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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, One hundred and forty three: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By

One hundred and forty three: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By

Steve: Hello, today I have a special guest; we're really excited.

In fact, we have two special guests. And who are our two special guests?

Jill: Jill and Clara.

Steve: Jill and Clara. Jill dropped by. This is what, the third time you've come by?

Jill: Yes.

Steve: And how old is Clara?

Jill: Clara is six and a half months.

Steve: For those of you who are new at LingQ, Jill is one of our stalwart long-time employees who left us for the silly reason of wanting to have a baby. Now she has Baby Clara and Baby Clara has a beautiful outfit on.

Jill: Thank you.

Steve: So what is it like Jill? This, of course, is your first child?

Jill: Yes.

Steve: How are you finding it?

Jill: Ah, good, overall.

Steve: Okay.

Jill: It's fun. She's a good baby, so I'm lucky. I've been around kids a lot my whole life, but you can't quite be prepared for having your own full-time; it's a lot of work.

Steve: Right.

Jill: But I'm really enjoying it; I'm lucky that I can be with her and stay with her. Lots of moms can't and, at an early age, they have to go back to work or whatever, so.

Steve: Do you get a lot of help from your mom or Chris' mom? Jill: Well, my mom works full-time still, so for sure on the weekends or after work she'll come over and look after her for a couple of hours if Chris and I want to go out for dinner. She's done that a few times, but not regularly. And Chris' mom is a big help, but she doesn't live in Vancouver. Steve: Right.

Jill: So we go up to visit her.

Steve: Right.

And that's a plane ride away; that's just not that close.

Jill: Yeah.

Actually, we're going this Friday up there and when we're there she pretty much does everything.

Steve: Right.

Jill: She holds her all the time, the baby sleeps in the room with them. If she wakes up in the night she tries to get her back to sleep before she even will bring her in to me.

Steve: It's a big holiday for you.

Jill: Oh, it's a big holiday for me, yeah. So I've gone up there probably I guess maybe four times already since Clara's been born. It's only an hour plane ride, so it's really not a big deal. She's good on the plane so far.

Steve: Well that's good too.

Jill: She has been good, yeah.

Steve: Is she a good eater?

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: She looks like a good eater, yes.

Jill: Yeah, she's pleasantly plump! She's a good eater this one, yeah.

Steve: I see. And what kinds of things does she eat? Like what is the progression?

Jill: Well I nurse her, so up until, basically, about three or four weeks ago that was all she had was just breast milk. Then at about five and a half months I started her slowly on things like banana…all puréed foods, so banana, applesauce, peas, squash, cereal, all that kind of stuff, so she's had a lot of that. She hasn't had any meats yet or, of course, no dairy products yet or anything like that.

Steve: Does she have her favorite things, things that she likes?

Jill: Peas and applesauce seem to be her favorite.

Steve: Oh, very good.

Jill: And mixed together as well.

Steve: Peas and applesauce, that's a new dish.

Jill: Yeah, she loves it!

Steve: A combination of fruit and vegetables.

Jill: Yeah, yeah.

Steve: Okay.

She's pretty active then when she's up? Does she do a lot of pushing and shoving and crawling?

Jill: Yeah, she's active in the sense that she's always moving her feet and her arms and talking and picking up toys and winging them across the room or doing different things like that. But she's not active in the sense that she's not a big roller. She can roll over, but rarely does roll over. She certainly…

Clara: (Clara cries).

Jill: Oops, she just dropped her toy. She's certainly not interested in crawling yet; hasn't made any attempts to crawl.

Steve: Right, okay.

Jill: She is quite a chubby baby, so I think often with the chubbier babies they don't move quite as much as the skinnier ones; skinnier babies.

Steve: Are there activities? I mean are there, you know…it's been a while for me. I mean are there places you go and meet other moms who have little babies?

Jill: Yeah, there are. We go to a music class at the community center that's by my house every Monday and it's great. It's about an hour and a half and for 45 minutes we sing songs and do actions and look really ridiculous, but the babies love it.

Steve: Right.

Jill: Then for the last…

Steve: How many moms and how many babies?

Clara: (Clara cries).

Jill: I think there's 11 or 12 in the class. She's a little bit cranky right now.

Steve: Right.

Jill: Then after that we can stay in there for half an hour and have a coffee and just keep chatting if we want. I go out with her walking a lot; that's what we do most days.

Steve: Right, in a stroller.

Jill: In a stroller and we…

Steve: Do you go jogging with her? Do you jog?

Jill: I do. I go jogging with her a little bit and we walk all over the city. We're usually out for about five hours a day walking around, so I get lots of exercise.

Steve: Do you think that she will…obviously, it's a great honor for her to be on an EnglishLingQ podcast at this early age.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: She's our youngest performer ever.

Jill: Yes!

Steve: So that's quite something; we're really pleased.

Jill: She's going to have to pick up a language pretty quick; a second language.

Steve: Well, you haven't started yet.

Clara: (Clara cries).

Jill: Yeah, not quite.

Steve: I think she's kind of getting a little bit cranky.

Jill: Yeah.

So, yeah, I'll come back another time and we can do another one.

Steve: I think so. We're very happy to have this, even if it's a short discussion here. Good-bye Clara.

Jill: Say good-bye.

Steve: Oh, now she's quiet. Alright, okay.

Jill: Oh, you never know with kids.

Steve: Well, I'm sure many of your fans out there are hoping that one day, in the not too distant future, you might have a discussion once a week.

Jill: I would love to do that.

Steve: Great.

Jill: Yes, for sure; bye-bye.

Steve: Okay, bye for now, bye.

Jill: Bye-bye.

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One hundred and forty three: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By Einhundertdreiundvierzig: Steve & Jill - Jill kommt vorbei One hundred and forty three: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By Ciento cuarenta y tres: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By 143:スティーブ&ジル-ジルは立ち寄る 백사십삼: 스티브 & 질 - 질이 들렀다 Sto czterdzieści trzy: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By Cento e quarenta e três: Steve & Jill - Jill Stops By Yüz kırk üç: Steve & Jill - Jill Uğrar 一百四十三:史蒂夫和吉尔 - 吉尔顺便拜访

Steve: Hello, today I have a special guest; we’re really excited.

In fact, we have two special guests. And who are our two special guests?

Jill:    Jill and Clara.

Steve:    Jill and Clara. Jill dropped by. Jill se pasó por aquí. ジルが立ち寄った。 This is what, the third time you’ve come by? これは、あなたが来たのは3回目ですか?

Jill:    Yes.

Steve:    And how old is Clara?

Jill:    Clara is six and a half months.

Steve:    For those of you who are new at LingQ, Jill is one of our stalwart long-time employees who left us for the silly reason of wanting to have a baby. |||||||||||||||staunch||||Jill|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||leales|||||||||||||||| Steve: Para los que seáis nuevos en LingQ, Jill es una de nuestras incondicionales empleadas de toda la vida que nos dejó por la tonta razón de querer tener un bebé. スティーブ:LingQを初めて利用する方にとって、ジルは、赤ちゃんを産みたいという愚かな理由で私たちを去った、私たちの頑固な長年の従業員の1人です。 Steve: LingQ'da yeni olanlar için Jill, bebek sahibi olmak gibi aptalca bir nedenle bizden ayrılan uzun süreli çalışanlarımızdan biri. Now she has Baby Clara and Baby Clara has a beautiful outfit on. 今、彼女はベイビークララを持っていて、ベイビークララは美しい衣装を着ています。

Jill:    Thank you.

Steve:    So what is it like Jill? スティーブ:それで、ジルはどうですか? This, of course, is your first child? もちろん、これはあなたの最初の子供ですか?

Jill:    Yes.

Steve:    How are you finding it? スティーブ:どうやって見つけたの?

Jill:    Ah, good, overall. |||in general |||genel olarak ジル:ああ、いいね、全体的に。

Steve:    Okay.

Jill:    It’s fun. She’s a good baby, so I’m lucky. 彼女はいい子なのでラッキーです。 I’ve been around kids a lot my whole life, but you can’t quite be prepared for having your own full-time; it’s a lot of work. 私は一生ずっと子供たちの周りにいましたが、あなたは自分のフルタイムを持つための準備ができていません。大変な作業です。

Steve:    Right.

Jill:    But I’m really enjoying it; I’m lucky that I can be with her and stay with her. ジル:でも、本当に楽しんでいます。私は彼女と一緒にいて、彼女と一緒にいることができて幸運です。 Lots of moms can’t and, at an early age, they have to go back to work or whatever, so. 多くのお母さんはできませんし、幼い頃には仕事などに戻らなければなりません。

Steve:    Do you get a lot of help from your mom or Chris' mom? スティーブ:あなたはあなたのお母さんやクリスのお母さんからたくさんの助けを得ますか? Jill:    Well, my mom works full-time still, so for sure on the weekends or after work she’ll come over and look after her for a couple of hours if Chris and I want to go out for dinner. ジル:ええと、私の母はまだフルタイムで働いているので、週末や仕事の後に、クリスと私が夕食に出かけたい場合は、必ず彼女がやって来て、数時間彼女の世話をします。 She’s done that a few times, but not regularly. 彼女はそれを数回行いましたが、定期的ではありません。 And Chris' mom is a big help, but she doesn’t live in Vancouver. そして、クリスのお母さんは大きな助けになりますが、彼女はバンクーバーに住んでいません。 Steve:    Right.

Jill:    So we go up to visit her. Jill: Also gehen wir hoch, um sie zu besuchen. ジル:それで私たちは彼女を訪ねに行きます。

Steve:    Right.

And that’s a plane ride away; that’s just not that close. Y eso está a un viaje en avión; no está tan cerca. そして、それは飛行機に乗る距離です。それはそれほど近くではありません。

Jill:    Yeah.

Actually, we’re going this Friday up there and when we’re there she pretty much does everything. 実際、私たちは今週の金曜日にそこに行きます、そして私たちがそこにいるとき、彼女はほとんどすべてをします。

Steve:    Right.

Jill:    She holds her all the time, the baby sleeps in the room with them. ジル:彼女はいつも彼女を抱きしめていて、赤ちゃんは彼らと一緒に部屋で寝ています。 If she wakes up in the night she tries to get her back to sleep before she even will bring her in to me. ||||||||||||||||o||||||| 彼女が夜に目覚めた場合、彼女は私に彼女を連れてくる前に、彼女を眠りに戻そうとします。 Eğer gece uyanırsa, onu bana getirmeden önce tekrar uyutmaya çalışıyor.

Steve:    It’s a big holiday for you. スティーブ:それはあなたにとって大きな休日です。

Jill:    Oh, it’s a big holiday for me, yeah. ジル:ああ、それは私にとって大きな休日です、ええ。 So I’ve gone up there probably I guess maybe four times already since Clara’s been born. だから私はそこに行ったことがあります。クララが生まれてからおそらく4回くらいだと思います。 It’s only an hour plane ride, so it’s really not a big deal. 飛行機で1時間しかかからないので、大したことではありません。 She’s good on the plane so far. 彼女は今のところ飛行機で上手です。

Steve:    Well that’s good too. スティーブ:それもいいですね。

Jill:    She has been good, yeah. ジル:彼女は元気でしたね。

Steve:    Is she a good eater? ¿Come bien? スティーブ:彼女はおいしいものですか?

Jill:    Yeah.

Steve:    She looks like a good eater, yes. スティーブ:彼女はおいしいもののように見えます、はい。

Jill:    Yeah, she’s pleasantly plump! |||pleasantly|curvy ||||plump |||agradablemente|rellenita Jill: ¡Sí, ella es agradablemente regordeta! ジル:ええ、彼女は気持ちよくふっくらしています! She’s a good eater this one, yeah. 彼女はこれを食べるのが上手です、ええ。

Steve:    I see. And what kinds of things does she eat? そして、彼女はどんなものを食べますか? Like what is the progression? ||||progression 進行はどうですか?

Jill:    Well I nurse her, so up until, basically, about three or four weeks ago that was all she had was just breast milk. |||I nurse|||||||||||||||||||| |||amamantarla|||||||||||||||||||leche materna| Jill: Bueno, yo la amamanto, así que hasta, básicamente, hace unas tres o cuatro semanas que era todo lo que tenía era sólo leche materna. ジル:私は彼女を看護しているので、基本的に3、4週間前までは、母乳だけでした。 Then at about five and a half months I started her slowly on things like banana…all puréed foods, so banana, applesauce, peas, squash, cereal, all that kind of stuff, so she’s had a lot of that. |||||||||||||||||||||||zucchini||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||puréed||||applesauce||squash|cereal|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||puré de manzana|guisantes|calabaza||||||||||||| それから約5か月半で、私はバナナのようなものでゆっくりと彼女を始めました…すべてのピューレ食品、それでバナナ、アップルソース、豆、カボチャ、シリアル、それらすべての種類のもの、それで彼女はそれをたくさん持っていました。 She hasn’t had any meats yet or, of course, no dairy products yet or anything like that. ||||||||||productos lácteos|||||| 彼女はまだ肉を持っていないか、もちろん、乳製品などをまだ持っていません。

Steve:    Does she have her favorite things, things that she likes? スティーブ:彼女は好きなもの、好きなものはありますか?

Jill:    Peas and applesauce seem to be her favorite. |Pis||applesauce||||| ジル:豆とアップルソースが彼女のお気に入りのようです。

Steve:    Oh, very good.

Jill:    And mixed together as well. ジル:そして、一緒に混ぜました。

Steve:    Peas and applesauce, that’s a new dish. スティーブ:豆とアップルソース、それは新しい料理です。

Jill:    Yeah, she loves it! ジル:ええ、彼女はそれが大好きです!

Steve:    A combination of fruit and vegetables. スティーブ:果物と野菜の組み合わせ。

Jill:    Yeah, yeah.

Steve:    Okay.

She’s pretty active then when she’s up? 彼女はかなりアクティブです、そして彼女が起きているとき? Does she do a lot of pushing and shoving and crawling? ||||||||pushing|| ||||||||shoving|| ||||||||empujones||gatear ¿Empuja, empuja y gatea mucho? 彼女はたくさん押したり、押したり、這ったりしますか?

Jill:    Yeah, she’s active in the sense that she’s always moving her feet and her arms and talking and picking up toys and winging them across the room or doing different things like that. |||||||||||||||||||||||throwing|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||winging|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||lanzando|||||||||| Jill: Sí, es activa en el sentido de que siempre está moviendo los pies y los brazos y hablando y cogiendo juguetes y llevándolos por la habitación o haciendo cosas diferentes. ジル:ええ、彼女はいつも足と腕を動かし、おもちゃを話したり拾ったり、部屋の向こう側に羽ばたかせたり、そのようなさまざまなことをしているという意味でアクティブです。 Jill: Evet, her zaman ayaklarını ve kollarını hareket ettirmesi, konuşması, oyuncakları alıp odanın diğer ucuna götürmesi veya bunun gibi farklı şeyler yapması anlamında aktif. But she’s not active in the sense that she’s not a big roller. ||||||||||||roller Pero no es activa en el sentido de que no es una gran rodadora. しかし、彼女は大きなローラーではないという意味で活動的ではありません。 Ama büyük bir silindir olmadığı için aktif değil. She can roll over, but rarely does roll over. Puede darse la vuelta, pero rara vez lo hace. 彼女はロールオーバーできますが、ロールオーバーすることはめったにありません。 She certainly… 彼女は確かに…

Clara:    (Clara cries). クララ:(クララは泣きます)。

Jill:    Oops, she just dropped her toy. ジル:おっと、彼女はおもちゃを落としたところです。 She’s certainly not interested in crawling yet; hasn’t made any attempts to crawl. ||||||||||attempts||crawling movement |||||gatear||||||| 彼女は確かにまだ這うことに興味がありません。クロールを試みていません。

Steve:    Right, okay. スティーブ:そうですね。

Jill:    She is quite a chubby baby, so I think often with the chubbier babies they don’t move quite as much as the skinnier ones; skinnier babies. |||||plump||||||||||||||||||||| |||||chubby||||||||||||||||||||| |||||regordete||||||||más gorditos||||||||||más delgados||| ジル:彼女はかなりぽっちゃりした赤ちゃんなので、ぽっちゃりした赤ちゃんの場合、痩せた赤ちゃんほど動かないことがよくあります。やせっぽちの赤ちゃん。

Steve:    Are there activities? スティーブ: 活動はありますか? I mean are there, you know…it’s been a while for me. つまり、そこにいるということです、あなたが知っている…それは私にとって久しぶりです。 I mean are there places you go and meet other moms who have little babies? 小さな赤ちゃんがいる他のお母さんに会える場所はありますか?

Jill:    Yeah, there are. ジル:ええ、あります。 We go to a music class at the community center that’s by my house every Monday and it’s great. 私たちは毎週月曜日に私の家のそばにある公民館の音楽教室に通っています。 It’s about an hour and a half and for 45 minutes we sing songs and do actions and look really ridiculous, but the babies love it. 約1時間半で45分間、歌を歌ったり、アクションをしたり、本当にばかげているように見えますが、赤ちゃんはそれが大好きです。

Steve:    Right.

Jill:    Then for the last…

Steve:    How many moms and how many babies? スティーブ:お母さんと赤ちゃんは何人ですか?

Clara:    (Clara cries).

Jill:    I think there’s 11 or 12 in the class. ジル:クラスには11人か12人いると思います。 She’s a little bit cranky right now. ||||irritable|| ||||irritabile|| ||||Está un poco irritable.|| Ahora está un poco irritable. 彼女は今少し気難しいです。

Steve:    Right.

Jill:    Then after that we can stay in there for half an hour and have a coffee and just keep chatting if we want. ジル:その後、30分間そこに滞在してコーヒーを飲み、必要に応じてチャットを続けることができます。 I go out with her walking a lot; that’s what we do most days. 私は彼女と一緒にたくさん歩いて出かけます。それは私たちがほとんどの日に行うことです。

Steve:    Right, in a stroller. ||||carrozzina ||||cochecito de bebé Steve: そうですね、ベビーカーで。

Jill:    In a stroller and we… ジル:ベビーカーで…

Steve:    Do you go jogging with her? スティーブ:彼女と一緒にジョギングしますか? Do you jog? ジョギングしますか?

Jill:    I do. I go jogging with her a little bit and we walk all over the city. 私は彼女と少しジョギングをし、街中を歩きます。 We’re usually out for about five hours a day walking around, so I get lots of exercise. 普段は1日5時間くらい外出しているので、たくさんの運動をしています。

Steve:    Do you think that she will…obviously, it’s a great honor for her to be on an EnglishLingQ podcast at this early age. スティーブ:彼女が…明らかに、この幼い頃にEnglishLingQポッドキャストに出演することは彼女にとって大きな名誉だと思いますか。

Jill:    Yeah.

Steve:    She’s our youngest performer ever. スティーブ:彼女は私たちの史上最年少のパフォーマーです。

Jill:    Yes!

Steve:    So that’s quite something; we’re really pleased. スティーブ:それはかなりのことです。本当に嬉しいです。

Jill:    She’s going to have to pick up a language pretty quick; a second language. ジル:彼女はかなり早く言語を習得する必要があります。第二言語。

Steve:    Well, you haven’t started yet. スティーブ:まあ、あなたはまだ始めていません。

Clara:    (Clara cries).

Jill:    Yeah, not quite. ジル:ええ、そうではありません。

Steve:    I think she’s kind of getting a little bit cranky. スティーブ:彼女はちょっと不機嫌になっていると思います。

Jill:    Yeah. ジル:ええ。

So, yeah, I’ll come back another time and we can do another one. だから、ええ、私はまた戻ってきて、私たちは別のことをすることができます。

Steve:    I think so. スティーブ:そう思います。 We’re very happy to have this, even if it’s a short discussion here. |very||||||||||| ここでの短い議論であっても、これができてとてもうれしいです。 Good-bye Clara.

Jill:    Say good-bye. ジル:さようなら。

Steve:    Oh, now she’s quiet. スティーブ:ああ、今は静かだ。 Alright, okay.

Jill:    Oh, you never know with kids. ジル:ああ、あなたは子供たちとは決して知りません。

Steve:    Well, I’m sure many of your fans out there are hoping that one day, in the not too distant future, you might have a discussion once a week. Steve: そうですね、あなたのファンの多くは、そう遠くない将来、あなたが週に 1 回ディスカッションを行う日が来ることを望んでいると思います。

Jill:    I would love to do that. ジル:やりたいです。

Steve:    Great.

Jill:    Yes, for sure; bye-bye. ジル:はい、確かに。さようなら。

Steve:    Okay, bye for now, bye.

Jill:    Bye-bye.