The Language Learning Tripod #2 - Time
Das Sprachlernstativ #2 - Zeit
El trípode del aprendizaje de idiomas nº 2 - El tiempo
Le trépied de l'apprentissage des langues #2 - Le temps
Il treppiede dell'apprendimento linguistico #2 - Il tempo
語学学習の二人三脚 #2 - 時間
Statyw do nauki języka #2 - Czas
O tripé da aprendizagem de línguas #2 - Tempo
Штатив для изучения языка №2 - Время
Dil Öğrenme Tripodu #2 - Zaman
Штатив для вивчення мови #2 - Час
语言学习之鼎 #2 - 时间
語言學習三腳架#2 - 時間
Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.
Today I'm going to do the second in my series of three videos on what I call the tripod, the three legs that you have to stand on to succeed in language learning, the three keys or whatever you want to call them, the trilogy.
Сьогодні я збираюся зробити друге у своїй серії з трьох відео про те, що я називаю штативом, три ноги, на які потрібно стояти, щоб успішно вивчати мову, три клавіші або як ви хочете їх називати, трилогія .
There are three, the first one was your attitude so I did a video on the kind of attitude you need to have and the kind of attitude you should avoid.
Now we're going to talk about time.
There are three things you need to succeed in language learning, as I said, attitude, time and the ability to notice.
Time is key.
It takes a long time to learn a language.
Для вивчення мови потрібно багато часу.
There may be the odd genius or artistic person who can do it in 10 days, three months, whatever, but for most people it takes a long time.
Можливо, знайдеться дивний геній чи мистецька людина, яка зможе зробити це за 10 днів, три місяці чи що завгодно, але для більшості людей це займає багато часу.
Luca, along with Richard Simcott and a few others, is one of those really outstanding multilingual people you can find on YouTube.
لوكا|||ريتشارد سيمكوت|سيمكوت||||||||||المتميزين حقًا|||||||
He says it takes him two years to learn a language, so if it takes Lucas two years it takes a long time.
Ele diz que demora dois anos a aprender uma língua, por isso, se o Lucas demora dois anos, demora muito tempo.
Він каже, що йому потрібно два роки, щоб вивчити мову, тому якщо Лукасу потрібно два роки, це займає багато часу.
Obviously, this depends.
It's going to take him two years, perhaps, to learn Japanese.
I'm sure that going from Latin to Spanish didn't take him anything like two years.
Я впевнений, що для переходу з латинської на іспанську йому знадобилося не більше двох років.
Time is the major resource you have to invest in language learning, so you want to make sure that your use of time is as effective and as enjoyable as possible.
Час є основним ресурсом, який ви повинні інвестувати у вивчення мови, тому ви хочете переконатися, що ваше використання часу є якомога ефективнішим і приємнішим.
It's very important.
You've got to spend a lot of time, but you want to do it in ways that are effective and enjoyable and, ultimately, it's you the learner that has to decide how you want to spend that time.
||||||||||||||||||||||في النهاية|||||||||||||||
Essentially, to learn a language you have to listen, you have to read, you have to speak.
||||لتعلم لغة||||||||||||
You might want to write and I think writing is a good thing to do, but it's more difficult to do very often and you have to review all the nuts and bolts.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||الأساسيات والتفاصيل||الصواميل والمسامير
Можливо, ви захочете писати, і я вважаю, що писати — це добре, але це важче робити дуже часто, і вам доведеться переглядати всі гайки та болти.
You review sometimes grammar rules, you review words and that's sort of the studying of the nuts and bolts.
Іноді ви переглядаєте граматичні правила, ви повторюєте слова, і це свого роду вивчення гайок і болтів.
So you have to decide, where do you like to spend your time?
Do you like to spend your time reviewing flashcards?
||||||||os cartões de memória
Do you like to spend your time reviewing grammar rules?
Do you like to spend your time reading, listening, writing, speaking?
You decide how to spend the time.
The key thing is to spend time with the language because when you're spending time with the language that gives your brain a chance to get used this new language and to develop the neuro networks, the connections between neurons.
That's going to enable you to speak the language comfortably.
Now, in my own case, as you may know if you follow my videos, I like to listen and read for the first little while and then, eventually, start to speak.
Agora, no meu próprio caso, como você pode saber se acompanha meus vídeos, gosto de ouvir e ler por um tempo e então, eventualmente, começar a falar.
I'm not too fussed about the grammar rules in the early stages.
|||신경 쓰지 않다||||||||
|||لست مهتماً||||||||
Não estou muito preocupado com as regras gramaticais nos estágios iniciais.
Just today, for example, I was listening to my Ekho Moskvy and they were talking about the recent disturbances in Warsaw.
|||||||||إيخو موسكفي|موسكو||||||||الاضطرابات||وارسو
Apenas hoje, por exemplo, eu estava ouvindo a minha Ekho Moskvy e eles estavam falando sobre os recentes distúrbios em Varsóvia.
Örneğin daha bugün Ekho Moskvy'yi dinliyordum ve Varşova'daki son karışıklıklardan bahsediyorlardı.
Я якраз сьогодні, наприклад, слухав своє «Ехо Москви», і вони розповідали про останні заворушення у Варшаві.
So I'm getting a Russian perspective on the Euro Cups and the disturbances between fans there, the Russian and Polish fans.
Então estou obtendo uma perspectiva russa sobre as Euro Copas e os distúrbios entre os torcedores lá, os torcedores russos e poloneses.
Тож я бачу російську точку зору на єврокубки та конфлікти між уболівальниками, російськими та польськими вболівальниками.
I'm listening to it and I understand it all, but when I speak I make mistakes.
Estou ouvindo e entendo tudo, mas quando falo cometo erros.
I still make mistakes with my cases and it doesn't really bother me.
Ainda cometo erros com meus casos e isso realmente não me incomoda.
I know that I can get in there later on when it matters and I can work on improving them, but I find it enjoyable.
Eu sei que posso entrar lá mais tarde, quando importa, e posso trabalhar para melhorá-los, mas acho isso agradável.
I'm interacting with the language.
Estou interagindo com a língua.
I've spent a lot of time listening and reading and now if I look at my Czech, for example, which I've been at now for about eight or nine months, just today I was reading various news articles, interviews and also chapters from The Good Soldier Svejk on LingQ.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||مختلفة|||||||||||الجندي الطيب شفيك||
Eu passei muito tempo ouvindo e lendo e agora, se eu olhar para o meu tcheco, por exemplo, no qual estou há cerca de oito ou nove meses, apenas hoje eu estava lendo vários artigos de notícias, entrevistas e também capítulos de O Bom Soldado Svejk no LingQ.
Я провів багато часу, слухаючи та читаючи, і тепер, якщо я дивлюся на свою чеську мову, наприклад, якою я володію зараз приблизно вісім чи дев’ять місяців, саме сьогодні я читав різні новинні статті, інтерв’ю та також розділи з The Good Soldier Svejk на LingQ.
The words are already saved in yellow and as I'm reading I'm listening to it and, essentially, I can understand everything.
Слова вже збережені жовтим кольором, і я, читаючи, слухаю, і, по суті, все розумію.
There's the odd word that I miss, but I'm listening to it and I understand it.
Obviously, if I listen without reading I have more trouble, but I feel a great sense of satisfaction.
I'm doing things that I enjoy doing, I'm interacting with the language and yet in Czech some of the basic things, the ‘this', ‘that' in masculine, feminine and different cases I haven't a clue and it doesn't bother me.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||je n'ai aucune idée|||||
Я роблю речі, які мені подобаються, я взаємодію з мовою, але в чеській мові деякі основні речі, «це», «це» в чоловічому, жіночому та різних відмінках, я не розумію, і це мене не турбує.
I know at a later stage I can go in there and I will focus on getting those right, but in the meantime I'm getting tremendous enjoyment out of doing the things I like to do, which is listen, read and access radio and books, I would understand a movie and so forth and so on.
Other people may be motivated differently, so the thing to do is to spend time on the things you enjoy doing.
Інші люди можуть мати іншу мотивацію, тому потрібно приділяти час тому, що вам подобається робити.
In my own view, going to a school attending a class is relatively low efficiency, unless you're one on one with the teacher.
||||||||||||نسبيًا||كفاءة منخفضة||||||||
На мій власний погляд, ходити до школи, відвідуючи уроки, є відносно низькою ефективністю, якщо ви не один на один з учителем.
But if it's a class with 10, 15 or 20 people, you're really not interacting so closely with the language.
但如果是一个有 10 人、15 人或 20 人的班级,你与语言的互动确实不会那么密切。
You're not listening to it all the time.
You're not reading it all the time.
You're listening to your fellow students.
||||زملائك الطلاب|
It's not something that I like to do, but it's a social event and some people require it from the point of view of discipline for language learning.
Bu benim yapmaktan hoşlandığım bir şey değil ama sosyal bir etkinlik ve bazı insanlar dil öğrenme disiplini açısından buna ihtiyaç duyuyor.
Це не те, що я люблю робити, але це соціальна подія, і деякі люди вимагають її з точки зору дисципліни для вивчення мови.
So if that's what you like to do, do it.
I just think that even if you go to class, what really matters is the time you spend with the language away from class.
It's not the time in class.
It's the time you spend with the language away from class.
The great thing about listening as an activity is that you can create time.
Чудова річ у слуханні як діяльності полягає в тому, що ви можете створити час.
I'm doing the dishes, I'm doing it.
I'm sitting in the car, I'm doing it.
That's a very flexible way of getting in the amount of time you need.
People always ask, how much time do you need?
Well, it depends on circumstances.
Duruma göre değişir.
I think less than an hour a day you're not going to make much progress, but 45 minutes to an hour a day is a very acceptable amount of time to spend and you can expect to make good progress in an hour a day.
Bence günde bir saatten az bir sürede çok fazla ilerleme kaydedemezsiniz, ancak günde 45 dakika ile bir saat arasında bir süre çok kabul edilebilir bir süredir ve günde bir saat içinde iyi bir ilerleme kaydedebilirsiniz.
Я думаю, що менш ніж за годину на день ви не досягнете значного прогресу, але від 45 хвилин до години на день це цілком прийнятна кількість часу, і ви можете розраховувати на хороший прогрес за годину на день.
I think with my Czech now I'm probably spending more than an hour a day because when you first start it's very tough.
It's tiring.
|إنه مرهق.
It's frustrating.
|إنه محبط
You're forgetting everything.
It's less fun so it's hard to get in that hour a day, but now that I can understand so much more, in fact, I'm doing more than an hour a day because I'm downloading stuff from the Internet, reading, listening and having more fun with it, but an hour a day.
Daha az eğlenceli, bu yüzden günde bir saat ayırmak zor, ama şimdi çok daha fazlasını anlayabiliyorum, aslında günde bir saatten fazlasını yapıyorum çünkü internetten bir şeyler indiriyorum, okuyorum, dinliyorum ve bununla daha çok eğleniyorum, ama günde bir saat.
If you are a full-time student, you can be doing six-seven hours a day.
I have always felt the more you do a day that you will learn a lot faster.
If you can do five-six hours a day, the intensity of that learning experience means you will learn faster than if you string it out over three years.
Günde beş-altı saat yapabiliyorsanız, bu öğrenme deneyiminin yoğunluğu, üç yıla yaydığınızdan daha hızlı öğreneceğiniz anlamına gelir.
Like I learned Chinese up to the level of the British Foreign Service Exam in about nine to 10 months, but I was studying six-seven hours a day.
Mesela ben Çinceyi İngiliz Dış Hizmet Sınavı seviyesine kadar yaklaşık dokuz-on ayda öğrendim ama günde altı-yedi saat çalışıyordum.
So the more intensive your interaction with the language, the more intensively you spend that time with the language, the quicker you're going to learn.
The other thing about it is people always say well, how long will it take?
Don't be so hung up about how long it will take, try to make sure you enjoy doing it.
That should be the goal.
If you enjoy doing it, you'll end up spending enough time and you will learn as quickly as you can learn.
So the key is to find activities that you enjoy doing.
Отже, головне – знайти заняття, які вам подобаються.
Now, some reservations… I think there are some activities that are very enjoyable that are probably, at least in my opinion, less efficient.
Тепер деякі застереження… Я думаю, що є деякі види діяльності, які дуже приємні, але, ймовірно, принаймні на мій погляд, менш ефективні.
I think reading and listening is more efficient than watching videos or movies because you are totally dependent on the words.
Я вважаю, що читати та слухати ефективніше, ніж переглядати відео чи фільми, тому що ви повністю залежите від слів.
Whereas with the videos and the movies, first of all, the dialogue is less dense, there's a lot more action and, second of all, you're getting a lot of hints.
Тоді як у відео та фільмах, по-перше, діалоги менш щільні, там набагато більше дії, а по-друге, ви отримуєте багато підказок.
That's not to say you shouldn't watch movies, but make sure you get a balance.
I think if you were to spend the next two years doing nothing but watching television in the language you're trying to learn, you wouldn't get as far as if you had the discipline to do a lot more listening and reading.
Я думаю, що якби ви провели наступні два роки, не роблячи нічого, окрім перегляду телевізора мовою, яку намагаєтеся вивчити, ви не досягли б такого успіху, якби мали дисципліну набагато більше слухати та читати.
Just to finalize, of course, the amount of time that you're going to be able to spend or are willing to spend is going to be influenced by your attitude.
Щоб завершити, звичайно, кількість часу, який ви зможете витратити або готові витратити, буде залежати від вашого ставлення.
So the three elements, attitude, time and the ability to notice, are all interconnected.
|||عناصر|||||||القدرة على الملاحظة|||مترابطة ببعضها
We'll see that, too, when I discuss noticing.
You know, if an immigrant is not happy to be say in Canada, they wish they could be back somewhere else, they really don't want to mingle with English-speaking people, they somehow feel they should learn the language just in case they get stopped by the police or end up in a hospital, those people are not going to put in the time.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||se mélanger|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||الاختلاط مع|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bilirsiniz, eğer bir göçmen Kanada'da olmaktan mutlu değilse, başka bir yere dönmek istiyorsa, İngilizce konuşan insanlarla kaynaşmak istemiyorsa, bir şekilde polis tarafından durdurulma veya hastanelik olma ihtimaline karşı dil öğrenmesi gerektiğini hissediyorsa, bu insanlar zaman ayırmayacaktır.
Ви знаєте, якщо іммігрантам не подобається бути, скажімо, в Канаді, вони хочуть, щоб вони могли повернутися кудись ще, вони справді не хочуть змішуватися з англомовними людьми, вони чомусь відчувають, що їм варто вивчити мову на всякий випадок. бути зупиненими поліцією або опинитися в лікарні, ці люди не збираються витрачати час.
If they're very motivated, they're thrilled to be here like I was thrilled to be in Japan, I was thrilled to study Chinese, I was thrilled to be in France, so I was very motivated because I was happy to be there.
|||||متحمسون جداً||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I wanted to connect with the locals.
||||||السكان المحليين
Whatever your motivation is, it could be an interest in the culture, in the literature, a spouse, a friend, music, anime in the case of Japanese, if you're motivated you're going to spend the time.
So there's a real connection between how motivated you are, the attitude, your ability to enjoy it and the amount of time you spend.
So there you have it.
You have to spend the time and you have to find ways to make that time enjoyable and effective.
Don't worry too much about how long it takes, but make sure that you do things that you enjoy and you find are effective and that can vary from person to person.
Thank you for listening, bye for now.