CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 12
KAPITEL 20 - Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 12
CAPÍTULO 20 - Diario de Jonathan Harker, parte 12
CAPITOLO 20 - Diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 12
第20章 ジョナサン・ハーカーの日記 その12
CAPÍTULO 20 - Diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 12
ГЛАВА 20 - Дневник Джонатана Харкера, часть 12
He had evidently self-control, so when the attendants came I told them not to mind, and they withdrew.
من الواضح أنه كان يتحكم في نفسه ، لذلك عندما حضر الحاضرون أخبرتهم أن لا يمانعوا ، وانسحبوا.
Era evidente que ele tinha autocontrolo e, quando os assistentes chegaram, disse-lhes que não se importassem e eles retiraram-se.
Renfield watched them go.
Renfield viu-os partir.
When the door was closed he said with considerable dignity and sweetness, "Dr. Seward, you have been very considerate towards me.
عندما أغلق الباب ، قال بكرامة وحلاوة كبيرة ، "يا دكتور سيوارد ، لقد كنت محترماً للغاية تجاهي.
Quando a porta se fechou, disse com considerável dignidade e doçura: "Dr. Seward, tem sido muito atencioso comigo.
Believe me that I am very, very grateful to you!"
Acreditem que vos estou muito, muito grato!
I thought it well to leave him in this mood, and so I came away.
Achei por bem deixá-lo nesse estado de espírito e vim-me embora.
There is certainly something to ponder over in this man's state.
Há certamente algo a ponderar no estado em que este homem se encontra.
Several points seem to make what the American interviewer calls "a story," if one could only get them in proper order.
يبدو أن هناك عدة نقاط تجعل ما يسميه القائم بإجراء المقابلة الأمريكية "قصة" ، إذا كان يمكن للمرء الحصول عليها فقط بالترتيب الصحيح.
Vários pontos parecem formar aquilo a que o entrevistador americano chama "uma história", se fosse possível colocá-los na ordem correcta.
Here they are:
Will not mention "drinking."
Fears the thought of being burdened with the "soul" of anything.
يخشى التفكير في أن تكون مثقلة بـ "روح" أي شيء.
Teme a ideia de ser sobrecarregado com a "alma" de qualquer coisa.
Has no dread of wanting "life" in the future.
لا يوجد لديه الخوف من الرغبة في "الحياة" في المستقبل.
Não tem medo de querer "vida" no futuro.
Despises the meaner forms of life altogether, though he dreads being haunted by their souls.
desprecia||más viles|||||||teme|||||
يحتقر أشكال الحياة الأطول تمامًا ، على الرغم من أنه يخشى أن تطارده أرواحهم.
Despreza completamente as formas de vida mais mesquinhas, embora receie ser assombrado pelas suas almas.
Hayatın daha acımasız biçimlerinden tamamen nefret ediyor, ancak ruhları tarafından rahatsız edilmekten korkuyor.
Logically all these things point one way!
منطقيا كل هذه الأشياء تشير إلى طريقة واحدة!
Logicamente, todas estas coisas apontam num sentido!
He has assurance of some kind that he will acquire some higher life.
Ele tem a garantia de que irá adquirir uma vida mais elevada.
He dreads the consequence, the burden of a soul.
يخشى النتيجة ، عبء الروح.
Teme as consequências, o fardo de uma alma.
Then it is a human life he looks to!
Então é para uma vida humana que ele olha!
And the assurance .
||la certeza
E a garantia .
Merciful God!
The Count has been to him, and there is some new scheme of terror afoot!
||||||||||||||en marcha
كان الكونت له ، وهناك مخطط جديد للإرهاب على قدم وساق!
O Conde foi ter com ele e há um novo esquema de terror em marcha!
Later.--I went after my round to Van Helsing and told him my suspicion.
Mais tarde, depois da minha ronda, fui ter com o Van Helsing e contei-lhe a minha suspeita.
He grew very grave, and after thinking the matter over for a while asked me to take him to Renfield.
أصبح قبرًا جدًا ، وبعد التفكير في الأمر لفترة من الوقت ، طلب مني أن آخذه إلى رينفيلد.
Ele ficou muito sério e, depois de pensar um pouco, pediu-me que o levasse ao Renfield.
I did so.
Eu fiz isso.
As we came to the door we heard the lunatic within singing gaily, as he used to do in the time which now seems so long ago.
عندما وصلنا إلى الباب سمعنا المجنون داخل الغناء ، كما كان يفعل في الوقت الذي يبدو الآن طويلاً.
Quando chegámos à porta, ouvimos o lunático lá dentro a cantar alegremente, como costumava fazer no tempo que agora parece ter sido há tanto tempo.
Kapıya geldiğimizde, şimdi çok uzun zaman önce yaptığı gibi, neşeyle şarkı söylerken içindeki çılgınlığın sesini duyduk.
When we entered we saw with amazement that he had spread out his sugar as of old.
Quando entrámos, vimos com espanto que ele tinha estendido o seu açúcar como antigamente.
The flies, lethargic with the autumn, were beginning to buzz into the room.
|las moscas||||||||zumbar|||
الذباب ، السبات العميق مع الخريف ، بدأ يدق في الغرفة.
As moscas, letárgicas com o outono, começavam a zumbir na sala.
We tried to make him talk of the subject of our previous conversation, but he would not attend.
|||||||||||||||||prestar atención
Tentámos fazê-lo falar sobre o assunto da nossa conversa anterior, mas ele não nos atendeu.
He went on with his singing, just as though we had not been present.
Continuou a cantar, como se nós não estivéssemos presentes.
He had got a scrap of paper and was folding it into a notebook.
كان لديه ورقة خردة وكان يطويها في دفتر ملاحظات.
Aveva preso un pezzo di carta e lo stava piegando in un quaderno.
Tinha pegado num pedaço de papel e estava a dobrá-lo num caderno.
We had to come away as ignorant as we went in.
كان علينا أن نذهب جاهلين كما ذهبنا.
Dovevamo uscire altrettanto ignari di come eravamo entrati.
Tínhamos de sair tão ignorantes como entrámos.
His is a curious case indeed.
Il suo è davvero un caso curioso.
O seu caso é de facto curioso.
We must watch him tonight.
Temos de o vigiar esta noite.