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Golden phrases, 151-200


a medical device

For whom is the notice intended?

a product brochure

by express mail

I prefer to work part-time.

I'm writing in response to your letter.

companies in the region

donations to a museum

the third quarter

a rental agreement

a scientific journal

distribute a document

potential customers

reschedule an appointment

renew a contract

ship from a warehouse

a full refund

What are listeners advised to do?

The tickets sold out immediately.

the city council

The program is usually broadcast on Saturdays.

I am responsible for training employees.

avoid wasting time

effective advertising campaigns

receive an invitation

reduce prices

park a vehicle

efficient use of energy

a car manufacturer

comfortable rooms and friendly staff

the correct address

downtown restaurants

the method of payment

the entire staff

a wide range of services

a hotel in a beautiful setting

We apologize for the inconvenience.

frequent use of the Internet

Tex's promotion to sales manager

regarding your order

temporary workers

traditional Italian dishes

Admission is free for all members.

The room can fit 50 people.

contact a reference

shipment status

fuel costs

nearly two years

meet in the cafeteria for lunch

determine how to sell the product

151-200 151-200 151-200 151-200 151-200 151-200 151-200 151-200 151-200

a medical device um dispositivo médico

For whom is the notice intended? ¿A quién va dirigido el aviso? A quem se destina o aviso?

a product brochure un folleto de producto um folheto do produto

by express mail por correo urgente por correio expresso

I prefer to work part-time. Prefiero trabajar medio tiempo.

I'm writing in response to your letter. Le escribo en respuesta a su carta. Estou a escrever em resposta à sua carta. Jag skriver som svar på ditt brev.

companies in the region

donations to a museum doações para um museu

the third quarter o terceiro trimestre

a rental agreement um contrato de aluguer

a scientific journal

distribute a document distribuir un documento distribuir um documento

potential customers clientes potenciais

reschedule an appointment

renew a contract

ship from a warehouse enviar desde un almacén enviar de um armazém

a full refund un reembolso completo um reembolso total

What are listeners advised to do? ¿Qué se recomienda hacer a los oyentes? O que é que os ouvintes são aconselhados a fazer?

The tickets sold out immediately. Las entradas se agotaron de inmediato.

the city council El consejo de la ciudad a câmara municipal stadsfullmäktige

The program is usually broadcast on Saturdays.

I am responsible for training employees. Soy responsable de capacitar a los empleados.

avoid wasting time evitar a perda de tempo

effective advertising campaigns campañas publicitarias efectivas campanhas publicitárias eficazes

receive an invitation

reduce prices reducir los precios

park a vehicle estacionar un vehículo

efficient use of energy

a car manufacturer un fabricante de automóviles

comfortable rooms and friendly staff cómodas habitaciones y personal amable

the correct address

downtown restaurants restaurantes del centro

the method of payment el método de pago

the entire staff

a wide range of services

a hotel in a beautiful setting un hotel en un entorno precioso ett hotell i en vacker miljö

We apologize for the inconvenience.

frequent use of the Internet

Tex's promotion to sales manager Ascenso de Tex a gerente de ventas

regarding your order con respecto a su pedido em relação ao seu pedido

temporary workers trabajadores temporales

traditional Italian dishes

Admission is free for all members.

The room can fit 50 people. A sala tem capacidade para 50 pessoas.

contact a reference contactar a una referencia entre em contato com uma referência kontakta en referens

shipment status Estado del envío Status de envio

fuel costs costos de combustible custos de combustível стоимость топлива

nearly two years

meet in the cafeteria for lunch

determine how to sell the product