Why Did People Stop Saying "Thou"?
|||||you (singular, informal)
Proč lidé přestali říkat „Ty“?
Warum haben die Menschen aufgehört, „Du“ zu sagen?
¿Por qué se dejó de decir "tú"?
Pourquoi a-t-on cessé de dire "tu" ?
Perché si è smesso di dire "tu"?
사람들은 왜 '당신'이라는 말을 그만두었을까요?
Kodėl žmonės nustojo sakyti "tu"?
Waarom zeiden mensen niet meer "Gij"?
Dlaczego ludzie przestali mówić "ty"?
Porque é que as pessoas deixaram de dizer "tu"?
Почему люди перестали говорить "ты"?
İnsanlar Neden "Sen" Demeyi Bıraktı?
Чому люди перестали говорити «ти»?
By Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Gir l.
|Маньон|Фогарти|Грамматика(1)|Грамматика Гир|
|First name||Grammar Girl|Grammar Expert|
Autor: Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Gir l.
Миньон Фогарти, Grammar Gir l.
Yazan: Mignon Fogarty, Dilbilgisi Gir l.
We know language changes—we don't say thee and t hou anymore - but have you ever wondered why?
People today|||||||||||||||||
||idioma||||||||tú|ya no||||alguna vez||
Víme, že se jazyk mění – už neříkáme ty a ty – ale napadlo vás někdy proč?
Мы знаем, что язык меняется — мы больше не говорим «ты» и «ты», но задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, почему?
Often, it's not clear, but there's a particularly satisfying answer when it comes to these two pronouns.
||||||||||||||این دو||
a menudo|||claro||hay|||satisfactoria|respuesta|||se refiere||||
Často to není jasné, ale pokud jde o tato dvě zájmena, existuje obzvláště uspokojivá odpověď.
Часто это не совсем понятно, но когда речь идет об этих двух местоимениях, ответ особенно радует.
A couple of weeks ago, after I talked about how the pronoun you fills so many roles, I started wondering why we stopped using thee and thou.
Před pár týdny, poté, co jsem mluvil o tom, jak zájmeno ty plní tolik rolí, jsem začal přemýšlet, proč jsme přestali používat ty a ty.
Nachdem ich vor einigen Wochen darüber gesprochen hatte, dass das Pronomen du so viele Funktionen erfüllt, habe ich mich gefragt, warum wir nicht mehr "du" und "du" verwenden.
Néhány héttel ezelőtt, miután arról beszéltem, hogy a te névmás olyan sok szerepet tölt be, elkezdtem azon töprengeni, hogy miért hagytuk abba a te és a te használatát.
Пару недель назад, после того как я рассказал о том, что местоимение you выполняет так много ролей, я задумался, почему мы перестали использовать thee и thou.
Birkaç hafta önce, sen zamirinin ne kadar çok rolü yerine getirdiğinden bahsettikten sonra, neden sen ve sen zamirlerini kullanmayı bıraktığımızı merak etmeye başladım.
It turns out that English used to have formal and informal pronouns like many other languages.
Ukazuje se, že angličtina měla dříve formální a neformální zájmena jako mnoho jiných jazyků.
Acontece que o inglês costumava ter pronomes formais e informais, como muitas outras línguas.
İngilizcede de diğer birçok dilde olduğu gibi resmi ve gayri resmi zamirler olduğu ortaya çıktı.
German has Sie and du , French has vous and tu , Spanish has usted and tú , and during Shakespeare's time, English had thou and you and thee and you.
|||||||||||||||||||||du, dich||||dir||
O alemão tem Sie e du , o francês tem vous e tu , o espanhol tem usted e tú , e no tempo de Shakespeare, o inglês tinha thou e you e thee e you.
Thee and Thou Were English's Informal Pronouns
Thee ve Thou İngilizcenin Gayri Resmi Zamirleriydi
Since thee and thou have survived mainly in religious and poetic writing, you may be surprised to learn that thee and thou were the informal pronouns.
You was formal, and thou was informal.
Byl jsi formální a byl jsi neformální.
In a book called The Personal Pronouns in the Germanic Languages , Stephen Howe says that in the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries, thou was generally used to address someone who was socially inferior or an intimate.
V knize nazvané Osobní zájmena v germánských jazycích Stephen Howe říká, že v patnáctém až šestnáctém století jste byli obecně používáni k oslovování někoho, kdo byl společensky nižší nebo důvěrný.
In einem Buch mit dem Titel The Personal Pronouns in the Germanic Languages sagt Stephen Howe, dass du im fünfzehnten bis sechzehnten Jahrhundert im Allgemeinen verwendet wurde, um jemanden anzusprechen, der sozial unterlegen oder ein Vertrauter war.
For example, parents called their children thou , and children called their parents you , but then the use of thou sharply decreased in the seventeenth century, starting in London.
|||||||||||||||||||suddenly and significantly||||||||
Zum Beispiel nannten Eltern ihre Kinder thou , und Kinder nannten ihre Eltern you , aber im 17. Jahrhundert ging der Gebrauch von thou stark zurück, beginnend in London.
Thou was used the longest in areas that were farthest from London, and in fact, it's still used in a few regional dialects including those in Yorkshire and Cumbria, which are both quite a bit north of London.
|||||||||am weitesten||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||most distant||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thou wurde am längsten in Gebieten verwendet, die am weitesten von London entfernt waren, und tatsächlich wird es immer noch in einigen regionalen Dialekten verwendet, darunter in Yorkshire und Cumbria, die beide ziemlich nördlich von London liegen.
When Social Status Became Unclear, People Started Using You More
Quando lo stato sociale è diventato poco chiaro, le persone hanno iniziato a usarti di più
The reason people stopped using thou (and thee ) was that social status—whether you were considered upper class or lower class—became more fluid during this time.
Der Grund dafür, dass die Leute aufhörten, du (und dich) zu verwenden, war, dass der soziale Status – ob du nun zur Oberschicht oder zur Unterschicht gehörst – während dieser Zeit fließender wurde.
You had social climbers striving to talk like the upper class, so they used you all the time instead of thou , and since you couldn't be as sure as you used to be about who was in what class, it was safer to use you instead of thou because you didn't want to risk accidentally offending someone in the upper class by using the wrong pronoun.
Es gab Aufsteiger, die danach strebten, wie die Oberschicht zu reden, also benutzten sie dich die ganze Zeit statt du, und da du nicht mehr so sicher sein konntest, wer in welcher Klasse war, war es sicherer, dich zu benutzen statt du, weil du nicht riskieren wolltest, jemanden aus der Oberschicht versehentlich mit dem falschen Pronomen zu beleidigen.
Voltak olyan szociális hegymászók, akik úgy próbáltak beszélni, mint a felső osztály, ezért mindig téged használtak helyetted, és mivel nem lehettél olyan biztos, mint korábban, hogy ki melyik osztályba tartozik, biztonságosabb volt téged használni. helyetted, mert nem akartad megkockáztatni, hogy véletlenül megsérts valakit a felsőbb osztályból a rossz névmás használatával.
You didn't want to call someone thou when you should have used you !
What Do the Quakers Have to do With Thee and Thou ?
Was haben die Quäker mit dir und dir zu tun?
Sometimes questions come up about whether the Quakers were involved in the loss of thee and thou .
|||||||Religious group|||||||||
Manchmal tauchen Fragen auf, ob die Quäker am Verlust von dir und du beteiligt waren.
Иногда возникают вопросы о том, были ли квакеры причастны к утрате тебя и тебя.
The Quakers actually used those pronouns longer than almost everyone else.
They favored what they called “plain language,” and they aimed to be egalitarian, embrace humility, and avoid markers of class and status.
||||||||||||equal for all|embrace||||||||
Sie bevorzugten das, was sie „Klartext“ nannten, und sie strebten danach, egalitär zu sein, Bescheidenheit anzunehmen und Kennzeichen von Klasse und Status zu vermeiden.
Они отдавали предпочтение тому, что они называли «простым языком», и стремились быть эгалитарными, придерживаться смирения и избегать маркеров класса и статуса.
They believed that addressing a social superior as you fanned the flames of vanity.
Sie glaubten, dass die Ansprache eines gesellschaftlichen Vorgesetzten die Flammen der Eitelkeit anfachte.
As an aside, they also refused to use titles such as mister or your ladyship, and this could get them in trouble if they ended up in court because they also refused to address a judge as your honor.
||||||||||||||wasza dostojność||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abgesehen davon weigerten sie sich auch, Titel wie Mister oder Euer Ladyschaft zu verwenden, und dies könnte ihnen Ärger einbringen, wenn sie vor Gericht landen, weil sie sich auch weigerten, einen Richter als Ihre Ehre anzusprechen.
Although I didn't find anything definitively convincing, a couple of sources speculate that anti-Quaker sentiment could have hastened the demise of thee and thou.
Obwohl ich nichts definitiv Überzeugendes fand, spekulieren einige Quellen, dass die Anti-Quäker-Stimmung den Untergang von dir und du beschleunigt haben könnte.
Since fewer and fewer people were using the pronouns, they became associated with Quaker-speak, so if you didn't like the Quakers, you were probably even less likely to use thee and thou .
Da immer weniger Leute die Pronomen benutzten, wurden sie mit der Quäkersprache in Verbindung gebracht. Wenn Sie also die Quäker nicht mochten, war es wahrscheinlich noch weniger wahrscheinlich, dass Sie dich und du benutzten.
代名詞を使用する人がますます少なくなったため、それらはクエーカー語と関連付けられるようになりました。そのため、クエーカー教徒が嫌いな場合は、おそらく thee and thou を使用する可能性がさらに低くなりました.
Thee and Thou Became Insults
Dir und Du wurdest Beleidigungen
Plays and legal documents from the time do show that people were using thee and thou as insults too.
The attorney-general at Sir Walter Raleigh's trial taunted Raleigh by saying “All that he did was at thy instigation, thou viper; for I thou thee, thou traitor.” And a 1913 article in Harper's Magazine recounts a story from George Fox, the founder of the Quakers, on the trouble he encountered when using thou .
サー・ウォルター・ローリーの裁判で司法長官はローリーを罵倒し、次のように述べた。私はあなた、あなたは裏切り者だからです。また、Harper's Magazine の 1913 年の記事では、クエーカー教徒の創始者であるジョージ フォックスが thou を使用する際に遭遇したトラブルについての話を詳述しています。
“We were often beset and abused, and sometimes in danger of our lives for using these words to some proud men, who would say, ‘What!
You ill-bred clown, do you thou me?
'” It's hard to understand now, but at the time, it was almost unthinkable to call a superior thou .
So it seems that English lost its informal pronouns because people were afraid of offending those who thought of themselves as upper class and because some people were actively using the pronouns thou and thee as insults.
It's interesting that more recently it's the formal pronouns that are being used less often in languages such as Spanish and German.
It seems that our values are different now - today, we value informality more than formality.
The sources I found include much more detail and nuance about how thee and thou used to be used, more about where they remain, more examples of how they were used as insults in plays and legal proceedings, and more about the Quakers' attitudes on language.
私が見つけた情報源には、あなたとあなたがどのように使用されていたか、それらがどこに残っているか、演劇や法的手続きで侮辱としてどのように使用されたかのより多くの例、および言語に対するクエーカー教徒の態度についての詳細とニュアンスが含まれています。 .
As fontes que encontrei incluem muito mais pormenores e nuances sobre a forma como o "tu" e o "tu" costumavam ser usados, mais sobre onde permanecem, mais exemplos de como eram usados como insultos em peças de teatro e processos legais, e mais sobre as atitudes dos Quakers em relação à linguagem.
It's great reading if you're interested, so don't skip the sources below.