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Thomas Frank Study Tips, Tame Your Inbox: 4 Tips for Dealing With Email Productively

Tame Your Inbox: 4 Tips for Dealing With Email Productively

- I've always seen email as kind of like a Hydra, answer one.

- Two more shall take its place.

- And while this is definitely been my personal experience

with email, I know that I am by no means alone

in this matter, especially given that there's data out there to show the average knowledge worker spends about 28%

of their work week on.

- Email.

- And that is absolutely ridiculous.

So today I wanna share some of the tips and tactics

that I've learned over the past few years for making email a less stressful

and less time consuming part of my life.

Now, I gotta put this out there right up front,

I am by no means an email expert

and I know you can probably find

some other productivity gurus out there

with crazy DTD inspired inbox zero workflows

that they get done at six a.m. every single morning

before doing their morning yoga coffee mediation,

but I have at least been able to tame my emails,

so to speak, and it's been a lot less stressful in the past few years than it used to be

when I was a little bit earlier on

in my entrepreneurial career.

So, whether you're a student or you're a professional being buried in emails from your boss

or you're an entrepreneur like me, hopefully some of the tips I'm gonna share in this video will help you tame your inbox as well.

And just to cover our bases, we've gotta start with the obvious one, archive messages or delete them

if you don't need them anymore. Don't treat your inbox as an archive. That should be something separate

and should be representing only things

that you need to take action on.

Otherwise the archive or the trash

should be where emails go.

All right, with that pretty simple tip out of the way,

let's move on to our first big tip. Don't use your inbox as a task manager. And this is crucial, but I know it's also very hard to do and a lot of us tend to do this.

We see emails in our inbox, we know we have to

respond to them, but to respond to them,

we have to do like 18 other things.

There's this whole process and as a result, the inbox tends to pile up.

In fact, there are even email forgiveness days

out there for people who have just let emails fester

for days, weeks, or even months

since they just haven't had the time to get all the preliminary or dependent steps done first.

But there is indeed a better way.

You do not have to use your email inbox

as a task list because that is what a task manager is for.

So when you see emails in your inbox

that you have to take action on,

whether it be responding or actually doing something,

follow these steps, first and foremost,

I think it's a pretty smart idea to dedicate a specific time of day to email processing,

and unless email notifications

are incredibly important to you,

unless you're like Elon Musk or something, take those notifications off of your phone.

Dedicate one part of the day for email

and have the rest it dedicated to work

or, you know, actually doing things that you wanna do.

So once you have that preplanned specific time of the day

set for processing email and that time rolls around,

sit down at your computer or your phone

and first I think it's a good idea to get rid of any emails that really don't need any action from you, basically just to clear out the junk.

Now when it comes to doing this part,

a lot of people get stuck on the question

of whether to archive or delete their emails.

And honestly this is kind of a moot point these days

since most email programs give you a ton of space

for storing emails, but I follow a simple general rule.

If I think that I ever might need that email's information in the future, then I archive it.

Otherwise, I delete it.

And for the emails that you do decide to delete,

it's likely that some of those or maybe even most of them are newsletters or marketing messages

and I know because I receive a ton of these

every single day and because I even send some out

every Sunday with my newsletter.

Now with these kind of messages in particular

the Hydra metaphor is especially apt

because you know that even if you delete

the one you're looking at right now, there's gonna be two more coming this week no matter what you do, unless you go down to the bottom

of that email and start hitting that unsubscribe link.

So don't just delete emails if you know they're gonna be coming in the future. Start unsubscribing from marketing messages

and newsletters that no longer give you any value.

And yes, that does include my newsletter.

If you're not getting value from the emails that I send you, then please get me out of your inbox.

For one, I actually pay per subscriber on my Mailchimp plan,

and two, if I'm not providing you enough value, then I don't deserve to be in your inbox anyway. And that's how every single marketer should think. Anyway, moving on to emails that you do

actually have to take action on.

There's kinda two different types of email here. First type of email is the kind that you can

easily take the action on within five minutes or less,

and if you find an email like that,

go ahead and process it, don't get it in your task manager, just reply to it or take action on it

and get in onto the archive.

That just leaves us with the second type of email,

the type of email that tends to fester in your inbox

for weeks or months because it's got 27 different steps to dependencies and you've also got work to do and video games to play, why should you

spend your time on that?

Well, maybe you don't have time to spend your time on that right now, but it shouldn't sit in your inbox. Instead, get the details into your task manager.

Remember, your task manager and your calendar

and your note-taking system, these are all

parts of the system that should hold pieces of data

that you need to refer back to in the future

and in some cases, remind you of actions you need to take.

Your email is a communications medium.

It's not part of that action oriented system, so don't treat it like one. Now when it comes to actually implementing this,

you can, of course, just copy the details

of an email to your to-do list and make that a task

and then remember to go find the email later

if it needs a reply.

But a lot of task managers these days

have more elegant options for processing emails.

For example, Todoist actually lets you copy

an email address for each project in your task list

and then you can email tasks into it.

Or you can actually install their Chrome extension

which puts a little mini Todoist

in the bottom of your Gmail area

so you can actually add a task as an email.

And one thing I like about Todoist in particular

is when you add an email as a task,

it actually links right back to the email

so you don't even have to go into Gmail and find it. Regardless of how you it, once you have an email

in your task manager, then the process for dealing with it

is exactly the same, give it a due date,

give it labels if you want, get it done

when it needs to be done,

and then if that email needs a reply,

then reply and consider that checked off your task list.

Bit tip number two, use tags and search harmoniously.

Now there was a time back in college

where I dutifully tagged every single message that came in

and I had this beautifully organized hierarchical

task structure in Gmail that I was so proud of

and I thought this is crucial

because if I ever need to find a piece of information,

I know where to find it.

It's almost like having a folder structure, right? But then I realized something

that should have been obvious in retrospect.

Gmail is built on Google, and Google

is the world's best search engine, so for the most part, I can just search for emails

if I need to find them after I've archived them. So now I use tags or labels and search in tandem.

I've very selective about which messages I actually tag since tagging messages does take time,

and I'd rather be playing video games. Plus, again, most messages can be found just by searching.

So, for the most part, if I'm gonna keep a message after processing it, I just hit the archive button.

But there are certain cases where I do still use tags.

For example, the receipts for a lot of expenses

in my business often come to my email.

Now with paper ones, I tend to digitize them

and get them into Evernote, but with the email ones,

I just give them the tag receipt.

I've chosen to keep tags in this particular case because a lot of times I'm looking for a particular receipt when I'm going through my reconciliations for accounting at the end of the month

and I often don't know exactly what to search for so I just wanna make sure that I have a list

that I can look at that lists every single digital expense

that I've ever had in my business just in case there is ever an audit in the future

or some other reason I need to see all of those receipts.

Another example case would be newsletters

that I don't wanna unsubscribe from but don't necessarily wanna see and these cases I actually have a filter,

which we're gonna talk about in a few seconds, that just gives those emails a newsletter tag

and then auto-archives them.

That way if I ever wanna go through those emails

and see them, like if I'm looking for headline inspiration, for example, I can see them all in one list.

But they never grab my attention when they come in

because I don't want them to do that at that time. All right, big tip number three,

which I kind of alluded to just a few seconds ago.

Filters are your friend.

In most email programs, there are filters you can set up

which basically do things automatically for you.

So to go back to the previous example,

every time a newsletter comes in

that has a specific email address

or a specific type of headline,

I have a rule in my email program

that will automatically archive it

so I never see it and it gives it the correct tag as well.

I've also got filters set up that will automatically delete messages

from certain addresses or from certain people,

like marketers who think that spamming me five times

is actually gonna get a response.

And lastly, my most important and useful filter

is a filter for all my old email addresses

that ensure that nothing in those email inboxes

can ever go to spam.

Now the reason I have this filter set up

on all my old inboxes is that a few years ago

I set up forwarding rules to forward everything

from those inboxes to one big main Gmail inbox.

Now this ensured that I didn't have to go check a zillion different email inboxes

just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. It was all coming in to one place.

Except for in certain occasions I would notice

that important emails that were sent

to one of those old email addresses

hit the spam filter and because I never logged in

to look at those inboxes, I never noticed it.

So once I realized that this was happening,

I set up filters to make sure

that nothing could go to spam over there

and this wasn't really a big problem since I could trust the spam filtering

in my main inbox to catch all the junk.

That brings us to big tip number four,

which is to use a separate email for logins

than the one that you use for correspondence,

for talking with people on the internet.

Now this is more of a security tip

than an organizational tip, but I still think

it's really important to do. The email address that you use

to chat with people on the internet

is basically public knowledge.

Every single person you've given it out to and possibly the entire internet

if you posted it somewhere publicly

knows this email address.

Now, unfortunately, the internet has developed

in such a way that your email address

is also used as a login credential for most websites.

Additionally, it's the place where password resets go. So if anyone ever got access to your email,

they would be able to send password resets

and basically hack your entire life.

And even if they can't do that, they at least know one of the two keys needed

to log in to your bank or your

Final Fantasy FanFiction forum account

or any other crucial site

that you don't want people getting into. Fortunately there is a way to deal with this,

at least somewhat, and that is to set up

a separate email address for logging into websites

and don't give that email address out to anybody. Use one email address for correspondence

and use the other one as one of those two keys

for logging in to your online accounts.

And doing this has the additional benefit,

or possibly even primary benefit,

of making sure that it's much less likely an attacker would know where password resets

were going to go.

Again, if you use a publicly known email address,

then people know where password resets links are going.

But if your email address is secret,

then no one really know.

Now, while having a somewhat secret email

slash username combo is really helpful,

what is downright crucial for your online security

is to make sure that you have strong, unique passwords

on all of your online accounts.

It seems like every single week

brings a new hacker or corporate data breach

and the problem is that once a password

has leaked in one place, it can be tried anywhere else.

So if you've repeated passwords in different online accounts,

then one leak or one hack

makes all those other accounts vulnerable.

Of course, the problem here is that it's nearly impossible to memorize so many unique passwords,

especially if they're strong and lengthy. But fortunately, that isn't a problem if you're using a Dashlane. Dashlane is an incredibly well designed password manager

that I use every single day

and it gives you a helpful streamlined way

to store all of your passwords and secure your online life

against hackers and corporate data breaches

and even phishing scams.

Their tool, which you can use across all major platforms

including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android

automatically generates strong and unique passwords

for all of your online accounts.

And it stores this data in a user account

that's protected by a patented security architecture which strongly encrypts all of you data

and ensure that nobody but you can access it.

And aside from offering you much better security,

Dashlane's tool can also save you a ton of time as well, because through their browser extensions

and their mobile apps, they can automatically

log you into websites, automatically fill in

username and password fields,

and even automatically fill in large forms.

So if you wanna start improving both your online security

and your efficiency, then head over

to dashlane.com/collegeinfogeek,

which you'll find in the description down below. And if you wanna get access to some advanced features

like a VPN and data syncing across all your devices,

then be among the first 200 people

to use the code collegeinfogeek

when you sign up for their premium account

and you're gonna get 10% off. But thanks as always to Dashlane for sponsoring this video

and being a big supporter of my channel.

Hopefully this video is helpful to you guys

and if it was, definitely get that like button clicked

and get subscribed right there.

You can also get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades right there,

which'll also get you on my newsletter, and again, unsubscribe if you don't like it. You can follow me on Instagram right over here

@tomfrankly and unfollow me if you don't like that and last but not least, smash your face

into your phone screen to watch one more video

on this channel right here.

Thanks so much for watching

and I'll see you in the next video. (game exploding) - Somebody get this

freaking duck away from me.

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Tame Your Inbox: 4 Tips for Dealing With Email Productively ||Posteingang|||||| Zähmen Sie Ihren Posteingang: 4 Tipps für den produktiven Umgang mit E-Mails Domine su bandeja de entrada: 4 consejos para gestionar el correo electrónico de forma productiva Apprivoisez votre boîte de réception : 4 conseils pour traiter les courriels de manière productive Jak okiełznać skrzynkę odbiorczą: 4 wskazówki, jak produktywnie radzić sobie z pocztą e-mail Domine a sua caixa de entrada: 4 dicas para lidar com o correio electrónico de forma produtiva Tämj din inkorg: 4 tips för att hantera e-post på ett produktivt sätt Gelen Kutunuzu Evcilleştirin: E-postalarla Verimli Bir Şekilde Başa Çıkmak İçin 4 İpucu 驯服你的收件箱:有效处理电子邮件的 4 个技巧 馴服你的收件箱:有效處理電子郵件的 4 個技巧

- I've always seen email as - Eu sempre vi o email como kind of like a Hydra, answer one. ||||九頭蛇|| ||||Hydra-ähnlich||

- Two more shall take its place. - さらに2つが代わりになります。 - Mais dois tomarão seu lugar. - Еще два должны занять его место.

- And while this is definitely been my personal experience - これは間違いなく私の個人的な経験ですが、 - E enquanto essa é definitivamente minha experiência pessoal

with email, I know that I am by no means alone メールで、私は決して一人ではないことを知っています com e-mail, eu sei que não estou sozinho

in this matter, especially given that there's data out there この件に関して、特にそこにデータがあることを考えると nesta questão, especialmente considerando que existem dados por aí to show the average knowledge worker spends about 28% 平均的なナレッジ ワーカーが約 28% を費やしていることを示す para mostrar que o trabalhador médio do conhecimento gasta cerca de 28%

of their work week on. 彼らの仕事の週の。 da semana de trabalho em diante.

- Email. - Eメール。

- And that is absolutely ridiculous. |||絕對| - Und das ist absolut lächerlich.

So today I wanna share some of the tips and tactics

that I've learned over the past few years for making email a less stressful

and less time consuming part of my life.

Now, I gotta put this out there right up front, Agora, eu tenho que colocar isso lá na frente,

I am by no means an email expert Eu não sou um especialista em e-mail

and I know you can probably find e eu sei que você provavelmente pode encontrar

some other productivity gurus out there |||生產力專家||

with crazy DTD inspired inbox zero workflows ||瘋狂DTD||||工作流程 ||DTD-inspiriert||||Arbeitsabläufe com fluxos de trabalho de caixa de entrada inspirados em DTD malucos

that they get done at six a.m. every single morning

before doing their morning yoga coffee mediation, ||||||冥想 ||||||Kaffeepause bevor sie ihre morgendliche Yoga-Kaffee-Mediation machen,

but I have at least been able to tame my emails, ||||||||駕馭|| mas pelo menos consegui domar meus e-mails,

so to speak, and it's been a lot less stressful por assim dizer, e tem sido muito menos estressante in the past few years than it used to be

when I was a little bit earlier on

in my entrepreneurial career. ||在我的創業生涯中| ||unternehmerisch| na minha carreira empreendedora.

So, whether you're a student or you're a professional being buried in emails from your boss |被埋在||||| sendo enterrado em e-mails do seu chefe

or you're an entrepreneur like me, hopefully some of the tips I'm gonna share in this video will help you tame your inbox as well. |||整理|||| também ajudará você a domar sua caixa de entrada.

And just to cover our bases, we've gotta start with |||||以防萬一|||| |||||Grundlagen|||| the obvious one, archive messages or delete them |||封存訊息|||| |||archivieren||||

if you don't need them anymore. Don't treat your inbox as an archive. That should be something separate

and should be representing only things e deve estar representando apenas coisas

that you need to take action on. em que você precisa agir.

Otherwise the archive or the trash |||||Müll

should be where emails go. deve ser para onde os emails vão.

All right, with that pretty simple tip out of the way, Tudo bem, com essa dica bem simples fora do caminho,

let's move on to our first big tip. Don't use your inbox as a task manager. Não use sua caixa de entrada como gerenciador de tarefas. And this is crucial, but I know it's also very hard to do E isso é crucial, mas eu sei que também é muito difícil de fazer and a lot of us tend to do this.

We see emails in our inbox, we know we have to Vemos e-mails em nossa caixa de entrada, sabemos que precisamos

respond to them, but to respond to them,

we have to do like 18 other things. temos que fazer outras 18 coisas.

There's this whole process and as a result, Existe todo esse processo e, como resultado, the inbox tends to pile up. ||||堆積起來| a caixa de entrada tende a se acumular.

In fact, there are even email forgiveness days ||||||寬恕日|

out there for people who have just let emails fester |||||||||積壓 |||||||||liegen lassen lá fora, para pessoas que deixaram os e-mails apodrecerem

for days, weeks, or even months

since they just haven't had the time já que eles simplesmente não tiveram tempo to get all the preliminary or dependent steps done first. para executar todas as etapas preliminares ou dependentes primeiro.

But there is indeed a better way. Mas há realmente uma maneira melhor.

You do not have to use your email inbox

as a task list because that is what a task manager is for. como uma lista de tarefas, porque é para isso que serve um gerenciador de tarefas.

So when you see emails in your inbox

that you have to take action on, em que você precisa agir,

whether it be responding or actually doing something, seja respondendo ou realmente fazendo alguma coisa,

follow these steps, first and foremost, |||||首先 siga estas etapas, em primeiro lugar,

I think it's a pretty smart idea Eu acho que é uma ideia bastante inteligente to dedicate a specific time of day to email processing, dedicar uma hora específica do dia ao processamento de e-mails,

and unless email notifications e, a menos que as notificações por email

are incredibly important to you, são incrivelmente importantes para você,

unless you're like Elon Musk or something, a menos que você seja como Elon Musk ou algo assim, take those notifications off of your phone. tire essas notificações do seu telefone.

Dedicate one part of the day for email

and have the rest it dedicated to work |||||專注於|| e ter o resto dedicado ao trabalho

or, you know, actually doing things that you wanna do. ou, na verdade, fazendo coisas que você quer fazer.

So once you have that preplanned specific time of the day |||||預先計劃的||||| |||||vorgeplante||||| Então, quando você tiver esse horário específico pré-planejado do dia

set for processing email and that time rolls around, |||||||到來| definido para o processamento de e-mail e esse tempo passa,

sit down at your computer or your phone

and first I think it's a good idea to get rid of any emails that really don't need any action from you, basically just to clear out the junk. ||||||||||清理垃圾 qualquer ação sua, basicamente apenas para limpar o lixo.

Now when it comes to doing this part, Agora, quando se trata de fazer esta parte,

a lot of people get stuck on the question muitas pessoas ficam presas na questão

of whether to archive or delete their emails. de arquivar ou excluir seus e-mails.

And honestly this is kind of a moot point these days |||||||無關緊要||| |||||||irrelevanter Punkt|||

since most email programs give you a ton of space |||||||大量|| já que a maioria dos programas de e-mail oferece muito espaço

for storing emails, but I follow a simple general rule. |儲存|||||||| |Speichern|||||||| para armazenar e-mails, mas sigo uma regra geral simples.

If I think that I ever might need that email's information |||||||||E-Mail-Informationen| Se eu acho que posso precisar das informações desse email in the future, then I archive it.

Otherwise, I delete it.

And for the emails that you do decide to delete,

it's likely that some of those or maybe even most of them é provável que alguns deles ou talvez até a maioria deles are newsletters or marketing messages |Newsletter oder Marketingnachrichten|||

and I know because I receive a ton of these

every single day and because I even send some out todos os dias e porque eu até envio alguns

every Sunday with my newsletter. |每週日|||每週日的電子報

Now with these kind of messages in particular Agora, com esse tipo de mensagem em particular

the Hydra metaphor is especially apt |九頭蛇|隱喻|||貼切 |||||passend

because you know that even if you delete

the one you're looking at right now, o que você está vendo agora, there's gonna be two more coming this week haverá mais dois chegando esta semana no matter what you do, unless you go down to the bottom não importa o que você faça, a menos que você desça ao fundo

of that email and start hitting that unsubscribe link. |||||||取消訂閱| |||||||abmelden|

So don't just delete emails if you know they're gonna be coming in the future. eles virão no futuro. Start unsubscribing from marketing messages |取消訂閱||| |Abmeldung|||

and newsletters that no longer give you any value.

And yes, that does include my newsletter.

If you're not getting value from the emails that I send you, |||獲得|||||||| then please get me out of your inbox.

For one, I actually pay per subscriber on my Mailchimp plan, |||||||||Mailchimp-Plan| Por um lado, na verdade pago por assinante no meu plano Mailchimp,

and two, if I'm not providing you enough value, e dois, se eu não estiver fornecendo valor suficiente, then I don't deserve to be in your inbox anyway. então eu não mereço estar na sua caixa de entrada de qualquer maneira. And that's how every single marketer should think. |||||Vermarkter|| E é assim que todo profissional de marketing deve pensar. Anyway, moving on to emails that you do

actually have to take action on.

There's kinda two different types of email here. |Es gibt quasi|||||| First type of email is the kind that you can O primeiro tipo de email é do tipo que você pode

easily take the action on within five minutes or less,

and if you find an email like that,

go ahead and process it, don't get it in your task manager, vá em frente e processe, não coloque no seu gerenciador de tarefas, just reply to it or take action on it basta responder a ele ou agir sobre ele

and get in onto the archive. e entre no arquivo.

That just leaves us with the second type of email,

the type of email that tends to fester in your inbox |||||||積壓|||

for weeks or months because it's got 27 different steps por semanas ou meses, porque tem 27 etapas diferentes to dependencies and you've also got work to do |依賴關係||||||| |Abhängigkeiten||||||| para dependências e você também tem trabalho a fazer and video games to play, why should you e videogames para jogar, por que você deveria

spend your time on that?

Well, maybe you don't have time to spend your time on that Bem, talvez você não tenha tempo para gastar seu tempo nisso right now, but it shouldn't sit in your inbox. agora, mas não deve estar na sua caixa de entrada. Instead, get the details into your task manager. Em vez disso, obtenha os detalhes no seu gerenciador de tarefas.

Remember, your task manager and your calendar

and your note-taking system, these are all e seu sistema de anotações, tudo isso

parts of the system that should hold pieces of data partes do sistema que devem conter partes de dados

that you need to refer back to in the future que você precisa consultar no futuro

and in some cases, remind you of actions you need to take. e, em alguns casos, lembre-se das ações que você precisa executar.

Your email is a communications medium. ||||通訊媒介| ||||Kommunikationsmittel| Ваша электронная почта является средством коммуникации.

It's not part of that action oriented system, Não faz parte desse sistema orientado à ação, so don't treat it like one. então não o trate como um. Now when it comes to actually implementing this, ||||||實施| Agora, quando se trata de realmente implementar isso,

you can, of course, just copy the details você pode, é claro, apenas copiar os detalhes

of an email to your to-do list and make that a task de um email para sua lista de tarefas e torne isso uma tarefa

and then remember to go find the email later

if it needs a reply. se precisar de uma resposta.

But a lot of task managers these days Mas muitos gerenciadores de tarefas hoje em dia

have more elegant options for processing emails. ||更優雅的|||| tem opções mais elegantes para processar e-mails.

For example, Todoist actually lets you copy ||Todoist|||| Por exemplo, Todoist realmente permite copiar

an email address for each project in your task list um endereço de email para cada projeto em sua lista de tarefas

and then you can email tasks into it. e então você pode enviar tarefas por e-mail.

Or you can actually install their Chrome extension ||||安裝||Chrome 擴充功能| ||||installieren|||

which puts a little mini Todoist

in the bottom of your Gmail area |||||Gmail 底部| |||||Gmail-Bereich unten|

so you can actually add a task as an email.

And one thing I like about Todoist in particular

is when you add an email as a task, é quando você adiciona um email como tarefa,

it actually links right back to the email na verdade, vincula de volta ao e-mail

so you don't even have to go into Gmail and find it. então você nem precisa acessar o Gmail e encontrá-lo. Regardless of how you it, once you have an email 無論如何||||||||| Independentemente de como você faz isso, depois de receber um email

in your task manager, then the process for dealing with it

is exactly the same, give it a due date,

give it labels if you want, get it done dê etiquetas se quiser, faça-o

when it needs to be done, quando precisa ser feito,

and then if that email needs a reply, e se esse email precisar de uma resposta,

then reply and consider that checked off your task list. responda e considere que marcou sua lista de tarefas.

Bit tip number two, use tags and search harmoniously. |||||標籤|||和諧地 ||||||||harmonisch ||||||||อย่างกลมกลืน Dica número dois, use tags e pesquise harmoniosamente.

Now there was a time back in college Agora houve um tempo na faculdade

where I dutifully tagged every single message that came in ||盡責地|標記|||||| ||gewissenhaft||||||| onde eu cumpri todas as mensagens que vieram

and I had this beautifully organized hierarchical ||||精美地||階層式的 ||||||hierarchisch geordnet e eu tinha esse hierárquico lindamente organizado

task structure in Gmail that I was so proud of estrutura de tarefas no Gmail que eu tinha tanto orgulho

and I thought this is crucial

because if I ever need to find a piece of information, porque se eu precisar encontrar um pedaço de informação,

I know where to find it.

It's almost like having a folder structure, right? É quase como ter uma estrutura de pastas, certo? But then I realized something Mas então eu percebi algo

that should have been obvious in retrospect. ||||||回顧來看 ||||||im Nachhinein ||||ชัดเจน|| isso deveria ter sido óbvio em retrospecto.

Gmail is built on Google, and Google

is the world's best search engine, |||||搜尋引擎 so for the most part, I can just search for emails então, na maioria das vezes, eu posso procurar e-mails

if I need to find them after I've archived them. ||||||||歸檔後| ||||||||archiviert| se precisar encontrá-los depois de arquivá-los. So now I use tags or labels and search in tandem. ||||||||||一起 ||||Schlagwörter||Etiketten||||im Tandem Então agora eu uso tags ou marcadores e procuro em conjunto.

I've very selective about which messages ||挑剔||| Eu sou muito seletivo sobre quais mensagens I actually tag since tagging messages does take time, ||||標記訊息|||| Na verdade, eu codifico, pois a marcação de mensagens leva tempo,

and I'd rather be playing video games. e prefiro jogar videogame. Plus, again, most messages can be found just by searching. Além disso, novamente, a maioria das mensagens pode ser encontrada apenas pesquisando.

So, for the most part, if I'm gonna keep a message Então, na maior parte, se eu vou manter uma mensagem after processing it, I just hit the archive button.

But there are certain cases where I do still use tags. Mas há certos casos em que eu ainda uso tags.

For example, the receipts for a lot of expenses |||收據||||| |||Belege||||| Por exemplo, os recebimentos de muitas despesas

in my business often come to my email.

Now with paper ones, I tend to digitize them |||||||數位化| |||||||digitalisiere sie| Agora, com os de papel, costumo digitalizá-los

and get them into Evernote, but with the email ones, ||||Evernote-App||||| e colocá-los no Evernote, mas com os de e-mail,

I just give them the tag receipt. ||||||收據標籤 Eu apenas dou a eles o recibo da etiqueta.

I've chosen to keep tags in this particular case |選擇||||||| Eu escolhi manter as tags nesse caso específico because a lot of times I'm looking for a particular receipt porque muitas vezes procuro um determinado recibo when I'm going through my reconciliations |||||對帳過程中 |||||Abstimmungen durchführen for accounting at the end of the month

and I often don't know exactly what to search for e muitas vezes não sei exatamente o que pesquisar so I just wanna make sure that I have a list então eu só quero ter certeza de que tenho uma lista

that I can look at that lists every single digital expense ||||||||||數位支出 que posso ver que lista todas as despesas digitais

that I've ever had in my business que eu já tive no meu negócio just in case there is ever an audit in the future |||||||審計||| apenas no caso de haver uma auditoria no futuro

or some other reason I need to see all of those receipts. ou algum outro motivo pelo qual preciso ver todos esses recibos.

Another example case would be newsletters Outro exemplo de caso seria boletins informativos

that I don't wanna unsubscribe from que eu não quero cancelar but don't necessarily wanna see and these cases I actually have a filter, |||||||過濾器

which we're gonna talk about in a few seconds, sobre o qual falaremos em alguns segundos, that just gives those emails a newsletter tag

and then auto-archives them. ||自動|自動存檔| |||und archiviert sie dann automatisch.|

That way if I ever wanna go through those emails Assim, se eu quiser ler esses e-mails

and see them, like if I'm looking for headline inspiration, ||||||||標題靈感|靈感來源 e vê-los, como se procurasse inspiração para o título, for example, I can see them all in one list. por exemplo, posso ver todos eles em uma lista.

But they never grab my attention when they come in Mas eles nunca chamam minha atenção quando chegam

because I don't want them to do that at that time. porque eu não quero que eles façam isso naquele momento. All right, big tip number three,

which I kind of alluded to just a few seconds ago. ||||提到過|||||| ||||angedeutet|||||| ao qual fiz alusão há apenas alguns segundos.

Filters are your friend. 濾鏡是朋友||| Os filtros são seus amigos.

In most email programs, there are filters you can set up Na maioria dos programas de e-mail, existem filtros que você pode configurar

which basically do things automatically for you.

So to go back to the previous example,

every time a newsletter comes in

that has a specific email address

or a specific type of headline,

I have a rule in my email program

that will automatically archive it

so I never see it and it gives it the correct tag as well. então nunca o vejo e ele também fornece a tag correta.

I've also got filters set up Eu também tenho filtros configurados that will automatically delete messages

from certain addresses or from certain people, ||地址||||

like marketers who think that spamming me five times |行銷人員||||垃圾郵件||| |Vermarkter|||||||

is actually gonna get a response.

And lastly, my most important and useful filter

is a filter for all my old email addresses

that ensure that nothing in those email inboxes |||||||收件箱 |||||||E-Mail-Postfächer que garantem que nada nas caixas de entrada de e-mail

can ever go to spam. ||||垃圾郵件 ||||im Spam landen pode sempre ir para o spam.

Now the reason I have this filter set up Agora, a razão pela qual tenho esse filtro configurado

on all my old inboxes is that a few years ago em todas as minhas caixas de entrada antigas há alguns anos

I set up forwarding rules to forward everything |||轉寄規則|||| |||Weiterleitung einrichten|||| Eu configurei regras de encaminhamento para encaminhar tudo

from those inboxes to one big main Gmail inbox.

Now this ensured that I didn't have to go check ||確保了||||||| ||sicherstellte||||||| Agora, isso garantiu que eu não tivesse que ir verificar a zillion different email inboxes |無數個不同的電子郵箱||| |unzählige|||

just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. só para ter certeza de que não estava faltando nada. It was all coming in to one place. Tudo estava vindo para o mesmo lugar.

Except for in certain occasions I would notice Exceto em certas ocasiões, eu notaria

that important emails that were sent que e-mails importantes que foram enviados

to one of those old email addresses para um daqueles endereços de e-mail antigos

hit the spam filter and because I never logged in ||||||||登錄過| ||||||||eingeloggt war| atingiu o filtro de spam e porque eu nunca loguei

to look at those inboxes, I never noticed it. olhar para aquelas caixas de entrada, nunca percebi.

So once I realized that this was happening,

I set up filters to make sure Eu configurei filtros para ter certeza

that nothing could go to spam over there que nada poderia ir para o spam lá

and this wasn't really a big problem e isso não era realmente um grande problema since I could trust the spam filtering ||||||垃圾過濾

in my main inbox to catch all the junk. na minha caixa de entrada principal para pegar todo o lixo.

That brings us to big tip number four, Isso nos leva à grande dica número quatro,

which is to use a separate email for logins ||||||||登入帳號 ||||||||Anmeldungen

than the one that you use for correspondence, |||||||通信用途 |||||||Korrespondenz

for talking with people on the internet. para falar com pessoas na Internet.

Now this is more of a security tip Agora, isso é mais uma dica de segurança

than an organizational tip, but I still think do que uma dica organizacional, mas ainda acho

it's really important to do. The email address that you use

to chat with people on the internet conversar com pessoas na internet

is basically public knowledge. é basicamente de conhecimento público.

Every single person you've given it out to Cada pessoa para quem você distribuiu and possibly the entire internet e possivelmente toda a internet

if you posted it somewhere publicly ||發布|||公開地 se você postou em algum lugar publicamente

knows this email address.

Now, unfortunately, the internet has developed Agora, infelizmente, a internet desenvolveu

in such a way that your email address de forma que o seu endereço de e-mail

is also used as a login credential for most websites. |||||登入憑證||||網站 |||||Anmeldeinformation|Anmeldeinformation||| também é usado como uma credencial de login para a maioria dos sites.

Additionally, it's the place where password resets go. 此外|||||密碼重設處|重設密碼| ||||||Zurücksetzungen| Além disso, é o lugar para onde as redefinições de senha vão. So if anyone ever got access to your email, Então, se alguém já teve acesso ao seu e-mail,

they would be able to send password resets eles seriam capazes de enviar redefinições de senha

and basically hack your entire life. ||駭入生活|||

And even if they can't do that, they at least know one of the two keys needed

to log in to your bank or your |登錄||||銀行||

Final Fantasy FanFiction forum account |幻想|最終幻想同人|| |Fantasie|Final Fantasy Fanfiktion|| Conta do fórum Final Fantasy FanFiction

or any other crucial site

that you don't want people getting into. Fortunately there is a way to deal with this,

at least somewhat, and that is to set up ||至少有點|||||| pelo menos um pouco, e isso é configurar

a separate email address for logging into websites |||||登錄|| um endereço de e-mail separado para fazer login em sites

and don't give that email address out to anybody. Use one email address for correspondence |||||通信

and use the other one as one of those two keys e usar o outro como uma dessas duas chaves

for logging in to your online accounts. ||||||帳戶

And doing this has the additional benefit,

or possibly even primary benefit,

of making sure that it's much less likely an attacker would know where password resets |攻擊者||||| |Angreifer|||||

were going to go.

Again, if you use a publicly known email address, Novamente, se você usar um endereço de e-mail conhecido publicamente,

then people know where password resets links are going.

But if your email address is secret,

then no one really know.

Now, while having a somewhat secret email Agora, embora tenha um e-mail um tanto secreto

slash username combo is really helpful, |Benutzername-Kombination|Benutzername-Kombination|||

what is downright crucial for your online security o que é absolutamente crucial para sua segurança online

is to make sure that you have strong, unique passwords |||||||||Passwörter

on all of your online accounts.

It seems like every single week

brings a new hacker or corporate data breach traz um novo hacker ou violação de dados corporativos

and the problem is that once a password e o problema é que uma vez que uma senha

has leaked in one place, it can be tried anywhere else. vazou em um lugar, pode ser tentado em qualquer outro.

So if you've repeated passwords in different online accounts,

then one leak or one hack

makes all those other accounts vulnerable.

Of course, the problem here is that it's nearly impossible Claro, o problema aqui é que é quase impossível to memorize so many unique passwords, memorizar tantas senhas únicas,

especially if they're strong and lengthy. But fortunately, that isn't a problem if you're using a Dashlane. ||||Dashlane Dashlane is an incredibly well designed password manager

that I use every single day

and it gives you a helpful streamlined way ||||||vereinfachte|

to store all of your passwords and secure your online life para armazenar todas as suas senhas e proteger sua vida online

against hackers and corporate data breaches |Hacker|||| contra hackers e violações de dados corporativos

and even phishing scams. ||und sogar Phishing-Betrügereien|Betrügereien e até golpes de phishing.

Their tool, which you can use across all major platforms A ferramenta deles, que você pode usar em todas as principais plataformas

including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android ||Mac|iOS||

automatically generates strong and unique passwords

for all of your online accounts.

And it stores this data in a user account

that's protected by a patented security architecture ||||專利保護||專利安全架構 ||||patentierte|| que é protegido por uma arquitetura de segurança patenteada which strongly encrypts all of you data ||verschlüsselt||||

and ensure that nobody but you can access it.

And aside from offering you much better security,

Dashlane's tool can also save you a ton of time Dashlanes||||||||| as well, because through their browser extensions ||||||Erweiterungen

and their mobile apps, they can automatically

log you into websites, automatically fill in faça login em sites, preencha automaticamente

username and password fields,

and even automatically fill in large forms.

So if you wanna start improving both your online security

and your efficiency, then head over e sua eficiência, então dirija-se

to dashlane.com/collegeinfogeek, |||collegeinfogeek

which you'll find in the description down below. And if you wanna get access to some advanced features

like a VPN and data syncing across all your devices, ||VPN|||Synchronisierung|||| como uma VPN e sincronização de dados em todos os seus dispositivos,

then be among the first 200 people

to use the code collegeinfogeek

when you sign up for their premium account

and you're gonna get 10% off. But thanks as always to Dashlane for sponsoring this video

and being a big supporter of my channel.

Hopefully this video is helpful to you guys

and if it was, definitely get that like button clicked

and get subscribed right there.

You can also get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades right there,

which'll also get you on my newsletter, das Ihnen auch|||||| and again, unsubscribe if you don't like it. You can follow me on Instagram right over here

@tomfrankly and unfollow me if you don't like that 湯姆弗蘭克里||取消關注|||||| ||entfolgen|||||| and last but not least, smash your face |||||砸爛你的臉||

into your phone screen to watch one more video na tela do telefone para assistir a mais um vídeo

on this channel right here.

Thanks so much for watching

and I'll see you in the next video. (game exploding) - Somebody get this |爆炸中||| (jogo explodindo) - Alguém pegue isso

freaking duck away from me. 該死的|滾開鴨子||| 私から離れてカモをおかしく。 abaixe-se para longe de mim.