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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to Stop Being Constantly Overwhelmed

How to Stop Being Constantly Overwhelmed

for the past five or six months I have

spent the majority of my time feeling

somewhat overwhelmed pretty much every

single day I wake up and I feel like

there's just too much to do too much on

my plate and not enough time to get it

all done and this is a situation that I

really can only blame myself for for

about the past six years I've been a

self-employed entrepreneur which means

there's no boss breathing down my neck

there's nobody specifically telling me

that I have to get things done because

they want me to do them it's really just

me taking on more than I can handle

and I'm still kind of in this situation

but for the past few weeks I've been

taking some steps to rectify it to

actually fix the situation and bring

back some balance into my life so really

what this video is going to be is me

sharing the plan that I've outlined for

myself because I know that I'm not the

only person dealing with this I got a

lot of emails a lot of tweets a lot of

DMS on Instagram from people who feel

overwhelmed in their own lives as well

so like I said before a few weeks ago I

sat down I opened Evernote document I

started creating a plan for bringing

back some balance into my life and the

first step to that plan was doing

something that I'm going to call a reset

sprint now somewhat coincidentally my

friend Matt Diavel just released a video

on his channel a few days ago about

burnout and in that video he talked

about the reason for why so many people

end up burning out and the reason is

that they keep sprinting when you're an

ambitious person when you're an

entrepreneur trying to build a business

or your student trying to get ahead you

have a lot on your plate or you're just

a professional who has a lot of things

going on you often take on sprints where

you make sacrifices you don't get to the

gym as often as you should or you're

making really quick not so healthy meals

you're not sleeping as much as you

should and you have to make those

sacrifices to get ahead sometimes

extraordinary action is what is required

for extraordinary results

but the problem is once you get those

extraordinary results there are still

more opportunities in fact once you

become successful there are more and

more and more opportunities and it's

very tempting to take those on and the

situation that a lot of people find

themselves in is they keep taking these

opportunities and the Sprint's never end

which leads to burnout and eventually

leads to this feeling of being

overwhelmed so the key to not burning

out is to make sure you're not always

sprinting do sprints sometimes but then

eventually back off from that and

actually bring some balance back into

your life so this is one thing that I'm

definitely trying to do but I did

realize that if I wanted to really bring

balance back into my life there was one

last sprint that I needed to do right

now and it was a reset sprint I needed

to put some time into reorganizing my


because over the past several months

I've had so many different projects

going on that a lot of my organizational

systems kind of decayed a lot of that

entropy that I like to talk about seeped

into them so the first part of my plan

has been reorganizing things doing a

little bit of a sprint to reorganize

meant to do system to reorganize my

Evernote because I just moved to a new

house it's also a good time to evaluate

what I own see what I need to reorganize

physically or get rid of or donate or

just otherwise give away so step number

one if you are constantly overwhelmed

then carve out some time to do one of

these reset sprints evaluate all of your

systems your file organization system

your physical living space in your work

space your task manager all these things

and take some time to get them back into

a state where they reflect reality and

they are actually useful to you all

right so after the reset Sprint has done

step two of the plan is to re-establish

your routine this was really big for me

because I was so overwhelmed because I

constantly felt like I had to get things

done I had so much on my plate I kind of

let my routine fall by the wayside I

would wake up each and every morning and

think I have to get to work immediately

otherwise I'm gonna run out of hours in

the day and the ironic part is this

attitude of thinking I need to work all

the time actually made me less effective

I know I wasn't using every single one

of my hours as effectively as I possibly

could so letting my routine go to the

wayside was really it didn't gain me

anything at all so I have made a

commitment to myself to rebuild my

morning routines for build my daily

routines and I know that even if I have

a lot to do that one to two hour window

in the morning when I should be doing my

habits is kind of off limits now one

thing I want to bring up about doing

this is that if you're going to

re-establish a morning routine that used

to be quite complicated if you had a lot

of habits that you were juggling and

they all sort of fell by the wayside

because you got overwhelmed it's

probably not a good idea to try to pick

up all of them at the same time

and there's a concept from one of my

favorite books the motivation hacker by

Nick winter called success spirals and

the Alpha talks about how when you're

building new habits you have to start

small and eventually you prove to

yourself that you can remain consistent

on a small number of habits or something

that's kind of a small commitment and

over time you add more and more

difficulty maybe take on more habits or

you add more difficulty to habits that

are already in your routine and you kind

of spiral up but crucially if for some

reason you fall off the horse you're

probably not going to be able to climb

back on it at the exact same level you

were you have to go back to the

beginning of the spiral and start easy

again now some people may be able to

climb right back up and do exactly what

they were doing before and that's great

but if you try it and it doesn't work

then go back to basics establish a

really simple morning routine or really

simple set of habits prove to yourself

that you can do those going forward and

then slowly work your way up from there

so in my case that meant number one

getting on a habit tracker once more and

I'm personally using an app called

strides for this but number two

establishing a morning routine that was

really simple at first it was just

waking up early drinking a glass of

water taking care of my plants and doing

some push-ups that was it

I wasn't reading I wasn't writing I

wasn't doing instrument practice these

are things that I want to bring back

into my routine but I knew when I was

starting if I wanted to remain

consistent it had to be simple of course

now that I've been doing those things

for a few weeks and I've actually proved

to myself that I can do them

consistently I've started to add some

more things into the routine so now

making up and I'm also reading for 25

minutes I'm making sure to write for 10

minutes and I'm also practicing piano

every single day so in summary step 2

re-establish your routines and I think

that even if you're spending time on

your routines remember that when you

have these routines you're a little bit

more grounded there's more structure in

your life and I think you're gonna be

able to be more efficient with your

normal working hours when you have that

structure that brings us to my third

step of the plan which I think for me is

actually the hardest one and it's to

define your priorities and learn to say

no more often so one of the things that

I really struggle with is that as my

business has become more successful as

the audience has grown the opportunities

have increased as well and every time

there's an opportunity there's this

little voice in my brain saying you

should go for that like there's no

reason not to go for that you

leaving money on the table you'd be not

helping as many people as you could if

you let that opportunity on the table

but I also realized that one of my big

priorities in life is the process of

discovery learning new things of being

able to pick up new skills for example

like I said I'm practicing piano every

single day this is something that's

pretty recent in my life and even though

I'm basically a complete noob at it it

is a lot of fun and I've noticed that

every single time I sit down to the

piano and practice there's a

breakthrough like just the other day I

figured out how to play a 3 2 polyrhythm

on the piano and if you're somebody

who's been playing the piano for quite a

while and that probably seems pretty

trivial to you but for me it was

something that my brain just could not

do for like the first hour while I tried

to do it and when I finally figured it

out when I finally realized that one

hand was doing one - one - and the other

hand was doing 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 at the

same time it was amazing that feeling of

discovery is something that I crave and

one of the problems is that with all the

opportunities that come up in my

business there's like this voice in the

back of my head that's kind of telling

me any time you spend on things you're

not already good at on things you're not

already established at like playing the

piano is wasted time because you could

be using that time to make another video

you could be using that time to improve

your website to train your employees all

this kind of stuff why would you be

using it on something that you're not

established in your business is a force

multiplier and you're not using it plus

there's zillion other people out there

who are already way better at piano than

you'll ever be why would you do that and

this voice is toxic and I realize that

if I continually listen to it if I

continually put all my time into my

business just because I feel that the

force multiplier is there just because I

feel like there's more opportunity there

I'm going to burn out I'm going to feel

overwhelmed because the desire for

discovery is not going to go away it's

just gonna be kind of stifled but it's

still gonna be there and it's still

gonna cause me stress so step 3 of the

plan is to say no to more opportunities

in my business even if they are

lucrative even if it seems like I would

be a fool to leave them on the table I

have to learn to say no because I need

to have priorities and one of those

priorities is the joy of discovery so

I've actually printed out a list of my

current priorities and I put it on the

all right there and it says practice

piano get back to a weekly schedule in

the YouTube channel make sure I'm doing

the things that are actually important

to me and say no to anything that is

going to block those so hopefully this

is helpful in some way to you and just

to summarize really quick here step one

do a reset sprint get your systems back

in order beef a physical or digital take

some time to really do this correctly

step two re-establish your habits and

routines don't give in to the temptation

to let those things fall to the wayside

because you feel like you don't have

enough hours to do your work have work

hours and have hours for your routines

and then finally step three define your

priorities going forward and then learn

to say no more often it's really

difficult but it's worth it and if I

might make a suggestion one of those

priorities should be as my shirt says to

never stop learning to maintain that

constant joy of discovery this is

something that's really important to me

and I'm really trying to make more of a

priority in my life so if you aren't

doing this already then try to learn

something new every single day or at

least every week if you're like me maybe

start playing the piano or pick up a new

book or possibly start watching a

documentary on a service like curiosity

stream curiosity stream is an extensive

and constantly updated collection of

exclusive in high quality documentaries

that was actually created by John

Hendricks who's the founder of the

Discovery Channel which was my absolute

favorite TV channel when I was a kid now

unlike normal TV channels with curiosity

stream you can access those

documentaries on all of your devices

whenever you want they're in your web

browser they're on iOS and Android

they're on roku and on many other

platforms as well and once you start

digging into the library you'll find

tons of different documentaries and

topics ranging from science to

technology to nature and lots lots more

and if you're looking for a

recommendation of where to start a

documentary that I really enjoyed

recently was called order and disorder

specifically the episode on these story

of information which traces the

development of how we communicate with

each other membership on curiosity

stream is really affordable at just

$2.99 per month and if you go over to

curiosity stream at comm slash Thomas

and sign up you're gonna get 30 days of

completely unlimited free access so it's

a great way to try out the service a big

thanks goes out to curiosity stream for

sponsoring this episode and being a big

supporter of my channel and as always

thank you guys so much

watching hopefully you found something

useful in this video and if you did

maybe consider hitting at that like

button or getting subscribed right there

to get new videos when they come out

every single week you can also click

right there to get a copy of my book on

how to earn better grades for free click

right here to get one more video on this

channel or follow me on instagram at Tom

frankly thanks once again for watching

guys and I will see you in the next


How to Stop Being Constantly Overwhelmed Wie man aufhört, ständig überfordert zu sein Cómo dejar de sentirse constantemente abrumado Comment cesser d'être constamment débordé ? Come smettere di essere costantemente sopraffatti 常に圧倒されるのをやめる方法 Como deixar de estar constantemente sobrecarregado Как перестать быть постоянно перегруженным Як перестати бути постійно перевантаженим 如何不再总是不知所措 如何停止不斷地不知所措

for the past five or six months I have

spent the majority of my time feeling

somewhat overwhelmed pretty much every um pouco sobrecarregado praticamente todos os

single day I wake up and I feel like único dia eu acordo e sinto que

there's just too much to do too much on há muito o que fazer demais

my plate and not enough time to get it meu prato e não há tempo suficiente para obtê-lo

all done and this is a situation that I tudo feito e esta é uma situação que eu

really can only blame myself for for realmente só pode me culpar por

about the past six years I've been a nos últimos seis anos eu fui um

self-employed entrepreneur which means empresário independente, o que significa

there's no boss breathing down my neck não há chefe respirando no meu pescoço

there's nobody specifically telling me não há ninguém me dizendo especificamente

that I have to get things done because que eu tenho que fazer as coisas porque

they want me to do them it's really just eles querem que eu faça, é realmente apenas

me taking on more than I can handle eu assumindo mais do que posso suportar

and I'm still kind of in this situation e ainda estou nessa situação

but for the past few weeks I've been mas nas últimas semanas eu estive

taking some steps to rectify it to tomando algumas medidas para corrigi-lo para

actually fix the situation and bring realmente resolver a situação e trazer

back some balance into my life so really de volta algum equilíbrio na minha vida tão realmente

what this video is going to be is me o que esse vídeo vai ser sou eu

sharing the plan that I've outlined for compartilhando o plano que descrevi para

myself because I know that I'm not the eu porque sei que não sou o

only person dealing with this I got a única pessoa que lida com isso eu tenho um

lot of emails a lot of tweets a lot of muitos e-mails muitos tweets um monte de

DMS on Instagram from people who feel DMS no Instagram de pessoas que sentem

overwhelmed in their own lives as well sobrecarregado em suas próprias vidas também

so like I said before a few weeks ago I assim como eu disse antes de algumas semanas atrás eu

sat down I opened Evernote document I sentou-se eu abri o documento Evernote I

started creating a plan for bringing começou a criar um plano para trazer

back some balance into my life and the

first step to that plan was doing primeiro passo para esse plano estava fazendo

something that I'm going to call a reset algo que eu vou chamar de reset

sprint now somewhat coincidentally my correr agora um pouco por coincidência meu

friend Matt Diavel just released a video amigo Matt Diavel acaba de lançar um vídeo

on his channel a few days ago about em seu canal há alguns dias atrás sobre

burnout and in that video he talked burnout e nesse vídeo ele falou

about the reason for why so many people sobre a razão pela qual tantas pessoas

end up burning out and the reason is acabam queimando e a razão é

that they keep sprinting when you're an que eles continuam correndo quando você é um

ambitious person when you're an pessoa ambiciosa quando você é um

entrepreneur trying to build a business empresário tentando construir um negócio

or your student trying to get ahead you ou seu aluno tentando chegar à frente de você

have a lot on your plate or you're just tem muito no seu prato ou você está apenas

a professional who has a lot of things um profissional que tem muitas coisas

going on you often take on sprints where acontecendo você muitas vezes assume sprints onde

you make sacrifices you don't get to the você faz sacrifícios, você não chega ao

gym as often as you should or you're academia quantas vezes você deveria ou você está

making really quick not so healthy meals fazendo refeições muito rápidas e não tão saudáveis

you're not sleeping as much as you você não está dormindo tanto quanto você

should and you have to make those deveria e você tem que fazer aqueles

sacrifices to get ahead sometimes sacrifícios para chegar à frente às vezes

extraordinary action is what is required ação extraordinária é o que é necessário

for extraordinary results para resultados extraordinários

but the problem is once you get those mas o problema é quando você os obtém

extraordinary results there are still resultados extraordinários ainda existem

more opportunities in fact once you mais oportunidades, de fato, uma vez que você

become successful there are more and se tornar um sucesso, há mais e

more and more opportunities and it's

very tempting to take those on and the muito tentador para enfrentá-los e

situation that a lot of people find situação que muitas pessoas acham

themselves in is they keep taking these se eles continuam a tomar estes

opportunities and the Sprint's never end oportunidades e o Sprint nunca termina

which leads to burnout and eventually o que leva ao esgotamento e, eventualmente,

leads to this feeling of being leva a esse sentimento de ser

overwhelmed so the key to not burning oprimido por isso a chave para não queimar

out is to make sure you're not always fora é garantir que você não esteja sempre

sprinting do sprints sometimes but then

eventually back off from that and

actually bring some balance back into realmente trazer algum equilíbrio de volta

your life so this is one thing that I'm sua vida, então isso é uma coisa que eu sou

definitely trying to do but I did

realize that if I wanted to really bring perceber que se eu realmente quisesse trazer

balance back into my life there was one equilibrar de volta à minha vida houve um

last sprint that I needed to do right última corrida que eu precisava fazer certo

now and it was a reset sprint I needed agora e foi um sprint de redefinição que eu precisava

to put some time into reorganizing my para dedicar algum tempo à reorganização do meu


because over the past several months

I've had so many different projects Eu tive tantos projetos diferentes

going on that a lot of my organizational acontecendo que muito da minha organização

systems kind of decayed a lot of that sistemas meio que deteriorou muito disso

entropy that I like to talk about seeped entropia que eu gosto de falar infiltrou

into them so the first part of my plan para eles, para a primeira parte do meu plano

has been reorganizing things doing a tem reorganizado as coisas fazendo um

little bit of a sprint to reorganize um pouco de um sprint para reorganizar

meant to do system to reorganize my destinado a fazer sistema para reorganizar minha

Evernote because I just moved to a new Evernote porque acabei de me mudar para um novo

house it's also a good time to evaluate casa também é um bom momento para avaliar

what I own see what I need to reorganize o que eu tenho, vejo o que preciso para reorganizar

physically or get rid of or donate or fisicamente ou se livrar ou doar ou

just otherwise give away so step number caso contrário, doar então número do passo

one if you are constantly overwhelmed um se você estiver constantemente sobrecarregado

then carve out some time to do one of então dedique algum tempo para fazer uma das

these reset sprints evaluate all of your esses sprints de redefinição avaliam todos os seus

systems your file organization system

your physical living space in your work seu espaço físico em seu trabalho

space your task manager all these things espaço seu gerenciador de tarefas todas essas coisas

and take some time to get them back into e levar algum tempo para recuperá-los

a state where they reflect reality and um estado em que refletem a realidade e

they are actually useful to you all eles são realmente úteis para todos vocês

right so after the reset Sprint has done certo, então, após a redefinição da Sprint

step two of the plan is to re-establish O segundo passo do plano é restabelecer

your routine this was really big for me sua rotina isso foi realmente grande para mim

because I was so overwhelmed because I porque eu estava tão impressionado porque eu

constantly felt like I had to get things constantemente senti que tinha que conseguir coisas

done I had so much on my plate I kind of feito eu tinha tanto no meu prato que eu meio que

let my routine fall by the wayside I deixe minha rotina cair no esquecimento

would wake up each and every morning and acordaria todas as manhãs e

think I have to get to work immediately acho que tenho que trabalhar imediatamente

otherwise I'm gonna run out of hours in caso contrário, eu vou ficar sem horas em

the day and the ironic part is this o dia e a parte irônica é essa

attitude of thinking I need to work all atitude de pensar eu preciso trabalhar tudo

the time actually made me less effective o tempo realmente me fez menos eficaz

I know I wasn't using every single one Eu sei que não estava usando cada um

of my hours as effectively as I possibly das minhas horas da forma mais eficaz possível

could so letting my routine go to the poderia deixar minha rotina ir para o

wayside was really it didn't gain me esquecimento foi realmente não me ganhou

anything at all so I have made a qualquer coisa, então eu fiz uma

commitment to myself to rebuild my compromisso comigo mesmo de reconstruir minha

morning routines for build my daily rotinas matinais para construir meu diário

routines and I know that even if I have rotinas e eu sei que mesmo se eu tiver

a lot to do that one to two hour window muito para fazer isso janela de uma a duas horas

in the morning when I should be doing my de manhã quando eu deveria estar fazendo o meu

habits is kind of off limits now one hábitos é uma espécie de fora dos limites agora um

thing I want to bring up about doing coisa que eu quero falar sobre fazer

this is that if you're going to isto é, se você estiver indo para

re-establish a morning routine that used restabelecer uma rotina matinal que usava

to be quite complicated if you had a lot ser bem complicado se você tivesse muito

of habits that you were juggling and de hábitos que você estava fazendo malabarismos e

they all sort of fell by the wayside todos eles caíram no esquecimento

because you got overwhelmed it's porque você ficou sobrecarregado é

probably not a good idea to try to pick provavelmente não é uma boa ideia tentar escolher

up all of them at the same time todos eles ao mesmo tempo

and there's a concept from one of my e há um conceito de um dos meus

favorite books the motivation hacker by livros favoritos o hacker motivação por

Nick winter called success spirals and Nick Winter chamou espirais de sucesso e

the Alpha talks about how when you're o Alpha fala sobre como quando você está

building new habits you have to start construindo novos hábitos que você tem que começar

small and eventually you prove to pequeno e, eventualmente, você provar

yourself that you can remain consistent você mesmo que pode permanecer consistente

on a small number of habits or something em um pequeno número de hábitos ou algo assim

that's kind of a small commitment and isso é um pequeno compromisso e

over time you add more and more com o tempo você adiciona mais e mais

difficulty maybe take on more habits or

you add more difficulty to habits that

are already in your routine and you kind já está na sua rotina e você tipo

of spiral up but crucially if for some de espiral, mas crucialmente, se por algum

reason you fall off the horse you're razão pela qual você cai do cavalo você está

probably not going to be able to climb provavelmente não será capaz de subir

back on it at the exact same level you de volta para ele exatamente no mesmo nível que você

were you have to go back to the onde você tem que voltar para o

beginning of the spiral and start easy início da espiral e começar fácil

again now some people may be able to novamente agora algumas pessoas podem ser capazes de

climb right back up and do exactly what subir de volta e fazer exatamente o que

they were doing before and that's great eles estavam fazendo antes e isso é ótimo

but if you try it and it doesn't work mas se você tentar e não funcionar

then go back to basics establish a depois volte ao básico, estabeleça um

really simple morning routine or really rotina matinal realmente simples ou realmente

simple set of habits prove to yourself conjunto simples de hábitos provar a si mesmo

that you can do those going forward and que você pode fazer aqueles daqui para frente e

then slowly work your way up from there então, lentamente, suba de lá

so in my case that meant number one Então, no meu caso, isso significava o número um

getting on a habit tracker once more and entrar em um rastreador de hábitos mais uma vez e

I'm personally using an app called Pessoalmente, estou usando um aplicativo chamado

strides for this but number two avanços para isso, mas número dois

establishing a morning routine that was estabelecendo uma rotina matinal que era

really simple at first it was just realmente simples no começo era apenas

waking up early drinking a glass of acordar cedo bebendo um copo de

water taking care of my plants and doing água cuidando de minhas plantas e fazendo

some push-ups that was it algumas flexões foi isso

I wasn't reading I wasn't writing I Eu não estava lendo, não estava escrevendo.

wasn't doing instrument practice these

are things that I want to bring back são coisas que eu quero trazer de volta

into my routine but I knew when I was na minha rotina, mas eu sabia quando estava

starting if I wanted to remain começando se eu quisesse permanecer

consistent it had to be simple of course consistente, tinha que ser simples, é claro

now that I've been doing those things agora que venho fazendo essas coisas

for a few weeks and I've actually proved por algumas semanas e eu realmente provei

to myself that I can do them para mim mesmo que eu posso fazê-los

consistently I've started to add some consistentemente eu comecei a adicionar alguns

more things into the routine so now mais coisas na rotina agora

making up and I'm also reading for 25 inventando e eu também estou lendo por 25

minutes I'm making sure to write for 10 minutos eu estou certificando-me de escrever por 10

minutes and I'm also practicing piano

every single day so in summary step 2 todos os dias, para resumir a etapa 2

re-establish your routines and I think restabelecer suas rotinas e acho

that even if you're spending time on que mesmo se você estiver gastando tempo

your routines remember that when you suas rotinas lembram que quando você

have these routines you're a little bit tem essas rotinas você é um pouco

more grounded there's more structure in mais aterrado há mais estrutura em

your life and I think you're gonna be sua vida e eu acho que você vai ser

able to be more efficient with your capaz de ser mais eficiente com o seu

normal working hours when you have that horário normal de trabalho quando você tem esse

structure that brings us to my third estrutura que nos leva ao meu terceiro

step of the plan which I think for me is passo do plano que penso para mim é

actually the hardest one and it's to na verdade, o mais difícil e é

define your priorities and learn to say defina suas prioridades e aprenda a dizer

no more often so one of the things that não mais frequentemente, então uma das coisas que

I really struggle with is that as my Eu realmente luto é que, como meu

business has become more successful as negócios tornou-se mais bem sucedido como

the audience has grown the opportunities o público cresceu as oportunidades

have increased as well and every time aumentaram também e toda vez

there's an opportunity there's this há uma oportunidade, há isso

little voice in my brain saying you pequena voz no meu cérebro dizendo você

should go for that like there's no deve ir para isso como se não houvesse

reason not to go for that you razão para não ir para isso você

leaving money on the table you'd be not deixando dinheiro na mesa você não seria

helping as many people as you could if ajudando tantas pessoas quanto você poderia se

you let that opportunity on the table você deixa essa oportunidade em cima da mesa

but I also realized that one of my big mas também percebi que um dos meus grandes

priorities in life is the process of prioridades na vida é o processo de

discovery learning new things of being descoberta aprendendo coisas novas de ser

able to pick up new skills for example capaz de adquirir novas habilidades, por exemplo

like I said I'm practicing piano every como eu disse, estou praticando piano a cada

single day this is something that's único dia isso é algo que é

pretty recent in my life and even though bastante recente na minha vida e, embora

I'm basically a complete noob at it it Eu sou basicamente um noob completo nisso

is a lot of fun and I've noticed that é muito divertido e eu notei que

every single time I sit down to the toda vez que me sento para o

piano and practice there's a piano e prática há uma

breakthrough like just the other day I avanço como apenas no outro dia eu

figured out how to play a 3 2 polyrhythm descobriu como tocar um polirritmo 3 2

on the piano and if you're somebody no piano e se você é alguém

who's been playing the piano for quite a que toca piano há bastante tempo

while and that probably seems pretty enquanto e isso provavelmente parece bastante

trivial to you but for me it was trivial para você, mas para mim foi

something that my brain just could not algo que meu cérebro simplesmente não conseguia

do for like the first hour while I tried fazer como na primeira hora enquanto eu tentava

to do it and when I finally figured it para fazê-lo e quando eu finalmente percebi

out when I finally realized that one quando eu finalmente percebi que um

hand was doing one - one - and the other mão estava fazendo um - um - e o outro

hand was doing 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 at the mão estava fazendo 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 no

same time it was amazing that feeling of Ao mesmo tempo, foi incrível esse sentimento de

discovery is something that I crave and descoberta é algo que eu desejo e

one of the problems is that with all the Um dos problemas é que, com toda a

opportunities that come up in my oportunidades que surgem na minha

business there's like this voice in the negócios há como essa voz no

back of my head that's kind of telling atrás da minha cabeça isso é meio que revelador

me any time you spend on things you're me sempre que você gasta em coisas que você é

not already good at on things you're not já não é bom em coisas que você não é

already established at like playing the já estabelecido em como jogar o

piano is wasted time because you could piano é perda de tempo, porque você poderia

be using that time to make another video estar usando esse tempo para fazer outro vídeo

you could be using that time to improve você poderia estar usando esse tempo para melhorar

your website to train your employees all seu site para treinar todos os seus funcionários

this kind of stuff why would you be esse tipo de coisa, por que você estaria

using it on something that you're not usá-lo em algo que você não é

established in your business is a force estabelecido no seu negócio é uma força

multiplier and you're not using it plus multiplicador e você não está usando mais

there's zillion other people out there há um zilhão de outras pessoas por aí

who are already way better at piano than que já são muito melhores no piano do que

you'll ever be why would you do that and você sempre será por que você faria isso e

this voice is toxic and I realize that essa voz é tóxica e percebo que

if I continually listen to it if I se eu ouvir continuamente se eu

continually put all my time into my continuamente colocar todo o meu tempo no meu

business just because I feel that the negócios só porque sinto que o

force multiplier is there just because I multiplicador de força está lá só porque eu

feel like there's more opportunity there sinto que há mais oportunidade lá

I'm going to burn out I'm going to feel Eu vou queimar eu vou sentir

overwhelmed because the desire for oprimido porque o desejo de

discovery is not going to go away it's descoberta não vai desaparecer é

just gonna be kind of stifled but it's só vai ser meio sufocado, mas é

still gonna be there and it's still ainda vai estar lá e ainda é

gonna cause me stress so step 3 of the vai me causar estresse, então passo 3 do

plan is to say no to more opportunities plano é dizer não a mais oportunidades

in my business even if they are no meu negócio, mesmo que sejam

lucrative even if it seems like I would lucrativo, mesmo que pareça que eu faria

be a fool to leave them on the table I ser tolo em deixá-los em cima da mesa

have to learn to say no because I need tenho que aprender a dizer não, porque eu preciso

to have priorities and one of those ter prioridades e um desses

priorities is the joy of discovery so prioridades é a alegria da descoberta tão

I've actually printed out a list of my Na verdade, imprimi uma lista dos meus

current priorities and I put it on the prioridades atuais e eu coloco no

all right there and it says practice tudo bem lá e diz prática

piano get back to a weekly schedule in piano voltar a uma programação semanal em

the YouTube channel make sure I'm doing o canal do YouTube, verifique se estou fazendo

the things that are actually important as coisas que são realmente importantes

to me and say no to anything that is para mim e diga não a qualquer coisa que seja

going to block those so hopefully this vai bloquear aqueles que espero que este

is helpful in some way to you and just é útil de alguma forma para você e apenas

to summarize really quick here step one para resumir muito rápido aqui o primeiro passo

do a reset sprint get your systems back faça um sprint de redefinição e recupere seus sistemas

in order beef a physical or digital take a fim de carne uma tomada física ou digital

some time to really do this correctly

step two re-establish your habits and o segundo passo restabelece seus hábitos e

routines don't give in to the temptation

to let those things fall to the wayside para deixar essas coisas cair no esquecimento

because you feel like you don't have porque você sente que não tem

enough hours to do your work have work horas suficientes para fazer seu trabalho ter trabalho

hours and have hours for your routines horas e horas para suas rotinas

and then finally step three define your e, finalmente, passo três, defina seu

priorities going forward and then learn prioridades daqui para frente e depois aprender

to say no more often it's really para dizer não mais frequentemente, é realmente

difficult but it's worth it and if I difícil, mas vale a pena e se eu

might make a suggestion one of those pode fazer uma sugestão um daqueles

priorities should be as my shirt says to prioridades deve ser como minha camisa diz

never stop learning to maintain that nunca pare de aprender a manter isso

constant joy of discovery this is alegria constante de descoberta isso é

something that's really important to me algo que é realmente importante para mim

and I'm really trying to make more of a

priority in my life so if you aren't prioridade na minha vida, então se você não estiver

doing this already then try to learn fazendo isso já tente aprender

something new every single day or at algo novo todos os dias ou às

least every week if you're like me maybe menos toda semana se você é como eu, talvez

start playing the piano or pick up a new comece a tocar piano ou pegue um novo

book or possibly start watching a livro ou, possivelmente, começar a assistir a

documentary on a service like curiosity

stream curiosity stream is an extensive fluxo curiosidade fluxo é uma extensa

and constantly updated collection of

exclusive in high quality documentaries

that was actually created by John que foi realmente criado por John

Hendricks who's the founder of the

Discovery Channel which was my absolute Discovery Channel, que foi o meu absoluto

favorite TV channel when I was a kid now

unlike normal TV channels with curiosity ao contrário dos canais de TV normais com curiosidade

stream you can access those transmitir você pode acessar aqueles

documentaries on all of your devices documentários em todos os seus dispositivos

whenever you want they're in your web sempre que quiser, eles estão na sua web

browser they're on iOS and Android navegador eles estão no iOS e Android

they're on roku and on many other eles estão no roku e em muitos outros

platforms as well and once you start plataformas também e uma vez que você começa

digging into the library you'll find cavando na biblioteca você encontrará

tons of different documentaries and toneladas de diferentes documentários e

topics ranging from science to

technology to nature and lots lots more tecnologia para a natureza e muito mais

and if you're looking for a

recommendation of where to start a

documentary that I really enjoyed documentário que eu realmente gostei

recently was called order and disorder

specifically the episode on these story

of information which traces the

development of how we communicate with

each other membership on curiosity

stream is really affordable at just

$2.99 per month and if you go over to

curiosity stream at comm slash Thomas fluxo de curiosidade na barra Thomas

and sign up you're gonna get 30 days of e se inscrever, você receberá 30 dias de

completely unlimited free access so it's acesso gratuito completamente ilimitado, por isso é

a great way to try out the service a big uma ótima maneira de experimentar o serviço uma grande

thanks goes out to curiosity stream for

sponsoring this episode and being a big

supporter of my channel and as always

thank you guys so much muito obrigado pessoal

watching hopefully you found something

useful in this video and if you did útil neste vídeo e se você fez

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frankly thanks once again for watching

guys and I will see you in the next
