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Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Chapter 2 (9)

Chapter 2 (9)

"This young gentleman," said Mr. Havisham, "has been telling me about some of his friends, and what he would do for them if he were rich." "Bridget is one of his friends," said Mrs. Errol; "and it is Bridget to whom I have been talking in the kitchen. She is in great trouble now because her husband has rheumatic fever." Cedric slipped down out of his big chair.

"I think I'll go and see her," he said, "and ask her how he is. He's a nice man when he is well. I'm obliged to him because he once made me a sword out of wood. He's a very talented man." He ran out of the room, and Mr. Havisham rose from his chair. He seemed to have something in his mind which he wished to speak of.

He hesitated a moment, and then said, looking down at Mrs. Errol:

"Before I left Dorincourt Castle, I had an interview with the Earl, in which he gave me some instructions. He is desirous that his grandson should look forward with some pleasure to his future life in England, and also to his acquaintance with himself. He said that I must let his lordship know that the change in his life would bring him money and the pleasures children enjoy; if he expressed any wishes, I was to gratify them, and to tell him that his grand-father had given him what he wished. I am aware that the Earl did not expect anything quite like this; but if it would give Lord Fauntleroy pleasure to assist this poor woman, I should feel that the Earl would be displeased if he were not gratified." For the second time, he did not repeat the Earl's exact words. His lordship had, indeed, said:

"Make the lad understand that I can give him anything he wants. Let him know what it is to be the grandson of the Earl of Dorincourt. Buy him everything he takes a fancy to; let him have money in his pockets, and tell him his grandfather put it there." His motives were far from being good, and if he had been dealing with a nature less affectionate and warm-hearted than little Lord Fauntleroy's, great harm might have been done. And Cedric's mother was too gentle to suspect any harm. She thought that perhaps this meant that a lonely, unhappy old man, whose children were dead, wished to be kind to her little boy, and win his love and confidence. And it pleased her very much to think that Ceddie would be able to help Bridget. It made her happier to know that the very first result of the strange fortune which had befallen her little boy was that he could do kind things for those who needed kindness. Quite a warm color bloomed on her pretty young face.

"Oh!" she said, "that was very kind of the Earl; Cedric will be so glad! He has always been fond of Bridget and Michael. They are quite deserving. I have often wished I had been able to help them more. Michael is a hard-working man when he is well, but he has been ill a long time and needs expensive medicines and warm clothing and nourishing food. He and Bridget will not be wasteful of what is given them." Mr. Havisham put his thin hand in his breast pocket and drew forth a large pocket-book. There was a queer look in his keen face. The truth was, he was wondering what the Earl of Dorincourt would say when he was told what was the first wish of his grandson that had been granted. He wondered what the cross, worldly, selfish old nobleman would think of it.

"I do not know that you have realized," he said, "that the Earl of Dorincourt is an exceedingly rich man. He can afford to gratify any caprice. I think it would please him to know that Lord Fauntleroy had been indulged in any fancy. If you will call him back and allow me, I shall give him five pounds for these people." "That would be twenty-five dollars!" exclaimed Mrs. Errol. "It will seem like wealth to them. "I can scarcely believe that it is true." "It is quite true," said Mr. Havisham, with his dry smile. "A great change has taken place in your son's life, a great deal of power will lie in his hands." "Oh!" cried his mother. "And he is such a little boy--a very little boy. How can I teach him to use it well? It makes me half afraid. My pretty little Ceddie!" The lawyer slightly cleared his throat. It touched his worldly, hard old heart to see the tender, timid look in her brown eyes.

"I think, madam," he said, "that if I may judge from my interview with Lord Fauntleroy this morning, the next Earl of Dorincourt will think for others as well as for his noble self. He is only a child yet, but I think he may be trusted." Then his mother went for Cedric and brought him back into the parlor. Mr. Havisham heard him talking before he entered the room.

"It's infam-natory rheumatism," he was saying, "and that's a kind of rheumatism that's dreadful. And he thinks about the rent not being paid, and Bridget says that makes the inf'ammation worse. And Pat could get a place in a store if he had some clothes." His little face looked quite anxious when he came in. He was very sorry for Bridget.

"Dearest said you wanted me," he said to Mr. Havisham. "I've been talking to Bridget."

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Chapter 2 (9) Kapitel 2 (9) Capítulo 2 (9) Розділ 2 (9)

"This young gentleman," said Mr. Havisham, "has been telling me about some of his friends, and what he would do for them if he were rich." "Bridget is one of his friends," said Mrs. Errol; "and it is Bridget to whom I have been talking in the kitchen. She is in great trouble now because her husband has rheumatic fever." ||||||||||류마티스성| Cedric slipped down out of his big chair.

"I think I'll go and see her," he said, "and ask her how he is. He's a nice man when he is well. I'm obliged to him because he once made me a sword out of wood. ||||||||||나무로 만든 검||| Gli sono grato perché una volta mi ha fatto una spada di legno. He's a very talented man." |||재능 있는| He ran out of the room, and Mr. Havisham rose from his chair. He seemed to have something in his mind which he wished to speak of. Sembrava che avesse in mente qualcosa di cui voleva parlare.

He hesitated a moment, and then said, looking down at Mrs. Errol:

"Before I left Dorincourt Castle, I had an interview with the Earl, in which he gave me some instructions. ||||||||||||||||||지시사항 He is desirous that his grandson should look forward with some pleasure to his future life in England, and also to his acquaintance with himself. Desidera che il nipote guardi con piacere alla sua futura vita in Inghilterra e che conosca anche se stesso. He said that I must let his lordship know that the change in his life would bring him money and the pleasures children enjoy; if he expressed any wishes, I was to gratify them, and to tell him that his grand-father had given him what he wished. |||||||||||||||||||||즐거움|||||||소원||||충족시키다||||||||||||||| Disse che dovevo far sapere a Sua Signoria che il cambiamento della sua vita gli avrebbe portato denaro e i piaceri dei bambini; se avesse espresso qualche desiderio, avrei dovuto soddisfarlo e dirgli che suo nonno gli aveva dato ciò che desiderava. I am aware that the Earl did not expect anything quite like this; but if it would give Lord Fauntleroy pleasure to assist this poor woman, I should feel that the Earl would be displeased if he were not gratified." ||||||||||||||||||||||돕는 것||||||||||||불쾌해|||||만족할 Sono consapevole che il conte non si aspettava nulla di simile; ma se a Lord Fauntleroy fa piacere assistere questa povera donna, ritengo che il conte sarebbe dispiaciuto se non fosse gratificato". For the second time, he did not repeat the Earl's exact words. Per la seconda volta, non ripeté le parole esatte del conte. His lordship had, indeed, said: Sua Signoria aveva infatti detto:

"Make the lad understand that I can give him anything he wants. ||소년||||||||| Let him know what it is to be the grandson of the Earl of Dorincourt. Fategli sapere cosa significa essere il nipote del conte di Dorincourt. Buy him everything he takes a fancy to; let him have money in his pockets, and tell him his grandfather put it there." Comprategli tutto ciò che gli piace; lasciategli i soldi in tasca e ditegli che ce li ha messi suo nonno". His motives were far from being good, and if he had been dealing with a nature less affectionate and warm-hearted than little Lord Fauntleroy's, great harm might have been done. |동기||||||||||||||||애정 어린|||따뜻한 마음의||||||큰 해악|||| Le sue motivazioni erano tutt'altro che buone e, se avesse avuto a che fare con una natura meno affettuosa e calorosa di quella del piccolo Lord Fauntleroy, avrebbe potuto fare molto male. And Cedric's mother was too gentle to suspect any harm. |||||||의심하다|| She thought that perhaps this meant that a lonely, unhappy old man, whose children were dead, wished to be kind to her little boy, and win his love and confidence. Pensò che forse significava che un vecchio solitario e infelice, i cui figli erano morti, desiderava essere gentile con il suo bambino e conquistare il suo amore e la sua fiducia. And it pleased her very much to think that Ceddie would be able to help Bridget. |||||||||||||||브리짓 E le faceva molto piacere pensare che Ceddie sarebbe stato in grado di aiutare Bridget. It made her happier to know that the very first result of the strange fortune which had befallen her little boy was that he could do kind things for those who needed kindness. |||더 행복하게||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| La rendeva più felice sapere che il primo risultato della strana fortuna che era capitata al suo bambino era che poteva fare cose gentili per chi ne aveva bisogno. Quite a warm color bloomed on her pretty young face. ||||피어났다||||| Un bel colore caldo sbocciava sul suo bel viso giovane.

"Oh!" she said, "that was very kind of the Earl; Cedric will be so glad! He has always been fond of Bridget and Michael. ||||||브리짓||마이클 They are quite deserving. |||자격이 있는 Sono molto meritevoli. I have often wished I had been able to help them more. Michael is a hard-working man when he is well, but he has been ill a long time and needs expensive medicines and warm clothing and nourishing food. ||||||||||||||||||||비싼|약들|||의복||영양가 있는| He and Bridget will not be wasteful of what is given them." Lui e Bridget non sprecheranno ciò che gli viene dato". Mr. Havisham put his thin hand in his breast pocket and drew forth a large pocket-book. ||||||||가슴|||||||| Il signor Havisham infilò la mano sottile nel taschino e tirò fuori un grosso libro tascabile. There was a queer look in his keen face. C'era un'espressione strana nel suo volto acuto. The truth was, he was wondering what the Earl of Dorincourt would say when he was told what was the first wish of his grandson that had been granted. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||이루어진 La verità era che si chiedeva cosa avrebbe detto il conte di Dorincourt quando gli fosse stato detto qual era il primo desiderio di suo nipote che era stato esaudito. He wondered what the cross, worldly, selfish old nobleman would think of it. ||||십자가|세속적인||||||| Si chiedeva cosa ne avrebbe pensato il vecchio nobile crociato, mondano ed egoista.

"I do not know that you have realized," he said, "that the Earl of Dorincourt is an exceedingly rich man. |||||||||||||||||매우|| "Non so se vi siete resi conto", disse, "che il conte di Dorincourt è un uomo estremamente ricco. He can afford to gratify any caprice. ||||||변덕 I think it would please him to know that Lord Fauntleroy had been indulged in any fancy. |||||||||||||사치스럽게 대||| Credo che gli farebbe piacere sapere che Lord Fauntleroy si è lasciato andare a qualche fantasia. If you will call him back and allow me, I shall give him five pounds for these people." ||||||||||||||파운드||| Se lo richiamerete e me lo permetterete, gli darò cinque sterline per queste persone". "That would be twenty-five dollars!" |||||달러 exclaimed Mrs. Errol. "It will seem like wealth to them. "I can scarcely believe that it is true." "Stento a credere che sia vero". "It is quite true," said Mr. Havisham, with his dry smile. "A great change has taken place in your son's life, a great deal of power will lie in his hands." "Oh!" cried his mother. "And he is such a little boy--a very little boy. How can I teach him to use it well? It makes me half afraid. My pretty little Ceddie!" The lawyer slightly cleared his throat. ||조금||| It touched his worldly, hard old heart to see the tender, timid look in her brown eyes. Il suo cuore vecchio e mondano si commosse nel vedere lo sguardo tenero e timido dei suoi occhi castani.

"I think, madam," he said, "that if I may judge from my interview with Lord Fauntleroy this morning, the next Earl of Dorincourt will think for others as well as for his noble self. |||||||||판단|||||||||||||||||||||||| "Credo, signora", disse, "che, se posso giudicare dal colloquio avuto stamattina con Lord Fauntleroy, il prossimo Conte di Dorincourt penserà per gli altri oltre che per se stesso. He is only a child yet, but I think he may be trusted." ||||||||||||신뢰할 수 있는 È solo un bambino, ma credo che ci si possa fidare di lui". Then his mother went for Cedric and brought him back into the parlor. Mr. Havisham heard him talking before he entered the room.

"It's infam-natory rheumatism," he was saying, "and that's a kind of rheumatism that's dreadful. |악명 높은|염증성|류마티즘||||||||||| "È un reumatismo infamante", stava dicendo, "ed è un tipo di reumatismo terribile. And he thinks about the rent not being paid, and Bridget says that makes the inf'ammation worse. |||||임대료||||||||||염증| E pensa all'affitto che non viene pagato, e Bridget dice che questo peggiora l'inflazione. And Pat could get a place in a store if he had some clothes." |패트|||||||||||| E Pat potrebbe trovare un posto in un negozio se avesse dei vestiti". His little face looked quite anxious when he came in. He was very sorry for Bridget.

"Dearest said you wanted me," he said to Mr. Havisham. "Carissimo ha detto che mi volevi", disse al signor Havisham. "I've been talking to Bridget."