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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1

CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1

21 Dr. Seward's Diary DR. SEWARD'S DIARY 3 October.--Let me put down with exactness all that happened, as well as I can remember, since last I made an entry. Not a detail that I can recall must be forgotten. In all calmness I must proceed.

When I came to Renfield's room I found him lying on the floor on his left side in a glittering pool of blood. When I went to move him, it became at once apparent that he had received some terrible injuries. There seemed none of the unity of purpose between the parts of the body which marks even lethargic sanity. As the face was exposed I could see that it was horribly bruised, as though it had been beaten against the floor. Indeed it was from the face wounds that the pool of blood originated.

The attendant who was kneeling beside the body said to me as we turned him over, "I think, sir, his back is broken. See, both his right arm and leg and the whole side of his face are paralysed. " How such a thing could have happened puzzled the attendant beyond measure. He seemed quite bewildered, and his brows were gathered in as he said, "I can't understand the two things. He could mark his face like that by beating his own head on the floor. I saw a young woman do it once at the Eversfield Asylum before anyone could lay hands on her. And I suppose he might have broken his neck by falling out of bed, if he got in an awkward kink. But for the life of me I can't imagine how the two things occurred. If his back was broke, he couldn't beat his head, and if his face was like that before the fall out of bed, there would be marks of it." I said to him, "Go to Dr. Van Helsing, and ask him to kindly come here at once. I want him without an instant's delay." The man ran off, and within a few minutes the Professor, in his dressing gown and slippers, appeared. When he saw Renfield on the ground, he looked keenly at him a moment, and then turned to me. I think he recognized my thought in my eyes, for he said very quietly, manifestly for the ears of the attendant, "Ah, a sad accident! He will need very careful watching, and much attention. I shall stay with you myself, but I shall first dress myself. If you will remain I shall in a few minutes join you." The patient was now breathing stertorously and it was easy to see that he had suffered some terrible injury.

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CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1 CAPÍTULO 21 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 1 第21章 スワード博士の日記 その1

21  Dr. Seward's Diary ||Diario de Dr. Seward DR. SEWARD'S DIARY ||diario 3 October.--Let me put down with exactness all that happened, as well as I can remember, since last I made an entry. ||||||Genauigkeit||||||||||||||| ||||||precisión||||||||||||||| 3 de outubro - Permitam-me que escreva com exatidão tudo o que aconteceu, tanto quanto me lembro, desde a última vez que fiz uma entrada. Not a detail that I can recall must be forgotten. Nenhum pormenor de que me lembre deve ser esquecido. In all calmness I must proceed. Com toda a calma, devo prosseguir.

When I came to Renfield's room I found him lying on the floor on his left side in a glittering pool of blood. |||||||||||||||||||resplandeciente||| Quando cheguei ao quarto de Renfield, encontrei-o deitado no chão, do lado esquerdo, numa poça de sangue brilhante. When I went to move him, it became at once apparent that he had received some terrible injuries. Quando o fui transportar, apercebi-me imediatamente de que tinha sofrido ferimentos terríveis. There seemed none of the unity of purpose between the parts of the body which marks even lethargic sanity. لم يكن هناك شيء من وحدة الهدف بين أجزاء الجسم التي تميز حتى العقلية الفاسدة. Não parecia existir a unidade de objectivos entre as partes do corpo que marca até a sanidade letárgica. As the face was exposed I could see that it was horribly bruised, as though it had been beaten against the floor. ||||||||||||magullado||||||||| Quando o rosto ficou exposto, pude ver que estava horrivelmente magoado, como se tivesse sido batido contra o chão. Indeed it was from the face wounds that the pool of blood originated. De facto, foi das feridas no rosto que se originou a poça de sangue.

The attendant who was kneeling beside the body said to me as we turned him over, "I think, sir, his back is broken. O assistente que estava ajoelhado ao lado do corpo disse-me quando o virámos: "Acho que tem as costas partidas, senhor. See, both his right arm and leg and the whole side of his face are paralysed. O braço e a perna direitos e todo o lado da cara estão paralisados. "  How such a thing could have happened puzzled the attendant beyond measure. |||||||||asistente|| "كيف يمكن أن يحدث شيء من هذا القبيل حيرة المصاحبة وراء التدبير. " Como é que tal coisa podia ter acontecido intrigou o assistente para além de qualquer medida. He seemed quite bewildered, and his brows were gathered in as he said, "I can't understand the two things. ||||||ceño fruncido|||||||||||| Ele parecia bastante perplexo e as suas sobrancelhas estavam franzidas quando disse: "Não consigo entender as duas coisas. He could mark his face like that by beating his own head on the floor. Ele podia marcar a cara assim, batendo com a própria cabeça no chão. I saw a young woman do it once at the Eversfield Asylum before anyone could lay hands on her. |vi|||||||||Eversfield|manicomio Eversfield|||pudiera|||| Uma vez vi uma jovem fazer isso no asilo de Eversfield antes que alguém lhe pudesse deitar a mão. And I suppose he might have broken his neck by falling out of bed, if he got in an awkward kink. ||||||||||||||||||||Verdrehung ||||||||||||||||||||torcedura incómoda وأفترض أنه ربما يكون قد كسر رقبته عن طريق السقوط من السرير ، إذا حصل في غرابة. E suponho que ele poderia ter partido o pescoço ao cair da cama, se ficasse numa posição estranha. But for the life of me I can't imagine how the  two things occurred. Mas não consigo imaginar como é que as duas coisas aconteceram. If his back was broke, he couldn't beat his head, and if his face was like that before the fall out of bed, there would be marks of it." Se tinha as costas partidas, não podia bater com a cabeça, e se tinha a cara assim antes de cair da cama, havia marcas disso". I said to him, "Go to Dr. Van Helsing, and ask him to kindly come here at once. Eu disse-lhe: "Vai ter com o Dr. Van Helsing e pede-lhe que venha cá imediatamente. I want him without an instant's delay." |||||einem Augenblick| Quero-o sem um instante de atraso". The man ran off, and within a few minutes the Professor, in his dressing gown and slippers, appeared. ||||||||||||||||Hausschuhen| O homem saiu a correr e, em poucos minutos, o Professor, de roupão e chinelos, apareceu. When he saw Renfield on the ground, he looked keenly at him a moment, and then turned to me. ||vio|||||||||||||||| Quando viu Renfield no chão, olhou-o atentamente por um momento e depois virou-se para mim. I think he recognized my thought in my eyes, for he said very quietly, manifestly for the ears of the attendant, "Ah, a sad accident! ||||||||||||||"evidentemente"|||||||||| Penso que ele reconheceu o meu pensamento nos meus olhos, pois disse muito baixinho, manifestamente para os ouvidos do empregado: "Ah, um triste acidente! He will need very careful watching, and much attention. Ele precisará de ser observado com muito cuidado e de muita atenção. I shall stay with you myself, but I shall first dress myself. Eu próprio ficarei convosco, mas primeiro tenho de me vestir. If you will remain I shall in a few minutes join you." Se ficarem, juntar-me-ei a vocês dentro de alguns minutos". The patient was now breathing stertorously and it was easy to see that he had suffered some terrible injury. |||||noisily||||||||||||| |||||ruidosamente||||||||||||| O doente respirava agora de forma estertora e era fácil ver que tinha sofrido um ferimento terrível.