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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 4

CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 4

It seemed, however, that his poor injured brain had been working in the interval, for when he was quite conscious, he looked at me piercingly with an agonized confusion which I shall never forget, and said, "I must not deceive myself. It was no dream, but all a grim reality. " Then his eyes roved round the room. As they caught sight of the two figures sitting patiently on the edge of the bed he went on, "If I were not sure already, I would know from them." For an instant his eyes closed, not with pain or sleep but voluntarily, as though he were bringing all his faculties to bear. When he opened them he said, hurriedly, and with more energy than he had yet displayed, "Quick, Doctor, quick, I am dying! I feel that I have but a few minutes, and then I must go back to death, or worse! Wet my lips with brandy again. I have something that I must say before I die. Or before my poor crushed brain dies anyhow. Thank you! It was that night after you left me, when I implored you to let me go away. I couldn't speak then, for I felt my tongue was tied. But I was as sane then, except in that way, as I am now. I was in an agony of despair for a long time after you left me, it seemed hours.

Then there came a sudden peace to me. My brain seemed to become cool again, and I realized where I was. I heard the dogs bark behind our house, but not where He was!" As he spoke, Van Helsing's eyes never blinked, but his hand came out and met mine and gripped it hard. He did not, however, betray himself. He nodded slightly and said, "Go on," in a low voice. Renfield proceeded. "He came up to the window in the mist, as I had seen him often before, but he was solid then, not a ghost, and his eyes were fierce like a man's when angry. He was laughing with his red mouth, the sharp white teeth glinted in the moonlight when he turned to look back over the belt of trees, to where the dogs were barking. I wouldn't ask him to come in at first, though I knew he wanted to, just as he had wanted all along. Then he began promising me things, not in words but by doing them." He was interrupted by a word from the Professor, "How?" "By making them happen. Just as he used to send in the flies when the sun was shining. Great big fat ones with steel and sapphire on their wings. And big moths, in the night, with skull and cross-bones on their backs." Van Helsing nodded to him as he whispered to me unconsciously, "The Acherontia Atropos of the Sphinges, what you call the 'Death's-head Moth'?"

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CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 4 CAPITOLO 21 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 4 CAPÍTULO 21 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 4 РОЗДІЛ 21 - Щоденник доктора Сьюарда, частина 4

It seemed, however, that his poor injured brain had been working in the interval, for when he was quite conscious, he looked at me piercingly with an agonized confusion which I shall never forget, and said, "I must not deceive myself. ||||||||||||||||||||||||durchdringend|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||intensamente|||||||||||||||| Parecia, no entanto, que o seu pobre cérebro ferido tinha estado a trabalhar nesse intervalo, pois quando ficou consciente, olhou para mim com uma confusão agonizante que nunca esquecerei, e disse: "Não me posso enganar. It was no dream, but all a grim reality. |||||||sombría| Não se tratava de um sonho, mas sim de uma realidade sombria. "  Then his eyes roved round the room. |||schauten umher||| |||vagaron por||| " Depois, os seus olhos percorreram a sala. As they caught sight of the two figures sitting patiently on the edge of the bed he went on, "If I were not sure already, I would know from them." Quando avistaram as duas figuras sentadas pacientemente na beira da cama, continuou: "Se não tivesse já a certeza, saberia por elas". Yatağın kenarında sabırla oturan iki figürü görünce, "Emin olmasaydım onlardan anlardım" diye devam etti. For an instant his eyes closed, not with pain or sleep but voluntarily, as though he were bringing all his faculties to bear. ||||||||||||||||||||||se concentraran Por um instante, os seus olhos fecharam-se, não por dor ou sono, mas voluntariamente, como se estivesse a fazer valer todas as suas faculdades. When he opened them he said, hurriedly, and with more energy than he had yet displayed, "Quick, Doctor, quick, I am dying! ||||||apresuradamente||||||||||||||| Quando as abriu, disse, apressadamente, e com mais energia do que ainda tinha demonstrado: "Rápido, Doutor, rápido, estou a morrer! I feel that I have but a few minutes, and then I must go back to death, or worse! Sinto que só me restam alguns minutos, e depois tenho de voltar à morte, ou pior! Wet my lips with brandy again. ||||brandy| Molhar os meus lábios com brandy outra vez. I have something that I must say before I die. Tenho algo que preciso de dizer antes de morrer. Or before my poor crushed brain dies anyhow. |||||||de todas formas Ou antes que o meu pobre cérebro esmagado morra de qualquer maneira. Thank you! Obrigado! It was that night after you left me, when I implored you to let me go away. Foi nessa noite, depois de me teres deixado, que te implorei que me deixasses ir embora. I couldn't speak then, for I felt my tongue was tied. Nessa altura não consegui falar, pois senti que a minha língua estava presa. But I was as sane then, except in that way, as I am now. Mas eu era tão são nessa altura, exceto nesse sentido, como sou agora. I was in an agony of despair for a long time after you left me, it seemed hours. Estive numa agonia de desespero durante muito tempo depois de me teres deixado, pareciam horas.

Then there came a sudden peace to me. Depois, senti uma paz repentina. My brain seemed to become cool again, and I realized where I was. O meu cérebro pareceu arrefecer de novo e apercebi-me de onde estava. I heard the dogs bark behind our house, but not where He was!" ||||ladrar|||||||| Ouvi os cães ladrarem atrás da nossa casa, mas não onde Ele estava!" As he spoke, Van Helsing's eyes never blinked, but his hand came out and met mine and gripped it hard. |||||||parpadearon||||||||||apretó fuerte|| Enquanto falava, os olhos de Van Helsing não pestanejaram, mas a sua mão foi ao encontro da minha e agarrou-a com força. He did not, however, betray himself. No entanto, não se traiu a si próprio. He nodded slightly and said, "Go on," in a low voice. Ele acenou ligeiramente com a cabeça e disse: "Continua", em voz baixa. Renfield proceeded. Renfield prosseguiu. "He came up to the window in the mist, as I had seen him often before, but he was solid then, not a ghost, and his eyes were fierce like a man's when angry. |||||||||||||||||||fest|||||||||||||| ||||||||niebla||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Ele veio até à janela no meio do nevoeiro, como eu já o tinha visto muitas vezes, mas nessa altura era sólido, não era um fantasma, e os seus olhos eram ferozes como os de um homem quando está zangado. He was laughing with his red mouth, the sharp white teeth glinted in the moonlight when he turned to look back over the belt of trees, to where the dogs were barking. |||||||||||reflected light briefly|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||relucieron||||||||||||franja de árboles|||||||| Estava a rir com a boca vermelha, os dentes brancos e afiados brilhavam ao luar quando se virou para olhar para trás, por cima do cinturão de árvores, para onde os cães ladravam. I wouldn't ask him to come in at first, though I knew he wanted to, just as he had wanted all along. لم أطلب منه المجيء في البداية ، على الرغم من أنني علمت أنه يريد ذلك ، تمامًا كما أراد طوال الوقت. De início, não lhe pediria para entrar, embora soubesse que ele queria, tal como sempre quisera. Then he began promising me things, not in words but by doing them." Depois começou a prometer-me coisas, não por palavras, mas fazendo-as". He was interrupted by a word from the Professor, "How?" Foi interrompido por uma palavra do Professor: "Como?". "By making them happen. "بجعلها تحدث. "Fazendo-os acontecer. Just as he used to send in the flies when the sun was shining. Tal como costumava mandar entrar as moscas quando o sol estava a brilhar. Great big fat ones with steel and sapphire on their wings. |||||acero||zafiro y acero||| Grandes e gordos, com aço e safira nas asas. And big moths, in the night, with skull and cross-bones on their backs." ||polillas grandes||||||||||| والعث الكبير ، في الليل ، مع جمجمة وعظام متقاطعة على ظهورهم ". E grandes traças, à noite, com caveiras e ossos cruzados nas costas". Van Helsing nodded to him as he whispered to me unconsciously, "The Acherontia Atropos of the Sphinges, what you call the 'Death's-head Moth'?" ||||||||||||Acherontia Atropos|Atropos|||Esfinges|||||||Polilla de la muerte أومأ إليه فان هيلسينج وهو يهمس لي دون وعي ، "أترونتيه أتروبوس في سبينجز ، ما تسمونه" فراشة رأس الموت "؟" Van Helsing acenou-lhe com a cabeça enquanto me sussurrava inconscientemente: "A Acherontia Atropos das Esfinges, aquilo a que chamam a 'traça da cabeça da morte'?"