanlar hiçbir şeyden korkmaz; bu konuda Charenton'da bazı ilginç gözlemler yaptım." Then, turning to the prisoner, "What is it you want?" said he.

"I want to know what crime I have committed--to be tried; and if I am guilty, to be shot; if innocent, to be set at liberty." "Je veux savoir quel crime j'ai commis, être jugé ; et si je suis coupable, être fusillé ; s'il est innocent, être remis en liberté." "Are you well fed?" said the inspector.

"I believe so; I don't know; it's of no consequence. |||||||||importance What matters really, not only to me, but to officers of justice and the king, is that an innocent man should languish in prison, the victim of an infamous denunciation, to die here cursing his executioners." |||||||||||||||||||||suffer in prison||||||||accusation|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||sıkıntı çekmek|||||||||||||| Ce qui compte vraiment, non seulement pour moi, mais pour les officiers de justice et le roi, c'est qu'un innocent croupisse en prison, victime d'une infâme dénonciation, pour mourir ici en maudissant ses bourreaux." Gerçekten önemli olan, sadece benim için değil, adaletin memurları ve kral için de, masum bir adamın, kötü bir ihbarın kurbanı olarak hapiste çürümesi ve burada infazcılarını lanetleyerek ölmesidir. "You are very humble to-day," remarked the governor; "you are not so always; the other day, for instance, when you tried to kill the turnkey." Bugün çok mütevazısınız," diye belirtti vali; "her zaman öyle değilsiniz; örneğin, geçen gün, kilitçi ile öldürmeye çalıştığınızda. "It is true, sir, and I beg his pardon, for he his always been very good to me, but I was mad." Doğru efendim, ve ondan özür diliyorum, çünkü o her zaman benim için çok iyi oldu, ama ben deli gibiydim. "And you are not so any longer?" "No; captivity has subdued me--I have been here so long." |||overcome my will||||||| |esaret||||||||| "Non; la captivité m'a soumis, je suis ici depuis si longtemps." "So long?--when were you arrested, then?" asked the inspector.

"The 28th of February, 1815, at half-past two in the afternoon." "To-day is the 30th of July, 1816,--why it is but seventeen months." "Only seventeen months," replied Dantes. "Oh, you do not know what is seventeen months in prison!--seventeen ages rather, especially to a man who, like me, had arrived at the summit of his ambition--to a man, who, like me, was on the point of marrying a woman he adored, who saw an honorable career opened before him, and who loses all in an instant--who sees his prospects destroyed, and is ignorant of the fate of his affianced wife, and whether his aged father be still living! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kaybeder||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Seventeen months captivity to a sailor accustomed to the boundless ocean, is a worse punishment than human crime ever merited. |||||||||||||||||||deserved |||||||||sınırsız|||||||||| Have pity on me, then, and ask for me, not intelligence, but a trial; not pardon, but a verdict--a trial, sir, I ask only for a trial; that, surely, cannot be denied to one who is accused!" ||||||||||||||||||karar||||||||||||||||||| Ayez donc pitié de moi et demandez-moi, non pas des renseignements, mais une épreuve ; pas le pardon, mais un verdict, un procès, monsieur, je ne demande qu'un procès ; cela, assurément, ne peut être nié à celui qui est accusé ! » O halde bana merhamet et ve benden zeka değil, bir yargılama iste; affedilmek değil, bir hüküm--bir yargılama, efendim, ben yalnızca bir yargılama istiyorum; bu, şüphesiz, suçlanan birine reddedilemez!" "We shall see," said the inspector; then, turning to the governor, "On my word, the poor devil touches me. |||||||||||||||||dokunuyor bana| "Göreceğiz," dedi müfettiş; sonra, valiye dönerek, "Söyleyeyim ki, zavallı şey bana dokunuyor. You must show me the proofs against him." |||||kanıtlar|| Onun aleyhindeki delilleri bana göstermelisin." "Certainly; but you will find terrible charges." "Monsieur," continued Dantes, "I know it is not in your power to release me; but you can plead for me--you can have me tried--and that is all I ask. Let me know my crime, and the reason why I was condemned. Uncertainty is worse than all." "Go on with the lights," said the inspector. — Continuez avec les lumières, dit l'inspecteur. "Işıkları açın," dedi müfettiş. "Monsieur," cried Dantes, "I can tell by your voice you are touched with pity; tell me at least to hope." "Bayım," diye bağırdı Dantes, "sesinizden acıdığınızı anlıyorum; en azından bana umut etmemi söyleyin." "I cannot tell you that," replied the inspector; "I can only promise to examine into your case." "Bunu size söyleyemem," diye yanıtladı müfettiş; "sadece davanızı inceleyeceğime söz verebilirim." "Oh, I am free--then I am saved!" "Who arrested you?" "M. Villefort. See him, and hear what he says." "M. Villefort is no longer at Marseilles; he is now at Toulouse." "I am no longer surprised at my detention," murmured Dantes, "since my only protector is removed." |||||||imprisonment|||||||| |||||||tutuklama|||||||| "Had M. de Villefort any cause of personal dislike to you?" ||||||||hoşlanmama|| "M. de Villefort'un sana karşı kişisel bir hoşnutsuzluğu var mıydı?" "None; on the contrary, he was very kind to me." "Hayır; aksine, bana çok nazik davrandı." "I can, then, rely on the notes he has left concerning you?" "O zaman seninle ilgili bıraktığı notlara güvenebilirim, öyle mi?" "Entirely." "That is well; wait patiently, then." Dantes fell on his knees, and prayed earnestly. |||||||cidden Dantès tomba à genoux et pria avec ferveur. The door closed; but this time a fresh inmate was left with Dantes--hope. ||||||||mahkum||||| Kapı kapandı; ama bu sefer Dantes ile birlikte taze bir mahkum bırakıldı - umut.

"Will you see the register at once," asked the governor, "or proceed to the other cell?" "Hemen kaydı mı göreceksiniz," diye sordu gubernör, "yoksa diğer hücreye mi geçelim?" "Let us visit them all," said the inspector. "Hepsini ziyaret edelim," dedi müfettiş. "If I once went up those stairs. "Si une fois je montais ces escaliers. I should never have the courage to come down again." "Ah, this one is not like the other, and his madness is less affecting than this one's display of reason." "Ah, celui-ci n'est pas comme l'autre, et sa folie est moins touchante que l'étalage de la raison de celui-ci." "Ah, bu diğeri gibi değil ve onun delili, bu diğerinin akıl sergilemesinden daha az etkileyici." "What is his folly?" "Onun saflığı nedir?" "He fancies he possesses an immense treasure. |||sahip olmak||| "Kendine muazzam bir hazineye sahip olduğunu sanıyor." The first year he offered government a million of francs for his release; the second, two; the third, three; and so on progressively. ||||||||||||||||||||||giderek He is now in his fifth year of captivity; he will ask to speak to you in private, and offer you five millions." "How curious!--what is his name?" "The Abbe Faria." ||Abbe Faria ||Faria "No. 27," said the inspector.