52. Maria Theresa
52. Maria Theresia
52. María Teresa
52. Marie-Thérèse
52. Maria Teresa
52. 마리아 테레사
52. Marija Teresė
52. Maria Theresa
52. Maria Teresa
52. Мария Тереза
52. Maria Theresa
52. Марія Терезія
"Fair Austria spreads her mournful charms, The Queen—the beauty, sets the world in arms."
"Прекрасная Австрия распространяет свои скорбные чары, Королева - красавица, вооружила весь мир".
Anson returned home to find that during his four years' absence Europe had plunged into a terrible war.
He had but just started when the Emperor of Austria died somewhat unexpectedly.
He had left his crown and all his vast possessions to his eldest daughter, Maria Theresa.
The story of this young and beautiful queen, left at the age of twenty-three to rule over the large empire of Austria, is a stirring one in the world's history.
A história desta jovem e bela rainha, deixada aos vinte e três anos de idade para governar o grande império da Áustria, é uma história comovente na história do mundo.
She was born at Vienna in 1717, and was "the prettiest little maiden in the world," when Frederick the Great was beginning his unhappy childhood at Berlin.
When she was but seven years old, her father made up his mind that she should succeed him if he had no son.
He drew up a great document, known to history as the "Pragmatic Sanction."
It was accepted by Spain, England, Prussia, Russia, and Holland, and refused by France and Bavaria.
The little Maria Theresa was brought up as the future Empress of Austria.
At the age of fourteen she was admitted to council meetings, and she listened with eager interest to all she could understand.
People often took ad-vantage of the little girl, giving her petitions to carry to her father till he became angry with her:
As pessoas aproveitavam-se frequentemente da menina, dando-lhe pedidos para levar ao pai até ele se zangar com ela:
"You seem to think that a sovereign has nothing to do but to grant favours," he said at last.
"I see nothing else that can make a crown bearable," answered the child.
"Não vejo mais nada que possa tornar uma coroa suportável", respondeu a criança.
She insisted on learning the history and geography of her own country, and ever tried to fit herself for the high position she was some day to take.
One story says that a marriage between Maria Theresa and Frederick the Great was planned, which might have altered the whole course of European history.
有一个故事说,玛丽亚·特蕾西亚和大 Frederick 之间的婚姻被计划,这可能会改变整个欧洲历史的进程。
A marriage with the Spanish heir was certainly talked of, but Maria Theresa, with tears, insisted on marrying her cousin, the Duke of Lorraine.
Falou-se certamente de um casamento com o herdeiro espanhol, mas Maria Teresa, entre lágrimas, insistiu em casar com o seu primo, o Duque de Lorena.
与西班牙王位继承人的婚姻当然被谈及,但玛丽亚·特蕾西亚泪流满面,坚持嫁给她的表 cousin,洛林公爵。
She had been married four years when her father died.
Maria Theresa suddenly found herself Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and Sovereign of the Netherlands.
She reigned over some of the finest and fairest provinces of Europe; over nations speaking different languages, governed by different laws, and held together by no link save that of acknowledging the same queen.
Ela reinou sobre algumas das mais belas e belas províncias da Europa; sobre nações que falavam línguas diferentes, governadas por leis diferentes e mantidas juntas por nenhum elo, exceto o de reconhecerem a mesma rainha.
That queen was very young and very beautiful, but quite inexperienced.
Within a few months her right to these provinces was questioned, and Europe began to grab her outlying possessions.
Em poucos meses, o seu direito a estas províncias foi posto em causa e a Europa começou a apoderar-se das suas possessões periféricas.
France, Spain, and Prussia led the way.
A França, a Espanha e a Prússia lideraram o processo.
England and Holland re-mained true to their promise.
A Inglaterra e a Holanda mantiveram-se fiéis à sua promessa.
Like a hind in the forest when the hunters are abroad and the fiercely baying hounds are on every side, so stood the lovely Queen Maria Theresa.
Tal como uma corça na floresta, quando os caçadores estão à solta e os cães de caça ferozes estão por todo o lado, assim estava a bela Rainha Maria Teresa.
She trembled for the safety of her empire, not knowing from which side the fury of the chase would burst upon her.
|třásla se|||||||ne||||||zuřivost|||lovu||vypuknout||
Tremia pela segurança do seu império, sem saber de que lado a fúria da perseguição se abateria sobre ela.
She was determined to yield nothing.
Ela estava determinada a não ceder nada.
"The inheritance which my father has left me, we will not part with these.
|dědictví|||||dal|||||se rozloučit||
Death, if it must be, but not dishonour."
A morte, se tiver de ser, mas não a desonra".
Her helpless condition excited the greatest pity in England, and King George II.
O seu estado de desamparo suscitou a maior piedade em Inglaterra, e o Rei Jorge II.
came over in person to fight for her.
But before he came over to help, Frederick the Great had already claimed Silesia.
One snowy day in April 1741, he fought a great battle against the Austrians, and all Europe from this time seemed to break into war.
|sněžný|||||vedl|||||||||||||se zdálo||||
Num dia de neve, em abril de 1741, travou uma grande batalha contra os austríacos e, a partir desse momento, toda a Europa parecia entrar em guerra.
In the midst of these distresses a son and heir was born, and called Joseph.
After this, and amid scenes of the greatest enthusiasm, Maria Theresa was crowned Queen of Hungary.
Presburg, the old capital, was some fifty miles from Vienna.
Here the old iron crown of Hungary was placed upon her head, a sacred robe was thrown over her, a sword was girded to her side.
Aqui, a velha coroa de ferro da Hungria foi colocada na sua cabeça, uma túnica sagrada foi-lhe lançada sobre o corpo, uma espada foi cingida ao seu lado.
Thus dressed, she mounted a splendid horse, and riding to a piece of rising ground she drew her sword, and, waving it towards the four quarters of the globe, she seemed to be defying war and "conquering all who saw her."
tak|oblečená||||skvělého||||||kousku||vyvýšeniny|půdu||vytáhla||||mávala||k čtyřem|||čtyřem stranám||||||||vysmívat se|||dobývání||||
Assim vestida, montou um esplêndido cavalo e, cavalgando para um terreno elevado, desembainhou a espada e, brandindo-a para os quatro cantos do globo, parecia desafiar a guerra e "conquistar todos os que a viam".
The crown had never been placed on so small a head before; it had been lined with cushions to make it fit.
A coroa nunca tinha sido colocada numa cabeça tão pequena; tinha sido forrada com almofadas para lhe servir.
But it was heavy and hot, and when the young queen sat down to dine in the great hall of the castle after the coronation, she begged to have it taken off.
As it was removed, her beautiful hair, no longer confined, fell in long ringlets on her shoulders.
It is said that her Hungarian nobles could hardly keep from shouting applause.
Three months later, at this very Presburg, one of the most famous scenes in history took place, when Maria Theresa threw herself and her infant son upon the mercy of these very Hungarian nobles.
Her enemies had now reached the very gates of Vienna, and, taking the six-month-old baby, she was obliged to flee for her life, leaving her husband to maintain her cause.
Os seus inimigos tinham agora chegado às portas de Viena e, levando o bebé de seis meses, foi obrigada a fugir para salvar a vida, deixando o marido a defender a sua causa.
Making her way to her old capital, she summoned the Hungarians to a great meeting in the castle.
It was September 11, 1741, a day ever remembered in the annals of Hungary.
Era o dia 11 de setembro de 1741, um dia que ficará para sempre recordado nos anais da Hungria.
The great hall was already full when the young queen entered.
O grande salão já estava cheio quando a jovem rainha entrou.
She was in deep mourning, for it was not yet a year since her father had died.
Estava de luto profundo, pois ainda não tinha passado um ano desde a morte do seu pai.
Her dress was Hungarian, the iron crown was on her head, the sword of state in her hand.
Though her step was firm, her tears were falling fast, and for some time after she had ascended the throne she was unable to speak.
For some moments there was deep silence.
Then a statesman rose and explained the melancholy position to which the queen was reduced.
Depois, um estadista levantou-se e explicou a posição melancólica a que a rainha estava reduzida.
Maria Theresa had now recovered herself.
On a cushion before her lay her baby son Joseph, afterwards Emperor of Austria.
Numa almofada à sua frente estava o seu filho bebé, José, mais tarde Imperador da Áustria.
The queen now took him in her arms.
She held him up to the assembly before her.
Ela levantou-o para a assembleia diante de si.
Her face, still wet with tears, was "beautiful as the moon riding among wet, stormy clouds."
O seu rosto, ainda molhado de lágrimas, era "belo como a lua que cavalga entre nuvens húmidas e tempestuosas".
She spoke in Latin, the official language of Hungary to this day.
"The kingdom of Hungary, our person, our children, our crowns, are at stake," she cried to them amidst her sobs.
"O reino da Hungria, a nossa pessoa, os nossos filhos, as nossas coroas, estão em jogo", gritou-lhes entre soluços.
"Forsaken by all, we seek shelter only in the tried fidelity, the arms, the well-known valour of the Hungarians."
"Abandonados por todos, procuramos abrigo apenas na fidelidade comprovada, nas armas, na conhecida valentia dos húngaros."
The beauty and distress of their unhappy queen roused every Hungarian to the wildest enthusiasm.
A beleza e a angústia da sua infeliz rainha despertaram em todos os húngaros o maior entusiasmo.
Each man drew his sword, and all cried as with one voice, which re-echoed through the lofty hall, "Our lives, our blood for your Majesty!
Cada homem desembainhou a sua espada e todos gritaram a uma só voz, que ecoou pelo salão nobre: "As nossas vidas, o nosso sangue por Vossa Majestade!
We will die for our king, Maria Theresa!"
The young queen burst into tears.
A jovem rainha desatou a chorar.
"We wept too," said one of the nobles present; "but they were tears of pity, admiration, and fury."
"Nós também chorámos", disse um dos nobres presentes; "mas foram lágrimas de pena, admiração e fúria."
From this day matters improved.
It is true the province of Silesia was lost; but through the long wars that characterised the reign, other provinces were added to Austria.
And so the queen played her difficult part, and played it well.
She was succeeded on the throne by her son Joseph, while her youngest daughter, Marie Antoinette, became the wife of the French Dauphin, of whom we shall hear presently.