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Serial, The Alibi (2)

The Alibi (2)

Saad But it's the truth.

Rabia TMI, TMI, TMI.

Saad See that? That right there is kind of making her feel uncomfortable. She's like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sarah Koenig So just on motive alone, Saad and Rabia found the whole thing ridiculous. As for physical evidence, there was none-- nothing. Apart from some fingerprints in Hae's car, which Adnan had been in many times, there was nothing linking him to the crime-- no DNA, no fibers, no hairs, no matching soil from the bottom of his boots.

Instead, what they had on Adnan was one guy's story, a guy named Jay. He's the third person you need to remember in this crime story besides Hae and Adnan. Jay was a friend of Adnan's. They'd been in school together since middle school.

They weren't super close, but they had mutual friends. Jay sold weed, and he and Adnan smoked together. The story Jay told police had problems, because it kept changing from telling to telling. But they were able to bolster the main plot points using cell records from Adnan's phone.

By the time I left Rabia's office that first day, I understood only one thing clearly, though maybe not the thing Rabia and Saad wanted me to understand. But what I took away from the visit was, somebody is lying here. Maybe Adnan really is innocent. But what if he isn't? What if he did do it, and he's got all these good people thinking he didn't?

So either it's Jay or it's Adnan. But someone is lying. And I really wanted to figure out who.

In the early morning of February 28, 1999, Adnan was arrested by Baltimore City detectives. He was asleep in his bed when they showed up at his house. They took him straight from his untidy bedroom to an interrogation room at Homicide downtown. What Adnan didn't know is that just hours before they picked him up, the cops had interviewed his friend Jay.

Detective This is a taped interview of Jay, black male, 19 years of age. We're at the offices of Homicide, specifically the colonel's conference room.

Sarah Koenig The police recorded two taped interviews with Jay. And I'm going to play you the second one from a couple weeks later, only because the sound quality is much better. Just a warning that the tape is a little upsetting to hear in parts.

Detective Why don't you go ahead and tell us what you know about the death of Hae Lee.

Jay OK. I'd left out, went shopping with a friend of mine, an ex-friend of mine, Adnan. We had had a conversation. During the conversation he stated that he was going to kill that bitch, referring to Hae Lee. I took it with context. It didn't stand out in my head any.

Sarah Koenig Jay said he didn't take it too seriously. The cops have him start again from the top. On the morning of the 13th, Jay says, Adnan had left school and driven to Jay's house. Jay had graduated from school the year before and was working, but not on that day. January 13 happens to be the birthday of Jay's girlfriend, Stephanie. And Jay, who didn't have his own car, needed to go buy something for her. So Adnan comes over. According to Jay, they go shopping at the mall.

Detective When did you do that?

Jay We left the mall. I took him to school. I dropped him off in the back of the school. He went up to class. He left his cell phone in the car with me, told me he'd call me. I went back to my friend Jenn's house and waited for him to call.

Detective OK, now at this point, you know why he's leaving the car with you.

Jay Yes.

Detective And why is that?

Jay Because he said he was going to kill Hae.

Detective And the reason you have the car and the cell phone was why?

Jay To pick him up from wherever he was going to do this at.

Detective OK, and you had talked about this while you were shopping that day?

Jay The details of the car and all?

Detective The events, how they were going to plan out.

Jay That day he told me, yes. He told me, I'm going to leave you with my cellphone and my car, and I need you to come get me. Yes.

Detective After--

Jay After he had killed Hae, yes.

Detective OK.

Sarah Koenig Later that afternoon, the call comes.

Detective You received a phone call from Adnan.

Jay Yes.

Detective On his cellphone.

Jay Yes.

Detective Which is in your possession.

Jay Yes.

Detective And the conversation was what?

Jay That bitch is dead. Come and get me. I'm at Best Buy.

Sarah Koenig Jay drives to Best Buy and sees Adnan in the parking lot.

Jay I noticed that Hae wasn't with him. I parked next to him. He asked me to get out the car. I get out the car. He asks me, am I ready for this? And I say, ready for what?And he takes the keys. He opens the trunk. And all I can see is Hae's lips are all blue, and she's pretzeled up in the back of the trunk. And she's dead.

Sarah Koenig They leave the parking lot. Adnan's driving Hae's car with her body in the trunk. Jay's driving Adnan's car. They ditch Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride. And then, to hear Jay tell it, they just kind of tool around Baltimore County together for a while as if nothing had happened-- buy some weed, cruise around, make some calls. After a while, Jay drives Adnan back to Woodlawn High School.

Detective Why did you take him back to school?

Jay He told me that I had to take him back to school because he needed to be seen there.

Detective Was he going to a certain event?

Jay It was practice, track practice.

Detective Track practice.

Jay Yes.

Detective So he wanted an alibi?

Jay Yes.

Detective He wanted to be seen by people at track.

Jay Yes.

Detective And you guys had discussed that?

Jay He just told me that he needed to be seen.

Detective Yes.

Jay He told me that he needed to be seen.

Detective At track practice. You took him back?

Jay Yes.

Detective Are you having any conversation with Adnan at the time?

Jay To the effect, yes. Don't tell anyone. He said that he couldn't believe he killed somebody with his bare hands, that all the other mother [BLEEP] referring to hoods and thugs and stuff think they're hard core. But he just killed a person with his bare hands.

Detective So at this point he's bragging about it?

Jay Basically.

Detective He was proud of it?

Jay Yes.

Sarah Koenig After track practice, Jay picks Adnan up again. They drive around some more. By this time, Hae's family was worried, and they'd called the police, who in turn called a couple of Hae's friends, including Adnan.

The call comes in on his cell. The cops ask if he's seen Hae or knows where she is. Jay says after the call, they drive to Jay's to get some shovels, go retrieve Hae's car from the park and ride. They drive around some more and finally end up at Leakin Park, where Adnan proceeds to bury Hae. It's evening by now, maybe 7:00 or 8:00 PM.

Jay And he asked me if I was going to help. And I told him, [BLEEP] no. And he starts just shoveling dirt on top of her. After we leave there--

Detective Let me stop there.

Jay Yes.

Detective You helped him dig the hole.

Jay Yes.

Detective How long did it take you both to dig the hole?

Jay 20, 25 minutes.

Detective How deep did you make the hole?

Jay Oh, maybe six inches at the most. It wasn't very deep at all.

Detective Who did most of the digging?

Jay Uh, it was--

Detective Both of you?

Jay Yeah.

Detective Equal work?

Jay I wouldn't say that, but yeah.

Detective OK.

Sarah Koenig So those are the key points. Adnan told Jay in advance he was going to do it. He did it. They buried her. Jay's story wasn't just the foundation of the state's case against Adnan. It was the state's case against Adnan.

In the picture Jay drew, it's cold. I mean, he's not describing a crime of passion here. This is something much darker-- to methodically map out the death of your friend, to strangle her with your own hands so close up like that. That would mean Adnan wasn't just a killer, but a master liar and manipulator, a psychopath, probably.

Adnan's in a maximum security prison in western Maryland. He calls me at my request about twice a week. He talks to me from a bank of eight pay phones in the rec hall, a pretty large room where other guys are sitting at tables with metal seats attached to them playing chess or cards or using the microwave or watching TV. It can get a little loud sometimes. Once I asked if all eight phones were always occupied. And he said, usually not, because guys who have been in for a long time, often they have no one to call.

When I first met Adnan in person, I was struck by two things. He was way bigger than I expected-- barrel chested and tall. In the photos I'd seen, he was still a lanky teenager with struggling facialhair and sagging jeans. By now, he was 32. He'd spent nearly half his life in prison, becoming larger and properly bearded. And the second thing, which you can't miss about Adnan, is that he has giant brown eyes like a dairy cow. That's what prompts my most idiotic lines of inquiry. Could someone who looks like that really strangle his girlfriend? Idiotic, I know.

When he first heard Jay's story of the crime, Adnan didn't say, well, it didn't happen like that, or, I didn't mean for it to happen like that. He said, it didn't happen. None of this is true at all. He says he had nothing to do with Hae's murder, and he doesn't know who did.Hae was Adnan's first serious relationship with a girl. He says he loved her in the way of high school love, but then also in the way of high school got over her. So that when they broke up for good sometime before Christmas break of senior year, he says he was sad for sure, but not obsessed or anything.

Adnan Syed I just sometimes wish they could look into my brain and see how I really felt about her. And no matter what else someone would say, they would see, man, this guy had no ill will toward her. Whatever the motivation is to kill someone, I had absolutely-- it didn't exist in me, you know what I mean? No one can ever say why.

People could say why. Oh, man, he was mad, this, that, or the other. But no one could ever come with any type of proof or anecdote or anything to ever say that I was ever mad at her, that I was ever angry with her, that I ever threatened her. That's the only thing I can really hold onto. That is like my only firm handhold in this whole thing, that no one's ever been able to prove it.

No one ever has been able to provide any shred of evidence that I had anything but friendship toward her, like love and respect for her. That's at the end of the day, man. The only thing I can ever say is, man, I had no reason to kill her.

Sarah Koenig He's adamant about this. You can hear it, right? He's staunch. The problem is, when you ask Adnan to go back and tell his version of what happened that day, to refute Jay's story, everything becomes a lot mushier.

The Alibi (2) Das Alibi (2) La coartada (2) L'alibi (2) アリバイ (2) O Álibi (2) Алиби (2) The Alibi (2) 不在场证明 (2) 不在場證明 (2)

Saad      But it’s the truth.

Rabia      TMI, TMI, TMI. |||Za dużo informacji

Saad      See that? Saad Vê isso? That right there is kind of making her feel uncomfortable. Isso aí está fazendo com que ela se sinta desconfortável. She’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Ela é como, ei, ei, ei. 她就像,哇,哇,哇。

Sarah Koenig So just on motive alone, Saad and Rabia found the whole thing ridiculous. Sarah Koenig Então, apenas por motivo, Saad e Rabia acharam a coisa toda ridícula. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 因此,仅从动机来看,萨阿德和拉比亚就认为整件事很荒谬。 As for physical evidence, there was none-- nothing. Quanto à evidência física, não havia nenhuma... nada. 至于物证,什么也没有。 Apart from some fingerprints in Hae’s car, which Adnan had been in many times, there was nothing linking him to the crime-- no DNA, no fibers, no hairs, no matching soil from the bottom of his boots. |||||||||||||||||||||||||纤维||||||||||| Além de algumas impressões digitais no carro de Hae, em que Adnan esteve muitas vezes, não havia nada que o ligasse ao crime - nenhum DNA, nenhuma fibra, nenhum cabelo, nenhuma sujeira correspondente da sola de suas botas. 除了 Hae 的车上的一些指纹(Adnan 曾多次坐过这辆车)外,没有任何东西可以将他与犯罪联系起来——没有 DNA,没有纤维,没有毛发,也没有从他的靴子底部找到匹配的泥土。

Instead, what they had on Adnan was one guy’s story, a guy named Jay. |||||||||||||Jay 相反,他们所了解的关于阿德南的只是一个人的故事,这个人叫杰伊。 He’s the third person you need to remember in this crime story besides Hae and Adnan. 除了 Hae 和 Adnan 之外,他是这个犯罪故事中你需要记住的第三个人。 Jay was a friend of Adnan’s. 杰伊是阿德南的朋友。 They’d been in school together since middle school. 他们从中学起就一起上学。

They weren’t super close, but they had mutual friends. |||||||gemeinsame| 他们并不是很亲密,但他们有共同的朋友。 Jay sold weed, and he and Adnan smoked together. ||大麻|||||| 杰伊卖大麻,他和阿德南一起抽烟。 The story Jay told police had problems, because it kept changing from telling to telling. A história que Jay contou à polícia teve problemas, porque mudava de contar para contar. 杰伊向警方讲述的故事存在问题,因为每次讲述都有所不同。 But they were able to bolster the main plot points using cell records from Adnan’s phone. |||||支持|||情节要点||||||| |||||stützen|||||||||| Mas eles foram capazes de reforçar os principais pontos da trama usando registros de celular do telefone de Adnan. 但他们能够利用阿德南手机的通话记录来支持主要情节点。

By the time I left Rabia’s office that first day, I understood only one thing clearly, though maybe not the thing Rabia and Saad wanted me to understand. Quando saí do escritório de Rabia naquele primeiro dia, entendi apenas uma coisa com clareza, embora talvez não o que Rabia e Saad queriam que eu entendesse. 第一天离开拉比亚的办公室时,我只清楚地明白了一件事,尽管这也许不是拉比亚和萨阿德希望我明白的。 But what I took away from the visit was, somebody is lying here. Mas o que aprendi com a visita foi que alguém está mentindo aqui. 但我从这次访问中得到的印象是,有人在这里躺着。 Maybe Adnan really is innocent. 也许阿德南确实是无辜的。 But what if he isn’t? 但如果他不是呢? What if he did do it, and he’s got all these good people thinking he didn’t? E se ele fez isso, e ele tem todas essas pessoas boas pensando que ele não fez? 如果他确实做了这件事,而所有好心人都认为他没做,那该怎么办?

So either it’s Jay or it’s Adnan. Ou é Jay ou é Adnan. 所以要么是杰伊,要么是阿德南。 But someone is lying. 但有人在撒谎。 And I really wanted to figure out who. 我真的很想弄清楚是谁。

In the early morning of February 28, 1999, Adnan was arrested by Baltimore City detectives. No início da manhã de 28 de fevereiro de 1999, Adnan foi preso por detetives da cidade de Baltimore. 1999 年 2 月 28 日凌晨,阿德南被巴尔的摩市侦探逮捕。 He was asleep in his bed when they showed up at his house. 当他们到达他家时,他正在床上睡觉。 They took him straight from his untidy bedroom to an interrogation room at Homicide downtown. ||||||||||Verhörraum|||Mordkommission| ||||||||||pokój przesłuchań|||Wydział Zabójstw| Eles o levaram direto de seu quarto bagunçado para uma sala de interrogatório na Homicídios no centro. 他们直接把他从凌乱的卧室带到了市中心凶杀案中心的审讯室。 What Adnan didn’t know is that just hours before they picked him up, the cops had interviewed his friend Jay. 阿德南不知道的是,就在逮捕他的几个小时前,警察刚刚采访过他的朋友杰伊。

Detective This is a taped interview of Jay, black male, 19 years of age. Detetive Esta é uma entrevista gravada de Jay, homem negro, 19 anos de idade. 侦探 这是对杰伊(黑人男性,19 岁)的录音采访。 We’re at the offices of Homicide, specifically the colonel’s conference room. ||||||||des Obersts|| ||||||||pułkownika|| Estamos nos escritórios da Homicídios, especificamente na sala de conferências do coronel. 我们在凶杀组办公室,具体来说是上校的会议室。

Sarah Koenig The police recorded two taped interviews with Jay. 莎拉·科尼格 警方对杰伊进行了两次录音采访。 And I’m going to play you the second one from a couple weeks later, only because the sound quality is much better. 我将在几周后为你们播放第二首歌,只是因为音质好多了。 Just a warning that the tape is a little upsetting to hear in parts. |||||||||令人不安|||| Apenas um aviso de que a fita é um pouco perturbadora de se ouvir em algumas partes. 只是要警告一下,录音带的某些部分听起来可能会让人有点不舒服。

Detective Why don’t you go ahead and tell us what you know about the death of Hae Lee. 侦探你为什么不继续告诉我们你对 Hae Lee 的死因了解多少呢?

Jay      OK. I’d left out, went shopping with a friend of mine, an ex-friend of mine, Adnan. Eu tinha saído, fui fazer compras com um amigo meu, um ex-amigo meu, o Adnan. 我出去了,和我的一个朋友,我的前朋友阿德南 (Adnan) 一起去购物。 We had had a conversation. 我们曾经交谈过。 During the conversation he stated that he was going to kill that bitch, referring to Hae Lee. ||||äußerte|||||||||||| I took it with context. Eu levei isso com contexto. It didn’t stand out in my head any. Não se destacou em minha cabeça.

Sarah Koenig      Jay said he didn’t take it too seriously. Sarah Koenig Jay disse que não levou isso muito a sério. The cops have him start again from the top. Os policiais o fazem começar de novo do topo. On the morning of the 13th, Jay says, Adnan had left school and driven to Jay’s house. |||||||||||||||domu Jaya| Jay had graduated from school the year before and was working, but not on that day. January 13 happens to be the birthday of Jay’s girlfriend, Stephanie. |||||||||Stephanie And Jay, who didn’t have his own car, needed to go buy something for her. So Adnan comes over. Então Adnan vem. According to Jay, they go shopping at the mall.

Detective      When did you do that?

Jay      We left the mall. I took him to school. Eu o levei para a escola. I dropped him off in the back of the school. Deixei-o na parte de trás da escola. He went up to class. He left his cell phone in the car with me, told me he’d call me. Ele deixou o celular no carro comigo, disse que me ligaria. I went back to my friend Jenn’s house and waited for him to call. ||||||Jenn|||||||

Detective      OK, now at this point, you know why he’s leaving the car with you.

Jay      Yes.

Detective      And why is that?

Jay      Because he said he was going to kill Hae.

Detective      And the reason you have the car and the cell phone was why?

Jay      To pick him up from wherever he was going to do this at. Jay para buscá-lo onde quer que ele fosse fazer isso.

Detective      OK, and you had talked about this while you were shopping that day?

Jay      The details of the car and all? Jay Os detalhes do carro e tudo?

Detective      The events, how they were going to plan out. Detetive Os eventos, como eles iriam planejar.

Jay      That day he told me, yes. He told me, I’m going to leave you with my cellphone and my car, and I need you to come get me. Yes.

Detective      After--

Jay      After he had killed Hae, yes.

Detective      OK.

Sarah Koenig      Later that afternoon, the call comes. Sarah Koenig No final da tarde, a ligação chega.

Detective      You received a phone call from Adnan.

Jay      Yes.

Detective      On his cellphone.

Jay      Yes.

Detective      Which is in your possession.

Jay      Yes.

Detective      And the conversation was what?

Jay      That bitch is dead. Come and get me. I’m at Best Buy. Estou na Best Buy.

Sarah Koenig      Jay drives to Best Buy and sees Adnan in the parking lot.

Jay      I noticed that Hae wasn’t with him. I parked next to him. He asked me to get out the car. Ele me pediu para sair do carro. I get out the car. He asks me, am I ready for this? Ele me pergunta, estou pronto para isso? And I say, ready for what?And he takes the keys. E eu digo, pronto para quê? E ele pega as chaves. He opens the trunk. Ele abre o porta-malas. And all I can see is Hae’s lips are all blue, and she’s pretzeled up in the back of the trunk. ||||||||||发青的|||扭曲蜷缩着||||||| |||||||||||||verknotet||||||| |||||||||||||poskręcana||||||| E tudo que posso ver é que os lábios de Hae estão todos azuis, e ela está com um pretzel na parte de trás do porta-malas. 我所能看到的是 Hae 的嘴唇全都发青了,而且她在树干后面蜷缩着。 And she’s dead.

Sarah Koenig They leave the parking lot. Adnan’s driving Hae’s car with her body in the trunk. Jay’s driving Adnan’s car. They ditch Hae’s car at the I-70 Park and Ride. |丢弃|||||||| |abstellen|||||||| |porzucają|||||||| And then, to hear Jay tell it, they just kind of tool around Baltimore County together for a while as if nothing had happened-- buy some weed, cruise around, make some calls. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||兜风|||| E então, para ouvir Jay contar, eles meio que andam juntos pelo condado de Baltimore por um tempo como se nada tivesse acontecido - compram maconha, passeiam por aí, fazem algumas ligações. 然后,听杰伊说,他们就像什么都没发生过一样在巴尔的摩县闲逛了一会儿,买了一些大麻,四处转转,打了几个电话。 After a while, Jay drives Adnan back to Woodlawn High School.

Detective      Why did you take him back to school?

Jay      He told me that I had to take him back to school because he needed to be seen there.

Detective      Was he going to a certain event?

Jay      It was practice, track practice. Jay Foi treino, treino de pista.

Detective      Track practice. |追踪实践| 侦探轨迹练习。

Jay      Yes.

Detective      So he wanted an alibi? 侦探:所以他想要不在场证明?

Jay      Yes.

Detective      He wanted to be seen by people at track. 侦探他希望被赛道上的人们看到。

Jay      Yes.

Detective      And you guys had discussed that? 侦探 你们讨论过这个吗?

Jay      He just told me that he needed to be seen. Jay 他刚刚告诉我他需要被看见。

Detective      Yes.

Jay      He told me that he needed to be seen. 杰伊他告诉我他需要被看见。

Detective      At track practice. 侦探在田径练习中。 You took him back? 你把他带回去了?

Jay      Yes.

Detective      Are you having any conversation with Adnan at the time? Detetive Você está conversando com Adnan no momento? 侦探您当时和阿德南有谈话吗?

Jay      To the effect, yes. Jay Para o efeito, sim. 杰伊 是的。 Don’t tell anyone. He said that he couldn’t believe he killed somebody with his bare hands, that all the other mother [BLEEP] referring to hoods and thugs and stuff think they’re hard core. |||||||||||||||||||||混混||暴徒||||||硬核 |||||||||||||||||||||||Schläger|||||| ||||||||||||||||||skurwysyny|||bandyci i chuligani||bandyci|||||| Ele disse que não podia acreditar que matou alguém com as próprias mãos, que todas as outras mães [BLEEP] referindo-se a capangas e bandidos e outras coisas pensam que são do núcleo duro. 他说他不敢相信自己竟然徒手杀了人,其他所有指称流氓、暴徒之类的人都认为他们是硬核。 But he just killed a person with his bare hands. 但他只是徒手杀了一个人。

Detective      So at this point he’s bragging about it? ||||||prahlt damit|| ||||||chwalić się|| 侦探 那么他现在是在吹嘘这件事吗?

Jay      Basically.

Detective      He was proud of it? 侦探 他对此感到自豪吗?

Jay      Yes.

Sarah Koenig After track practice, Jay picks Adnan up again. Sarah Koenig Após o treino de pista, Jay pega Adnan novamente. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 田径训练结束后,杰伊再次接阿德南。 They drive around some more. 他们又开车转了一圈。 By this time, Hae’s family was worried, and they’d called the police, who in turn called a couple of Hae’s friends, including Adnan. A essa altura, a família de Hae estava preocupada e chamou a polícia, que por sua vez ligou para alguns amigos de Hae, incluindo Adnan. 这时,Hae 的家人很担心,他们报了警,警察又打电话给 Hae 的几个朋友,其中包括 Adnan。

The call comes in on his cell. 电话是打到他的手机上的。 The cops ask if he’s seen Hae or knows where she is. 警察询问他是否见过 Hae 或者知道她在哪里。 Jay says after the call, they drive to Jay’s to get some shovels, go retrieve Hae’s car from the park and ride. ||||||||||||铲子||取回||||||| ||||||||||||Schaufeln holen||||||||| ||||||||||||łopaty||odzyskać||||||| Jay diz que após a ligação, eles dirigem até a casa de Jay para pegar algumas pás, vão buscar o carro de Hae no parque e cavalgam. Jay 说打完电话后,他们开车去 Jay 家拿了一些铲子,然后从停车换乘中心取回了 Hae 的车。 They drive around some more and finally end up at Leakin Park, where Adnan proceeds to bury Hae. ||||||||||||||继续||| ||||||||||||||fährt fort||| ||||||||||Leakin Park||||zaczyna||| Eles dirigem um pouco mais e finalmente acabam em Leakin Park, onde Adnan começa a enterrar Hae. 他们又绕了一会儿,最后到达了 Leakin 公园,Adnan 在那里埋葬了 Hae。 It’s evening by now, maybe 7:00 or 8:00 PM. 现在已经是晚上了,大概七八点。

Jay      And he asked me if I was going to help. 杰伊他问我是否愿意帮忙。 And I told him, [BLEEP] no. 我告诉他,[哔] 不行。 And he starts just shoveling dirt on top of her. ||||schaufelt||||| ||||zasypywać ziemią||||| E ele começa a jogar terra em cima dela. 然后他开始用铲子把泥土往她身上推。 After we leave there--

Detective      Let me stop there. 侦探 让我就此打住。

Jay      Yes.

Detective      You helped him dig the hole. 尤侦探帮助他挖了洞。

Jay      Yes.

Detective      How long did it take you both to dig the hole? 侦探你们俩花了多长时间挖这个洞?

Jay      20, 25 minutes.

Detective      How deep did you make the hole? 侦探你挖的洞有多深?

Jay      Oh, maybe six inches at the most. Jay 哦,可能最多六英寸。 It wasn’t very deep at all.

Detective      Who did most of the digging? 侦探 谁做了大部分的挖掘工作?

Jay      Uh, it was--

Detective      Both of you?

Jay      Yeah.

Detective      Equal work? 侦探同等的工作吗?

Jay      I wouldn’t say that, but yeah. 杰伊,我不会这么说,但是是的。

Detective      OK.

Sarah Koenig So those are the key points. Sarah Koenig 所以这些就是关键点。 Adnan told Jay in advance he was going to do it. Adnan disse a Jay com antecedência que faria isso. 阿德南事先告诉杰伊他要这么做。 He did it. They buried her. Jay’s story wasn’t just the foundation of the state’s case against Adnan. A história de Jay não foi apenas a base do caso do estado contra Adnan. 杰伊的故事不仅仅是政府起诉阿德南的基础。 It was the state’s case against Adnan. Era o caso do estado contra Adnan. 这是政府对阿德南的诉讼。

In the picture Jay drew, it’s cold. No desenho que Jay desenhou, está frio. 周杰伦画的这幅画,很冷。 I mean, he’s not describing a crime of passion here. 我的意思是,他这里描述的并不是激情犯罪。 This is something much darker-- to methodically map out the death of your friend, to strangle her with your own hands so close up like that. ||||||有条不紊地||||||||||||||||||| ||||||systematisch||||||||||||||||||| Isso é algo muito mais sombrio - mapear metodicamente a morte de sua amiga, estrangulá-la com suas próprias mãos tão perto assim. 这是一件更加黑暗的事情——有条不紊地策划你朋友的死亡,并在如此近距离的情况下用自己的双手勒死她。 That would mean Adnan wasn’t just a killer, but a master liar and manipulator, a psychopath, probably. |||||||||||||操纵者||精神病患者| 这意味着阿德南不仅仅是一个杀手,还是一个说谎大师和操纵者,甚至可能是一个精神病患者。

Adnan’s in a maximum security prison in western Maryland. |||最高级别||||| Adnan está em uma prisão de segurança máxima no oeste de Maryland. 阿德南被关押在马里兰州西部一所最高安全监狱。 He calls me at my request about twice a week. Ele me liga a meu pedido cerca de duas vezes por semana. 按照我的要求,他大约每周给我打两次电话。 He talks to me from a bank of eight pay phones in the rec hall, a pretty large room where other guys are sitting at tables with metal seats attached to them playing chess or cards or using the microwave or watching TV. ||||||电话亭|||||||||||||||||||||金属的||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||świetlicy||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ele fala comigo de um banco de oito telefones públicos no salão de recreação, uma sala bastante grande onde outros caras estão sentados em mesas com assentos de metal presos a eles jogando xadrez ou cartas ou usando o micro-ondas ou assistindo TV. 他通过娱乐厅里一排八部付费电话跟我通话,娱乐厅很大,其他人都坐在带有金属座椅的桌子旁,有的下棋、打牌,有的用微波炉,有的看电视。 It can get a little loud sometimes. Pode ficar um pouco alto às vezes. 有时可能会有点吵。 Once I asked if all eight phones were always occupied. |||||||||besetzt |||||||||zajęte 有一次我问过这八部电话是否一直处于占线状态。 And he said, usually not, because guys who have been in for a long time, often they have no one to call. 他说,通常不会,因为那些进来很久的人往往都没有人可以打电话。

When I first met Adnan in person, I was struck by two things. 当我第一次见到阿德南本人时,有两件事给我留下了深刻的印象。 He was way bigger than I expected-- barrel chested and tall. |||||||桶状||| ||||||||bruststark|| Ele era muito maior do que eu esperava - peito largo e alto. 他比我想象的要大得多——胸膛宽阔,身材高大。 In the photos I’d seen, he was still a lanky teenager with struggling facialhair and sagging jeans. |||||||||瘦高的||||面部毛发||下垂的| |||||||||||||Gesichtsbehaarung||herunterhängend| |||||||||wysoki i chudy|||rzadki zarost|zarost na twarzy||opuszczone| Nas fotos que eu tinha visto, ele ainda era um adolescente esguio com pelos faciais rebeldes e jeans caídos. 在我看过的照片中,他还是一个瘦高的少年,胡子拉碴,穿着松垮的牛仔裤。 By now, he was 32. 此时,他已经32岁了。 He’d spent nearly half his life in prison, becoming larger and properly bearded. Ele passou quase metade de sua vida na prisão, tornando-se maior e com a barba adequada. 他一生中几乎有一半的时间是在监狱里度过的,他的体型变得越来越魁梧,胡子也越来越茂盛。 And the second thing, which you can’t miss about Adnan, is that he has giant brown eyes like a dairy cow. |||||||||||||||||||奶牛| |||||||||||||||||||krowa mleczna| E a segunda coisa, que você não pode perder em Adnan, é que ele tem olhos castanhos gigantes como uma vaca leiteira. 关于阿德南,你一定不能错过的第二件事是,他有一双像奶牛一样巨大的棕色眼睛。 That’s what prompts my most idiotic lines of inquiry. ||促使|||愚蠢的|||询问 ||veranlasst|||||| ||skłania|||||| Isso é o que motiva minhas linhas de investigação mais idiotas. 这促使我进行最愚蠢的探究。 Could someone who looks like that really strangle his girlfriend? 长得那样的人真的会勒死自己的女朋友吗? Idiotic, I know. 我知道,这很愚蠢。

When he first heard Jay’s story of the crime, Adnan didn’t say, well, it didn’t happen like that, or, I didn’t mean for it to happen like that. Quando ele ouviu pela primeira vez a história do crime de Jay, Adnan não disse, bem, não aconteceu assim, ou, eu não queria que acontecesse assim. 当他第一次听到杰伊的犯罪故事时,阿德南并没有说,事情不是这样的,或者,我不是故意让事情这样发生的。 He said, it didn’t happen. 他说,没有发生这种事。 None of this is true at all. 这些都不是事实。 He says he had nothing to do with Hae’s murder, and he doesn’t know who did.Hae was Adnan’s first serious relationship with a girl. 他说他与 Hae 的谋杀案无关,而且他也不知道是谁干的。Hae 是 Adnan 第一次与女孩认真交往。 He says he loved her in the way of high school love, but then also in the way of high school got over her. Ele diz que a amava do jeito do amor do colégio, mas também do jeito do colégio a esqueceu. 他说他以高中时的那种爱意爱着她,但后来又以高中时的那种爱意忘记了她。 So that when they broke up for good sometime before Christmas break of senior year, he says he was sad for sure, but not obsessed or anything. ||||||||||||||||||||||||着迷|| Então, quando eles terminaram de vez antes das férias de Natal do último ano, ele disse que estava triste com certeza, mas não obcecado nem nada. 因此,当他们在高三圣诞节假期之前的某个时候彻底分手时,他说他肯定很难过,但并没有痴迷或其他什么的。

Adnan Syed      I just sometimes wish they could look into my brain and see how I really felt about her. Adnan Syed Eu às vezes gostaria que eles pudessem olhar dentro do meu cérebro e ver como eu realmente me sentia em relação a ela. 阿德南赛义德:我只是有时候希望他们能够看透我的想法,了解我对她真正的感受。 And no matter what else someone would say, they would see, man, this guy had no ill will toward her. E não importa o que mais alguém diria, eles veriam, cara, esse cara não tinha nenhuma má vontade em relação a ela. 不管别人怎么说,他们都会明白,这个家伙对她没有恶意。 Whatever the motivation is to kill someone, I had absolutely-- it didn’t exist in me, you know what I mean? 无论杀人的动机是什么,我绝对没有这种想法,你明白我的意思吗? No one can ever say why. 没人能说出为什么。

People could say why. 人们可以说出原因。 Oh, man, he was mad, this, that, or the other. Oh, cara, ele estava louco, isso, aquilo ou aquilo. 噢,天哪,他疯了,无论是这样,还是那样。 But no one could ever come with any type of proof or anecdote or anything to ever say that I was ever mad at her, that I was ever angry with her, that I ever threatened her. ||||||||||||轶事|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Anekdote|||||||||||||||||||||||| Mas ninguém jamais poderia vir com qualquer tipo de prova ou anedota ou qualquer coisa para dizer que eu já estive bravo com ela, que já estive com raiva dela, que já a ameacei. 但是没有人能够拿出任何证据或轶事或任何东西来证明我曾经生过她的气、对她感到愤怒或威胁过她。 That’s the only thing I can really hold onto. 这是我唯一能够真正坚持的东西。 That is like my only firm handhold in this whole thing, that no one’s ever been able to prove it. |||||mocny punkt zaczepienia|punkt oparcia||||||||||||| Esse é o meu único apoio firme nessa coisa toda, que ninguém jamais foi capaz de provar. 这就像是我在整件事中唯一牢牢把握的把柄,但没有人能够证明这一点。

No one ever has been able to provide any shred of evidence that I had anything but friendship toward her, like love and respect for her. |||||||||丝毫证据|||||||||||||||| |||||||||Fetzen|||||||||||||||| |||||||||najmniejszy dowód|||||||||||||||| 从来没有人能够提供任何证据表明我对她除了友谊之外还有爱和尊重。 That’s at the end of the day, man. 那已经是一天结束的时候了,老兄。 The only thing I can ever say is, man, I had no reason to kill her. 我唯一能说的是,伙计,我没有理由杀了她。

Sarah Koenig He’s adamant about this. |||坚决|| |||darauf beharrt|| |||stanowczy|| Sarah Koenig Ele é inflexível sobre isso. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 他对此态度坚决。 You can hear it, right? Você pode ouvi-lo, certo? 你能听见吧? He’s staunch. |他很坚定。 |Er ist standhaft. |On jest wierny. Ele é firme. 他很坚定。 The problem is, when you ask Adnan to go back and tell his version of what happened that day, to refute Jay’s story, everything becomes a lot mushier. ||||||||||||||||||||反驳|||||||更模糊 ||||||||||||||||||||widerlegen|||||||verschwommener ||||||||||||||||||||obalić|||||||bardziej mętne O problema é que, quando você pede a Adnan para voltar e contar sua versão do que aconteceu naquele dia, para refutar a história de Jay, tudo fica muito mais piegas. 问题是,当你要求阿德南回去讲述那天发生的事情,以反驳杰伊的故事时,一切都变得模糊不清了。