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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3

CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3

The minutes during which we waited passed with fearful slowness. I had a horrible sinking in my heart, and from Van Helsing's face I gathered that he felt some fear or apprehension as to what was to come. I dreaded the words Renfield might speak. I was positively afraid to think. But the conviction of what was coming was on me, as I have read of men who have heard the death watch. The poor man's breathing came in uncertain gasps. Each instant he seemed as though he would open his eyes and speak, but then would follow a prolonged stertorous breath, and he would relapse into a more fixed insensibility. Inured as I was to sick beds and death, this suspense grew and grew upon me. I could almost hear the beating of my own heart, and the blood surging through my temples sounded like blows from a hammer. The silence finally became agonizing. I looked at my companions, one after another, and saw from their flushed faces and damp brows that they were enduring equal torture. There was a nervous suspense over us all, as though overhead some dread bell would peal out powerfully when we should least expect it.

At last there came a time when it was evident that the patient was sinking fast. He might die at any moment. I looked up at the Professor and caught his eyes fixed on mine. His face was sternly set as he spoke, "There is no time to lose. His words may be worth many lives. I have been thinking so, as I stood here. It may be there is a soul at stake! We shall operate just above the ear." Without another word he made the operation. For a few moments the breathing continued to be stertorous. Then there came a breath so prolonged that it seemed as though it would tear open his chest.

Suddenly his eyes opened, and became fixed in a wild, helpless stare. This was continued for a few moments, then it was softened into a glad surprise, and from his lips came a sigh of relief. He moved convulsively, and as he did so, said, "I'll be quiet, Doctor. Tell them to take off the strait waistcoat. I have had a terrible dream, and it has left me so weak that I cannot move. What's wrong with my face? It feels all swollen, and it smarts dreadfully." He tried to turn his head, but even with the effort his eyes seemed to grow glassy again so I gently put it back. Then Van Helsing said in a quiet grave tone, "Tell us your dream, Mr. Renfield." As he heard the voice his face brightened, through its mutilation, and he said, "That is Dr. Van Helsing. How good it is of you to be here. Give me some water, my lips are dry, and I shall try to tell you. I dreamed . ." He stopped and seemed fainting. I called quietly to Quincey, "The brandy, it is in my study, quick! " He flew and returned with a glass, the decanter of brandy and a carafe of water. We moistened the parched lips, and the patient quickly revived.

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CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3 KAPITEL 21 - Das Tagebuch des Dr. Seward, Teil 3 CAPÍTULO 21 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 3 CAPITOLO 21 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 3 ГЛАВА 21 - Дневник доктора Сьюарда, часть 3 第 21 章 - 苏厄德博士的日记,第 3 部分

The minutes during which we waited passed with fearful slowness. |||||||||lentitud temerosa مرت الدقائق التي انتظرنا فيها ببطء شديد. Os minutos em que esperámos passaram com uma lentidão assustadora. I had a horrible sinking in my heart, and from Van Helsing's face I gathered that he felt some fear or apprehension as to what was to come. |||||||||||||||||||||fear or anxiety|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||temor o aprensión|||||| Senti um horrível aperto no coração e, pelo rosto de Van Helsing, percebi que ele sentia algum medo ou apreensão em relação ao que estava para vir. I dreaded the words Renfield might speak. خافت الكلمات التي قد يتكلمها رينفيلد. Temia as palavras que o Renfield poderia dizer. I was positively afraid to think. Tinha muito medo de pensar. But the conviction of what was coming was on me, as I have read of men who have heard the death watch. Mas a convicção do que estava para vir estava em mim, como já li de homens que ouviram o relógio da morte. The poor man's breathing came in uncertain gasps. A respiração do pobre homem era feita em arquejos incertos. Each instant he seemed as though he would open his eyes and speak, but then would follow a prolonged stertorous breath, and he would relapse into a more fixed insensibility. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Bewusstlosigkeit |||||||||||||||||||labored breathing|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||Estertoroso|||||recaer en|||||insensibilidad profunda A cada instante, parecia que ia abrir os olhos e falar, mas depois seguia-se uma respiração estertora prolongada e caía numa insensibilidade mais fixa. Inured as I was to sick beds and death, this suspense grew and grew upon me. gewöhnt||||||||||||||| Accustomed||||||||||||||| Acostumbrado||||||||||||||| بعد أن تأثرت من سريري والموت ، كان هذا التشويق ينمو لي. Habituado como estava a camas de doentes e à morte, este suspense crescia e crescia sobre mim. I could almost hear the beating of my own heart, and the blood surging through my temples sounded like blows from a hammer. |||||||||||||palpitando|||sienes|||||| كاد أسمع دقات قلبي ، وكان الدم الذي يرتفع عبر معبدي يشبه ضربات مطرقة. Quase conseguia ouvir o bater do meu próprio coração, e o sangue que me atravessava as têmporas soava como os golpes de um martelo. The silence finally became agonizing. O silêncio tornou-se finalmente agonizante. I looked at my  companions, one after another, and saw from their flushed faces and damp brows that they were enduring equal torture. ||||||||||||||||||||ausgehaltene|| ||||compañeros|||||vi|||sonrojadas|||húmedas|frentes húmedas||||soportando|| Olhei para os meus companheiros, um após outro, e vi pelos seus rostos corados e sobrancelhas húmidas que estavam a suportar igual tortura. There was a nervous suspense over us all, as though overhead some dread bell would peal out powerfully when we should least expect it. |||||||||||||||läuten|||||||| ||||||||||sobre nuestras cabezas||||||||||||| كان هناك تشويق عصبي فوقنا جميعًا ، كما لو أن بعض الأجراس الرهبة سوف تتلاشى بقوة عندما يجب ألا نتوقع ذلك على الأقل. Havia um suspense nervoso sobre todos nós, como se, lá no alto, um sino terrível tocasse com força quando menos o esperássemos.

At last there came a time when it was evident that the patient was sinking fast. Por fim, chegou uma altura em que se tornou evidente que o doente estava a afundar-se rapidamente. He might die at any moment. Ele pode morrer a qualquer momento. I looked up at the Professor and caught his eyes fixed on mine. Olhei para o Professor e vi os seus olhos fixos nos meus. His face was sternly set as he spoke, "There is no time to lose. |||Con severidad|||||||||| O seu rosto estava severamente definido quando falou: "Não há tempo a perder. His words may be worth many lives. As suas palavras podem valer muitas vidas. I have been thinking so, as I stood here. Tenho estado a pensar assim, enquanto estou aqui. It may be there is a soul at stake! ||||||||en juego Pode ser que haja uma alma em jogo! Tehlikede olan bir ruh olabilir! We shall operate just above the ear." يجب أن نعمل فوق الأذن ". Vamos operar mesmo acima da orelha". Without another word he made the operation. Sem mais palavras, efectuou a operação. For a few moments the breathing continued to be stertorous. |||||||||ronco Durante alguns instantes, a respiração continuou a ser estertora. Then there came a breath so prolonged that it seemed as though it would tear open his chest. Depois veio uma respiração tão prolongada que parecia que lhe ia rasgar o peito.

Suddenly his eyes opened, and became fixed in a wild, helpless stare. ||||||||||desamparado| De repente, os seus olhos abriram-se e fixaram-se num olhar selvagem e desamparado. This was continued for a few moments, then it was softened into a glad surprise, and from his lips came a sigh of relief. Esta atitude manteve-se por alguns instantes, depois suavizou-se numa surpresa feliz e dos seus lábios saiu um suspiro de alívio. He moved convulsively, and as he did so, said, "I'll be quiet, Doctor. ||krampfhaft|||||||||| ||Convulsivamente|||||||||| Mexeu-se convulsivamente e, ao fazê-lo, disse: "Vou ficar quieto, Doutor. Sarsılarak hareket etti ve bunu yaparken, "Sessiz olacağım, Doktor. Tell them to take off the strait waistcoat. ||||||camisa de fuerza|Dígales que se quiten la camisa de fuerza. Dizer-lhes para tirarem o colete apertado. I have had a terrible dream, and it has left me so weak that I cannot move. Tive um sonho terrível, que me deixou tão fraco que não me consigo mexer. What's wrong with my face? O que é que se passa com a minha cara? It feels all swollen, and it smarts dreadfully." ||||||schmerzt| ||||||duele mucho| Está todo inchado e cheira muito mal". He tried to turn his head, but even with the effort his eyes seemed to grow glassy again so I gently put it back. ||||su||||||esfuerzo||||||vidriosos||||||| Ele tentou virar a cabeça, mas mesmo com o esforço os seus olhos pareciam ficar novamente vidrados, por isso voltei a pô-la no sítio com cuidado. Then Van Helsing said in a quiet grave tone, "Tell us your dream, Mr. Então Van Helsing disse num tom grave e calmo: "Conte-nos o seu sonho, Sr. Renfield." As he heard the voice his face brightened, through its mutilation, and he said, "That is Dr. Van Helsing. Ao ouvir a voz, o seu rosto iluminou-se, apesar da sua mutilação, e disse: "É o Dr. Van Helsing. How good it is of you to be here. Que bom que estás aqui. Give me some water, my lips are dry, and I shall try to tell you. Dêem-me um pouco de água, tenho os lábios secos, e tentarei contar-vos. I dreamed . Sonhei . ." He stopped and seemed fainting. Parou e pareceu desmaiar. I called quietly to Quincey, "The brandy, it is in my study, quick! ||||||el brandy|||||| Chamei Quincey em voz baixa: "O brandy, está no meu escritório, depressa! "  He flew and returned with a glass, the decanter of brandy and a carafe of water. ||||||||Decantador||coñac|||jarra de agua|| " Ele voou e regressou com um copo, o decantador de brandy e uma garrafa de água. We moistened the parched lips, and the patient quickly revived. |befeuchtet||verbrannten|||||| |humedecimos||"Resecas"||||||revivió Humedecemos os lábios ressequidos e o doente reanimou-se rapidamente.