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The Yellow Sticker Girl (Graded Reader), Chapter 5. Community Spirit

Chapter 5. Community Spirit

I saw Kyla at school on Monday. She was with her friends and I decided to just walk past but suddenly I heard my name.

‘Meghan!' shouted Kyla. ‘Come here a minute!'

I went over and suddenly her friends were all around me.

‘Sorry about the photos, Meghan,' one of them said.

‘And the horrible comments,' added another.

Wow! More apologies!

Kyla smiled at me and suggested that we talked to our form teacher together.

‘We can tell him about our problems at home … and the bullying,' she said sadly.

‘OK,' I agreed. I didn't want Kyla to get in trouble but I did want our teacher to know that life was hard for a lot of kids and that cyberbullying was a big problem. Maybe the teacher could organise a class assembly about being kind and helping others.

Hmmm. Helping others? What could I do to help other people more?

I suddenly had an idea … I could ask Mr Turner for more bread and cake at the end of my Saturday shift and take it to the food bank. Or I could deliver it to some of the old people who lived near me and didn't have enough money for treats. I really liked the idea.

I thought about my ideas all week and decided to speak to Mr Turner on Saturday.

I told him all about my family's situation, about the food bank and about my idea for helping more people. He was happy to help.

‘That sounds like a great idea, Meghan,' he said. ‘And you know I don't like food waste.'

I was so excited and I couldn't wait to tell Kyla.

‘Kyla, listen to this,' I said as soon as I saw her.

I explained everything to Kyla and she was really enthusiastic.

‘That's brilliant, Meghan,' she said. ‘But maybe we can do more.'

More? Wow! That sounded exciting!

‘Tell me, Kyla,' I said. ‘What's your idea?''

‘I want to use social media for something positive,' she said. ‘I want to write a post about

the food bank and ask people to make donations.'


Kyla had a LOT of followers and hundreds of people saw her post. The food bank received new donations every week from businesses and local people. I was really happy and then about a month later, things got even better. ‘I've got a job, Meggie Moo!' dad shouted one evening.

We had enough money now but I still worked at the bakery - I loved that job - and I still went to the food bank every Saturday with Kyla to help Maureen. After we finished, Kyla and I always went to the supermarket together, but never before 6:00 p.m.! We loved to look at all the stuff on offer in the chiller cabinet on aisle 17. Sometimes we found some unusual yellow sticker ingredients for dinner.

‘What's kale?' I asked.

‘Looks like a kind of cabbage,' Kyla replied.

‘Ok. It's only 45p. Maybe I can use it in a stir-fry with these mushrooms and this beef,' I said.

‘Sounds like a plan!' laughed Kyla.

Kyla often slept over at my house on Saturday evenings and we spent hours inventing recipes with our yellow sticker ingredients. Ok, so maybe our fish and apple rice wasn't the best combination but our pasta bake with tuna, peppers, onions and cheese was delicious! It cost less than 2 pounds to make and everyone loved it! ‘We make some really nice dishes,' Kyla said suddenly. ‘I know,' I agreed. ‘They taste great and they are really cheap too.' ‘Plus we are reducing food waste,' she added. ‘We are!' I smiled. ‘And we can freeze our leftovers too, so there is zero waste!' ‘We are just so cool!' she laughed. ‘Seriously, we should share our ideas.' ‘But how?' I asked. ‘SOCIAL MEDIA!' we shouted in unison. ‘We need our own page,' Kyla said. ‘What can we call it?' ‘We need something original,' I replied. ‘How about The Yellow…?' ‘Sticker Girls!' finished Kyla. ‘I love it!' ‘Me too,' I smiled.

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Chapter 5. Community Spirit Kapitel 5. Gemeinschaftsgeist Κεφάλαιο 5. Κοινοτικό πνεύμα Capítulo 5. Espíritu comunitario Espíritu comunitario Chapitre 5. L'esprit communautaire Capitolo 5. Spirito comunitario 第5章.コミュニティ精神 5장. 커뮤니티 정신 5 skyrius. Bendruomenės dvasia Rozdział 5. Duch wspólnoty Capítulo 5. Espírito comunitário Глава 5. Дух общины Bölüm 5. Topluluk Ruhu Розділ 5. Дух спільноти 第 5 章 社区精神 第 5 章 社區精神

I saw Kyla at school on Monday. She was with her friends and I decided to just walk past but suddenly I heard my name.

‘Meghan!' shouted Kyla. ‘Come here a minute!'

I went over and suddenly her friends were all around me. 我走過去,突然她的朋友們都圍在我身邊了。

‘Sorry about the photos, Meghan,' one of them said. 其中一人說:“梅根,我對這些照片感到抱歉。”

‘And the horrible comments,' added another. “還有可怕的評論,”另一位補充道。

Wow! More apologies! 更加抱歉!

Kyla smiled at me and suggested that we talked to our form teacher together. 凱拉對我微笑並建議我們一起和我們的班主任談談。

‘We can tell him about our problems at home … and the bullying,' she said sadly. 「我們可以告訴他我們家裡的問題……以及霸凌行為,」她悲傷地說。

‘OK,' I agreed. 「好吧,」我同意了。 I didn't want Kyla to get in trouble but I did want our teacher to know that life was hard for a lot of kids and that cyberbullying was a big problem. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||online harassment|||| 我不想讓凱拉遇到麻煩,但我確實想讓我們的老師知道,對很多孩子來說,生活很艱難,網路霸凌是一個大問題。 Maybe the teacher could organise a class assembly about being kind and helping others. 也許老師可以組織一個關於友善和幫助他人的班級集會。

Hmmm. Helping others? 幫助他人? What could I do to help other people more? 我能做些什麼來幫助別人更多?

I suddenly had an idea … I could ask Mr Turner for more bread and cake at the end of my Saturday shift and take it to the food bank. 我突然有了一個主意……我可以在周六輪班結束時向特納先生要更多的麵包和蛋糕,然後帶到食品銀行。 Or I could deliver it to some of the old people who lived near me and didn't have enough money for treats. 或者我可以把它送給一些住在我附近但沒有足夠錢請客的老人。 I really liked the idea. 我真的很喜歡這個主意。

I thought about my ideas all week and decided to speak to Mr Turner on Saturday.

I told him all about my family's situation, about the food bank and about my idea for helping more people. He was happy to help.

‘That sounds like a great idea, Meghan,' he said. 「這聽起來是個好主意,梅根,」他說。 ‘And you know I don't like food waste.'

I was so excited and I couldn't wait to tell Kyla.

‘Kyla, listen to this,' I said as soon as I saw her. 「凱拉,聽聽這個,」我一看到她就說。

I explained everything to Kyla and she was really enthusiastic. |||||||||excited and eager 我向凱拉解釋了一切,她非常熱情。

‘That's brilliant, Meghan,' she said. 「太棒了,梅根,」她說。 ‘But maybe we can do more.' “但也許我們可以做得更多。”

More? Wow! That sounded exciting! 聽起來很令人興奮!

‘Tell me, Kyla,' I said. 「告訴我,凱拉,」我說。 ‘What's your idea?'' “你有什麼想法?”

‘I want to use social media for something positive,' she said. 「我想利用社群媒體做一些積極的事情,」她說。 ‘I want to write a post about '我想寫一篇關於

the food bank and ask people to make donations.' 食物銀行並要求人們捐款。

Genius! 天才!

Kyla had a LOT of followers and hundreds of people saw her post. 凱拉有很多粉絲,數百人看到了她的貼文。 The food bank received new donations every week from businesses and local people. 食物銀行每週都會收到來自企業和當地人的新捐款。 I was really happy and then about a month later, things got even better. 我真的很高興,大約一個月後,事情變得更好了。 ‘I've got a job, Meggie Moo!' dad shouted one evening. “我有工作了,梅吉·穆!”一天晚上,爸爸喊道。

We had enough money now but I still worked at the bakery - I loved that job - and I still went to the food bank every Saturday with Kyla to help Maureen. 我們現在有了足夠的錢,但我仍然在麵包店工作——我喜歡這份工作——而且我仍然每週六和凱拉一起去食物銀行幫助莫琳。 After we finished, Kyla and I always went to the supermarket together, but never before 6:00 p.m.! 吃完後,凱拉和我總是一起去超市,但從來不會在下午 6:00 之前! We loved to look at all the stuff on offer in the chiller cabinet on aisle 17. 我們喜歡查看 17 號過道的冷藏櫃中提供的所有物品。 Sometimes we found some unusual yellow sticker ingredients for dinner. 有時我們會發現一些不尋常的黃色貼紙成分作為晚餐。

‘What's kale?' I asked. |a type of vegetable|| “羽衣甘藍是什麼?”我問。

‘Looks like a kind of cabbage,' Kyla replied. |||||vegetable|| 「看起來像一種捲心菜,」凱拉回答。

‘Ok. It's only 45p. 才45p。 Maybe I can use it in a stir-fry with these mushrooms and this beef,' I said. |||||||||||fungi|||meat product|| 也許我可以用它來炒這些蘑菇和牛肉,」我說。

‘Sounds like a plan!' laughed Kyla.

Kyla often slept over at my house on Saturday evenings and we spent hours inventing recipes with our yellow sticker ingredients. 凱拉經常在周六晚上在我家過夜,我們花了幾個小時用我們的黃色貼紙成分發明食譜。 Ok, so maybe our fish and apple rice wasn't the best combination but our pasta bake with tuna, peppers, onions and cheese was delicious! |||||||||||||||||||sliced vegetables|||| 好吧,也許我們的魚和蘋果飯不是最好的組合,但我們的金槍魚、辣椒、洋蔥和起司烤義大利麵很美味! It cost less than 2 pounds to make and everyone loved it! 製作成本不到 2 英鎊,每個人都喜歡它! ‘We make some really nice dishes,' Kyla said suddenly. 「我們做了一些非常美味的菜餚,」凱拉突然說道。 ‘I know,' I agreed. 「我知道,」我同意道。 ‘They taste great and they are really cheap too.' ‘Plus we are reducing food waste,' she added. “它們味道很好,而且價格也很便宜。” 「此外,我們正在減少食物浪費,」她補充道。 ‘We are!' I smiled. '我們是!我笑了。 ‘And we can freeze our leftovers too, so there is zero waste!' ‘We are just so cool!' she laughed. “我們也可以冷凍剩菜,所以零浪費!” “我們真是太酷了!”她笑了。 ‘Seriously, we should share our ideas.' ‘But how?' I asked. “說真的,我們應該分享我們的想法。” “但是怎麼辦呢?”我問。 ‘SOCIAL MEDIA!' we shouted in unison. '社交媒體! '我們齊聲喊道。 ‘We need our own page,' Kyla said. 「我們需要自己的頁面,」凱拉說。 ‘What can we call it?' ‘We need something original,' I replied. “我們可以叫它什麼?” 「我們需要一些原創的東西,」我回答。 ‘How about The Yellow…?' ‘Sticker Girls!' finished Kyla. 「那黃色呢…?” “貼紙女孩!”凱拉說完了。 ‘I love it!' ‘Me too,' I smiled. '我喜歡它! 「我也是,」我微笑著說。