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99% Invisible, 99% Invisible-03- 99% Reality (only)

99% Invisible-03- 99% Reality (only)

Roman Mars (RM): This is 99% Invisible. I'm Roman Mars. RM: Our modern world is determined by them. The architects. The designers. They decide how you experience the physical world. But the ubiquity of smart phones with GPS, a compass, a network, and more computing power than we know what to do with, has created this new space, where a new reality can lie on top of this physical real world. Its an augmented reality and it adds a whole new level of creativity and design to the everyday world. Most augmented reality uses the smartphone's camera. You turn on the smartphone's camera and you press the augmented reality button and then you look through your phones camera at the now labled and visible stars and planets in the daytime sky. Or another app could pop up cool infographics with details about a bridge or a building. It's still in its infancy. But the possibility of experiencing a hidden world on top of the hidden world in front of you is tantalizing and so full of potential. But I personally like to augment my reality with sound. And that brings us to the musical smartphone app called RJDJ.

Michael Breidenbrücker (MB): We're combining the world around you with your listening experience. RM: Thats the founder of RJDJ, Michael Breidenbrücker.

MB:so you know, the door closes and something really amazing acoustically could happen.

RM: Robert Thomas is one of RJDJs composers.

Robert Thomas (RT): RJDJ creates what we call reactive musc. Which is a new format of music which changes in relation to what you're doing . RM: RJDJ is comprised of scenes which are analogous of songs. But they're more like instuctions for songs. There are bits of music, code for the phones own built in synthesizer, audio filters, and these are triggered by the user according to the composer's plan for the scene RT: I call this quantum composing. I think of all these different possible ways they could be listened to and try to come up with lots of different ways that that will create something very interesting to happen in the music. When a sound coming in from your surrounding is very loud, you could have lots of really high notes going doodoodoodoodoodoodoo!

RM: So sounds form the mic change the song, but so does the accelerometer in the phone, thats the thing that senses movement, time spent listneing can be a factor, and even GPS data can be incorportaed. And all these stimiuli work in concert to create a unique augmented reality. And the way you experience your city will be alterned form its basic form. I mean you've walked through the city with music playing in your headphones and felt those moments of musical synchronicity that changed how you saw and felt about your surroundings. Well, imagine that times a thousand. Right now RJDJ is ambient pop and structured noise, but imagine what it could be. The world will become a playground for interaction designers.

RT: It kind of feels like you're seeing some inner beauty in everything. The most famous one that people get that from is a scene called the eargasm. This kind of harmonic overlay of reality.

RM: I had my wife Mae put on the patented white earbds to check out one of the scenes for the first time.

Mae Mars: Woooaaaahhh. Doodoodoodoodoo! It's what a steel girder would hear if a steel girder could hear. It's kind of like being in a horror movie, but not quite horrible. RM: Rather than putting on a set of headphones to block out the world, RJDJ listeners will plug in to a constantly changing, unique soundscape that connects them to what they are doing and where they are in the world. I imagine walking around San Francisco, listening to a mashed-up combination of punk and hip hop that gives me a history of the neighborhood I'm traveling through. And the gps will trigger a sound clip from Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo whenI pass through Nob Hill. And the tempo will speed up as I scurry out of the way of an obnoxcious bike messenger, into the path of an unnoticed oncoming cable car. My sudden lack of all movement as I lie on the pavement will illicit a pleasing harmonic drone from the iphone earbuds, which will mix beautifully with the sirens from the paramedics as they approach.

99% invisible is produced by me, Roman Mars, with support from Lunar. It's a project of KALW, The American Institute of Archtiects in San Francicso, and the Center for Architecture and Design. EXPLORE

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99% Invisible-03- 99% Reality (only) 99% Unsichtbar-03- 99% Wirklichkeit (nur) 99% Invisible-03- 99% Realidad (sólo) 99% Invisible-03- 99% リアリティ(のみ) 99% Invisível-03- 99% Realidade (apenas) 99% Невидимые-03- 99% Реальность (только) 99% Invisible-03- 99% Reality (sadece) 99% невидимий-03- 99% реальність (тільки) 99% 隐形-03- 99% 现实(仅)

Roman Mars (RM): This is 99% Invisible. 罗曼·马尔斯(RM):这是 99% 不可见的。 I'm Roman Mars. 我是罗曼·马尔斯。 RM: Our modern world is determined by them. RM:我们的现代世界是由他们决定的。 The architects. The designers. 设计师。 They decide how you experience the physical world. ||||vivencia||| Они решают, как вы воспринимаете физический мир. 它们决定你如何体验物质世界。 But the ubiquity of smart phones with GPS, a compass, a network, and more computing power than we know what to do with, has created this new space, where a new reality can lie on top of this physical real world. |||||||||指南针||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||pervasiveness|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||ubiquità|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 但是,配备了 GPS、指南针、网络和强大计算能力的智能手机的普及,创造了这个新的空间,新的现实可以建立在物理现实世界之上。 Its an augmented reality and it adds a whole new level of creativity and design to the everyday world. ||aumentata|||||||||||||||| 这是一种增强现实,它为日常生活增添了全新水平的创造力和设计。 Most augmented reality uses the smartphone's camera. |||||Smartphone-Kamera| 大多数增强现实都使用智能手机的摄像头。 You turn on the smartphone's camera and you press the augmented reality button and then you look through your phones camera at the now labled and visible stars and planets in the daytime sky. ||||||||||||||||||||||||标记的||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||beschriftet||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||identificados||||||||| Вы включаете камеру смартфона и нажимаете кнопку дополненной реальности, а затем смотрите через камеру своего телефона на отмеченные и видимые звезды и планеты в дневном небе. 打开智能手机的摄像头,按下增强现实按钮,然后通过手机摄像头观察白天天空中现在已标记且可见的星星和行星。 Or another app could pop up cool infographics with details about a bridge or a building. |||||||信息图表|||||||| 或者另一个应用程序可以弹出有关桥梁或建筑物详细信息的精美信息图表。 It's still in its infancy. ||||early stages ||||infanzia Он все еще находится в зачаточном состоянии. 它仍处于起步阶段。 But the possibility of experiencing a hidden world on top of the hidden world in front of you is tantalizing and so full of potential. |||||||||||||||||||excitingly tempting||||| Но возможность испытать скрытый мир поверх скрытого мира перед вами заманчива и полна потенциала. 但是,在眼前的隐藏世界中体验一个隐藏世界的可能性是诱人的,并且充满了潜力。 But I personally like to augment my reality with sound. |||||enhance|||| Aber ich persönlich mag es, meine Realität mit Klang zu erweitern. 但我个人喜欢用声音来增强我的现实。 And that brings us to the musical smartphone app called RJDJ. ||||||||||RJDJ Und das führt uns zur musikalischen Smartphone-App namens RJDJ. 这给我们带来了名为 RJDJ 的音乐智能手机应用程序。

Michael Breidenbrücker (MB): We're combining the world around you with your listening experience. Michael Breidenbrücker (MB): Wir kombinieren die Welt um dich herum mit deinem Hörerlebnis. 迈克尔·布雷登布吕克 (MB):我们将您周围的世界与您的聆听体验结合起来。 RM: Thats the founder of RJDJ, Michael Breidenbrücker. |Das ist||||||Breidenbrücker RM:那是 RJDJ 的创始人 Michael Breidenbrücker。

MB:so you know, the door closes and something really amazing acoustically could happen. MB|||||||||||akustisch|| MB:所以你知道,门关上了,一些真正令人惊奇的声学现象就会发生。

RM: Robert Thomas is one of RJDJs composers. ||||||RJDJs| RM:罗伯特·托马斯 (Robert Thomas) 是 RJDJ 的作曲家之一。

Robert Thomas (RT): RJDJ creates what we call reactive musc. |||||||||reaktive Musik 罗伯特·托马斯(RT):RJDJ 创造了我们所说的反应性肌肉。 Which is a new format of music which changes in relation to what you're doing . RM: RJDJ is comprised of scenes which are analogous of songs. RM: RJDJ składa się ze scen analogicznych do piosenek. RM:RJDJ 由类似于歌曲的场景组成。 But they're more like instuctions for songs. ||||Anleitungen|| 但它们更像是歌曲的说明。 There are bits of music, code for the phones own built in synthesizer, audio filters, and these are triggered by the user according to the composer's plan for the scene ||||||||||||Synthesizer|||||||||||||Komponisten|||| ||||||||||||||||||attivati||||||||||| 里面有音乐片段、手机内置合成器的代码、音频过滤器,这些都是由用户根据作曲家对场景的规划来触发的 RT: I call this quantum composing. RT (Retweet)|||||komponieren ||||quantistico|composizione quantistica RT:我称之为量子创作。 I think of all these different possible ways they could be listened to and try to come up with lots of different ways that that will create something very interesting to happen in the music. |denke||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我思考了所有可能聆听它们的方式,并尝试提出许多不同的方式来在音乐中创造出一些非常有趣的事情。 When a sound coming in from your surrounding is very loud, you could have lots of really high notes going doodoodoodoodoodoodoo! ||||||||||||||||||||tönend 当从周围传来的声音非常大时,您可能会听到很多非常高的声音发出嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟的声音!

RM: So sounds form the mic change the song, but so does the accelerometer in the phone, thats the thing that senses movement, time spent listneing can be a factor, and even GPS data can be incorportaed. |||||||||||||Beschleunigungssensor||||||||||||hören|||||||||||einbezogen |||||||||||||accelerometro||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||microfone|||||||||||||||||movimento|||||||||||||| RM:所以麦克风的声音会改变歌曲,但手机中的加速度计也会改变歌曲,这就是感知运动的东西,聆听所花费的时间可能是一个因素,甚至可以加入 GPS 数据。 And all these stimiuli work in concert to create a unique augmented reality. |||Reize||||||||| |||||||||||enhanced| |||stimoli||||||||| 所有这些刺激共同作用,创造出独特的增强现实。 And the way you experience your city will be alterned form its basic form. |||||||||verändert|||| 您体验城市的方式也将与其基本形式发生改变。 I mean you've walked through the city with music playing in your headphones and felt those moments of musical synchronicity that changed how you saw and felt about your surroundings. |||||||||||||||||||musikalische Synchronizität|||||||||| 我的意思是,你戴着耳机,听着音乐走过这座城市,感受到音乐同步的瞬间,改变了你对周围环境的看法和感受。 Well, imagine that times a thousand. Right now RJDJ is ambient pop and structured noise, but imagine what it could be. ||||atmospheric|||||||||| The world will become a playground for interaction designers.

RT: It kind of feels like you're seeing some inner beauty in everything. |||||||||interiore||| The most famous one that people get that from is a scene called the eargasm. ||||||||||||||Ohrorgasmus ||||||||||||||orgasmo uditivo Самая известная сцена, из которой люди получают это, называется ушным газом. This kind of harmonic overlay of reality. ||||Überlagerung|| ||||sovrapposizione|| Это своего рода гармоническое наложение реальности.

RM: I had my wife Mae put on the patented white earbds to check out one of the scenes for the first time. |||||||||||Kopfhörer||||||||||| |||||||||brevettato||cuffie||||||||||| РМ: Моя жена Мэй надела запатентованные белые наушники, чтобы впервые посмотреть одну из сцен.

Mae Mars: Woooaaaahhh. ||Woooaaaahhh Doodoodoodoodoo! Doodoodoodoodoo! It's what a steel girder would hear if a steel girder could hear. ||||Stahlträger|||||||| ||||trave|||||||| Это то, что услышала бы стальная балка, если бы стальная балка могла слышать. It's kind of like being in a horror movie, but not quite horrible. Это как в фильме ужасов, но не совсем ужасно. RM: Rather than putting on a set of headphones to block out the world, RJDJ listeners will plug in to a constantly changing, unique soundscape that connects them to what they are doing and where they are in the world. I imagine walking around San Francisco, listening to a mashed-up combination of punk and hip hop that gives me a history of the neighborhood I'm traveling through. |||||||||schiacciato|||||||||||||||||| And the gps will trigger a sound clip from Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo whenI pass through Nob Hill. ||||||||||Hitchcocks|Der unsichtbare Dritte|wenn ich|||Nob Hill| ||||||||||||quando io|||| ||||||um som|||||||||| And the tempo will speed up as I scurry out of the way of an obnoxcious bike messenger, into the path of an unnoticed oncoming cable car. |||||||||||||||unangenehm||||||||||| ||||||||correre|||||||fastidioso||corriere|||percorso|||non notato|in arrivo|| И темп ускорится, когда я убегу с пути неприятного велосипедного курьера на путь незаметно приближающейся канатной дороги. My sudden lack of all movement as I lie on the pavement will illicit a pleasing harmonic drone from the iphone earbuds, which will mix beautifully with the sirens from the paramedics as they approach. |||||||||||||||||||||Kopfhörer||||||||||||| |||||||||||||suscitare||||drone||||cuffie auricolari|||||||||||||

99% invisible is produced by me, Roman Mars, with support from Lunar. It's a project of KALW, The American Institute of Archtiects in San Francicso, and the Center for Architecture and Design. ||||KALW|||||Architekten|||San Francisco||||||| EXPLORE