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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 9 - Letter, Mina Harker To Lucy Westenra, part 2

CHAPTER 9 - Letter, Mina Harker To Lucy Westenra, part 2

"When he woke he asked me for his coat, as he wanted to get something from the pocket. I asked Sister Agatha, and she brought all his things. I saw amongst them was his notebook, and was going to ask him to let me look at it, for I knew that I might find some clue to his trouble, but I suppose he must have seen my wish in my eyes, for he sent me over to the window, saying he wanted to be quite alone for a moment. "Then he called me back, and he said to me very solemnly, 'Wilhelmina', I knew then that he was in deadly earnest, for he has never called me by that name since he asked me to marry him, 'You know, dear, my ideas of the trust between husband and wife. There should be no secret, no concealment. I have had a great shock, and when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was real of the dreaming of a madman. You know I had brain fever, and that is to be mad. The secret is here, and I do not want to know it. I want to take up my life here, with our marriage. ' For, my dear, we had decided to be married as soon as the formalities are complete. 'Are you willing, Wilhelmina, to share my ignorance? Here is the book. Take it and keep it, read it if you will, but never let me know unless, indeed, some solemn duty should come upon me to go back to the bitter hours, asleep or awake, sane or mad, recorded here. ' He fell back exhausted, and I put the book under his pillow, and kissed him. I have asked Sister Agatha to beg the Superior to let our wedding be this afternoon, and am waiting her reply . ." "She has come and told me that the Chaplain of the English mission church has been sent for. We are to be married in an hour, or as soon after as Jonathan awakes." "Lucy, the time has come and gone. I feel very solemn, but very, very happy. Jonathan woke a little after the hour, and all was ready, and he sat up in bed, propped up with pillows. He answered his 'I will' firmly and strong. I could hardly speak. My heart was so full that even those words seemed to choke me.

CHAPTER 9 - Letter, Mina Harker To Lucy Westenra, part 2 KAPITEL 9 - Brief, Mina Harker an Lucy Westenra, Teil 2 CAPITULO 9 - Carta, Mina Harker A Lucy Westenra, parte 2 CAPITOLO 9 - Lettera di Mina Harker a Lucy Westenra, parte 2 CAPÍTULO 9 - Carta de Mina Harker a Lucy Westenra, parte 2

"When he woke he asked me for his coat, as he wanted to get something from the pocket. ||||||||||||||qualcosa||| ||despertó||preguntó||||||||||||| "Quando acordou, pediu-me o casaco, pois queria tirar algo do bolso. I asked Sister Agatha, and she brought all his things. ||||||portato||| Pedi à Irmã Agatha e ela trouxe todas as coisas dele. I saw amongst them was his notebook, and was going to ask him to let me look at it, for I knew that I might find some clue to his trouble, but I suppose he must have seen my wish in my eyes, for he sent me over to the window, saying he wanted to be quite alone for a moment. ||||||quaderno|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Then he called me back, and he said to me very solemnly, 'Wilhelmina', I knew then that he was in deadly earnest, for he has never called me by that name since he asked me to marry him, 'You know, dear, my ideas of the trust between husband and wife. |||||||||||feierlich|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||seriously|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Guglielmina|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fiducia|||| |||||||||||solemnemente|Wilhelmina|||||||||seriedad mortal|||||||||||||||casarse conmigo||||||||||||| Entonces me volvió a llamar y me dijo muy solemnemente: "Wilhelmina". Entonces supe que hablaba muy en serio, pues nunca me había llamado por ese nombre desde que me pidió que me casara con él: "Ya conoces, querida, mis ideas sobre la confianza entre marido y mujer. There should be no secret, no concealment. Não deve haver segredo, nem ocultação. I have had a great shock, and when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was real of the dreaming of a madman. ||||||||||||||||||||da vueltas|||||||||||||||| Tive um grande choque e, quando tento pensar no que é, sinto a minha cabeça a andar às voltas e não sei se foi real ou o sonho de um louco. You know I had brain fever, and that is to be mad. |||||||||||pazzo Sabes que tive febre cerebral, e isso é ser louco. The secret is here, and I do not want to know it. O segredo está aqui, e eu não quero sabê-lo. I want to take up my life here, with our marriage. Quero viver a minha vida aqui, com o nosso casamento. '  For, my dear, we had decided to be married as soon as the formalities are complete. Pois, minha querida, tínhamos decidido casar assim que as formalidades estivessem concluídas. 'Are you willing, Wilhelmina, to share my ignorance? Estás disposta, Wilhelmina, a partilhar a minha ignorância? Here is the book. Take it and keep it, read it if you will, but never let me know unless, indeed, some solemn duty should come upon me to go back to the bitter hours, asleep or awake, sane or mad, recorded here. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sano o loco|||registradas aquí| Peguem nele e guardem-no, leiam-no se quiserem, mas nunca me avisem, a menos que, de facto, algum dever solene me obrigue a voltar às horas amargas, a dormir ou acordado, são ou louco, aqui registadas. '  He fell back exhausted, and I put the book under his pillow, and kissed him. Ele caiu exausto e eu pus-lhe o livro debaixo da almofada e beijei-o. I have asked Sister Agatha to beg the Superior to let our wedding be this afternoon, and am waiting her reply . ||||||||Oberin|||||||||||| ||||||||superior||||boda|||||||| Pedi à Irmã Agatha que implorasse à Superiora para que o nosso casamento fosse esta tarde e estou à espera da sua resposta. ." "She has come and told me that the Chaplain of the English mission church has been sent for. ||||||||Kaplan||||||||| ||||||||capellano||||||||| "Ela veio dizer-me que mandaram chamar o capelão da igreja da missão inglesa. We are to be married in an hour, or as soon after as Jonathan awakes." ||||||||||||||si sveglia Vamos casar-nos dentro de uma hora, ou logo que o Jonathan acorde." "Lucy, the time has come and gone. "Lucy, a hora chegou e já passou. I feel very solemn, but very, very happy. |||solemne|||| Sinto-me muito solene, mas muito, muito feliz. Jonathan woke a little after the hour, and all was ready, and he sat up in bed, propped up with pillows. |||||||||||||||||gestützt||| |||||||||||||||||apoyado con almohadas||| Jonathan acordou um pouco depois da hora, estava tudo pronto e sentou-se na cama, apoiado em almofadas. He answered his 'I will' firmly and strong. |||||con firmeza|| I could hardly speak. Eu mal conseguia falar. My heart was so full that even those words seemed to choke me. |||||||||||verschlagen die Sprache|